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    1. mewgirl99 9 yrs ago


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"You said we're not celebrities - we spark and fade, they die by threes."
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I couldn't live on a boat.
8 yrs ago
Enjoying a bowl of nice, hot Ramen on a cold and rainy day.


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Sigh. Okay.
Anyone else can go ahead and post. Haley is going to be absent until next Wednesday, unfortunately.

A typically shady-looking man carrying a plain black backpack approached a girl that he'd been secretly tracking for quite a while now. She was called Aibhlinn, an unusual but oddly captivating name. Though the man was certain that she had siblings, he was not sure if they could transform. He knew of her own abilities, which was one of the reasons why he had been stalking - er, tracking her. In no form did he consider it stalking, exactly, because that would mean she'd have to be a normal human. She wasn't. This was his reasoning. She wasn't human. She was a creature. Therefore, she could be captured and manipulated with no damage to his moral conscience.

As he approached the girl, he noticed her fiddling with a sketchpad with earphones plugged into her ears. He plopped down on the bench beside her and leaned eerily close to her, looking at the paper she was drawing on.

"What'cha drawing there?" he asked. His voice was like smooth velvet with a deep, rumbling tone. Nothing like the usual "creep" voice.


"One more year," Alexa chirped as they pulled into the high school parking lot. "One more year and we'll be graduated. It's amazing to think about how we've lived such a normal life, you know, considering."

She looked over at her brother with a small smile, and he nodded his head sleepily.

"Yeah," he said. "I was almost certain we'd be bullied because of a spontaneous change we had. Or that, at least, mom and dad would find out by now."

"We'll have to tell them eventually," Alexa mused. "It's just, I've never heard them talk about it or anything, so I don't know their whole standing on the topic." She put a finger to her chin and rolled her eyes upward, looking at the ceiling of the vehicle. "I mean, I guess they wouldn't mind too much. It's not like we're monsters, or ravenous murderers or something, you know?"

"Yeah, well," was all Alex said as he grabbed his bag and hopped out of the car. Alexa sat in a bit of a stunned silence, watching him walk to the entrance of the school. He normally wasn't so crabby, even in the mornings. And that one little remark had been like a slap in the face.

She blew out an agitated breath, blowing her hair out of her face, then exited the car as well. She'd made sure to lock it before she walked away. As she headed up the front steps, she looked over and saw a very creepy looking man leaning over a girl that she wasn't familiar with, but had at least one class with before. Every part of her being screamed, "Stranger danger!"

Then, she had an inner fight with herself. Go over there and show the man that the girl wasn't alone, but risk being dragged into whatever he might be planning? Or simply go inside and be safe, and risk something bad happening to a classmate and potential friend?

Sighing, Alexa descended the steps again. The more caring and courageous side of her had gotten the best of her actions once again. She put on her "fearless" face and walked up to the girl. She tried to recall her name, but couldn't, and instead made one up and hoped the girl went along with it.

"Hey Abby," she said, knowing that the girl's name was something to that effect.


Alex left his sister sitting in the car by herself. He hadn't really meant to be so harsh, but he was in an awful mood this morning with no explanation.

It must be hormones, he thought. After all, he was a growing teenage boy with plenty of reason to have angst, angst, angst.

At this thought, his face sunk and his expression turned grim and irritated. It drew some odd looks from classmates in the hallways, because they were used to him being such a happy-go-lucky person. He shrugged it off and went to his locker, pulling the metal door open after utilizing the combination lock. It frustrated him further to think about the time he just wasted, because he realized he didn't need anything out of his locker. Slamming the door shut, he stormed off to his first class and sat himself in his assigned desk.

"What's gotten into you?" his friend, Aven, asked.

"I don't know," he answered truthfully through clenched teeth.

Aven's eyebrows rose in concern, but he didn't press the subject. For that, Alex was thankful. He put his head down in his arms and closed his eyes, letting himself drift off into just one more minute of sleep before the school day officially started.
Awesome! Don't worry too much about length. :)
Let's try to take a turn-system, kind of. We'll wait for Haley to post, and then I will, and I'll try to include a GM post. (Meaning, not involving characters, but NPCs and such.)
I have the IC posted guys, if anyone wants to start.
@Classpet Looks good also. :)
No prob take ur time.
@XxLyraxX Unique! Looks good. :)

The day was abnormally cold even though it was the middle of December. Citizens bundled themselves in multiple layers and large coats, then made their way to school or work or wherever else they needed to be for the day. Children hoped for a snow day out of school, with no positive results. It was dry cold, and the sun shone as if it were there to provide any warmth at all (which it wasn't.)


Alexa awoke to the sound of her phone's alarm. The thought of having to crawl out of her warm and snug bed on such a dreadfully cold morning depressed her, to say the least. It crossed her mind that she could just stay home today, feign sickness. That way she wouldn't have to go. Still, school was inevitable, no matter how unappealing. So she dragged herself out from underneath the comfort of her thick blanket and sat on the floor in front of her bed for several moments before picking herself up. She stretched. She yawned. She dressed. Then, she headed downstairs.

Of course, her brother wasn't out of bed yet. It took him two minutes to throw himself together, and he didn't much care if he looked disheveled or not. However, her mother was sitting on the living couch watching the morning news.

"Good morning, mom," Alexa greeted her.

"Good morning," her mother grunted back, never a morning person.

Breakfast consisted of a piece of peanut butter toast and coffee loaded with cream and sugar. That was the way Alexa liked it.


Alex's eyes opened only when he heard constant banging on his bedroom door, which he always kept locked for a reason. Unknowingly, he groaned loudly and turned over, pulling the covers over his head.

"Alex," came his father's voice. "You need to get up or Alexa's going to leave you."

"I'm up," Alex lied, voice groggy and weak.

It took him at least five more minutes to bring himself to get out of bed. Monday mornings were the worst. Except it was Thursday. Same difference to him. He'd stayed up until two in the morning playing a hot new first person shooter game online. Now, he was kind of regretting it. Kind of.

As always, he threw on the first shirt in his closet and a pair of jeans. No matter what he wore, he always found himself to be very attractive. Whether other people did or not wasn't much of a problem, unless it was a female he was trying to impress.

Downstairs, Alexa was waiting by the door with her school bag thrown over her shoulder. His mother had already left for work - she was a nurse - and his father was sitting at the kitchen table eating from a plate of scrambled eggs. Alex nodded sleepily at him, muttered a good morning, and grabbed his school bag from beside the couch.

"See you later," Alex called to his father.

"Bye, dad," Alexa chirped.

The two teenagers headed out the front door to their shared car.
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