Avatar of Midori
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hikari Sama
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 729 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Midori 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Coming back from being homeless again and sort of living in a stable situation.
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8 yrs ago
sort of homeless for the time being....
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I'm an adult (most of the time) so I enjoy mature content and good stories. Most of the time you'll find me in some Sci Fi thing or another but I do sometimes end up in fantasy roleplays and ,in very rare occasions, slice of life stuff. I've dabbled in other sections of the GUild over the years but Casual Sci Fi seems to be my comfort zone. I'm probably the least intimidating person you'll ever meet and I'm always open to suggestions. I look forward to making some great stories with you all!

Most Recent Posts

Ooh pick me, I'm game for a space oddessy!
So it seems the RP is running away without me. I may just call it quits at this rate.
I'm still here too don't forget. I've been dealing with a court case recently that's taking up a lot of my time but lucky for me I'm in my own little group so no one really has to wait for me.
Life's getting a bit hectic so I may not be posting that often. Just a heads up.
I haz post...
Delores "Dee-Dee" DeMarco

“Don't think I won't cut you just because you're cute.”

– Dee-Dee; shortly after her arrest.

Dee-Dee and her band of murderers had made it some distance from the rest of the survivors. It would be much easier to look after a small group like the one she had now and supplies would last longer. To hell with the others, they could rot in that wreck of a ship for all she cared. Lucy, who was taking point, stopped the group for a moment, just as the sound of some large animal boomed across the landscape. "Let's keep moving. Better them than us." The whole group started to run through the endless forest of trees, confident that they would be relatively safe so long as they stayed mobile.

A few hundred meters non-stop and suddenly Lucy fell down a steep decline into a strange hole. Dee-Dee stopped the rest of the group just short of following her down. Looking down to where Lucy had fallen Dee-Dee could see that she was alright if a little shocked.
Virgil: "You're supposed to be the lookout, so maybe try to fuckin' look out?"
Lucy: "Bite me, kiss-ass."
Virgil: "You-"
Dee-Dee: "Cut the shit, we keep moving for now."

Before Dee-Dee had time to add anything else what had first appeared to be a bunch of oddly shaped rocks emerged to reveal that it was actually an enormous creature. It was easily the size of a horse from earth but it stood using only it's rear legs. It turned it's head toward Lucy and sniffed her a few times. No one moved although the others had raised their weapons just in case. Lucy reached toward the lumbering beast trying to touch it's nose and instead was greeated by a long tounge that smacked her in the face. That seemed to satisfy it's curiosity as the beast went to lay down again, effectively ignoring them.

Lucy spent the next few minutes wiping her face of alien drool but this encounter went extremely well. Dee-Dee noted that these creatures seemed docile so they could probably be domesticated somehow. Still they had to find a good place to camp that was far enough north to give them a head start from the larger group of survivors. It was best for them if they got a hold of whatever was waiting for them up north before everyone else. Assuming whatever was waiting for them was enough to satisfy all the survivors, she could only imagine how much that would mean for just her group of six. There were a lot of assumptions going around but really she had nothing else to go on and the best way to stay alive was to be a step ahead of everyone else.

Delores "Dee-Dee" DeMarco

“Don't think I won't cut you just because you're cute.”

– Dee-Dee; shortly after her arrest.

The more steps she took out into the woods the more she felt like she was being watched. She stopped and took a moment to assess her situation. She hadn't heard any indication of movement but that didn't mean no one was there. She had been caught by surprise too many times to ignore her intuition. It was unlikely that whatever was around was inqisitor forces. They were never quiet about anything, used to being in control and acting like they own everything. This was more subtle, much more like herself. Whatever it was it was moving slowly and being very careful not to sound out of the ordinary. It almost blended perfectly into the rest of the sounds produced by this strange planet but something in her gut just knew what she heard could be danger. Having spent her whole life outside the law she was ready for surprises, still it could just as easily be a harmless herbivore.

