Avatar of Meowloi
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Meowloi 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Leaving for Mexico on Monday, I'll be gone a week, so sorry if replies are slow
9 yrs ago
Sorry I've been absent for a couple days, I promise I'll start replying soon!
9 yrs ago
Pretty sure I've been talking to a catfish… hmm
9 yrs ago
Feeling sad and anxious, ughhhhhh


I'm always looking for new 1x1 partners so pm me if you have an idea or want to work something out together! I enjoy both modern and historical settings, and I love realistic or fantasy/supernatural type roleplays. I have a wide range of interests when it comes to plot and setting! I only do MxM or FxF roleplays.

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They don't generally have powers, but if you want them to have them secretly that's fine.
Either gender is fine.
Can I join this?

Of course! :)
I'm also considering making another character that's an officer to even the numbers out, if that's okay? Not right now as I have to go out but soon.

That would be great if you want to do that!
Played by Rajim:
Name: Roberts A. Joe aka Oracle

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Power: Able to discern the past, present, future. He could view the past indefinitely, the present for about a day, the future in glimpses. His control to see the future is severely lacking, but it automatically activates if it concerns his well-being. The drawback is that he experiences severe fatigue every time he uses his ability.

Appearance: A short, black-haired, brown-skinned boy whose only redeeming features are his piercing black eyes.

Other: Often sleeps due to his ability hijacking his body from time to time. It took a while before he managed to be able to control it, but managed to pass it off as being anemic, which he is. Aside from his sleeping habits and poor health, he is a well of normalcy who lives whatever is considered as a normal life in a post-apocalyptic world.
Everyone who has posted a character sheet so far has been accepted! I will be posting an introductory post pretty soon. If anyone wants to go ahead and post and introduction for their character(s) IC they can. I'm also still accepting.
You are both accepted!
Good questions, I'll add more details in tomorrow. But for the powers, they were born with the "gene" I guess you could say, but they start to develop later on. But yes, they were born with them. And as for the age of the officers, unless someone wants to play someone higher up and in charge, which is fine, the regular officers should be between 21-25.
I'm going to add all of this and some more details when I have more time. Sorry for any confusion!
Name: Alyx Alkaev
Power:She can control electricity, create lightning.
Appearance: Alyx is tall, at about 5'9, and is lean and muscular, though her lack of nourishment is still rather noticeable. She has pale skin with some freckles, and chin length light brown, slightly wavy hair, which is usually a mess. She has light blue, prominent eyes, and thick, light brown eyebrows. She has a slightly angular nose, pointed chin, and defined cheek bones. She has a severe look to her, which she uses to demand respect. She has short nails, and calloused hands. WIP
Other: Alyx is the leader of the group, and though she can be kind and understanding, she is a strong leader. She knows how to get respect. She has a light Russian accent. She is bisexual. WIP

Name: Josh Cardenas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Power: Telekinesis
Appearance: Josh has dark skin, with some faint freckles. He has more on the right side than the left. He is thin, and stands at about 5'7". He has dark brown hair that is shaggy and clearly in need of grooming. He cuts it shorter when he has the chance, but rarely finds the time or sees it as a priority, due to the circumstances. He has dark brown, almond shaped eyes. He has dark circles under his eyes, and almost always looks worn out and tired. He has a small round nose and round cheeks. He has some scars down his back and one along his jaw.
Other: He taught himself a lot about first aid in order to help anyone in the group who was hurt. He is gay. WIP

Name: Jace Simons
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Group member/officer: Officer
Appearance: Jace is tall, at about 6'3" with a solid, muscular build. He has short reddish-blond hair, and blue eyes. He has a square shape face and a strong jaw. WIP
I created the page. I might edited the front a bit, so if anyone has any advice on it that'd be great. Here's the link.
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