Avatar of Miku
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  • Old Guild Username: Miku
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❤ 21 years old
❤ Owned
❤ Loves video games, sweets & cosplay
❤ SS Kitten

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Evangeline stayed silent, as he was obviously just talking nonsense and trying to scare her out of the idea of running away._"Adventure is what I want, and this life simply cannot give it to me, so I think it's only logical that I should seek excitement elsewhere."_ the girl folded her arms and turned away from him, displeased with how he was speaking to her at the moment. The idea of running away and being free to do what she wanted was very appealing to her, and she would get there somehow, some way._"I didn't mean that I wanted to be a housewife to a vampire, I was simply saying that I have the skills necessary to run myself a working household. After all, wouldn't it be nice to come home to a nice warm bed after a day of being out in the fresh air? I think it would be..."_ the princess sighed softly but kept her arms folded. Azrael's comments made her a little annoyed, to be honest. _"Haha...people know very little of the royal family... Mother and father...they're not mine. They adopted me because they were unable to conceive. The public doesn't know, as admitting you are unable to produce children is rather embarrassing, so they adopted me just days after I was born. I lied about being born into this family. I had to protect my identity at least a little bit."_ Evangeline turned around and looked at Azrael seriously. He probably hadn't made the connection that she didn't really look like either of her parents, apart from her father having black hair like herself. That was probably why they adopted her in the first place. _"As far as I'm concerned, the lineage is already dead."_ she said softly, her eyes seemingly communicating some feeling of sadness. Being adopted meant that she never knew who her actual parents were, but she had a feeling that seen as she was adopted, she wasn't wanted anyway. _"Anyway. That doesn't really matter. I was born a peasant but given the life of royalty, so that's probably why my blood tastes as good as it does."_ with a heavy sigh, the girl sat herself down on the nearby bench. She glanced up at the large branches of the trees. The wind was starting to get a little colder now, and she wrapped her arms around herself in order to keep warm. The sun was starting to hide behind the clouds and the icy winds were returning with the promise of more snow in the coming days. Suddenly, Azrael went on to talking about a man named Horus. Of course, she had no idea what he was on about, but she was curious as to why he would make someone his assistance without turning them beforehand._"Does this mean if you bite me and turn me into a vampire, I become your servant, or something? If that's the case, then who turned you? Were you once a good little slave?"_ the princess smiled a little at the thought of Azrael running around in an apron fetching tea for his master or mistress. _"Your friend Horus doesn't sound like a very nice man at all. What would be the point of having a slave but not biting them? Wouldn't you rather have someone permanent? It would save you the effort of seeking out new girls, wouldn't it? But I suppose he just gets bored very quickly..."_ Evangeline blinked her long eyelashes at the vampire for a moment before looking away. She hoped he didn't kidnap her and take her to this man. Perhaps he already had plans to do things with her and she didn't even know. That thought was honestly a little unsettling for her. _"If I become your slave, does that mean you're going to hurt me and order me around until I can walk no longer? While you seem kind, power seems to do bad things to people....A-anyway, I'll do whatever you ask...but...I'm not sure how I feel about such a dramatic turn in power. I am very used to telling my servants what to do..."_Evangeline smiled softly and smoothed out some of the creases in her pure white dress. She imagined it stained with the blood of her prey and shuddered a little. To ruin such a crisp clean dress would tear her apart inside.
Evangeline listened as Azrael spoke to her, but it wouldn't be easy to convince her to stay home and be a good little princess. "You've no idea just how boring it is to sit around all day and eat cake and read books and wait for a rich man to sweep you off your feet and take you away. The girls in the books that I read go on adventures, they find romance on the seas and have grand adventures. I understand that it's all fictional but it sounds a lot more interesting than the life I'm living now." the princess sighed softly, as if she was dreaming about escaping to a different life. "Besides, life isn't supposed to be easy. An easy life is a life that has not been well lived, if you ask me. It's not like I chose this lifestyle, I was born into it. I am sure that many commoners wish they lived in the lap of luxury, but there is a much darker side to it that they do not see." Evangeline moved some of her long hair over one of her shoulders and she made her way back over to Azrael, grabbing both of his hands without warning.

