Avatar of Mordon
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    1. Mordon 8 yrs ago


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Colin Roche
The Rag-Tag Force Meeting Spot

Colin looked down at the dwarf, his mouth agape in mock indignation. “Nothing to lose!?” He exclaimed, his eyes shining. “I doubt you've got a very good angle my stout friend but I can assure you I have a very handsome face on me, a face that gets me a lot of attention from the ladies when combined with my winning demeanor. To say I have nothing to lose if this pretty killer here cuts my gonads off is like saying you Dwarves have nothing to lose if someone introduces your people to shaving razors! I do say my good man, I am hurt.” Colin smiled, chuckling as he turned back to the front.

Over the next several minutes a whole gang of different people turned up. Everything from another Dwarf to one of the grey giants. Colin just observed, enjoying the rag-tag group that had now crowded the large tent. Soon Eloen turned up and Colin flashed a smile at her.

“Hey, move ya big and small blighters, let my slender friend through there.”

Unwilling to wait Colin stuck himself in the small crowded space between where he was and the back and held his arm out to Eloen.

“Come forward El, might be a tad difficult for you to hear what's said through the thick wall of grey muscle here.”
Ha, nice @Asuu, you got the survivalist vibe down well.
Abel O'Connell

Trying hard to keep his eyes both on where he was placing his feet and the people ahead of him was proving more difficult than he had anticipated, and it wasn't long before he looked back up and saw one of them seemingly nod at him.

“Shit.” He swore under his breath. No turning back now, no other direction but forwards either. The Gob's were all over the place. He ran up and down cars, sometimes jumping from one to the other and sometimes having to make a small sprint from one to the next. His palms were sweating heavily and once again he wished he'd worked out more before everything went to shit. He feared his gun would slip from his hand. Nearing an intersection Abel ran towards it and watched as the small crew fought off the dead and was surprised when one of them turned around and started back in his direction.

The stranger reached the intersection first and with Gob's closing in all around him he quickly hopped up onto a SWAT truck, killing the undead SWAT team member on top of it and giving Abel a wave. With the space between him and the dead getting ever smaller Abel made one last sprint and got to the intersection, quickly raising his gun and firing off into the closest Gob's head. The closeness of him and the target meant he didn't have to be anything close to a decent-shot to hit what he wanted to and he watched as the thing's brain matter shot out the back of it's head in a mushroom pattern. He fired off two more rounds, dropping two before he couldn't afford to shoot any more of them without getting bitten. He ran, hopping up onto the hood of the truck and climbing onto the roof, doing a small roll and landing right next to the stranger.

“Thanks for the idea, name's Abel...” He breathed heavily, catching his breath. “You have any clue how we're getting out of this alive?”
Aye, that makes sense, and it's not unrealistic. Plenty of people believe killing in self defense to be an okay thing to do. Self preservation is the first law of nature after all and I reckon that includes defense. Since he was raised by his grandfather he likely has an even more old-fashioned sense of justice as well, so there are plenty of ways to explain it in the character. I was just curious as to what his was specifically.
Aye, he's an interesting character. Looking forward to reading the rest. The only thing I'd ask to be expanded upon (in the history would make sense) is why he's now okay with killing people. We're only a month into the apocalypse after all and most of us have avoided people for the most part, so what triggered that change in him? Or maybe it wasn't a change? Maybe he was always okay with the idea of killing if he could justify it somehow?
I try to use italics for thoughts as well, I don't always remember to though.
Yay! A dwarf enters! Oh, I changed that last word there. I figure the term bad-ass doesn't quite fit into the D.A universe. :P
Ain't no thing. These walker hordes will probably keep us busy for a while anyhow. xD
I said "probably"... Okay, okay, now I'm done though. Completely done till everyone else posts.
Colin Roche

“A magister, eh?” Colin asked, his voice losing it's almost default tone of humour. He screwed up his face and looked the lad up and down. After staring intensely for a few seconds he took a step forward. He placed his hands behind his back, puffed his chest out and took a quick look to the right and left as if addressing a crowd before shouting in what was obviously a tone of mock nobility:

“Excuse me master, teacher, magister ser, but isn't it awkward sharing a camp, food, safety and indeed a title: Refugee! ... With all those you would previously have called and treated as slaves?” He leaned his head forward slightly, raising an eyebrow as if he were a teacher awaiting an answer. Suddenly he regained his normal posture and his face softened.

“Oh, but don't think me heartless. I do indeed remember when my homeland was tainted, plagued and massacred by those darkspawn bastards, so I can empathize. I was just ten years old during the Battle of Denerim. I remember feeling... Hold up, I was ten...” His face turned from soft to a look of remembrance and humour and suddenly he was mashing his clenched hands together making a slapping noise. “I 'skinned the sausage' every fifteen blighted minutes when I was ten, but I don't remember caring about much else... My apologies, I guess I can't empathize.” He smirked, nodding as if to signal he was done talking, but of course, he wasn't.

“So we know who you are... We ALL know who you are!” He grinned at the Tevinter before turning to the lady present. “But who's the weirdly nice on the eyes knight? Or did you steal daddy's armour and decide to go on an adventure? Nope, not that. I can see you separating me from my limbs in your eyes. You really are a knight! Damn, and I thought I was a talented youth.”
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