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The corner of the chair knocked against Jack's head, causing a small wound to open. He ignored the pain as he fought Elijah off of him, "Fight like a man, you fucking bastard!" He roared as he threw the other to the side. At that moment, Amy had come in after hearing the crashing and shouting from the kitchen. "What the hell is going on here?!" She shouted. Jack jumped to his feet, blinking away the blood as he glared at Elijah. "You coward! You dare try to pin this on me!?" He ignored the entrance of his mother as he took the few steps towards the other man, intending to beat him to a pulp. He felt as though someone had opened up a dam of emotions that he didn't realize he had locked away. The guilt he had towards hurting Josephine, towards scorning Alice, the anger he felt towards Alice's captors, towards Elijah all blended into mass of blind rage directed towards one person.
"I'm sure they'll manage." Sebastian chuckled, kissing her neck lightly. His heart swelled at the thought of his entire family being reunited once again on the ship. His crew would probably commit mutiny if they found out just how excited he actually was about this idea. He remembered those long nights when he first came aboard the Death Omen, yearning for companionship and familial support. Over the years, he had formed a ragtag family with the crew but it just wasn't the same. The crew wasn't necessarily known for their loyalty and consistency. And yet, when he finally found his family, they were split up once again. This time, however, they were going to stay together, like a family.
"You should have thought of that before you stole my girl." Elijah's attempt at diffusing the situation only made Jack angrier. Every bad thought Jack had against the other man came flooding back into his mind which only fueled his rage. The weak, pacifist attitude that Elijah adopted got him out of so many sticky situations but he wasn't going to let him slip out of this. He approached him with a murderous intent. He swung again, this time aiming for his jaw. If he broke his jaw then perhaps he wouldn't try to spew any more of his 'communication' shit.
"I have no doubt that she would fit in just fine with the crew." Despite being pirates, his crew respected anyone who could hold their own, be them women or men. "In fact, I feel as though she would be a really useful addition the ship." There was no doubt in Sebastian's mind that Alice wouldn't be the best pirate out there. It was in her blood after all. He was already making plans with her in it. But it wasn't Alice he was worried about, "Are you alright with coming back onto the ship?" He asked, wrapping both his arms around her.
Elijah had always been hard to place. While Jack had always respected and enjoyed the presence of the younger man, he never knew where to place him. He always felt there was something underneath the gentle facade. He approached him, fists clenched as he finally was able to pinpoint exactly who Eli was, what he always was. "That's it then, hm? We're not family? After all we've been through?" He cracked his knuckles before lifting the other man forcibly out of his seat to his feet. "Well, I guess that makes it easier for me to beat the shit out of you." He growled through clenched teeth as he threw the first punch.
Every time Sebastian came back, he had asked her the same question and every time, Marabelle always refused. So when she didn't outright refuse the offer this time, he allowed himself to hope. "We were going to leave port in about a week's time but if you need more time, we can wait." The past four years had been painful without her and on more than one occasion he thought about retiring early. And yet, every time he thought about turning back, something would stop him. He knew he would go crazy, staying landlocked for too long.
The mystery of Josephine's nightshirt was solved as soon as Jack laid eyes on Elijah. How could he have been so stupid. It was only a matter of time before the kid stole her away from him. The look on his face only confirmed Jack's suspicions. He stared at him for a good long moment before lowering his mug and narrowing his eyes. "So, I should congratulate you, right? Finally acting like a pirate after all." He set his mug on the table, "What with stealing your crewmate's woman and all."
The hand that had been resting on his wife's waist tightened slightly at the thought of anyone touching his daughter. Sebastian looked at his daughter's sleeping face. He had sent Heath to find out what had actually happened to his daughter and who was responsible for her state. He hadn't heard from the young pirate just yet but when he did, he was going to burn all those who were responsible to the ground. No deity would be able to save them from his wrath.

As the series of events that led up to this point replayed in his mind, he was reminded of Marabelle and her new husband. He glanced at his wife as she leaned back against him. The lines around her eyes and mouth had grown more pronounced and yet she was still as beautiful as the day he swept her away many years ago. The idea that someone else woke up to the same face these past couple of years ate away inside of him. He rested his chin on her shoulder, "Will you and Alice come away with me this time?" He asked quietly.
Jack, still reeling from Josephine's confrontation, blindly made his way to the kitchen following the scent of coffee. As he pushed into the kitchen, his mother looked up and regarded him with a pitiful smile. She handed him a cup of coffee, "I'm so sorry to hea--" Jack just shook his head as he took the cup, "I don't want to talk about it right now, Ma." He said before taking a long sip, welcoming the painful burn. Amy patted him on the shoulder, "Breakfast is on the table." She said.

