Avatar of Misumichan
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  • Posts: 163 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Misumichan 7 yrs ago


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The woman in charge spotted Kindle and back-stepped to allow the other guard with her to charge in while she cast an arte. She simply used hand gestures rather than words and invoked it by saying the name, “Air Pressure!” A gravity field weighed down on Kindle. She glanced around and noticed one of the walls was down and that Terbius was fighting the ground guards behind them. And one of her men on the wall with them was nowhere to be seen. She hissed bitterly as her plan was coming apart at the seams. “What are you two waiting for?! Kill her!” She snapped at the two below keeping her full attention back to the Fire Fae as her arte wore off.
They charged Aliya. She waited until they were close. She narrowly avoided their staffs crudely made from stone, she figured they made them behind her. She swung her sword at one who backed off immediately. The other she had elbowed hard and swung her fist back hitting his face and knocking him back into a tree. He slumped down and wasn't moving. She charged the other one swinging the sword wide breaking his staff. She let the sword go and while he was distracted, watching the sword as it flew upward, she threw a punch effectively knocking him out. She caught the sword and rest it on her shoulder with a smirk. “What a dull party…”
”I'll distract them, they are looking for Water Fae after all,” Aliya replied with a smirk. “I'll cloud their vision and you guys crumble their walls.” Aliya bounced off towards the main road, “Then we take out the trash!”
The wetlands slowly began to become forest to the north of town. Spots of trees and shrubbery started popping up along the way. They were partially suspended in water at first, but the regular forest wasn't far beyond. Aliya made sure to stick near the plant life knowing the Legion of Earth Fae weren't far and she'd try to duck around them. She figured they'd set up Rock Triggers all over so going around would be difficult on the ground but thanks to the forest a quick climb through the fog she was about to make.
Aliya stopped and ducked behind a tree as soon as she saw the pseudo-fortress that they were making. A series of rough walls made of stone, she could see three on top and a two pacing the ground level. They were definitely warriors of Turfirius. They wore the ceremonial masks but the typical Earth ceremonial robes had been modified for combat.
“This area is known for fog right?” Aliya chuckled as she started using her abilities as a Water Fae to roll in a fog from the other side. She looked to the others with her, “They'll be on high alert so be careful. I'll go around and draw their attention. See you in the middle!” Aliya winked and waved as she jumped up and ran through the treetops. She quickly made her way around and took to the road just outside their clarity of vision. She hovered her hands one hand over the other as snow started forming between her hands, “Weapons of purity forged by ice cold passion, Frozen Forge!” The snow flurry between her hands formed into a sword of ice as she spread her hands out. She walked closer into their view with confidence. She realized the other two were on the ground on this side, making all seven accounted for.
“You don't look like a member of the Legion of Azurius!” One of the Earth Fae on the wall voiced. She didn't wear the hood like the rest allowing her long thin ponytail to hang free and her uniform seemed a bit more extravagant. She nodded slightly and two of the Earth Fae on the ground walked wide around Aliya trying to see if she really was by herself and to surround her.
“Looks can be deceiving, I assure you I am,” Aliya didn't move. Her eyes were fixed on the one who spoke. “Safe to assume you are the host of this party?” The two Earth Fae behind her made a signal to the one above.
“Yes, and you were stupid to come alone,” she scoffed. “Consider this a celebration of your death.”
“Looks can be deceiving, remember?” Aliya pointed her sword up at the woman. “You see showing up to a party alone is kind of boring.”

“It should be fine,” Eve said in response to both Marlin and the newly arrived Diana. “You two focus on keeping the Lancers from hooking onto the ship.” As she said that a Lancer stinger crashed through the window she was next to. The glass bounced off her as she sidestepped, turned, grabbed onto the cord and severed it with her fan. “If they hook us they will tear this ship apart!” She hit the intercom button on the wall. “Yoki, help me thin out the swarm! Captain, get us into the floating islands!”

Yoki was passing a door when it was impaled by a Lancer stinger almost hitting him. He saw it was covered in blood and when it retracted he looked through the hole to see the Captain being pulled through the front window. “Shit!” As the ship lurched downward, Yoki threw the door open and grabbed the controls. He flipped the switch for open communication for everyone to talk freely as he did his best to stabilize the aircraft. “Easier said than done! I just watched these Lancers forcefully vacate the Captain!” Yoki looked around seeing most of the control panels were damaged or bloody and the other seat was empty. “And there's no co-pilot here so probably him too! Anyone with better flight experience than me come take over! The most I can do is keep us from dying when we crash!”

“Hansa told me about their hometown.” Eve crossed her arms and placed a finger on her chin trying to recall all the information they talked about. “I figure we could start there. He said that the White Fang was keeping a close watch over her. He told me she has red hair and droopy rabbit ears and is blind. I don't imagine she'll be too hard to find unless the White Fang started moving her around.”
Eve noticed they were getting close to Lake Matsu. She didn't see any of the floating islands yet, but she always looked forward to seeing them. She got up again about to go look out the window, she always enjoyed the scenery on Anima anyway. But before she could even take a step the whole ship shook casing her to stumble. “What was that?!” Eve caught herself. Alarms on the ship started going off.
“We are under attack!” The captain of the ship came on over the intercom with a panicked voice. “Grimm! Everywhere!” The ship shook as though struck a few times. “Huntsmen! Quickly! This ship can't take too many hits!” Eve quickly set her balance to handle the turbulence. She snatched up her weapon and ran to the window to see Lancers buzzing about.
“Couldn't just have a quiet flight now could we?” Eve clicked her tongue. She looked over her shoulder at Marlin, “How's your aerial combat?”