"I couldn't bring myself to ask you to look after me, I'd manage just fine on my own. But anyway, I don't think you'd be able to bear seeing me go off on my own, so you would probably feel the need to protect me anyway, correct?" Evangeline teased with a small smile. Running away was a very serious decision to make, but the princess felt like she was prepared for that."I don't need anyone to take care of me, but some company would be nice. Keeping my identity a bit of a secret might be difficult, but perhaps I could get a home somewhere on the outskirts of the city where it's quiet, I could manage. I can cook, clean....that's perfect housewife material, is it not?" Evangeline giggled softly and gently let go of Azrael's hands, letting him have them back for the moment.

"Unfortunately, I'm not worth much to my parents. I'm the only child so all the pressure to produce children is on me, and I must deliver. Providing them with an heir is what I am here to do. Of course, if I was unable to have children I might be cast out into the open, but I'm not willing to get to the point where I find out...." the princess sighed and grasped Azrael's arm again, leading him into some shade so he could sit down at the stone bench that was under a large tree. "Is being a vampire really that difficult? Will it hurt? You get to live for a very long time, right? You get to be fast and strong...."Evangeline trailed off and peered up at Azrael with those curious eyes of hers. Perhaps she was just romanticizing when it came to vampires, but she was eager to know more about them. "Vampires don't breathe, do they? I could very well pretend I'm dead and fool everyone in the kingdom~" for some reason, that brought a smile to her face. Anything to get out of the kingdom, she'd do it.
Evangeline turned herself around and looked down at the dress she was wearing. Hearing Azrael compliment her in such a forward manner almost made her blush, but she wasn't about to do that in front of him. The princess moved some of her dark hair from her eyes and stared off into the distance. At first it seemed like she was staring at the vampire, but she was actually just staring at one of the castle walls behind him. Those castle walls were the things that were stopping her from getting out of this place for good. Although she might not openly admit that she constantly thought about running away, it was always in the back of her mind. Getting away from here, having a new life somewhere, it all sounded very appealing to her. Unfortunately the girl knew that she'd never be escaping the castle walls for good. She had duties as a princess, those duties were to marry someone, have lots of children and leave heirs for her kingdom when she died. It was all a little bit morbid, and Evangeline didn't like the sound of that lifestyle at all.

Suddenly, she was snapped out of her thoughts and she looked up at Azrael. He was offering her his arm. "Umm....a-alright.." she stuttered awkwardly, taking his arm with both of her hands, keeping herself close to him in case they were approached by someone she didn't want to speak to."I'll do anything if it means that I can get away from those old men...It's disgusting, to think I have to marry one of those and fake being happy for the rest of my miserable life..." Evangeline trailed off as they started to walk away from the men. When they were out of sight, she moved to rest her head against his shoulder. The princess felt like she was able to trust Azrael, even though she probably shouldn't be feeling like that. Vampires were dangerous creatures, right? Evangeline had always seen them as heartless and emotionless creatures that fed on humans and lived in the darkness, but she was honestly glad that she seemed to be wrong about some of the stereotypes.

"If I asked you to help me escape from here forever, would you consider it?" the girl asked curiously, letting go of his arm and walking on her own for the moment. "I understand that it sounds really silly...a princess wanting to leave the lap of luxury and live like a commoner...b-but..this life I lead is so lonely." Evangeline started to distance herself from Azrael and she started to play with some strands of her long black hair. The girl stood there in silence for a few moments, keeping her back to her friend for the time being.
"What if my mother and father pick you out of the other suitors, what happens then?" Evangeline asked, turning around and facing Azrael again. The girl was full of questions and curiosity, but she couldn't help it. She'd never met an actual vampire before, so she was naturally interested in learning what they were all about."I mean, I don't think it's going to happen, but you never know, right? ...What are we going to do? My parents would never be silly enough to marry me off to a commoner, but...I suppose vampires have the ability to toy with people's minds, don't they?" Evangeline flicked some of her hair over her shoulders and she tilted her head to the side, wondering what his response would be.
Evangeline hadn't even noticed Azrael's presence yet as she headed out into the sunlight, dress and hair flowing elegantly behind her. It felt like all the men's eyes were on her, and it made her feel very uncomfortable. The girl greeted several older men, keeping her free hand to her side as she did not want them to kiss her. Evangeline was trying her best to just keep things short, but not sweet. If she acted disinterested enough, maybe they would just leave her alone and wouldn't harass her to pick them over another suitor. The bored looking princess eventually wandered away from the men and she just so happened to look to her left. Azrael was sitting there casually with a cup of tea, sipping it like he belonged there. Of course she was incredibly shocked, but in order to not raise anyone's suspicions, she did her best to keep a straight face as she walked over to him, her stride oddly elegant, something it had lacked from the night before.

