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  • Old Guild Username: Icon of Dominance
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Gwyn waved casually over her shoulder to the two they left behind, proceeding to follow after Abel. She was in a hurry to collect their treasure. She had worried slightly that the treasure might be limited, and only those who reached it first were to continue at Beacon. She wasn't familiar with the test. Even if there wasn't, there might have been a time limit. She also suspected there might be Grim to interfere with them completing the task, slowing them down before they were able to acquire it. The pessimistic thoughts were quickly brushed aside.

The Faunus acted more like an observer than anything as Abel made quick work of the lumber blocking their way. She would have used her own weapon to assist him, but knew they would only get in each others' way. Moreover, they might accidentally injure one another in the process. At least he didn't seem to be hacking down any tree trunks, but it may have been quicker to go around in that case.

When they reached their destination, Gwyn looked around to scan each of those present. There wasn't anybody that she recognized. They all looked like new faces to her. She lifted her hand when Abel gestured to her as if identifying herself among a sea of people. Really, she didn't need to. There was nobody near her. “Nice to meet you,” she told the others. Her eyes were mostly settled on the pair that Abel had singled out. Those must be his friends, she guessed. A glance was spared to the other for present as well. She considered telling the others her full name, but decided to just be Gwyn. People usually liked to shorten names to one or two syllables anyway.

Gwyn approached to glance at the stone that Abel had chosen, inspecting it and the others that were left over. “I like that one.”
@Oskar DiLondra
That's alright.

@Lord Pie
Looks good so far.
In truth, Gwyn had already accepted him as her comrade. Although Abel's reaching for her hand as he had helped her cross the chasm certainly seemed to seal it. As long as Abel didn't seem to have any issues with her, she found no reason to refrain from accepting him as her partner. At least she hoped that he hadn't begrudgingly accepted her as his partner because he had too. It had entered her mind as a possibility that he had set aside any pessimistic views about their pairing since Ozpin had announced alliances were formed through eye contact.

Abel didn't appear to have any problems with her being a Faunus either, although she hadn't noticed the scales on his neck. Maybe it had something to do with her diminutive size, but his appearance seemed to indicate he had no animalistic features. His body was fairly covered in clothing though.

Gwyn allowed her partner to take the lead for the most part. His longer legs made it to where she had to take at least two steps for every step that he took. Having always been on the shorter side among others, she was used to walking faster to keep up. However, she was not so familiar with walking alongside someone with as large of a build as Abel's. If she were going to be stuck with him until she graduated, she decided it might be wise of her to build her endurance and speed more. She didn't want to slow her partner down.

Having busied herself with focusing on her feet, she didn't notice the apparition before them until Abel spoke. She tilted her head up abruptly only for her face to promptly smack into his back as he halted his steps. Perhaps she should have paid more attention to her surroundings.

“Sorry,” she mumbled an apology. She stared at the wraith like creature, suddenly fixated on it. It couldn't be a Grim, could it? That didn't seem possible. The voice of the stranger snapped her attention his way. He had called it his shadow. It didn't take much effort for her to put the pieces together. She wondered how the semblance worked. That's what it had to be. Albeit her curiosity ebbed away when she noticed the pillars that marked the location of the artifacts.

She was a little surprised when the girl appeared. The similarities between her and the other girl startled her more than anything. For a school that didn't seem to have very many Faunus for students, she wouldn't have dreamed of seeing one with the same type of ears that she had.

“We should hurry up and collect our treasure,” Gwyn told Abel. “I'm sure we will have an opportunity to catch up with our new friends later.” She certainly wouldn't mind sparring with the boy to see what his semblance was capable of, and his companion had already piqued Gwyn's interest.
@Lord Pie
Looking forward to it. :) Just make sure to post here if you edit your post to add it to the end of your CS, or PM one of us so we know to look for it. We don't want to miss it.
Current status: Closed

The story will take place in a modern fantasy setting. New characters will all be those that have recently been chosen for some unknown reason. These characters are cursed at the start of their story to continue to be reincarnated as they work together to track down information related to this.

Appearances may alter from each life. The sex of a character may change with each reincarnation, but the gender will not. In other words, the soul of the character might identify differently than the body they are placed in.

Some benefits are going to be based on a luck factor.

Nearly everything is going to be based off chance. The GMs will flip a coin, or do something, to decide the outcome of certain luck-based events. Death and anything resulting in death will more or less be based on actual choices.

