Avatar of Mister Thirteen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 467 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Mister Thirteen 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Or link an audio file of it rather.
4 yrs ago
I legit want someone to read @Raging Ghost’s status below (the one with all the profanity) aloud in a Scottish accent and upload an audio file of it on here. Do it! Someone do it I dare you.
6 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving
6 yrs ago
So has anyone else ever spent several hours on an RP, reviewed it, posted it, and then thought “This is garbage.”?
6 yrs ago
Once my drawing and sketching abilities improve a little more, I intend to start incorporating my own art into future RP’s of mine.


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Most Recent Posts

It’s been several years now since it all ended, since the world descended into the apocalypse. Since the dead began to walk the earth. This RP focuses on a pair of survivors, an older man and a younger male/female. I will admit that the concept to this story was heavily influenced by Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. These two survivors are drifters, traveling across the American Midwest (the Dakotas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, etc.) and scavenging for survival.

They never remain in one place for too long. They avoid major cities and large towns at all possible cost, though they do often find themselves forced to traverse the expanse of post-apocalyptic metropolis’s for supplies. They are slow to trust other survivors and are quite the gritty pair. The dominating themes of this RP are survival and the strong bond between the two, a sort of father-son/daughter relationship, like that of Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us.

This RP will not solely be about killing walkers and surviving post-apocalyptic America. It will of course have a primary story plot. For further information, if interested, please PM me directly and we can begin discussion. Please read the “About Me” tab below before messaging me!

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear someone! Good day! 👏🏼

Hello, and thank you for your time!

So, as of late I’ve greatly been craving an RP based around evil toys. Sadistically evil. Dolls, puppets, dummies, of these sort. Very recently I stumbled upon a collective of images of rather sordid-looking dolls, which can be seen far below, concealed by hiders. These dolls will of course serve as the central antagonists in this RP.

The basis of the RP is simple; these dolls are found locked away in a trunk in the attic by our protagonist, or my partners’ character. In the chest are the dolls and a piece of aged parchment (which “awakens” them). The dolls are bewitched by black magic, having been made by a witch who escaped from the Salem witch trials. (An actual witch.)

This is of course a basic raw concept. The actual plot line and creation of the story will be discussed between my partner and I. Who is our protagonist? How and where did they find these devilish little dolls? And how will they stop them? All of this will be discussed by my partner and I. So, if interested, please PM me ASAP and we can get started immediately!







It’s said that fame isn’t a profession, but an accident. It proves that the people are gullible. Fame doesn’t last, it crumbles in time. This all might be true, but one certain thing about fame is; that it pays. The paths to fame are diverse and contrasting, but they all share the same destination. Wealth.
What would you do? What would you do to become famous? Will you sell yourself to the highest bidder, label yourself with the newest brand, sleep with the right executives?

Fame and fortune are like so many other things in this world;
to the bold and the able go the spoils.


So, this is a reality-drama RP that tells the story of a young lady and her ascent to American stardom. How she rises from shampoo commercials and one act plays to the A-list and rubbing elbows with America’s most famous. It will be a journey of ups and downs with drama, opportunity, success and failure, deceit, shadiness, and glamour.

My partner-to-be will role as this young female rising star.
I will role primarily as her agent, i.e a Hollywood failure who lives in a crumby apartment and is getting by on D-list actors and American Idol rejects. He hopes to rebuild his career, in fact, escalate it far past where it’s ever been. It’s through this young starlet that he sees a viable opportunity.

The theme of this RP as stated prior will be a tale of rising from the bottom to the splendor of stardom. This RP will incorporate the struggles, pressures, and heavy decisions that a rising celebrity in reality would face. Controversial photos, inflammatory videos, cocaine parties, breakups and rebounding, this low-budget movie or that major corporate commercial, etcetera.

The RP will INITIALLY be set in Los Angeles, California. Further details are up for discussion with my partner-to-be.
So if interested, please PM me directly and we can begin discussion. I await eagerly! 😁

Liza smiled and replied,”Good. It’ll help you unwind.” She turned from the counter to face Alice, leaning back against it. “You don’t remember Conner?” Liza puzzled. The fact that out of everyone there, Conner was the one that Slice had mentally misplaced. “Conner,” repeated Liza, raising her right hand high over her head to indicate a tall person, “tall Italian-looking guy with dark hair and arms the size of boulders.”

