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    1. Mikael Sisko 10 yrs ago


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Still, ouch! Sometimes bruises can be so much worse than breaks. Harder to heal because they don't normally imobolize you for them.
Did you actually fracture the bone, or just badly bruise it?
Ouch! how in the hell did you do that? Sounds painful.
Distant Horizons

I want to start off by telling you all that this roleplay will be focusing on character interaction and story development. Submission of a CS to this roleplay is taken to signify that you have read and understood the following conditions:

1.) You will follow and abide by all Roleplayer Guild rules / regulations.
2.) You will conduct yourself as an adult. This means that in the event of a conflict, you will abide by the decision of the conflict moderator be it myserlf, or a member of the management team.

And now that that little piece of business is out of the way, let me welcome you to the Interest Check for Stark Trek: Distant Horizons. In this version of the Trek universe, the Federation of Planets is a thing of recent history. In our universe, the Federation of Planets has fallen to the Dominion as a result of the Dominion War. The divergence from cannon occurs during the Episode arch (Favor the Bold / Sacrifice of Angels), when the Prophets prevented a large Dominion fleet from exiting the alpha quadrant side of the wormhole. In our universe, this never occurred. The Dominion Fleet indeed did come through the worm hole, and the tide of war shifted in the Dominion/Cardassian’s favor. Deep Space Nine was destroyed, along with the Defiant in defense of Bajor.

Bajor was the first to fall. The Federation’s Ninth Fleet took heavy losses against the Cardassian/Dominion fleet, and the support to hold the station simply was not there. With a newly fortified hold on the wormhole, the Dominion’s war machine flexed its might, and within six months the Dominion made a run for Sol. For six months the Federation had been pummeled on all fronts, but any significant incursion into their space hadn’t been attempted. Losses continued to mount on the front lines, as the Federation tired time and again to re-take the Bajor Sector and the wormhole.
Then again, Wolf 359 stepped into the history books as the Federation Armada made its stand against the Dominion fleet bound for Sol. The odds were similar to those faced by the Ninth Fleet, a 2 to 1 advantage enjoyed by the Dominion. The battle was costly, and as a result, crippled the Federation of Planet’s ability to further engage the Dominion in any directly offensive way for the remainder of the war. With the Federation fleet destroyed, the Dominion successfully engaged the Sol defense fleet, and took Earth.
The fall of their capital left the Federation fleet disorganized, and the Dominion left them little time to regroup. Within a week, Andoria and Vulcan were both in Dominion hands, effectively collapsing the United Federation of Planets…

This was two years ago.

Today the former territories of the Federation are suppressed under Cardassian boot, under the umbrella of the Dominion. Most citizens are having to adjust to life under the Cardassian caste system, and though some manage to do so quite peacefully, the streets of the major cities have become places of public execution, corporal punishment, poverity. The once golden civilization of the United Federation of Planets, where equality and peace reigned, is replaced by a world in which the shadows belong to the Obsidian Order. Nightmare has become reality, as utopia bends to dystopia.

But still some fight!

Pockets of freedom fighters continue to press on against the Dominion hand that holds them. Much like the Bajorians in their bid for independence against the Cardassian Union, these freedom fighters are isolated groups of refugees: disenfranchised, separated, and often ignorant of each other. They fight, knowing the odds. They fight to bring freedom for their families and friends. They fight to liberate their homeland, in remembrance of a once glorious and powerful Federation… Because they will not be subjugated. Because they have not given up hope.

This roleplay will focus on the resistance based in a particular sector. Depending on interest, the storyline may develop around several different groups.

CS Outline:
Appearance: (A picture is fine, but please also provide a descriptive paragraph)
Biography: (any prior Fleet experience? Rank?? Their reason for fighting??? Any personal fallout from the Fall of the Federation? (Did someone die? Did they lose a business?? Something else of value. Why are they fighting??) Life prior to the fall? Life afterwards?) **these are ideas, just flesh the character out.

Skills/Training: (If a fleeter, what branch/department where they? How long?)

Personality: (Please keep in mind that this roleplay is set in a very dark time for the Federation. )

Please submit CS via PM to myself for approval -before- posting.
I have a few old stories that have been started that I'd like to see through. Things that I want to keep the original premise of.

a work injury? what did you do to yourself?
I never quite know what to say in these things, probably because I never quite know what it is I'm looking for. i think if I knew, then there wouldn't be a need for an interest check, now would there?

I would like to world build. I would like to create. I have a fantasy muse that has been horribly under fed these past few years, and I'd like to give her some attention. So lets talk plots. Lets talk surroundings and worlds.

About Me? I'm new, and I'm not. I have a history, but you don't really know it, and I doubt you really care. What's important is I can post when needed, and I can do it with some style and artistic expression. I don't text speech, and I don't see the value of 1 sentance posts in any occasion. I believe in moving a storyline along. the biggest flaw of my past roleplays was it was too much attention to detail, not enough moving of the plot. I promise I'll find a balance. each post will move things, in some way. Fluff is nice, but ultimately useless.

So lets talk. Lets write.
Heya Jay! Hows it going? It has been a while. I took a little bit of a break to deal with some life stuff and rekindle my roleplaying interest. decided its time to come back and see. How you been?
What was it he said, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

His main problem, from what I've heard, was that he didn't taper off his medications. He had a history of just stopping them. That upsets the brain chemistry, causes people to go crazy. They warn you when you start takign medication, not to just quit. That you need to be weened off it.
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