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Bryce listened intently as Asthia spoke he responded to her question of his kind of magic with a light chuckle. Bryce moved to Asthias Left side before speaking "its more fun to show..." just as Bryce was about to finish another Bryce appeared on the right Side of Ashtia "You than just tell you" the two began to speak in unison "if you haven't yet figured it out im a gifted in illusion its common though most wizards can do this but i have actually come quite close to mastery level with this." The say as they both touch an arm feeling almost identical. "down side is this is the only spell i am capable of. casting at the moment that's why my parents sent me here" He said as his eyes had flashed a quick light blue and the other Bryce vanished.

Bryce looked around and realized that they were still in a hallway before making the suggestion "Maybe we should head to our room apparently we have the same dorm assignment" he laughed so wait the slightest bit of cold gets to you cause the floor" Bryce reached down to touch it "is cool but i wouldnt say cold"
Name – Alistair Constantine

Age – 22

Height – 5’8”

Weight – 197lbs

Gender – Male

Difference/ Personality – Depression (he goes from happy to sad to angry to suicidal sometimes all in the span of a day oftentimes he suffers from one emotion for days before another is shown he tries to cope with sex but the void is never actually filled) hates his meds he often believes they just make him exist without actually being here hides behind being a jerk and sex.

Backstory – Aside from being smart and having good looks Alistair did not have much else he came from a lower middle class family and his dad was well respected. He raised Alistair to the best of his ability after his mom’s death. This was something Alistair laid witness to at a very young age. This was something with which he just couldn’t cope with and the end result was him dropping into a depression. Alistair was given meds but he would frequently stop taking them.

It’s been six years and try as he might the part of him that died with his mom was gone forever he never recovered from it and made a few attempts at suicide all thwarted by his father. Then there were the days in which he would be extremely happy. The world was his oyster, but when night fell so did these positive emotions fleeting as they were Alistair knew they would return he just never knew when. But no matter the day or the time every year on his mother’s birthday he would disappear nowhere to be found but he would honestly just find a place to cry his eyes out.

A girl would notice him every now and again that would come on to him because he was damaged and he would ultimately end up sleeping with them feeling no kind of attachment at all normally he would just get up put his clothes on and leave if it was his house he would ask them to leave after they were done using him. The look of shock always pissed him off to the point of him snapping out and calling them out of their names.

He's the one who is often lookd after by the group but for soe reason when anyone from the group is around hes always at peace he can talk to them no matter what and its like they just understand him. Oftentimes since his father works really long hours the group if not working on the car has deemed his basement the chill zone or the safe spot lol.

(Hope no one minds the edit i just kind of talked about him and gave him no real place i n the group til now)
Reserve spot I wont be able to put my character til later today I got work in like 3hrs
Hey i actuall really like this kind of rp and if anything i would definitely want to be the friend of char. it actually hits close to home cause i have personally had to kick many a ass for my younger brother hes gay. but this rp... this has goku sized potential and my interest for what thats worth.
Bryce managed to work up enough courage to make eye contact with pyria "thank you" he said as he headed off before he got far Asthia had approached him and shot off a quick succession of questions. Bryce couldn't help but laugh at first. "forgive me for laughing its just the questions came rather fast. But to answer your question yes i am quite new here im probably as new as they come i can understand magic better than most but when it comes to casting it takes me a longer time to learn in my few years of life i successfully learned and almost mastered one spell' Bryce said, his face taking on a slightly serious expression but quickly returning to a smile. "The whole interest thing it was more of my parents idea than my own they thought that i could take my skill further here. They actually graduated here a long time ago they were some of the best in their class but i wanna carve out a name for myself hopefully me being here can not only help me train my magic but give me some direction as to what i wanna do if ever i graduate. and only once in my lifetime have i ever seen a dracon not counting know and that was in passing...unless im thinking of half dragon or maybe dragonborn my apologies if i got you mixed up with another race its just i've never had the pleasure of meeting anyone that was of any relation to a dragon let alone part dragon. are you in fact a Dracon?" Bryce questioned
Bryce continued to bring up the rear watching as the students ahead of him gave their name to the registrar and turned as they began their short trek to their living quarters. While he had a few moments to himself he snapped and a well-worn notebook appeared in his hand and a pen he cracked it open and began to scribble quickly in it.