Conner had been the bartender that night who had casually chatted away with Alice while Liza worked. In fact he was the bartender at Benny’s Bar, and the manager to boot. He had worked there longer than most all of the other employees, aside from the cook.

I did not delete this out of “rage”. I literally read over this and thought; “This is garbage.”
I’ll still listen to any final input or statements though.

Greetings and Welcome, and thank you for your time!

So this is a rather crude and unorthodox concept that I’ve recently cooked up. Unfortunately, it’s sadly incomplete, and I have made little progress with it. Below are notes on literally just how far I’ve gotten, which isn’t very far.


So as you can see, this concept does need work. Hefty work.

I am asking for input, feedback, ideas, comments, interest even.

And would anyone be willing to CO-GM this with me?
I'm interested in the first idea

Great, I can message you if you like and we can begin discussion.

With the recent release of the new Puppet Master movie several months back, I've been inspired to write up an RP, having recently watched the movie again. Let me say now that you don't have to be an avid fan of, or even know anything about the Puppet Master franchise, to get the most of this RP. This RP will be a classic case of "the evil toy found in a box of junk in the attic". Perfectly feasible to any "outsiders" who may be potentially interested in this concept.

This particular story will not include the entire cast of evil puppets traditionally seen in the films, but will focus solely on Blade and perhaps Torch/Kaiser, I've yet to decide. My partner will role as the unfortuate soul who finds/gets stuck with the evil puppet(s). Again, you don’t have to have any prior familiarity with the films to enjoy this RP. This point I stress.

Below you will see three hiders. The first covers the two different plot ideas I have for the RP. The second talks about Blade, the lead puppet of the RP. And the third talks about me, how I write and will function as a partner, and it acts as a check to see if I’m s fitting partner for you.




So, I await potential responses. If this concept interests you, then PM me and we can chat!

You cannot undo the past.

Twelve years ago, Cassie Gage took her own life after becoming the victim of a cruel high school prank. Over a decade later, those responsible for her death have since moved on with their lives. The town of Timber Valley, Massachusetts has moved on. But someone, one sole person, has not.
And now vengeance comes in the form of the scorned as, one by one, those responsible are brutally murdered. As the clock ticks, the fates of the few are sealed by one badly considered action over a decade ago.


So, as you can see, this is a Slasher-Survival RP based around a story of vengeance. Our setting is the small fictional town of Timber Valley Massachusetts. Twelve years prior, a sixteen year-old girl named Cassie Gage committed suicide at Timber Valley High School when she was humiliated in front of the entire school. The five teens responsible escaped criminal charges, though as you can imagine have always had a bad reputation since.

Four of them have more or less stayed in Timber Valley, “never leaving small town America” as the saying goes. The fifth (my partner’s character), did however. I will of course leave it up to them on why. School? A big career bounce? Marrying someone out of town? It’s your choice.

The five have more or less remained as friends and stayed in contact over the years, so when one of them is brutally killed, my partners’ character as you can imagine returns home for the funeral. (And maybe answers.?) It soon becomes clear that the first death was just one in a string of violent deaths for recompense.

This so far is all of the story that I have “concreted”. The rest will be discussed and written together by my partner and I together. I will say this; while I am aiming for originality, I do have several “horror cliches” that I intend to incorporate into the RP. Such as threatening phone calls, cryptic messages, and a masked killer. (Who doesn’t love these particular cliches’??)

So then, I await eagerly for a response. Please PM me if interested and we can get right to work on discussing and planning things out. :D


“I understand,” Liza said ,”I really do. I just thought drawing might calm you. It does me. And I can’t exactly fit a sewing machine in here.”
She placed the items before Alice and turned back to the bags on the counter and began removing miscellaneous groceries; packaged meat, canned goods, a bottle of ketchup, a bag of seasoning, and so forth. She spoke aloud to Alice, her back still turned,”Two questions for you. Firstly, how would you feel about spaghetti and meatballs for our dinner? I’ll season it thoroughly if you’d like and of course mix a packet or two of blood into the sauce.”

She aloud Alice a chance to answer, and then asked her second question,”How about coming with me to work tonight? It’ll probably be pretty slow, and you can hangout at the bar with Conner again. Remember him?”
Potentially interested - is Aleera acting as your main character, or is she an NPC?

She’s more or less my own main character. Nazir, Babette, Cicero, and Jenassa are friendly NPC’s.
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