Most of the elements of this rp are to be a mystery, and will be learned as the characters unravel it. That is the reason the description is minimal.

Gwyn was glad to see that her new partner had been unharmed by her actions. The consequences hadn't been something she had really considered. All she knew was that she wanted to find a way to the other side. She was pleased that the branch was long enough to bridge the gap, and had worried that it might fall horizontally into the ravine below. It had also crossed her mind that the branch might have rolled away, or that it would be too heavy to move after coming to a stop in a location where it had been unwanted.

It was good that her partner was able to get the branch to hold for a moment, but she didn't know how long it would last. She had quickly looped her weapon through a leather strap immediately after using it. The strap angled across from her left shoulder to her right hip, causing it to dangle at her side. It would be best to have it out of her way, but she hoped that valuable time hadn't been spent in the process. Gwyn hurried towards the branch and climbed up onto it at Abel's beckoning, hoping that the time spent fixing her weapon hadn't taken so long that she wouldn't be able to get across. Her hand grasped for his when he offered to it, perhaps too tightly. Maybe not too tightly for him. Initially, she thought she might have imagined him having a larger stature than he did. She imagined that her size made her seem like a frail weakling in comparison. Perhaps she could make up for it through the use of her weapon and semblance.

“Good to meet you too, Abel.”

Her hand would only continue to tighten until she had safely crossed the makeshift bridge. That way he could have pulled her up if the branch gave way. Gwyn doubted it was possible that she'd pull him down with her weight given his build, although anything was possible.
Current status: Two spots open; six players total. (Will update if spots are added or removed.)

The story will take place in a modern fantasy setting. New characters will all be those that have recently been chosen for some unknown reason. These characters are cursed at the start of their story to continue to be reincarnated as they work together to track down information related to this.

Appearances may alter from each life. The sex of a character may change with each reincarnation, but the gender will not. In other words, the soul of the character might identify differently than the body they are placed in.

Some benefits are going to be based on a luck factor.

Nearly everything is going to be based off chance. The GMs will flip a coin, or do something, to decide the outcome of certain luck-based events. Death and anything resulting in death will more or less be based on actual choices.

Most of the elements of this rp are to be a mystery, and will be learned as the characters unravel it. That is the reason the description is minimal.

She had been too preoccupied with avoiding falling into the crevice that she had failed to notice what was in it. When she had lifted her head, she was almost startled to see a pair of eyes seeking out her own. Gwyn had anticipated that the person she sighted might have been further ahead. “Just fell on my tail, I'll be fine,” she reassured him. She only kept her voice loud enough to where she thought he'd have no trouble hearing her. Not quite a yell, but the volume was a bit louder than her regular speaking voice. “I'm Gwyneira,” she introduced herself as she rose to her feet and wiped her hands at the dirt on her leggings to brush some of it off. She looked around for a second person, maybe the word 'partner' hadn't officially sunk in.

“I was hoping to find someone here,” she explained. “I was running. I noticed the lightning.” There still weren't any storm clouds, and she hadn't seen or heard anything like it since.

Had he been sending a signal of sorts to someone? Maybe she wasn't meant to be the one to find him. He was probably fighting Grim, she rationalized as she thought about it further. There was a Boarbutusk body or two to support the prediction, although the smell of burnt skin was not entirely pleasant.

The Faunus moved close to the edge of the break in the ground. Maybe she could use her semblance to get across somehow. Probably not. What would she even do? Build chakram bridge? That didn't even sound possible. “How do I get over there?” She queried. Looking to either side of her didn't tell her much as to where the fissure began, and where it ended. Maybe the leap for him had been easy enough, but she wasn't sure she should make it. Did she walk along the break and look for where it got narrow enough to cross? Did she search for a tree overhanging the edge, and attempt to climb it so she could jump over the side? What if she injured herself in the fall? However, was that any more dangerous than being propelled from a cliff towards a forest? Probably not. Maybe that was how he'd reached the location, he had happened to land on the other side of it.