Suddenly she heard rustling behind her and immediately drew her shiv. She then realized she had told that group to catch up and that's what they were doing. They emerged out of the brush, just out of earshot of the main group, and greeted her. It seemed only five had joined her. "Yo, Mama Dee. We found some good shit, here." The one in front, named Virgil, tossed her a handgun which was both surprising and pleasing. "Good work, you're already proving yourself to be useful. Now let's get the hell away from this crash site before the locals come to investigate." It seemed that everyone who decided to join her was convicted of violent crimes like murder which meant she'd have to keep them in line or they might get stupid ideas. So now she had a group of three guys and two girls, all of which knew her from prison.

Virgil was simple enough to figure out, he was tough but always the right hand man, never clever enough to make his own decisions. He always backed her up until she had gotten put into solitary confinement. Marcus was a big bruiser who killed an inquisitor before he got locked up, good muscle to have on your team. Hung Lo was perhaps the most attractive of the men but more importantly he was a carpenter from a long family line of carpenters and there was plenty of wood to work with. Lucy was lithe, quick, and rumor has it she's a good shot, she would be a good lookout. Finally there was Ana, short of Anastasia, who could probably seduce the bark off a tree. She didn't really have any skills but she had stabbed two inquisitors, one of whom died, and that was good enough she supposed.

So Dee-Dee and her band of murderers started to make their way north. A few more seconds of walking and she noticed a change in the ambience, it was... quiet? Ever since they landed she was bombarded by the constant sounds of nature. It was a stillness, the kind you get right before an inquisitor raid party smashes through an entire business office to arrest one guy. Still, she couldn't just stay put. So she started to press forward again. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. She kept checking behind her and around at the surrounding trees. It was finally starting to really settle in just how alien this world was. She had no clue what was waiting out there, for all she knew they were walking towards the nest of some enormous creature and they were minutes away from being swallowed whole.
lol Dee-Dee is already moving along. Although I seemed to have ninja'd that in somehow...
I haz Post! So in one fell swoop I split the group, take that!

Delores "Dee-Dee" DeMarco

“Don't think I won't cut you just because you're cute.”

– Dee-Dee; shortly after her arrest.

Dee-Dee watched as all the other people argued among themselves. What a bunch of idiots, She thought. Still if she was going to survive on this unknown planet she may as well make some friends. At the moment though it seemed like she wasn't going to have any luck trying to convince these yahoos to do anything so she settled on gathering her own supplies and probably looking for somewhere safe to camp once night fell, assuming it did on this planet. A quiet looking girl mentioned supplies in the pods so that would be her first step.

She finally felt stable enough to get up and make her way back to the ship. Coming back on her pod, surrounded by the glass she busted to get out, she had somehow missed the bag of what she could only assume was a care package from their mysterious benefactor. Upon closer inspection she could see that it had enough food to last about three weeks if she stretched it out like she normally did, as well as a simple medical kit, a canteen for water, and an archaic but effective magnetic compass. She grabbed the bag and started to make her way back out but stopped for a moment.

It occurred to her that others might have different things in their bags. All the pods were open so it wasn't like there was anything stopping her from taking a look. No one else had caught up to her yet so she was alone in the corridor so she decided to look while she could. In the adjacent pod there was a bag that looked like hers. A peek inside revealed more of the same so she took a few of the medical supplies and stuffed those in her pack. Of all the things provided medical supplies were most important since she couldn't easily replace them. Food and water were probably abundant given how overgrown the planet looked and if all else fails she can steal from some of the idiots outside. She took small amounts from several bags so it wouldn't be blatantly obvious that someone had looted them and headed back out.

Keeping her head down she quietly made her way past the crowd of people who, even still, seemed to be arguing. A couple of the other teens noticed her before she got a few steps out. "Hey, where you going?" She gave him a look that said 'you're dumb'. "North, obviously. You got somewhere better to go? You can stay here and piss around with these tontos or you can get back to your pod, grab you pack, and catch up. Your choice." The group that listened ran back to the ship to grab their bags. Dee-Dee started slowly making her way north so the others could catch up once they grabbed their bag. She knew they were only following her because she was one of the scarier people in the prison. She had something of a reputation as a hard-ass when she was locked up so it made sense that some of the more submissive teens would listen to her.
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