Avatar of Molach
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  • Posts: 45 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Molach 10 yrs ago


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Name: Marcus Thanis
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Magic User Type: Wizard

(the second one is for facial reference)
Marcus is easily intrigued by all things mysterious in the world, be it magic, Monster, lore, history or even rumor. However very few things hold his attention for very long.
The problem was never difficulty, be it easy or hard. There where just so many other things interesting in the world, that he simply forgot the previous when he uncovered the next. His constantly moving from one focus to the next does however mean his knowledge is broad, even if shallow at times, and his wisdom has aged well beyond his years.
Cryptic by default and joker in his own way, Marucs in more known to deal in half-truths than straight up lies and facts.

Powers: As with most wizards, Marcus is known to possess a wide variety of powers, however he has always favored 'useful' spells over the powers of destruction.
As a result, he is rarely seen wielding any magical spells aside from traps, defensive walls and wards and simple illusions.
If he had a signature spell, it would be his ability to quickly sort trough the contents of any book by simply touching them, manipulate/erase the parts of interest or instantly copy them over to any other book nearby.

Skills/Talents: Among his most trusted skills are his abilities to strategist, trick and his ability to quickly look at a problem from many different angles. He also considers himself wise and knowledgeable

Equipment/weapons: Generally being dressed in old monk robes, and not much else, there is only one item he posses that would generally be considered noteworthy: Marcus posses a giant, old looking arcane-tome, generally seen dangling from a sturdy cord, tossed over is shoulder. Inside this heavy looking book there are numerous spells, lores and bestiary entries collected over the years. It is neither magical or enchanted in any way, although its contents are poorly sorted and anyone other than himself would have a painfully difficult time to divulge any useful information from this great book. Even though it is a huge book, the fact that its not magical means there is only a limited amount of space inside. As such, only the most interesting bits of information are stored inside.

Bio: Marcus is the only son of the great Sage known as Agerius Thanis. Agerius possessed great knowledge and wisdom and was famous for advising and guiding several nobles and kings, including both the current King of pantos and the one before him, to fame and fortune. As such, his name was known far and wide, to the point where even commoners respected him as if he was a living god, constantly looking for his advice. For all his wisdom however, It took him over 80 years (and probably a little bit of magic) to father a single son, Marcus.

Way before that however, Agerius had made his home inside a great library in the kingdom of Pantos, where he remained until the day he died. The library was filled with ancient and rare books. Some of them he had found himself, but most where gifts from all the people he had helped in his lifetime. As such Marcus was always surround by books and knowledge. Some books where mundane, others held the secrets of far away lands. There was enough there to provide several lifetimes worth of reading material. Some of it exciting, most of it interesting. Growing up, he may even have spent more time reading then socializing, playing or even studying.

7 years ago, at the outstanding age of 103 Agerius died of old age. Leaving everything he owned, including his great library, to his only son. One his death bad, Agerius pleaded with Marcus to take his place, and help guide the world. But until this day, Marcus has yet to do so. Generally keeping himself hold up in his great library.

after 7 years, even with all his greatness, the name of Thanis is slowly being forgotten, written down as a side-note in the history books, erased from memory by all but a few.
Erm.. I just got home from a very long day. but first come first serve.. ouch.

Anyway, ill try to throw up something really quick, with some of the ideas I already had. It won't be complete, but hopefully it will do to claim my spot, so I can finish it tomorrow.

also.. erm.. *clears throat* Any wizards in the works? you'd better hurry up, cause I am coming fro you!
Seems interesting, I especially like the enchanter... can I still call dibs? ;)

otherwise I'll try my hand at the wizard... I do like me some magical Tomes and spell-books.
aw maaaan...
I submitted mine first (by like 10 minutes, but still) :(

I am not sure If I want to rework his powers or not though. the magnetism trough absorbed electrical energy was kind of his mayor selling point.
If I generalize its source, so will I have to change the effects... I think I'd rather go full on magnetism, tbh.
anyway, I'll maul it over for a bit, and finish it up in a few more hours as planned.
Please note, this is a work in progress.

Name: Erwin Jaeger

Codename: Accelerator

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Dortmund, Germany

Affiliations: None worth noting. (right now)

Occupation: ?Intern at Keller-corp...?/ engineering student

Appearance: (working on it)

Erwin's body doubles as a powerful magnet. Capable of attracting or repulsing metallic objects.
He can manipulate the size and strength of these magnetic fields, targeting a single object, or every metal object around him as he pleases.
In effect this means he can deflect small arms fire, easily disarm people holding metallic weapons like guns, or even sending small objects out flying at high speeds.

Skills: Growing up in a family of engineers, aswell as his choice of education, Erwin is slowly becoming an accomplished engineer himself. Capable of understanding, dismantling and reassembling most machinery he encounters.
However, he is not an expert yet.

-Metal harness: In his spare-time Erwin engineered himself a metal based harness. Aside from providing protecting from lesser attacks, this harness is able to carry and conceal a pair of metal pipes on his back.
The harness is lean and designed to easily fit under some baggy clothes. Making them easy to conceal to people who hold no prior knowledge about them.
It comes with a pair of springs on its back, each of which can hold a metal pipe. Which can be launched into the air for easy access.
The fact that it is made of metal give Erwin to ability to manipulate it at will. Meaning he can use his own powers to 'drag' the harness, and his body inside it, over obstacles or quickly away from danger.
-The harness comes with a pair of matching metal bracelets which are easy to conceal under most types of sleeves. Inside each of these bracelets fits a small stack of quarters(10).
When a powerful magnetic force is applied, these coins can easily be fired one by one, effectively creating a wrist gun.
-metal pipes(2). Though simple in design, the fact that they are made of metal means that Erwin can toss them around like a jedi using the force. These metal pipes can be concealed in his metal harness


Psychological Profile: Erwin is young and in-experienced. Still, he witnessed more than enough brutalities in his lifetime. He always hated feeling powerless, being forced to watch.
But now he has power, and he is eager to use it. No longer will he wait for the authorities to show up, no longer will he wait for the people with power to come to the rescue. He IS someone with power, and he will rescue those in need.
Even if he is unsure how to act, he will not hesitate. He will impulsively jump into the fray. Armed with his new found powers, and the confidence they give, He will be the hero he needed when growing up... Or die trying.

Biography: <highely WIP>
Born in Germany, moved to the US for his studies. (it would look good on his resume)
He witnessed some atrocities that got someone close to him killed.
He unlocked his power and began working as a crime-fighting vigilante. Mostly dealing with muggers, rapists and violent drunks.
Something... Something... metaphobia... Something... (reminder)
This does sound interesting.
I was thinking of doing someone who has newly 'unlocked' his powers and is trying to figure out how he can use them to help people. So, maybe he is not part of the league form the start?

Of-coarse, if you short of Founding members, I really don't mind making someone with a bit more experience instead. (it's just a hassle pretending to know everyone when there are so many sign-ups, haha)

In any-case, I will get to making a character tonight, as I was just killing some time before work.
I'm ready. ;)
so today is the day, any idea on what time you want to start?
Hey, is anyone up for another session?
3 times a week may be a little bit to much, But I have all day today, so if we can get something going, let me know.

If not, it might be time to check our schedules for the coming week and set a date.
I will be available on Wednesday and Thursday (all day) But other then that I will be pretty busy except for next Sunday.
Let me know.
sorry I dropped out on everyone there.
I just woke up on the couch, hehe.
must have fallen asleep while waiting, :s
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