"Do you have any rope?" She asked him abruptly. The chances seemed slim, but maybe she could tie it to herself and then have him pull herself up. That might involve dangling far above the watery depths below which sounded dangerous. What if he couldn't hold her weight? Maybe... She began looking around for a large branch above. "Try stepping back a little?" She felt mildly embarrassed that she hadn't given him much time to talk. Patches of salmon briefly colored her cheeks at the realization before she raised her weapon and toyed with the dial. The chakram ascended in the direction of the blade at the tip of her weapon and spun towards a larger branch. It slowed significantly when it hit the bark of the tree and seemed to have a little bit of trouble cutting through all of the wood. The chakram wasn't big enough to cut the branch clean off, but it had been enough to weaken it for the branch to snap. She toyed with the dial on her weapon, and the chakram started spinning towards her to lock into place on the weapon. Her eyes fixated in Abel's direction first, hoping her warning had been sufficient enough - and that her actions hadn't been reckless enough so as to harm her partner if it hadn't been.

Now, where had that branch landed?
Gwyneira began looking around the forest. Where was she supposed to head? Even if she had a compass on her, it wouldn't do much good. Not that it was difficult for her to figure out what direction was which. She didn't need a compass as long as she could tell what time of day it was and the position of the sun in the sky.

Nobody in her family really used devices for measuring time. They often used their hands as a tool for narrowing down the time. The only time that she relied on clocks and watches was when she needed a completely accurate way of knowing what time of day it was. Her method for telling time could make her late, even if it was by a mere couple minutes. Being punctual to class was a priority for her.

There were more important matters to figure out at the moment though. Like what direction she ought to head to find her partner. She hadn't really seen what direction any of the others had headed, and didn't know how far they might have gone. Standing around seemed like a waste of time. Maybe she should head in pursuit of the treasure that Professor Ozpin had mentioned, but where was she supposed to begin looking for that?

Gwyneira finally settled in a direction to move in, entirely hopeful that she wouldn’t regret moving onward. A lone Ursa suddenly emerged from behind a cluster of trees shortly after she began to move in that direction. Her hand toyed with the dial on her weapon as the segments bent and clicked into place. Her hands wrapped around the pole as she charged forward recklessly, lowering her shoulders and her head as she propelled herself forward. The bear's claws reached out and the sharp nails scraped across her arms as it grabbed at her. Rhewlif was thrust upwards, and the bladed tip at the top of the weapon punctured the bottom of the beast's maw and sank further into the beast's school. Her weapon had been angled so that one of the crescent blades of her axe had buried itself in the Grim's chest. It was as good as dead, although she'd given herself some minor injuries in the process.

The Faunus pressed her foot against the Ursa's chest, using it as leverage to free her weapon. Gwyneira would likely spend a considerable time cleaning Rhewlif when the test was over. She scanned her surroundings quickly. Looking, listening. There didn't seem to be a second Grim, but maybe it just hadn't been alerted to her presence. That was when she saw the flash of light in the distance followed by a loud sound? Dry lightning? Probably not. Most likely not a Grim.

She decided that it was someone's weapon or semblance. Gwyneira altered directions, sprinting towards the source with an emergence of purpose. The jogging continued as she approached, worried that if she slowed down that the person might have continued to move in the direction she was headed to ultimately make it impossible for her to catch up to them. Or worse – having them suddenly veer to the left or the right of the direction she was headed. That would not be fun.

The speed nearly made it so that she missed the fractured opening in the ground and she skidded to a stop in order to avoid plummeting into the cannon below her, promptly falling onto her rear on the ground. A yelp escaped her as her body weight abruptly landed on her tail.
Some boy reached for Gwyneira's ear while she had her attention diverted ahead of her to the line moving onto the airship. The sudden hand had startled her, although some had asked her permission to touch them before the situation. The sudden jerking of her head caused the tip of her horn to scrape across his hand.

“Careful!” He shouted at her. He was wearing a layer of chainmail over a charcoal tunic and a matching pair of breeches tucked into leather strider lace ups. He had a pallid, square face with unruly chestnut hair and slate gray eyes.

Gwyneira was curious how much damage chainmail could withstand. Not that she was going to brandish her weapon before she had even made it to the entrance ceremony. Getting kicked out of Beacon was not on her agenda for the day. “Please don't touch me again without asking,” she replied calmly. She did not want her temper to get in the way. Already, she noticed that people in their vicinity had turned to stare. Probably because the boy had raised his voice.

“Don't tell me what to do.” His words sounded like he was threatening her.

“Hypocrite,” she muttered under her breath.

Large hands seized her by the front of her vest and pulled her towards him. She pushed up on her toes as he tried to bring her up a half a foot to be eye level with him. He didn't seem very tall. “What'd you say?” He demanded. He seemed offended.

“Just, you know...” She trailed off, deciding whether or not she should continue. She should have probably let it go. “It's kind of hypocritical to order someone not to give you orders.”