Evangeline stood in front of the table he was sitting at and pulled her parasol closer to the back of her head so no one would be able to read her lips. "Azrael, I thought you would be coming to visit me tonight...What are you doing here? Did you buy yourself a new suit with the coins I gave you? It...it looks nice, but you shouldn't be here, I'd feel awful if you were hurt because of what the sunlight does to you." the girl narrowed her eyes at him a little, obviously disappointed with his lack of obedience."A-anyway, if you're not going to leave, how am I supposed to explain to my mother as to why you're not on the guest list? She'd murder me if she was under the belief that I snuck a commoner into the castle grounds without permission." Evangeline sat herself down at the table opposite of the vampire. The look on her face right now communicated the fact that she was both disappointed but relieved. Perhaps he would be her ticket out of here and she wouldn't have to socialize with the others. That was something she could live with.

After sitting there silent for a moment, the princess spoke again. "My outfit...do you think it's too much white? Mother wanted to show off my purity to the suitors, but if you ask me, I think that's disgusting. Parading around and letting them bask in the prize of my virginity, it's....what's the word...creepy? I suppose.... anyway, would you like to go for a walk, maybe?" the girl smiled a little as she stood up from her chair. She hoped he would come with her, as she wanted to desperately escape more awkward situations that were sure to come.
Evangeline nodded along, listening to Azrael talk about vampire facts. She found it to be very interesting stuff, and didn't mind being corrected about certain myths and stories she had heard growing up. The princess smiled a little as she watched Azrael examine his suit in the mirror. She hadn't really been paying attention to it until now, but it was a little tattered and dusty, like he'd been sleeping somewhere for a thousand years. Without saying anything, she pulled her covers down and crawled across the bed until she reached the table there. The girl reached into the top drawer after opening it and she pulled out a small bag of gold coins. She had no problem paying for some new clothes, after all, she had basically unrestricted access to funds, so she could do what she liked with her money. Evangeline sat on top of her covers and she held out the bag to Azrael, smiling a little. She was in her little white night gown, so it was safe for her to come out of her bed, but it was honestly a little cold being out from under the covers.

Unfortunately, her smile disappeared when Azrael asked her about the arranged marriage she would soon be involved in. "I....I don't want to be a trophy.... I don't want to marry some old disgusting pervert who can't keep his hands off of me..." Evangeline sighed and pouted a little. "I haven't met any of my suitors yet, Tomorrow afternoon my mother's hosting a tea and inviting everyone along... I don't want to go out there and face all those men, it's not fair... why..why should I experience marriage but not love? I might be a part of the royal family but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to love someone... I'd rather die, be locked up somewhere. I'm not marrying any of them, I don't care what my mother and father say."the girl folded her arms and sighed softly. Now she had been put in a bit of a bad mood, and she was no longer interested in talking about the subject.

After a bit of chit chat, the vampire and the princess separated for the night. He said he would come see her if he had time, and she was satisfied with that. Perhaps she would be able to tell him about her awful day, or something equally as exciting. After closing her bedroom windows, she flopped down onto her bed and lay there for quite some time, staring up at the ceiling as she mulled over some thoughts. Tonight she had met and possibly befriended a vampire, and she seemed to be perfectly alright with that. He was kind considerate and helpful, traits that she didn't really find in any human men. With a heavy sigh, she crawled under her covers and tried to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow.

