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    1. Merlin McWizard 10 yrs ago


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i think the cop that killed miceal brown should be arested and shot.
Nolita was having her head bandaged as she saw the boy she had just fought approaching her. She rolled her eyes as he offered his apology. "That's quite all right, sir. I clearly underestimated your considerable angst. You win." She admitted begrudgingly. " Don't worry, though. I've always been a remarkably fast healer. My captors even thought I was a witch because of it. I'm Nolita by the way. I didn't catch your name..." She figured she'd better get to know her fellow gladiators, for what little time they might have together before being mauled to death.

It was then Nolita noticed the other man she had fought had returned. His ass-scratching seemed normal, but something else about him seemed... Off. She wasn't sure what it was, but for some reason it felt like the temperature was dropping. Nolita shivered.
double post
Nolita struggled feebly to free herself from the net. That black-leather bundled bastard had really let loose at the end there. Her forehead was bleeding and she was on the verge of unconsciousness. This situation was eerily familiar to her. Visions came flooding back to her of her tragic capture back in Germania and her rough handling since. Her memories strayed towards a more recent encounter she'd had with a certain wretched man named Kettlebrick. She shuddered at the thought.

The girl was like nothing the arms master had seen his entire career. He had been snickering nearly the entire foray, as she went toe to toe with two of his more seasoned warriors. He wasn't laughing now. "Get that girl untangled and to a medic." The man barked to some servants. He stomped over to where Nathan was sitting. "Congratulations, boy. You defeated a little girl. Barely. Real smooth there at the end too, slamming her head into the ground after she was incapacitated. You deserve a medal." He glanced down at Nathan's wound. "Get that cut cleaned out. I won't have you die of infection and let it be said one of MY men was killed by a new recruit who still wore training bras. Dismissed."
Nolita appeared to have difficulty getting upright, and her foe came toward her again. It was a feint, and she quickly rolled in between the man's legs, kicking him in the chest as he spun around. Nolita cartwheeled backward as the man staggered, and then she ran straight at him. Her foe tried to right-hook, and she leaped over the punch, her left foot planting itself just above the man's face. As she bounded overtop of him, with her right foot she managed to roundhouse kick the fighter the in back of the head. Nolita landed into a roll behind him, and quickly dashed to retrieve her whip. She was softly panting at this point, but figured her opponent was in worse shape. He'd have a nasty bump on his head from that kick. "Ready to call it quits, honey?"
Nolita gasped as the wind was knocked out of her. It was the cutest gasp you could imagine. Nevertheless she was quick to retaliate. This is where her martial arts skills came into play. She grabbed the man's arm that had grabbed her whip arm and spun underneath it, twisting. The fighter was quickly hurled onto his back. Nolita stomped him hard in the stomach, which was enough to make the man release her right arm. She quickly picked up her whip. Her opponent was on his back and his daggers were both several yards away on the ground after he threw them. Nolita stuck out her tongue again, not as playfully this time. "That's what you get, meanie!"
The man just stood there with his butter knives looking extra spooky. It seemed he was waiting for Nolita's move. "Ladies first, then? How polite." She quipped. Nolita tightened her gloves and advanced. Cartwheeling left and right, she edged closer. When she was in range, her whip lashed out, two quick jabs, one at his feet, one near his eyes. Her opponent managed to dodge both, and as he went to ripost, Nolita rolled to the side and threw up some sand into his face. The fighter shielded his eyes with one arm and tried stepping back, but too slow. Nolita took the opening to strike low, as her whip made contact with the man's thigh. He grunted, and the leather where the whip had struck was visibly peeling. A trickle of blood had already started to leak out of the wound. Nolita somersaulted backwards twice, dusted herself off, and smirked. "Whaddaya know? I gotcha first, didn't I?" She let slip a giggle.
With her first opponent shuffling away in shame, Nolita nodded to allow this new challenger to approach. He was dressed in all black leather, much too heavy for this weather. The hot roman sun beating down on him would tire him out quicker than usual. Perhaps he thought the leather would protect him. Not so, as Nolita's whip was capable of tearing through most material that wasn't plate metal, and even breaking bones.

When her dark and mysterious new foe stood before her, Nolita did a spin and struck a pose. "Hey there, tough guy. Promise to go easy on me, yeah? I'm just a sweet little thing." She cracked her whip loudly to the side to emphasize how sweet she was. She waited to see what her opponent would do.
The pitcher of wine had left her opponent more than a little buzzed. He wobbled slightly as he came at Nolita with a downward stroke. She easily cartwheeled out of the way and unfastened her whip. The lumbering man came at her again and she cracked the whip at his sword, sending it spiraling away. As the brute got on his hands and knees fumbling for his weapon, Nolita whipped him once across his ass. As the man yelped in pain, Nolita did a curtsey, stuck her tongue out and winked.
I am open to flashbacks.
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