Glyphs- it seems to be a type of magic in which one draws multiple interlocking symbols into the air. It seems that these symbols are drawn from residual energy given off at the time of the drawing. It appears that one must be of considerable magical talent and ability in order to do this.

As Bryce removed a small necklace from around his neck with a small bag in the center he dropped the notebook and it was quickly taken into the bag. Bryce let out a short sigh “thanks mom for the bag of holding I appreciate it” he said as he looked up in time to see the young dragon lady barreling towards him stopping just short of him. “It’s alright” he said reassuring her “I take it you don’t sleep well judging from the amount of energy you have now” Bryce said with a light chuckle. She accompanied Bryce down the hall and they approached the registrar Bryce was surprised to see another dragon born and was stunned as to how pretty she was he actually blushed a little “good evening my name is Bryce Bel…My name is Bryce and I’d like to get my schedule and room assignment please” he politely asked as he dropped his head in an attempt to hide his flush filled face.
Bryce felt a little embarrassed he knew deep down that a simple bucket would do absolutely nothing to the raging emerald inferno but it was a split second reaction.

The person he asked about help seemed shocked and in awe of these flames almost nervous. moments later he heard the wing beat of a gorgeous dragon, he gazed upon it in awe wing beat but what was truly amazing is that with a few glyphs and a wave of his claws brought forth a small flood of what appeared to be magical water. The flames were almost instantaneously quenched and soon after everything was over he had noticed a small spattering of new arrivals to the scene
"Had they always been there?" Bryce thought to himself.

Never mind that now he was being approached by one of the senior students he assumed from the way she carried herself she smiled as she mention Bryce's attempt at quenching at a magical fire with ordinary water. Bryce let out a little chuckle "hehe you're right that was foolish, but as for looking like someone i cant imagine who" Bryce said as he pulled his hood to cover more of his face. "Thank you for the information I will heed it and grow stronger as to not look like a fool...again" Bryce said with a little laugh.

Bryce noticed that all the other newbies were headed to the registrar he caught up just enough that he was the last in the group.
Bryce stared deep into the rippling pool of energy a little nervous at attending this school but also excited that he will get to learn from the same teachers that once taught his mother and father. Knowing this gave him a bit of comfort but for whatever reason he felt quite apprehensive still. Bryce thought to himself “Something’s just not right and I don’t know what but something feels off.”

“You are going to be fine dear you’re going to our alma mater” Chandra said as her eyes had begun to glow a low warm red

“MOM you said you would stop that”

“I know but anyone with eyes could see you are nervous about something, few bits of advice dear if you ever feel nervous or want to talk the teachers are available. Just avoid mentioning that you’re the son of Jace to some it’s a good thing to some he was…Let’s just say a devil”

“And your mother was a teacher’s pet but all that aside here’s all you need to know in the library there is a book called “the basics of illusion magic if you open it up to the middle and recite my name backwards it will transport you to a level that is locked between two floors this is the only way in or out of it it’s my study away from my study feel free to steal away to there whenever you need some quite time”

Bryce looked at both his parents took a deep breath and shook his father’s hand and hugged his mom and with a wave over his shoulder took the step through the portal.
Almost instantly was Bryce teleported to the area just outside of the school where a green fire raged he saw someone get blasted back with almost like a magical backdraft and just as soon as they picked their self up they took of faster than anything Bryce had ever seen. As Bryce looked around he found a pale and tried to toss water onto the fire but it seemed to rage even more. As he looked around he saw a figure standing trying to stop the flame all he could do was hope this was a teacher he ran over frantically “WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP???”
sorry for not posting yet i will try to get one up earliest tomorrow between work and being sick i found myself knocked out for the past 2 days lol Forgive me all
@Gisk its all good no worries lol
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