Avatar of Meridian
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 198 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Meridian 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I'm going on a trip in my favourite rocket ship... Don't count on any posts for the next three weeks
9 yrs ago
Let's all be bros.
1 like
9 yrs ago
If I had one wish it'd be to have more wishes, duh, **** tryna make it rhyme
9 yrs ago
Line up here for the chance to entertain me.
9 yrs ago
Neither. The soap would levitate.


Hi my name is
Yeah, I go by
I'm totally open to roleplaying
Adore me. I'm cool.

Most Recent Posts

"He's gonna smell you coming from a mile away, he will."

"Why don't we get a purse?"

"Well you do it then, why don't you?"

"You do it, standing there with your big mouth. See how someone likes you walking around with their money."

"It's a sight better than walking up to Hokey's cart, is all I'm saying!"

"We're not stealing anyone's purse!" Jingfei piped up finally, looking at the ring of boys that were her friends, family and coworkers all in one. Big, shaggy haired Dom, wiry Lever, Scrap, Rat- his name spoke volumes- and Feather. They were all huddled together in one of the particularly awful alleys, planning- or at least trying to plan their next 'shopping trip'. Dom was leaning against the wall, moody as usual with his arms folded. Lever and Rat sat on an empty crate, and Jingfei, Scrap and Feather were all jostling for space on the mouldy mattress that was pushed to the far end of the alley. They all looked at her, eyebrows raised and waiting for her say on the matter. Jingfei's brow furrowed, her eyes focused on a rat that ran across the alley. "We'll do Hokey. Me and Scrap'll get a couple of pears or somethin', an' pickpocketing is a right stupid idea, Lever." She said finally, shooting the green eyed boy a look. "Not like anyone this side of the wall has anything worth swiping, anyway."

Residents of the lowest ring of Ba Sing Se, everyone in that circle was living on the barest minimum with only a few lucky ones in their district like Hokey the vendor living anything close to a comfortable life. Jingfei recalled seeing members of the Republic police force traipsing through their decrepit part of town a few days ago. They'd been so well fed she'd thought they were unhealthy, unused as she was to seeing anyone without jutting collarbones.

"Well, go do it then," Dom said dismissively.

"We're going, jeez, not like you ever get any of the food," Scrap grumbled, rising from the mattress and dusting himself off with cloth bound hands. It was true. Dom, slow as he was, was possibly one of the worst they could choose to steal food. He was big and lumbering, attracting attention wherever he went. But he was also strong and intimidating for a half-starved teen, and sometimes the group found that useful. The only worse person was Feather, who was unnaturally clumsy and slow. Jingfei got to her feet as well, straightening her tunic. The pair of them left the group without any fanfare and stepped out into the bright streets of their distric, blending in seamlessly with the other ragged people who were out and about. Hokey's stall was a few blocks away, one that they'd successfully used a few times. It was rare enough that he hadn't done much to protect his goods, and they only tried him when they were desperate.

The burly vendor's produce wasn't particularly good, but it was cheap and relatively plentiful, which meant he usually had good business.

"You got a coin on ya?" Scrap muttered to Jingfei as they approached.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I've got that and King Wu's crown on my head, don't I?" She said sarcastically. "Alright, you run through the line and push that lady over. Should knock over a few of something." She directed. Scrap nodded and took off, and Jingfei picked up her speed a little bit. Her little idea had worked. The thin woman at the front of the queue had taken a tumble onto Hokey's cart, sending vegetables careening left and right. Scrap had stayed behind, apologizing profusely and keeping Hokey's fury directed on him, and Jingfei quickly scooped up what she could into the pockets of her tunic before disappearing back into the bustling crowd.

"Maybe we could try the soup kitchen?" Lever suggested, wiping peach juice off his lips with a look of satisfaction.

"Soup kitchen?" Came Jingfei's reply through a mouthful of an apple, accompanied by a raised eyebrow. "Wossat?"

"They give you free food," he shrugged.

"Are you sure you're not talking about heaven?" Rat said, and Jingfei burst into gasping laughter.

"Well, s'no place like that around." Dom said dismissively.

"We could look for it." Jingfei suggested. "Free food can't be a half bad idea."
Manchester Orchestra = Life
I'm sorry I haven't posted in the IC yet. Today was busy for me, but I'll try my best to have it up tomorrow.
Char is up and waiting for approval. ^~^

I made up a dead member of the Rockjaw clan, I hope that's okay.

ABSTRACT: A haughty woman with a taste for luxury and fine things.

-Skilled with fire. Possibly a small amount of magical aptitude to help.