Yoki was walking around the ship, he had turned invisible using his semblance, not wanting to be bothered. Multiple things were running through his mind. Recent events, past events, things that collided into an inner turmoil he couldn't help but deal with constantly.
Yoki was in a narrow hall in the center of the ship, with no windows, when it shook. He slammed into the wall and hissed bitterly, no longer being invisible. His ears could faintly pick up the buzzing of Lancers over the noise of the ship even before the captain spoke over the intercom. Yoki reached for his weapon on his back but remembered he left it in the main sitting area when he was just trying to get away from angry Eve.
“This is why I hate flying!” Yoki growled as he started for the main room.

“He's pretty good.” Eve smiled with cheer as she stood up to stretch. “We trained together quite a bit, with Yoki helping. He's a pretty quick learner. He started picking up on some of my moves toward the end of things.” Eve waved her hands around jokingly in a fighting manner. She laughed at herself and sat back down. “Pretty surprising how much he's healed up but I'm glad we could get him up and walking and even fighting. He wanted to join us to find his sister but I told him he needed to stay and train a bit more with Rhythm. He needs to get used to those legs so he can bring his best to Beacon.” Eve shrugged and leaned back. “Who knows maybe we'll see him in the Vytal Festival this year!”

“She'll be fine. Bisque is a full fledged Huntress.” Eve waved off his concern. She smirked a little remembering how awkward she was as a student. “You wouldn't know it by looking at her but she's pretty talented. She beat me at the Vytal Festival Tournament when I was a fourth year and she was a first year.” Eve laughed light-heartedly remembering how embarrassed she was at the time. It didn't bother her much now. “Besides, I'm only giving her the symbols anyway.” Eve placed a hand on her notebook. “She won't be in as much danger. I'm just hoping she already knows where some more ruins are that have them. Knowing her though she'll spend more time looking through her records than hunting them down in person. She's so disorganized it'll take her a while.” She paused for a moment and looked at Marlin apologetically with a smile, "Sorry to ramble, I was quiet for too long pretending to be mad. It was the only way to maintain it."

“And while you worry about one country I worry about the entirety of humanity and believe it or not this team.” Yoki's expression turned serious. He faced her head on and pushed aside the fear from her because he feared something more. His ears would betray him as always, pinned back and showing every bit of emotion. “The people we are after have the intent and means to destroy the world and we are the only thing standing between them and their goal. You can bet they will have every way at the ready to not just kill us but destroy our lives in the process when it suits them. So rather than intending that blade at me save it for the real enemy or you'll get killed just like they did or worse...” Yoki took a sharp breath and closed his eyes trying to calm down. The bitter memory of finding his teammates dead was brought to the surface again and his ears dropped in the sorrow that came with it. “You survive knowing you could have done something about it…” He stepped back inside and walked a ways down the hall, leaning against the wall, facing away from the door. He clicked his tongue bitterly and sighed. His not so good humored fun was dampened by a terrifying woman and even worse memories. He felt even more edgy than flight made him.

Yoki felt the effects of her gaze and looked away. It had only been a few times he's experienced it but given the mood he was in it was starting to click that it wasn't just the bitter circumstances. He glanced back at her before she looked away to test it. He felt the fear and intimidation and looked away with a slight smirk.
“You assume I don't,” Yoki scoffed at her attempts to insult him. “I've got more problems to deal with than even you could comprehend. Like dealing with a pretentious Atlesian soldier that apparently knows nothing about teamwork. What is Ironwood teaching his people?” Yoki shrugged with a smug expression. “Or are you just a special case because it has something to do with your semblance?” He was just taking a stab in the dark. He didn't know any particulars behind it but he felt confident he was onto something, if not it'd at least rattle her and that was good enough for him. “That prickly personality of yours isn't the only reason you scare the hell out of people now is it?”

“Oh nothing,” Yoki smirked. Lately he realized that it was really easy to get under her skin. He hadn't had anyone he could bother so easily since Rufous died. He could never get under Eve's skin because it would bounce right off just like her semblance. Someone to pester by simply being there was something he missed greatly. It was a great distraction from his distraction from his nerves about flight. “What is your deal anyway? You always run off brooding more than I do.”

Eve smiled and tossed another bottle his way. She figured she could just pick up a few more when they landed in Mistral. “Glad to hear.” She was just happy to hear that he was enjoying this adventure even though he didn't really know the full scope of the mission. She knew it bothered Diana but, to her, Marlin didn't seem like the guy to get caught up in the details unless he really needed. She wanted to tell them both about all of it but she knew Ozpin set them with her as a test. Not just for them either but for herself. He's seen leadership in her and she wanted to live up to his aspirations for her. She didn't want to let anyone down, especially, her team. “Since you were a bit late, how about I fill you in. Once on the ground in Mistral we'll talk with a fellow archeologist friend of mine and fill her in a bit. She'll help find us a lead while we work on finding Hansa’s sister. No time wasted.”
“Sweet that'll make this even easier.” Aliya smiled at Kindle.
“Miss Aliya!” The little girl from before came into the tent and ran up to her. “I found them not even a mile down the road!”
“Good job!” Aliya pat her head. “Were they doing anything?”
“Pulling up parts of the road, making walls and stuff…” The girl reported.
“They must be setting up an ambush for the Water Legion…” Aliya mused aloud. “Oh how many were there?”
“Seven!” The little girl said confidently.
“Good work kiddo!” She winked at her and knelt down to her level. “Now please listen to me this time and stay here in town. This Fire Fae here is going to help me stop them from bothering anyone along with her brothers.” Aliya turned to Kindle. “Shall we find the boys and ambush the ambush party?”
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