The next morning passed quickly for Evangeline. She was busy with her mother sorting through dressed that she could wear. They eventually decided on a white lacy dress and some white high heeled shoes that buckled up at her ankles. Evangeline's maids tended to her hair and made sure it was beautifully curled before they headed downstairs and revealed the girl to her suitors for marriage. When she was finally ready, Evangeline headed out with a white parasol in her hand, as the sun was a bit strong for her, despite it being winter time. The princess headed out to the land that extended from the back of the castle. The servants had done a good job making the gardens look beautiful, so at least she had one thing to be happy about. Evangeline peered out into the garden from beneath her open parasol. She stared at the suitors as they sat there drinking tea and eating biscuits. They were all at least forty five years old, and it sent an uncomfortable shudder down her spine. This couldn't be happening right now. "Lord, give me strength..." she muttered under her breath.
"But I thought vampires bit people whenever they wanted to feed off of them, not just with the intention to kill someone..." Evangeline muttered softly before she found herself backed up against a wall. She could feel her heart beating incredibly fast, and she was sure Azrael would be able to hear it as well. She felt a little nervous, but she didn't feel scared at all. She trusted that he would not hurt her intentionally. "If my father saw us like this, he'd have your head, Azrael." the princess stated softly, gazing into the vampire's eyes as he brought himself closer to her and ran his hand down her neck. When he finally moved back, Evangeline decided to hop back onto her bed again. It was getting cold in her room and she wasn't a fan of the cold weather. The girl moved under her covers and smiled a little.

"Tell me your story, if you remember it. I'm incredibly curious....I never thought of vampires to be a secret society, I expected them to live among humans like it was natural, and at night they would go off and feed off of the human cattle in the cages of their castles and whatnot. I suppose I was wrong about that as well, then." Evangeline moved some of her hair from her eyes and looked over at Azrael curiously.

"Why are you laughing about such a good offer? When you cleaned me up it looked like you were enjoying yourself. Was I wrong? I didn't have to offer, you know, I could have found another vampire and chosen him to have ready access to me...it's a shame you're not going to be my servant, really, mother and father would have been proud of me to find such a handsome young man for a servant." the princess then snuggled down under her covers and lay her head on her pillow. Evangeline wasn't in her pajamas or anything, and it would be a little rude to just undress in front of a stranger, so....
Without saying anything, Evangeline pulled her covers over her head and attempted to yank her dress off of her body. Unfortunately for Evangeline, she wasn't having an easy time trying to get herself undressed sneakily. After some time struggling, she eventually managed to get her dress off and she kicked it out from the side of the bed, pulling her covers to her neck again and looking over at the vampire.

A small smile spread across her face and she closed her eyes gently."Yes, tell me if vampires really hate the sunlight and hate garlic, tell me if they're always cold and fast and strong...." Evangeline yawned softly and gripped onto her pillow as if it was someone beside her. She was a little sad, to be honest. Her birthday was coming up, which meant the coming of age ceremony would follow shortly, and then she would be married to a man that she didn't love. "I probably won't be around for much longer, as I'm going to be getting married soon to some old man." she muttered, closing her eyes and burying her face in her pillow. Evangeline wasn't ready to marry someone, and she especially wasn't ready to marry someone who was twice her age.
Evangeline was quite proud of herself for solving the little mystery at hand. She had watched him and waited for him to move over to her. His reaction satisfied her, but she didn't expect him to actually take her blood so willingly. Perhaps it tasted better than a peasant's blood, or something. The girl wasn't entirely sure. When he moved over to the window and spoke again, she tilted her head to the side a little.

"I suppose I did make it a little obvious, didn't I? Not even the maids get such extravagant rooms. And yes, that certainly did answer my questions...." the princess trailed off and stayed seated on her bed for a few more moments. She then looked down at the arm that she had cut with her knife. It was already starting to heal, it seemed. She didn't know vampires were capable of healing wounds. It was certainly very interesting to her. "Are you happy, though?"