Meghara is a woman who would probably have been better suited for a life of riches. Unfortunately, that is not the case, but she's still attracted to fine clothes and expensive jewels like a moth to a flame. She's very careful with her appearance, and tries never to look less than immaculate. She carries herself as if she's a noblewoman and hates being toyed with. Thankfully, her airs end with her posture and she interacts with everyone as her equal, unless she dislikes them, in which case prepare to be the target of her next performance.

In the ring, Meghara's flames command attention. Her tricks and demonstrations, especially that of her fire eating, hold the gaze of the audience, and she loves to be in the limelight. Agile, she performs all sorts of tricks with a flaming staff and hoops. If the situation calls for it she can pass as an adequate tightrope walker, but she never willingly does it. When not in the ring, she passes her time perfecting her tricks or fixing up her dresses to make them look better.

HOW DO YOU KNOW DRAGON? Had a fling with a previous (now deceased) member of the Rockjaw clan, and joined their troope in that time. She's been with them since.
Can we add pictures for appearance to the form?
Dante Guerrez

"That is pretty weird," Dante nodded in agreement, thinking. It was fairly unusual to have no new kids coming in. Ever since the famous Percy Jackson had gotten the gods to acknowledge their kids more, they usually had a steady stream of them coming in, not just over the summer. "We haven't had any new campers in a couple of months either. That's interesting. I guess we'll ask Chiron or something, when we see him around." She said finally. She scowled as she caught sight of her brother across the camp, lounging in the arms of a skeleton who carried him around. Lazy git.

She turned back to Julia, replacing the scowl with a friendlier smile. "Well, I guess that means I don't have much to do, then. I'll see you around, Jules!" She waved, walking away and quickly settling back into her purposeful stride. She headed to the arena. She'd intended to show any new kids around, but if not she guessed it would be a good idea to work on her fighting skills. In a fight against monsters, she had it pretty easy because of her Stygian iron sword, but otherwise she relied on her knives, and she still some room for improvement there. At night she was brilliant, using the shadows to her advantage like a master, but during the day like right now, she was limited.
Name: Jingfei

Age: 14

Element: Fire

Appearance: Jingfei is slender, with cropped black hair that sits atop her head in a curly mess. Her wide eyes are a warm shade of brown. She has a galaxy of freckles across her small nose and on her checks, and thin lips that stretch into an easy grin. She's got a gap between her top middle teeth, and is of average height and weight for her age. She's got small elfin ears that stick out a little bit. She wears a simple grey tunic with darker grey leggings and worn brown sandals.

Personality: Jingfei is a ball of energy. She's not exactly friendly, and is extremely talkative, even to people she doesn't know or like in a quick and nearly intelligible string of words. She's curious, asking questions that are often inappropriate. She has an overactive sense of humour, laughing at anything and everything in a gasping manner that makes people think she's choking. She runs everywhere, hates when people get in her way, and gets into arguments all the time. She has sharp eyes and deft fingers and is very good at sneaking into places.

Background: Jingfei has no idea who her parents are and assumes they're dead. One of the urchins of Ba Sing Se, she runs around with a bunch of kids who look out for each other and mostly steal what they need to get by. As a result, she's never learnt to read or write. She's familiar with most of the nooks and crannies of the city, and there are even a few families she's friendly with, although she never stays with them. She tries not to steal from those families.

Extra: N/A
Name: Jingfei

Age: 14

Element: Fire

Appearance: Jingfei is slender, with cropped black hair that sits atop her head in a curly mess. Her wide eyes are a warm shade of brown. She has a galaxy of freckles across her small nose and on her checks, and thin lips that stretch into an easy grin. She's got a gap between her top middle teeth, and is of average height and weight for her age. She's got small elfin ears that stick out a little bit. She wears a simple grey tunic with darker grey leggings and worn brown sandals.

Personality: Jingfei is a ball of energy. She's not exactly friendly, and is extremely talkative, even to people she doesn't know or like in a quick and nearly intelligible string of words. She's curious, asking questions that are often inappropriate. She has an overactive sense of humour, laughing at anything and everything in a gasping manner that makes people think she's choking. She runs everywhere, hates when people get in her way, and gets into arguments all the time. She has sharp eyes and deft fingers and is very good at sneaking into places.

Background: Jingfei has no idea who her parents are and assumes they're dead. One of the urchins of Ba Sing Se, she runs around with a bunch of kids who look out for each other and mostly steal what they need to get by. As a result, she's never learnt to read or write. She's familiar with most of the nooks and crannies of the city, and there are even a few families she's friendly with, although she never stays with them. She tries not to steal from those families.

Extra: N/A

Hope this is an okay character and that she's not too young.
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