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    1. Misticalicestorm 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Things are starting to finally work out. Finally able to rp Again :) With music blasting.
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Dmessenger said
(guard)The guard held back the chuckle and said "you really shouldn't be saying hello in such a casual manor with our two clans being this close to war, it's liable to get you caught." The guard looks around and said "now hurry up and get somewhere safe before another guard sees you" The guard then winked and said "the old man is expecting you so don't be late, he hates it when you're late"

Kitten looked down and spoke softly, "I know..it seems most manners of people are leaving town these days. I am sure I will be fine, there is no need to worry. The old man wouldn't let them touch me." she nodded and looked up at the guard with a smirk, then spoke again, "Stop worrying I will be fine, I will kick their asses if I have to. I am not that small you know. The old man does get a bit grumpy some times so I can understand him getting upset when I am late. "

nerminator said
'you have a deathwish if you want to enter that village' shigan says to the girl [kitten] 'you never exactly told me your name'

Kitten looked at Shigan, and said "Yeah and your chicken. Now come on! Im sure He wouldn't mind if you join in on a couple games. You won't win though, just saying." She paused looked at the village, then spoke again, "My name is Kitten, just so you know." Kitten walked into the village and made her way to the dark alley behind the first building of the village. Once in the dark, kitten looked for where she would go next, She knew it was best to keep hidden.
nerminator said
'ok sure' he says stepping out of the raft and walking to a nearby hill to scout out there territory,so he sat down on top of the hill and pulled out a binocular from his backpack and looked through it, he looked around seeing a tiny outpost in a mountain,a trap door in the middle of a hill it obviously leads to some sort of hidden storage or something,and he also kitten heading straight towards the village 'wow she must be crazy going straight into there village' he says under his breath but he notices something at the corner of his binocular so he takes a closer look at it and sees that it is a Itakei patrol! and its also heading straight for Kitten! 'oh god! they'll probably kill her or worst!,so quickly he got back up and dropped his binocular on the ground and ran towards kitten hoping that he'll somehow be able to warn her

nerminator said
shigian ran towards kitten hoping to make it there before the itakei patrol does,and fortunately he makes it there 'hey theres a patrol coming right towards you!' shigian said 'We gotta Hide!' he replied

Kitten looked toward Shigian then looked ahead of her. She continued to walk straight towards the village. With in a few minutes she was standing in front of the Soldier who was patrolling. Kitten sighed and spoke softly looking up at the soldier, "You know you shouldn't let them boss you around like this. They could have given you a break and sent your brother out here for once." The Soldier had to be at least six feet tall, His face had a friendly warm smile come across his lips. Kitten watched as he bent down towards her. She spoke once more, "Is the old Man in a meeting again? Or is he just relaxing." Kitten turned her head to face Shigian, "Come on you SCAREDY CAT!" She teased. The soldier had tried to hold back a small laugh that threatened his lips."Shigian! You slow poke! Come over here, hurry it up!" Kitten yelled again to get his attention.
phantori said

lol ^^ it will soon
nerminator said
mistic i am waiting for you to post

I know im sorry >< I been very busy. I will post tonight
arowne97 said
is it ok if I make a character that is related to one clan by blood but he betrayed them and started helping the other clan?

Make your character, and i will decide then.

nerminator said
no it hasen't been a month yet but it is kinda dying

it should pick up soon
BK201 said
the rp or the yuri?i guess you can join the rp

There is no Yuri .-. Only an Role play

arowne97 said
can I join? o.O

Make your character sheet first
Kitten looked at Shigian and spoke, "Sorry about your gun, I didn't mean for it to have fallen." She said softly. She moved the stick in the water to move them to edge of the lining of the river on the itakei's side. Kitten got off the raft by stepping onto the land. "Why don't you watch from this side for a bit? See if you can gather information for the Ayamota. Just be careful." Kitten walked away, heading in the direction of the Itakei's Village.
Character Sheet

First Name:
Last name:
Age:_____ ( Be reasonable. )
Appearance: ( all non humans must have a human form as well. )
Position assigned: _________( Character must be accepted first )
Well everyone is going to assigned positions based on Character
Im looking for a good number of people to join this role play
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