Without saying anything, she slid off of the edge of her bed and headed over to her window where Azrael stood. She made sure she was stood in front of him when she spoke again."You only took a small amount of blood, you didn't even bite me..... what does it feel like when a vampire bites you, anyway? Does it feel nice?" Evangeline was genuinely curious as she asked this. Of course, she'd never been with someone before so she had no experience in the territory that was playful biting. The princess tilted her head further to the side, revealing her neck to Azrael with a small smile on her face. "They normally bite people on the neck, don't they? I think I can trust you not to drain me of all of my blood..." Evangeline straightened her posture and placed both of her hands on his chest.

"I saw the way you looked at me earlier. You looked at me with a hunger in your eyes...but obviously a different hunger than what I'm used to, but it was still a hunger, was it not? Isn't there just something tantalizing about the blood and the purity of a virgin princess? I'm not sure what makes me different from a peasant, but I assume being pure blooded, I am far more precious and sought after." Evangeline moved some hair from her eyes before her arms glided up to his shoulders and settled there. "Don't treat me like a child, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. Would a deal of some sort interest you? You keep me company at night, and in return, you can take my blood..." a small smile appeared on the princesses' face. Company was definitely something she could do with, as it got very lonely at night. Reading books and sitting there staring at the walls would only remain entertaining for so long, after all. "Or would you rather be a servant of mine? We have a position open at the moment, that means you can feed off of me any time you like, and you can keep me company." Evangeline shrugged her shoulders and let her hands slip away from Azrael's shoulders. Involving herself with a vampire could prove to be very dangerous, but the princess was tired of being alone all the time. Companionship was something she had never really had.

"Father used to tell me stories about vampires feeling as cold as the dead, and vampires coming into people's homes via their windows and stealing them away to a secret underground society... You however, you don't feel cold when I touch you. I suppose my father was wrong about vampires." the young woman averted her gaze and looked out the window. There was a strong wind blowing outside, and she could see the first flakes of snow falling to the ground. Snow always made her a little excited, but it always reminded her of the creepy stories she was told as a child.
Evangeline wasn't really satisfied with Azrael. He was dodging her questions on purpose, and in turn that made her a little frustrated. He had proceeded to ask her questions about who she was, if she knew the current king. It was all an act to distract her from the real conversation at hand. The girl sighed in mock defeat and flopped down onto her bed, stomach first."If it is not money that you want, then what is it, Azrael?" she asked softly, kicking her legs up. It allowed her dress to flick inside out dangerously high up the backs of her legs. "You've no idea how many men lust after my company and my body....Is that what you want?" Evangeline ran her tongue along her left index finger and trailed it down her lips, down her neck. It stopped at her collarbone. If he was what she thought he was, then he would be growing steadily tempted. Suddenly, without warning, the girl whipped out a knife from under her dress. It had been tucked under her garter belt the whole time. Of course she had no idea how to use such a thing, but she pretended like she did. The princess held the knife's tip at her neck. "Or is it that you're thirsty? Thirsty for the blood that runs under my skin?" Evangeline then sat herself up, legs tucked underneath her body as she did so. She continued to hold the knife to her neck. "Vampires...they like blood, don't they?" Evangeline tilted her head to the side and held up her left arm beside her, exposing her pale forearm to the man. With great courage, the young woman brought the knife to her forearm and pressed the blade against her delicate skin. The blade broke the skin almost immediately and she grimaced in pain as she felt the blood trickle down her arm. This was all an act to see if he would be honest with her. If it didn't work, she wasn't sure what she was going to do with herself.
Evangeline had looked down at Azrael with a raised eyebrow when he got down on his knee for her. She wasn't sure what he was planning on doing, but she trusted him enough to wrap her arms around his neck and hold as tight as she could. The girl then became quite frightened as she watched him scale the wall. It was incredibly high, and she had no idea how he was doing this, but she was growing steadily suspicious of what he actually was. He didn't feel ....right. She wasn't sure if she would be able to approach him about it. Maybe he was just incredibly strong and fooled her, that was all? That was probably it. Suddenly, she found herself having to grip on tighter as they headed up to the top of the wall. He was right. Before she knew it. Evangeline bit down on her lip a little and scooted around so she could stand on top of the wall. She peered down at the ground. It was quite far down, there was no way she'd be able to jump down there."You're very strong, how did you manage to do that?" she asked softly, looking at Azrael with a rather confused expression on her face. By now her hood had fallen down around her shoulders and her whole face was revealed to him for the first time. She was considered to be quite pretty, and while many barons and princes were after her hand in marriage, she was not interested in such a lifestyle. "Umm....anyway....my bedroom is on the second floor, right on the very end on the right." the young woman pointed to where it was located. From here she was able to see the very faint light of the candle that was lit in her bedroom. She hoped that Azrael would be able to see it as well.