As she watched him walk to the door of the dining area, she remembered that Elijah was sitting at the table as well. She opened her mouth to tell Jack but he had already gone through. "Oh dear." She mumbled to herself, touching her chin. Perhaps Jack didn't know about his fiancee and Elijah yet. Eli wouldn't say anything...right?
The young man was going to get hurt but Amy knew she couldn't say anything more to him. While he wasn't as vocal as the rest of his family, he was still as stubborn. With one last glance at his room, she followed him to the kitchen. Josephine had waited until she had heard the second pair of footsteps retreat before leaving the room. She made sure to take one last glance around before going to Jack's room where her clothes had been. She didn't think she would get the same reaction as Amy's if she ran into say Sebastian but she didn't want to take chances. Jack was a golden child who could do no wrong.

With a bitter grimace, she stood in front of Jack's room. She hoped that he was still at Alice's side just so she wouldn't have to face him. Despite all her wishful thinking, when she opened the door, there stood Jack. He stopped and turned, still bent over his drawer. "Oh...Jo." He slowly straightened and turned to fully face her. "Whose...whose shirt are you wearing?" Josephine smugly thought she detected a hint of jealousy in his tone. Instead of answering, she went to the armoire and took out a dress to wear. "Jo. Jo, I'm--"
"Don't call me that." She snapped, glaring at him. "In fact, don't talk to me at all. You made your choice. May you two live happily ever after." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she turned and left the room and him. Elijah would be proud of her, she thought bitterly as she made her way down the hall, she restrained her tongue and her fist.

She was caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Sebastian pass her. The captain did a double take, looking back at her with a raised eyebrow before he entered into Alice's room. "Josephine looks as though she's about to kill someone." He commented as he walked up to his wife, kissing her on the top of her head. He pulled a chair up and sat Alice's bed, "How is she doing? Did she wake up?" He asked, brushing his fingers across her knuckles lightly.
With one last glare at the woman, Amy let herself be lead out of the room. When they were crossed the threshold, she pulled Elijah to the side, "You be careful around her, Eli." All her previous anger gone, replaced with only concern. "Don't go jumping into anything. She only thinks of herself. You deserve someone so much better, dear." She frowned, putting a hand on his cheek. She'd seen this story play out so many times and she didn't want Elijah to be caught with the short end. He had already been through so much.
With her jaw jutted out pridefully, Josephine was ready to take on the other woman. The blind fury of the other woman killed any remorse or shame she may have felt. Her fists and jaw clenched, ready for a fight. But Elijah's interference damped the fire that was burning in Amy's eyes. She looked at Elijah, "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Your beloved son is in love with Alice. Do you not see the way he looks at her or do you need new glasses, Granny." She sneered. Amy's jaw twitched at the insult, her glare returning with full forced as she faced Josephine.
"Like hell it doesn't." Amy's eyes narrowed dangerously as her eyes darted from her foster grandson to the harlot that had jumped awake as well, hand sliding under the pillow. When their eyes met, Josephine swore and quickly moved away from Elijah. "Amy, it's true. This isn't what it looks like!" The older woman put one hand on her hip, glaring daggers at the younger woman. "Get out of my house." Her voice was low and her knuckles were white around the handle of the steaming mug of coffee. "I offer you a home because you are my son's fiancee and I find you in bed with another man?!"
"You are now. Now get out." She stepped to the side and gestured for her to leave.
When he stood to let her mother tend to her, Jack finally realized the disarrayed state he was in. He was hesitant to leave, especially after Alice asked him to stay. He sat back on the edge of the bed and took her hand, "I'll be right back. I promise." He said, squeezing her hand lightly and waiting for her to completely knock out before letting go. "I figured I need a bath and a fresh change of clothes." He was about to ask whether she would watch over her when he stopped himself. This was affecting him more than he thought it did. He rubbed his cheek, "I'm also going to get some coffee." He shook his head and headed towards the door.
As Amy finished setting the table for breakfast, she realized that Elijah wasn't down yet. The young man was always an early riser. Concerned that last night's incident took a bigger toll on him than she thought, she went to his room with a mug of coffee and knocked once before opening the door, "Elijah? Are you al--" She stopped and blinked several times, hoping her eyes were deceiving her. There was no way that Elijah would be sharing a bed with her son's fiancee. And yet, there they were, tangled up underneath the blankets.
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