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Haha well i m at church now ao I will reply later on tonight possibly tomorrow morning. Not sure what all I wanna do. And ill havr to try ans get a decent poat in with them both there etc and not really leaving the room.
Elizabeth was awoken from her sleep very suddenly. She had a nice dream, which doesn't normally happen. That got quickly interrupted as her father pulled her from the bed onto the floor. "Where is my breakfast!" he screamed in her face. Elisabeth barley alert enough to open her eyes was confused. Looking at the clock, blurred by her vision she could see the number 5. IT must be 5 in the morning She thought as she then rubbed her eyes and looked up at her father standing over her. "I said go make my breakfast!" he said and slapped her across the face. She shot up and ran down stairs to go into the kitchen to start making breakfast. She seemed to try to go really fast while making breakfast, but today she couldn't make it fast enough. Her father got mad and was screaming at her until she finished.

After she had finished making breakfast her father took everything leaving nothing for her. She tried to sneak a piece of bacon but her father threw a knife at her and just grazed her skin and went into the cabinet behind her. She held her arm as it started bleeding dropping the bacon. "Who told you that you can have that!" he picked it up from the ground and then ate it to make sure she didn't get to. She looked at him and then quickly cleaned up everything her stomach growling as she looked at all the food. Her father purposely eats everything, full or not, so she couldn't eat it. Some may wonder why her father is so abusive. Her mother had gotten pregnant without him wanting her to, a condom broke or something she doesn't know. But her father used to beat her mother in hopes to kill the baby that was inside her, instead her mother and Elisabeth both held out until Elisabeth was finally born. Having a home birth only for her mother to be dead after giving birth. Her father decided to keep the brat and instead just beat her making it her fault that her mother died.

Finally the chores in the house was done and Elisabeth can now get ready for school. She quickly got ready and snuck past her drunk passed out father on the couch and walked out the door very quietly. Then she ran for school. She wore a long sleeved t-shirt with gloves and a long skirt. Most people would think she was weird but she didn't care, she needed to hide the scars. Elisabeth lived far from the school, so something as simple as walking was hard to get to school on time if she didn't leave early enough. She left at about quarter to eight, she wasn't exact ally sure when this school started, she assumed eight. And she was right as the bell had rung while she was still walking to school, her walking then turned into running as she feared she would be late.

She got to the front office to get all her stuff such as her locker number and combination, her schedule and a map of the school. Quickly gathering her stuff, not having any time to find her locker went to find her first class instead. She walked into her class well after the bell had rung for the start of class. It had caught everyone's attention. "And who are you disrupting my class?" the teacher groaned his glasses on his nose looking over them and at Elisabeth. Her face went red, "Ah Elisabeth Jones sir. I have your class" she said handing him a paper that had her schedule on them. "Hmmm I see" he spoke looking over the paper then handing it back to her. "Go sit down" was all he said then continued on with his lesson.

Elisabeth looked around and there only had seemed to be one seat left next to a boy, so she ended up taking that one seat. All her books and her papers all in her hand and she set them on her desk, not really much more room for her to take notes. She didn't have a notebook with her, she didn't dare spend more time at home to get what she needed to get, she was already late as it was and she knew she was going to be. Maybe tomorrow she might be able to get her backpack and her notebooks with pencils, right now all she had were her school books and her schedule with her locker number and combination. She had her schedule on top of the whole stack and put it at the top left of her desk and tried to listen to the teacher talk more trying to figure out what he was telling them about before hand.
Accidentally put my post here XD
@karos I have one in the threads called what comes around goes around. It's int he 1x1 section you can read it if you like, it's only 3 posts long we just started yesterday.
Hello, would you be willing to do this plot?

I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a romance role-play I was thinking something where my girl has an abusive father, and your boy is the high schools popular kid, he also has a girlfriend which him and his girlfriend unknowing of my girls situation continuously bully her etc? If you're interested I already have my intro.
So I wanted this type of setting for a role-play. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a romance role-play I was thinking something where my girl has an abusive father, and your boy is the high schools popular kid, he also has a girlfriend which him and his girlfriend unknowing of my girls situation continuously bully her etc.

