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    1. MiaRainx 10 yrs ago


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In The Pyramid 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
nerminator said
Tanikazi walked up to the cells window and saw two humans. Tanikazi waved to them and said "hey my name is tanikazi and I need a little bit of help"

Gwen watched as the scene unfolded before her. When the female armed individual began shooting, Gwen lifted one of her metal suitcases out of panic and shock. Wide-eyed, she turned to stare at the other companions who were with her. She looked on in surprise wonder as a vampire was openly and shamelessly seducing the mad scientist who just wanted to cut everything open. The furry creature was right... everyone was crazy. She decided she would get out of there before anymore bullets started flying.

Gwen snuck out of the security room, being sure to pick up one of the pistols that had been complacently left near the door. She ended up back in the hallway in which she had entered and got out just in time to catch a glimpse of a group of robots heading around a corner where a furry tail also flicked away. The tail seemed to have the same colour fur as that of the kitsune who was with them previously. Impulsively, Gwen decided to follow them. Besides, it was kind of part of her job to gain more of an understanding of what was going on. She quickly scurried towards the metallic beings, making sure to keep at a distance where she would remain undetected.

As she made her way across the winding hallways, she looked on in wonder as she passed various cells and pods that held different creatures. She couldn't believe that what she had seen on the security screens was real. In fact, she couldn't believe that these creatures were real, let alone in front of her now. She wanted to get a closer look but at the same time, she didn't want to lose the robots. She was right, they were dragging the kitsune with them. They had placed him in his cell and he was now asking for help. Despite his past behaviour, Gwen could understand why the kitsune acted out as he did, so she decided she would help him, even if it was potentially dangerous.

"Hey," she whispered as she cautiously walked over. She looked around the door, trying to figure out how to get it open. "Um... how does this work?" She asked aloud as she continued to look.
Esther walked down the streets of Eden, stopping every so often to gaze at the windows as she passed the stores. Now hiring. A leather bag was slung at her side filled with multiple copies of her resumes. At first, she thought she could rely on online applications to find herself a job. It was just one rejection after another and every time, she was disappointed even more. Although, it was expected considering that the only experience she had was working at McDonalds, which is not very impressive. So if the world wide web wasn't going to help her, she would have to go and look for a job herself. Besides, she was getting desperate. She already owed 3 weeks worth of rent, which wasn't much considering how simple her living quarters actually were. Her landlady had given her 3 days to find herself a job, and this was day one.

Esther entered various clothing stores, pet stores, cafes, she even tried applying as a security, which was way out of her depth. She was much too accident prone to be working graveyard shifts taking care of shopping malls on her own. Nevertheless, she tried anything and everything. It was 6 hours later when she was finally on her last copy of her resume. Unfortunately, she had spent so long on foot walking around in pink jelly sandals that her feet were starting to feel hot and ached from blisters. Esther decided she would save her last resume for now.

She stopped at the first cafe she came across, Mally's Cafe, and decided to have a seat for lunch. Esther grabbed herself a menu and a table number before she pulled up a chair for herself and sat at a table next to the window. It wasn't long before a waitress came over and asked for her order, which was, as always, a french vanilla slice with an iced chocolate. As the waitress hustled away, Esther pulled out her journal from her leather bag. Day One:... Esther lightly bit the top of her pen as she spent a minute to think about what she could use as a title. While she was deep in thought, she unknowingly began to hum. Although her voice was soft, it was sweetly melodic and aided her in her musings. With a smile, she let her pen hit the paper... The beginning, she wrote.
bump ^.^
Eliza heard her demon laughing inside her head. She could feel it trying to gain control of her but she fought against it. A disgruntled frown formed on her face as she tried to stop Disease from taking over her mind. Every time Disease was able to gain control over her, she always felt an unbearable pain searing through her body. Although her demon could never manifest in her mind for too long, the pain was always much too strong.

"No!" Eliza exclaimed as her demon persisted in her head, beginning to darken her vision until it was pitch black. Already, it felt like a thousand needles were piercing through her while Disease used Eliza's body as a vessel to communicate with Death's spirit.

"Ha! You call to me so bitterly yet you moon over my vessel," Disease spat, its voice gritty and cold as it escaped Eliza's lips. "I found her first, get your own. She is a lot stronger than she looks though and she doesn't have much left to live for really. But her mind is dark and so full of vice, it's fascinating. I'll tell you what's not fascinating though... life. It's boring and fragile and..." the harsh voice was cut off as Eliza took back her consciousness. The stabbing pain in both her head and her chest had now become too much and she bid Disease to give her back her mind. The demon submitted immediately and Eliza's sight returned, revealing to her once again the image of Death's dark spirit still seated in his chair.

