Avatar of mamagermany
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: MaryNight
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 337 (0.09 / day)
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    1. mamagermany 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current It's for everyone's own good that I've been away, because I've been a nightmare to deal with the past two months.
7 yrs ago
*basks in your attention*
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7 yrs ago
Sometimes I remember my school is frequented by pretentious, self-important fuckwits. And then I get sad.
8 yrs ago
Finals stuff is about to come up. Responses will be sporadic.
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8 yrs ago
If my partners could not talk about the politics with me - I want this site to be my escape, and my thoughts about it are my business.


Not actually a mom nor German

Not a memelord. More like a memebaroness.

Pretentious theater student, especially if you let me get myself started.

Most Recent Posts

Bela and Nadya are closer to each other than they are to anyone else. And Elizabeth is definitely close with Rowland. The comeraderie the ladies and men have work each other is almost strictly about the work they do.
I've always thought the power is capable of holding that dual purpose. But you're right, when it comes to the massive amount of control and trust that'd have to be established between them before healing is even on the table.

Alright, I think I got more ideas, especially in terms of plot, because I worry about things stagnating if Alexander is just sitting in a locked room for a while, with Lilith having no reason to interact with him much. Perhaps, not too far down the road, the news that Lilith has captured the bearer breaks out, and the creatures of hell trying to break out assail the fortress in hopes of breaking him out. It could become a struggle over him as a weapon, and then Xander is in the middle, trying to decide what's in his best interest, both for his life and his morals.

Perhaps Xander has to escape before he can learn of Lilith's plans and see the benefits of them, and begin to trust her. That could work.
Nadya does remain with the clan, ultimately, and since then, I have interesting thoughts about her relationship with Elizabeth. I think at one point, early on, there was potential for Nadya to be like a daughter to ELizabeth. I think when Rowland brought Nadya back, Elizabeth had that in the back of her mind, that she wanted a daughter and she could find one in Nadya. However, after the incident, most hope of that kind of dissolved away.
It's interesting though, because as things stand by the time Elizabeth and Jaspin meet again, Nadya is the person she spends the most time with. Jonathan lives in a city not far away with Eleanora, and Rowland and Bela have manly things to do, so Elizabeth and Nadya are the ones taking care of the home together. So there's gotta be something cordial and cooperative about their relationship in some way. But Elizabeth doesn't see her as any sort of equal.
I might revamp Nadya's punishment then. It could, and perhaps should, be worse. Especially given Elizabeth's protectiveness over Jonathan's safety.
Maybe like six months? A little more?
Elizabeth would look at it more like 'it doesn't matter how lenient I should be, fairly, what matters is that she's put my son in danger and that's unacceptable no matter what'.
Maybe her punishment should be worse, hmm. Breaking her finger off sounded harsh before I figured out her crime, but now that I know the crime, the punishment might be too lenient.
You could chalk it up to that rule you made earlier. Whatever a vampire does in that transition period of a few months isn't their fault.
But still, I dunno. I think Nadya had enough of her wits about her by then.
This might be a good time for us to talk about what these powers of his are. I've got some ideas from other iterations of this RP, do you have any ideas? There's the aspect of his self-healing, and the great potential for him to heal others with it, but there should be a destructive component that he probably just hasn't thought to try and access yet. That's what the leather gauntlets were about.

I got an idea for how to, I dunno, foster some trust between them. Lilith might go off to the front of where this rebellion is going on, slay some of the creatures trying to destroy the walls, and she comes back with some minor injuries and Alexander can offer to try and heal them. It can be a genuine offer or strategic, to gain her trust, that's up to you.
He is part of the clan, but like with Eleanora, kinda loosely affiliated.

So when she was a new vampire, she was really wild, right? She fed whenever she wanted, on whoever she wanted. I figure, giving her inexperience, she probably accidentally turned several of her victims. So we got several men across town turning into vampires, which is really bad, and even worse, one of the men Nadya turned was the husband of one of Eleanora's human friends, which means Eleanora and therefore Jonathan are way too close to it and can easily be suspected. We all know that wouldn't sit well with Elizabeth.
So everyone in the Mercer clan except Jonathan has to clean up this very dangerous mess Nadya made and consider immediately leaving town.
Not sure how they get along personally, but I think they've found a way to make their 'professional lives' work. They're both basically the men of the house and have to do the men of the house things, so they've probably figured out how to make it work. The key would be to have Bela kind of work independently in several ways so everyone can pretend that he's getting his work done his way and on his own terms and because he wants to, not because someone else is telling him to.

Sometimes it's hard, you just can't figure out where they fit in, right?

I think I've figured out what Nadya did to get on Elizabeth's bad side. It has to do with how recklessly she fed.
I'd say it does make things easier in the long run.

I'm starting to think about more relationships. Like what's the relationship Rowland and Bela have, Bela and Nadya, Nadya and Elizabeth, Nadya and Rowland, ect. Some I haven't thought about much.
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