He abruptly pushed her backwards and she stumbled into someone behind her. She quickly offered an apology. The boy's face had turned red, but it was contorted into a scowl like when she had first turned to look at him. Gwyneira didn't know if he was angry, flustered, or both. Well, that just wasn't true. She could already tell he was furious. She didn't think a scratch would get someone attending Beacon all out of shape though.


The airship that carried Gwyneira to Beacon already had her feeling mildly nostalgic and homesick. She didn't know how long it would be before she saw her clan again, or even her family for that matter. She briefly wondered if Beacon would have some kind of parent visitation at some point. She hadn't remembered reading or hearing anything about it though.

She stared out the window watching the scenery pass by. It might have benefited her to interact with some of the other students, but she wanted to enjoy the feeling of flying and the sights before her. Did she need to be in a hurry to make friends? It seemed like it would only be necessary to make friends prior to dividing into groups if they got to choose their own. Making friends outside her group could come in time.

Normally, Gwyneira wasn't so slow to interact with others. However, she liked to take the time to enjoy limited experiences such as flying in an airship. It also didn't help that she had been assaulted already. It made her not feel like approaching anyone yet.

Once she was off the airship, ardent legs carried her towards the front of the school. She paused only briefly to admire the scenery. While it was a spectacular sight, she assumed she would have breaks in her study where she would be able to get another look at it.

When everyone was told all of the students would be sleeping in the same room, she was disappointed. However, that was mostly because it meant she was stuck sleeping in the same room as the boy she had encountered in the morning.

Gwyneira glanced around to look for him so she could put some distance between the two. When she didn't see him, she thought that maybe she was in the clear. That was until she felt something tug violently at her tail. She let out a painful yelp and turned around to glare at the culprit.

“Payback for earlier,” the boy informed her with what had to be one of the most annoying smirks she had ever seen.

She restrained herself from letting the boy bother her. She told herself he wasn't worth the fight. The last thing she wanted was to let a verbal disagreement escalate into a physical one. “Now can we forget about this?” She queried. Her patience with the boy was starting to wear thin.

“Leave her alone, Kol,” another girl said as she stepped towards the pair. The other girl had violet curls that reached just above her shoulders with a pair of fuchsia orbs beset in an round, umber visage. The girl was wearing a lavender jumper over a light pink t-shirt. Purple boots reached just below the knee.

The girl's presence seemed to cause Kol to leave for the time being, but she chose not to question it. “I'm Gwyneira.”

“Lyla,” the other girl introduced her with a warm smile. “We dated briefly,” the girl informed her after Kol had left. “He doesn't particularly like being near me because I broke up with him.”

Gwyneira chose to stay close to the other girl until the evening was over. She seemed friendly enough.


When morning came, she headed out to the launch pad with the others. She stood on a square at one of the ends. An uneasy feeling settled in as her stomach began to sink. What if she was stuck with someone she didn't get along with? She would have liked to be paired on a team with Lyla, but decided she might be fine as long as Kol didn't make it into her group.

There wasn't much time for Gwyneira to come up with a landing strategy of sorts. She thought about removing the chakram. Maybe she could somehow loop the circular part on a tree branch. That sounded like it would be impossible no matter how she angled her body. She felt foolish for even thinking about such an idea. Using her semblance seemed out of the question. There was likely some way that she could use Dichotomy to assist her with her landing strategy, but reserving her aura seemed like the wise thing to do. There was no telling how much of it she would have to do once she landed in the forest.

The faunus was already sailing through the air by the time she had thought all of it over. She fiddled with her weapon quickly, extending Rhewlif into it's full length and held it in front of her as she moved towards the top of a tree trunk. The blade at the tip of her weapon buried itself into the tree and began to slide downwards as a result of the weight and the momentum. Gwyneira's feet skidded downwards and slipped off to the sides when a large branch seemed to suddenly appear beneath her. She seated herself on the branch and tugged on her weapon to yank it free of the bark, careful to avoid plummeting to the forest floor from her current location.

When Rhewlif had been compressed to the smallest size, she began to move from the branch she was on to the lower branches. One foot was moved below her at a time as she tested her weight before daring to move further down. She tried to utilize her height in the tree to benefit her, scouting from her vantage point for another person. Nobody was spotted immediately, but that didn't mean that there wasn't something to obscure her vision. Rather than waiting to see if anybody showed up, she continued to descend the tree until she reached the forest floor.
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