Now if you would like to role-play this, I have my intro already done just message me or post here. Ignore the post count as this can end up so many different ways with many different people.

Haha well, I don't think I've written that long of a post for a highschool rp before. And so I think you having longer posts inspired me to think more of what could happen etc. And so I just couldn't stop writing and I'm like, okay I should end class. And so I ended it to where they were going to the ceremony, if you want you can post about the ceremony etc what they do if you want.
"In this school we will not tolerate bullying, PDA,…." he continued on to a list of things that would not be tolerated at the school. A lot of the teens had just zoned out. Not Elisabeth, she hung on to every word this man said. Mostly because if she didn't remember than she would be in a world of trouble, because her grades would go down if she didn't follow these specific rules. Her father was harsh when it came to her getting straight A's. There were no B's or C's and defiantly not any D's or F's in his vocabulary. If Elisabeth dare got a D or F she doesn't know what her father would do to her. But she sure wasn't going to find out…or be anywhere close to it for that matter.

Her eyes flickered back and forth from the blackboard to the man as he spoke and wrote things down on the blackboard for the students to copy as notes. Which Elisabeth couldn't do, so she just listened very carefully. Or as carefully as she could. "And anyone caught not following any of these rules, will result in immediate detention." Man this school doesn't mess around Elisabeth thought as she listened to everything the man had said. "And the dress code" he started. Elisabeth just stared at him hoping and praying that he would say that the long sleeved would be okay, if it wasn't going to be okay she didn't know what she was going to do, or maybe just wear her jacket all the time? Or maybe they wont even allow that? And instead of trying to figure it all out Elisabeth just listened.

"There will be no slutty dressing from the girls, proper clothes please. And guys, you do not have to wear your Sunday best, but I do expect some decency" With a sigh of relief that was established, she was thankful that she didn't need to change her look. Her arm started hurting from the knife wound, she wore a black long sleeved shirt and could feel the blood running down her hand. Instead of drawing attention she just put her arms up and rested her head on her hand so that the blood wouldn't go out onto the table. The teacher went on to explain the schools code of conduct which in his mind already had planned to have this class do a pop quiz on it. After explaining he decided to give the class the pop quiz and then after that explain the rest of the schedule for the day. He called up a nearby student to pass out the tests. "Now this is a pop quiz about the code of conduct, I hope you all were listening. And you may use your notes"

Yea use your notes if you had them Elisabeth sighed, there was no way she was passing this test, she did listen but not took any notes and so she tried her best. She looked around and then went back to work a moment later the teacher had said no one should be looking around which then Elisabeth then just stared at her paper at some of the questions, she didn't get a lot of them. "TIMES UP" the teacher screamed so that everyone would be able to hear him. He walked around and started collecting papers, Elisabeth continued to quickly fill out some of the bubbles. "I said time was up" he glared down to Elisabeth as he yanked the paper from her, a pencil mark going across the paper as he took it.

She looked up at him with a frown. "But I didn't finish" she said and he just laughed. "I don't know how it is at your house young lady, but we have time limits here. IF you don't finish, than it's an instant D" Elisabeth eyes went wide "But-!" "Enough. Maybe next time you should be taking notes" and he left with that as he then collected the rest of the papers. Elisabeth sighed and put her pencil down and stared at her desk. She didn't know what she was going to tell her father, she just prayed they wouldn't call him about this grade. After collecting the papers, he then explained the schedule for the day. "And the welcome ceremony will be held at the gym!" he called out as the bell had rung and the class started gathering their things to get going to the welcome ceremony.

Most of the kids practically running so they can go sit by their friends. Elisabeth didn't care where she sat, she just didn't feel like being here right now, she was afraid of what her father would say. Elisabeth got up from her seat and went to pick up her things and her papers fell off her books and all over the floor. "Great" she mumbled as she bent down to pick them up.
No problem that sounds great. That was a great post, I am not sure how to follow it. I will have to reply tomorrow morning as it's 12am here.
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