When they were ready to head back down on the other side of the wall, and Evangeline made sure to hold on tight to her friend. When they were on the ground again, she headed off towards her bedroom. She knew that they wouldn't be able enter via the front doors of the castle, so she made haste for her bedroom window. The girl said nothing as she ran along the grass. It was a little wet and slippery, but she did her best to keep herself moving at a reasonable pace. When they finally made it to her bedroom window, Azrael helped her up again. Luckily for them, her window was unlocked, so they could head right on inside. Almost immediately, Evangeline headed over to her bedside and sat herself down, removing her cloak from her shoulders and sighing. "You ....you're not human, are you? I'm not one to believe such things, but I think I'm right when I say you are not of my race." Evangeline looked at Azrael seriously and tilted her head to the side. "Is that why you're out at night? To look for innocent people to hunt down? Is that why you were really silent when you cleaned the graze on my hand?" the princess had so many questions for this man, and she was sure that he wouldn't answer them all in one sitting, but she felt like she had the right to know something.

Evangeline stood up from her bed and draped her cloak over her chair in the corner of her bedroom. She decided to make sure that there was no one out in the hallways, so she opened her bedroom door and peeked out. Luckily, no one was out there, everything was silent, everyone was obviously in bed. She'd gotten away with sneaking out. Evangeline had never attempted such a thing before, and it made her so happy to know that she succeeded, all with the help of Azrael. "Anyway....regardless of what you are, you got me home safely, and I said I would reward you, so...." trailing off, the princess looked around her bedroom for something to give him. Of course, she had lots of valuable jewelery and dresses, but she wasn't sure if those would do him any good at all. "What would you like in return?" Evangeline asked as she was stood near her vanity, where most of her bracelets and necklaces were presented.
Evangeline wasn't really sure how to answer Azrael. She didn't want to give away her actual location, but she didn't want to tell him another address because that would be lying, and the girl didn't like to lie. "Mm....well...if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else, alright?" she looked to him for an honest response, and then she continued. "I live in Prague castle...you know the one on the hill? That's where I'm from...it's just too dark for me to see and I won't be able to find my way home." the girl's pout grew and she rested her chin against the man's forearm as he held his cup. "I understand if you don't know where that is, as you said you haven't been here for quite some time, I might be able to find my way home on my own, but it would be nice to have some company..." Evangeline blinked her long eyelashes at Azrael innocently, wondering if he would be able to help her out.

Suddenly, she had an idea. "I'll pay you handsomely, name your price. If you can get me inside without waking anyone up, I'll reward you. Does that tickle your fancy at all?" the young woman removed her hood and looked up at Azrael seriously for a moment. Suddenly, she got to her feet and gently tugged on his sleeve. "Come on, let's go~" she urged him. It wasn't long before they were on their way, and Evangeline made sure to let go of her friend's sleeve quickly, as she didn't want him to think wrongly about her.
The princess was quiet as they tried to find the paths that would lead her back to her home. Every now and then she lost her footing on the uneven path and bumped into Azrael, but at least she apologized every time. It would be rude not to. "Will you come visit me sometime?" she asked softly. They were nearing the castle and she was honestly feeling a little sad. She'd part with her new found friend and they'd never see each other ever again. "I'd like it if you could, I don't really have any friends, so sometimes I get quite lonely...." Evangeline trailed off and moved some hair behind one of her ears. She stopped moving for a moment and stood there in silence. She looked rather upset. "I often wish I'd been born a peasant, at least people wouldn't look at me in public and whisper things to each other....I would be able to fit in with everyone for once. I crave that." Evangeline folded her arms and turned her back to Azrael.
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