Avatar of Mirrodin
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Mirrodin 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Why does it feel like no one has ever read any of my favorite books >< can't talk to anyone about them
8 yrs ago
Just got back home and will start writing RP responses ASAP
8 yrs ago
I'll be on vacation until Saturday the 6th so I probably will not be responding to any of my 1X1 RPs until then. Sorry for the delay >.<


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Most Recent Posts

GDI @Jersh
Ian Marcus, Archon of Gravity

Ian walked into the meeting room and glanced around at the archons seated around the table, taking in their postures and interest in what he had to say. He took a deep breath before he began, knowing all this would be a huge shock to them. He wasn't even entirely sure they would all stay due to how serious the situation really was. "I have spent the past few hours exploring the temple and talking with lupus about the previous generations of archons and the purpose they serve." Ian went in depth, explaining the origin of the archons and the multiverse to this new generation. After that he told them about the corruption of the archon of death and the murders of the first archons that passed their powers on to their children, the second generation. The second generation of archons had been much weaker than the first and stood no chance against Thanatos due to his natural archon ability. They didn't develop their archon powers enough and relied heavily on technology from across the multiverse to fight Thanatos. In the end it was all in vain and the Second generation fell harder than the first.

"Now these powers have been passed on to us and it has become our war for the multiverse. Thanatos already has control of the multiverse. He isn't scared of us at all. We aren't even a threat to him. He wants the powers we now possess and they only way for him to obtain them is by killing each and every one of us. None of you have to fight in this war. But if you run. If you try to hide you will eventually be hunted down by Thanatos himself and he will get what he wants. I believe our only chance is to train our powers and fight him head on for the fate of the multiverse" He told them, finally falling silent after his long winded explanation of their current predicament. He was unsure if he got his point across and that they would fight with him. He knew he couldn't do it alone and he would need all of their help to defeat Thanatos.

"You have done all that you can, Ian. now it will be up to them to make the choice. If Thanatos gains the power of every archon he will become all powerful with the ability to destroy everything and rebuild the entirety of the multiverse at will. Everyone you ever knew and everywhere you have ever been will be wiped out in a second"

Ian took another deep breath and smiled at the rest of the archons gathered around the table. "My name is Ian Marcus and I am the archon of gravity. I will devote my life to the cause of defeating Thanatos and restoring Balance to the multiverse" He told them, standing up straighter and with more confidence as he finished. "This is the beginning of a war that we all need to fight in. Anyone that would like to fight with me please introduce yourself to the rest of us. We will need to know each other if we are to fight together"
Ian Marcus, Archon of Gravity

Ian raised both his hands in front of his chest with his palms out. "whoa whoa whoa. I never said I wanted to be leader" He said to them. He hadn't really thought about it at all but It wouldn't be particularly a bad thing.. He could probably do it. He had worked close to the captain aboard the Guilty Sin and captained a few away missions on various planets throughout his time on the ship and he had a semi-decent understanding of leadership. "The only reason I seem better at this than everyone else is because I got here first. But if you want me to try to keep order, I do believe that everyone that is here has unique traits and strong suits to bring to the table. If we can just get along and learn to use our powers I think that the potential is outstanding" He told them. He had no idea what to say to these people who supported him as the team leader but if they wanted him to do it, he had little choice but to step up to the plate. "I'm going to look around abit more. I appreciate you all coming to find me" He reached out and shook each person's hand as he spoke, smiling with more confidence than he really had.

After the interaction with the others in the hallway, Ian quickly made his way into the room he had claimed when he first arrived to get a moment of peace. Once inside the room, Ian leaned back against the door with his eyes closed, breathing softly. "This will be more difficult than I anticipated, Lupus. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this kind of responsibility. The leader of the archons is a huge role.. I don't want to fail like the last one. What if all their deaths end up on me" He said into the empty air of his bedroom.

"We were weak Ian. Our leadership was flawed and our fighting styles relied heavily on non-archon weapons and vehicles. None of those things will matter when you come into contact with Thanatos himself. You must all focus on Truly becoming archons and mastering your respective elements before the final fight. if you don't.. the entirety of the multiverse is in trouble. He will not allow the power of the archons to escape him again"

Ian took a deep breath and headed back out of the room. "It's time for a meeting. everyone must know what Thanatos is trying to do and what we have to do to stop him" Ian said to Lupus as he walked past some of the other archons in the halls on his way to the meeting room. He stopped at the end of the Living quarters area and turned to all that still lingered in the halls. "I need you all to head to the meeting room now. It's time we learned what is really going on here and the part we all have to play in it" he called in a voice showing more confidence than he really had
I added some stuff to the first OOC post referring to the temple. please take a look and let me know what you all think! :)
Who all is going to be in discord room tonight? Don't let me play any games. Remind that I need to write a bunch of stuff for sacrifice
@Barioth fixed lol. it's one of my other characters. didn't mean to type it XD
Ian watched the interaction between all of the archons, unaware of when to step in to the conversation. Before knew what was going on it seemed that the girl with the black hair had flipped out on him, while some of the others had retaliated and the rest had ignored her. He gave a nod and a friendly smile to those that left to explore the temple. He turned back to Maddie with a concerned look on his face "Listen.. I'm not any more sure of whats going on here than you are.. I just happened to get here first. I wasn't volunteering as leader.. I was just trying to welcome you all and tell you guys about the awesome stuff I found in the temple" He said, pointing back over his shoulder at one of the corridors that lead deeper into the temple.

While Ian was waiting for the other archons to arrive he had spent his time exploring and talking to lupus about the history of the temple and the many rooms and living areas of the temple. Most of the actually accommodations were deeper underground with only this main room being an important part of the first floor. The rest of the temple was rift locked, a kind of barrier set up by the first archons to stop rifting in or out of the temple except through this central room.

"I know this is all very confusing and I'm right there with you, completely in the dark. My first suggestion would be for us all to claim a room in the lower reaches of the temple to get settled in and then we can sit and have a talk about what exactly is going on here" He told them all, trying to keep some semblance of order in the group

"The living quarters are designed to adapt to a person's mind, changing the space to better suit the host that inhabits it. Tell them to imagine the room they want when the step inside and let the temple do the rest"

"Lupus says that if you imagine your room before you enter one of the empty rooms downstairs, the room will adapt to your vision of how you believe it should be. I'm going to find one now. I guess we can meet back here once everyone has claimed a room. If you guys see the archons that went exploring, let them know about the rooms and the meeting please. I want to learn about all this just as much as you all do" Ian said, putting an end to the conversation. He headed off through one of the corridors in search of his own room, figuring if Maddie still had a bone to pick she could follow him and they could discuss it somewhere that wouldn't cause unrest among the others
@Kaalee it's fine XD I'll get it up tonight
now that i look at it the last person to post will be @missjudas. i want to give her till tomorrow to post so i will post tomorrow night unless she posts sooner. sorry for the delay guys.

i can only hope skai and kaalee don't kill me for delaying XD if you all never hear from me again you know who it was!!
i will be posting tonight. anyone that hasn't posted yet should try to so you don't get left behind :p
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