Avatar of Lullyn
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 319 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Lullyn 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I've not run off, but rl very hectic. Will post tomorrow to all those waiting!
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9 yrs ago
Playing Mass Effect for the first time.
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9 yrs ago
Every character, and every rp, has a song. Find it and no matter what you do, that song will put you back into it.
9 yrs ago
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?


I'm Lullyn, or Lu. I'm interested in having lots of fun RPing on this site, but haven't made a decision of a particular genre. I'm very open, so ask. I'm happy to go with someone else's idea and play through from there, or give ideas of my own. All my characters are different, most of them created specifically for the RP I'm in, and I play male or female characters.

Song that makes me feel great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAVTWer5gx4

Oh, if you like my rp style (see what I've done before) by all means message me and maybe I can RP with you. I'm pretty much up for anything. PM me for more details ^_^

My lastest anime - I'm re watching Accel World



Most Recent Posts

I'm sorry but I'm really struggling with a favourite Harry Potter character! I like too many of them, but for this purpose I'll say Snape.

Oh and LOL, I know Nottingham very well, so this should be fun!

I'd much rather play the OC than a cannon, mostly because I like to add my own flare.
Okay guys,

So I'm looking for someone to help me retell some of the stories we knew as kids. I'm currently doing one with someone and it's a really interesting idea. The plot is already there, but is there more to the story? Is what we know not really it at all? There will also be a couple of possible cross overs.

So a couple of rules, then my list.

Just so you know
- I don't mind playing a guy or girl, and I don't mind if you want to change it to FxF or switch the original character's gender's around.
- RL or anime pictures are fine, or if you're creative then you can just write out your character's description. I won't be asking for a CS because I expect a character to develop during the rp.
- It's supposed to be fun.
- I don't mind if it's played in modern day or set when the story is.

So the ones I'm interested in:

- Peter Pan
- Cinderella
- Alice in Wonderland
- Beauty and the Beast

I'll update as I think of more, but these are some that I actually have ideas for.


I'm absolutely up for this. I love Studio Ghibli!

Want to chat by PM?
So I created a bar for a RP, but my PM partner has since vanished, and I'm not willing to let the idea go yet.

I'm not going to put too much, mostly because there are under 18's around and also because if you're interested, you can PM me!

All you need to know is this.

- It's fantasy based.
- I don't care if you are a guy or a girl, or if you want to play a guy or girl.
- If you don't like the idea once you've PMed me, don't feel guilty about saying it's not for you.

She looked in the water, looking at herimage carefully, though the water rippled so much that it only blurred her features.
"I'm fine, Jube," she said, her voice steady. "Really. Stop worrying. Besides, you could have just eaten him."
She smiled to herself, looking at him. Then a grin passed her lips and she tied the rope to a nearby tree.
"Well, since we're here," she said, pulling off her clothes so that the only garments remaining included a brown vest and shorts. They would have been classed as her underwear.
She took a few steps back, then ran at full speed, leaping last minute and splashing loudly into the water.
Lupo yipped a little as they took off, but once she was gone, he turned it attention to Milo, running about in an invitation to play.

Kestral smiled as she slid off, glad it was over. She waited until she was sure she wasn't going to lose her balance before taking the full weight herself.
She seemed surprised by his words, and smiled touching his face with a smile, before lowering it.
"Don't worry, Jube," she said gently. "I'm the daughter of a blacksmith, not one of your wizards in your books."
She shook her head.
"You're sweet," she said, turning to the water and taking out the clothes within, tying them carefully on rope.
Kestral climbed onto Jube carefully, in her head picturing him like a child wearing a very large costume. It made it somewhat easier to make sense of the whole thing.
"Come on then," she said to him, gripping him with her legs and hands, though she cast a back glance at Milo and Lupo.
Kes nodded, patting the wolf on the head and leaving him with Milo's care, though she absently almost did the same to Milo.
"Yes, you can show me what you've learnt," said Kes with a smile.
In New Moon 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Del gave 2 finger forelock salue by way of a greeting, whilst Maria smiled warmly.
"This beach is beautiful," she said. "We don't have anything like it back home."
Del looked to the moon, as Maria spoke. It looked quite large from where they were, lighting the sky with it's cool rays.
"Luke was just giving us tips on what we should be doing. I mean me, Del...."
Del looked back as she heard her name called.
"...Probably knows plenty about what to do."
Automatically Del said, "don't be a smart ass and if you see a baby bear, get out of there because momma bear is right behind."
From her tone it clearly wasn't aimed at Maria, but like Luke she was just listing what not to do. Maria laughed.
"So you're Mason and Ryan," said Maria, turning back again. "I've never been to a resveration before so I don't know what to ask that won't be disrespectful to you."
Del smiled, that was Maria. She was so innocent and sweet that she couldn't possibly have offended anyone, even if she wanted to.
"We're going to the falls tomorrow," Maria carried on. "I've heard they're beautiful."
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