At Eliza's awakening, she clutched at her chest with one hand. With the other, she massaged her forehead with her fingers and could feel something dripping from her nose and tear duct. When she went to wipe away at the mystery substance, she looked at her fingertips to find a red liquid decorating them. She was crying blood. "Ugh, I hate it when you do this," she said aloud, even though it was directed to the demon within her.
In The Pyramid 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Gwen's eyes widened at the sight of the strange hybrid creature. Without the fur, perky ears and tail, she thought that he could actually pass for a human considering the fact that he seemed to be dressed like one. Her initial theory was that perhaps the pyramid was used for surgical experiments to enhance the human race but that didn't explain what it was doing in the middle of the park or why it had suddenly landed there. She pursed her mouth to the side as she tried to comprehend the situation. She also became slightly anxious at the fact that he was still clutching at a metal pipe cautiously.

As the armed individuals began to question the kitsune, she took the opportunity to observe the room around them. Gwen suddenly noticed the screens that seemed to be linked up to the security cameras around the pyramid. She stared at them in shock as she caught sight of rooms filled with various pods and cells and all different uniques organisms and species. She even thought she caught a glimpse of a gorgon standing outside a merman's tank. She shook her head. No, it couldn't be real.

Hearing the kitsune's response, she decided to enlighten him. "We are humans," Gwen explained with a smile. "Abducted by robots? Does that mean there are robots here too?" She asked, sounding a little too excited.
In The Pyramid 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Gwen nodded and followed close behind, still carrying with her the two metal cases. She could not deny the utter excitement she was feeling. Most of the seniors she knew had spent all their careers in the laboratory. Although she agreed that it was a much safer lifestyle, she never imagined that she would ever find herself in such a situation, especially considering that she was an intern.

When a question was posed to her by the armed male, Gwen shook her head. "No, unfortunately I didn't catch a glimpse of it." She certainly wished she had though.
Ah Death, as kind as always, Eliza heard Disease sighing in her head and she simply replied with another grunt. "A friend? No no, definitely not. Friends are those we choose to keep around for our own benefit, so as not to feel alone. I had no choice with this one," she tapped at the side of her forehead. "And it certainly hasn't saved me from anything. Actually, it is the reason I am burdened today. But the fact that I can inflict the same pain onto anyone else is satisfactory enough."

Hmph, well... it seems that you are no better either, my pet, Disease whispered to her. Eliza despised being called that but she did not let her irritation get the better of her, especially not when she was in the presence of others.

Instead, she continued speaking to the figure in front of her. "Perhaps you are right, perhaps I am dust." Eliza laughed heartily. She set down the handkerchief, which she had folded perfectly into a triangle. It was now tainted with oil and tinges of red from her lipstick. "But it should never be underestimated. Terrible things can arise from the dust for even dust is immortal."
The sight of the figure began to waver before her eyes. Perhaps she had eaten too quickly that her perception was blurring. Eliza slowed down her chewing, taking heed of Death's advice and put down the remaining amount of her portion. "Do not speak to me of how I was raised. I was raised to do what I want, when I want and the manner I preferred. No one would, or could, ever tell me different," Eliza said bluntly in a more confident tone. Somehow, she got the feeling that he was mocking her, or at least taking pleasure in speaking of a past on which she preferred not to dwell on.

Eliza took the handkerchief that was placed beside her and daintily wiped her fingers clean. Looking up, she noticed that her vision of Death's spirit was still faltering. Don't worry. Your vision will clear again soon... as long as he wills it, Disease reassured her. She chose to ignore the voice for now. Whether her vision of Death cleared or not, she was not bothered either way. She had eaten her fill and got what she came for and he was talking to her of allies.

"Hmph," Eliza grunted. "Allies? That's a bit presumptive. I could be an enemy." She kept her eyes fixed on the demon's wavering spirit as she refolded the handkerchief in her hands.
Morric said
Death has no host. He has not found one. So he is here but not quite here. He is a shadow on the edge of your perception. You can see him cause your demon lets you. But for all intensive purposes, he's an illusion with a few parlor tricks. Until he finds a host that is. Your post looks fine to me though. Just a heads up.

Oooooh xD lol ok cool i understand. I'll keep that in mind... although I should probably just tweak my post a little. it makes mention of a host
KatherinWinter said
Hey Mia just so you know Death isn't an actual person. He is still in spirit form.

Oh yeah but the 'man in the suit' is his host right? Because where I referred to him (ie. "what Death offered") it was more for the 'word play'. It wasn't in actual reference to the person but if you wanted me to edit my post I'd be happy to do that if it's confusing ^.^
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