Avatar of mpjama2
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    1. mpjama2 10 yrs ago


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The Cultivator's Plateau A woman in brown robes yawned as she walked along a muddy path. The moon was high in the sky, and it shone its pale light onto the golden fields of the cultivators. The fields didn't quite feel as alive during the night, for one could only hear the wind whistle through the grain and the muted sounds of laughter and mirth at the Temple. This woman was put on patrol duty to find would-be thieves, but she found something quiet different indeed. She heard screams of anguish and battle coming from below the plateau, so she darted to the edge to see what was going on. It was hard to see from up high and in the dark, but there was a battle occurring down below. Screams of agony were interspersed with flashes of light and incantations spoke in ancient tongues. Soon afterwards the sounds of panic could be heard from other parts of the city. After a few moments she had seen enough, and ran off to the great temple shouting for help. In the cavernous Great Temple, one of Marton's massive feasts was underway. Only the most talented performers were given permission to be on the plateau this night, and they truly met their expectations. Several bards sang cultivator hymns and other songs, knife jugglers juggled twelve of their knifes at a time in reference to the twelve harvests, and one very talented magician was able to make a likeness of Plenora out of rose petals and told stories about the goddess with his magic. And the food, the food was the best part. Several loaves of bread still warm lined the tables as well as several roasted chicken and just about anything you could find in Antioch. In the center of it all was Marton IV himself, also known as Marton the Fat, which is a surname he truly earned. The morbidly obese man laughed and laughed and wine dribbled down one of his several chins. While all of the cultivators wear brown robes, and Marton was no exception, he also donned a ceremonial hat which looked like a tall, thin wicker basket with flowers sticking out of it. Marton also had a wooden staff beside him that had vines snaking up it and a gas-lantern hanging from the top. The joy of the feast was not to last however, as an acolyte burst into the temple screaming: "There are sorcerers below that seek to defile the plateau! I've seen it! Antioch is under attack! I've seen it! We have to strike or they will defile our precious fields!" Soon after everyone got the message, a panic went through the feast like a wave. Several of the cultivators simply gasped in shock. Others shouted that they would drive the sorcerers out since Plenora was on their side. Some others said it was their duty to protect the city, and they should take arms. Marton wiped the wine off of his chins and was saying "Silence." over and over again each time a little bit louder and more frustrated, but it was barely audible over the crowd. The frenzy of the crowd grew and grew until Marton slammed his staff against the table smashing several plates and bits of glasswear and roared: "IN THE NAME OF PLENORA, BE SILENT!" Out of respect for the liason, the crowd quieted down. Marton looked slightly exasperated as he pointed to the acolyte that burst into the door: "You there, step forward." The acolyte did as she was bid, and before she had a chance to speak up Marton continued: "You are going to lead my chancellor," Marton cocks his head toward a thin old man, "to where you saw this conflict." The chancellor looked somewhat surprised, but was led outside of the temple by the acolyte after muttering a "of course Marton". Marton raised his voice once more and said: "It is Plenora's will that we share our prosperity and help others when we can. However. If we have nothing to give, then we cannot share in our wealth. If we don't know anything about this threat, then we may do more harm than good by interfering." The crowd murmured, and one acolyte shouted: "Do you really suggest we just sit back and do nothing while the city burns!" "No of course not! All I am saying is that we need to be able to protect ourselves first! What good will a mob do against a sorcerer? We don't even know where the sorcerers she saw are, and your suggesting that we go into the city? No. We wait until we know more, and we do what we have always done, we protect the fields. Arm yourselves, arm yourselves and if any sorcerers are spotted we will hear from an acolyte patrolling the plateau." And with that, Marton the Fat collapsed into his chair, and watched as the crowd scrambled for weapons in the great temple. Meanwhile, Chancellor Tero and the acolyte descend the plateau into the main-city. Panic is wide-spread, people are locking their doors and closing the shutters on the windows hoping for the best. Eventually after winding through several alleyways, they arrive at the where the fight took place between the assassins and the sycophant. As the light of the chancellor's torch licked the side of the plateau, the more of the gruesome scene was revealed. The side of the plateau was coated with blood, gibs, and chunks of bone. A corpse of man wearing black robes with golden trim had a look of sheer terror plastered onto his face. His neck had a large chunk of flesh missing, and he had a missing eye that looked like it was removed recently. Chancellor Tero looked slightly shaken but not nearly as much as the acolyte, who looked absolutely gripped with fright. The Chancellor and breathed a sigh of relief: "It looks like one of the mages got to him first... What I don't understand is why he is so mutilated... And why his compatriots seem to be painted onto the side of the plateau... That... is going to be a question I have for the mages. But thank Plenora that the threat to the plateau is gone. We should go back to report what we've found here." The acolyte merely nodded, and they began the trek back to the Great Temple on the Cultivator's plateau.
The only kind of Magician that can enchant an object is an Alchemist. Runes, item enchantments, and potions all require knowledge of the Ancient Language associated with the Great Power.
White Magicians following The Mother could heal wounds, bring strength and courage, lift curses, ect. Another noteworthy god is The Warrior. The abilities he bestowed included forming barriers, enchanting armor and swords, granting courage, lessening fatigue, augmenting strength, ect.
Question: So only Alchemists can enchant stuff right? That earlier bit about White Mages is just a typo, right? Also super excited for this to start as well, is there an ETA on that?
Name: Sigurd (no last name, but is sometimes referred to as "Sigurd the Fool") Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Sigurd is a blonde boy. He has few missing teeth and large goofy ears. He is somewhat athletic for his age and has some muscle. His hands and feet are calloused, and he has ice blue eyes. He is somewhat tall for his age; hovering around 5'11. Otherwise, his appearance is somewhat plain. Village: Southreach. The Village sits on a small peninsula that juts out from the south-western half of the mainland. It has a temperate climate, without extreme summers or winters due to its proximity to the ocean. Southreach is a very rainy place, and most of the time the weather is overcast; it is an uncommon occurrence for the sun to come out. The peninsula is a place with rocky shores and sparse coverings of pine trees and other ferns. The village is small, but it is a hub for ships moving up and down the western coast that desire basic supplies like food. The houses in Southreach are small, mostly made of pine logs, and have roofs of gray slate. However the town hall looks like it started as a boat with the deck facing toward the ground. There is also a small crumbling castle that looks like it was carved into the rocky crags. Southreach for the most part a fishing village that sits on a small cove, with a somewhat unique history. (*cough I sent you a pm with the history I wrote up for Southreach. Halfway through writing it, I realized it wasn't part of the application. Normally I would just scrap it, but I was on a roll and I realized that you wanted players to help write the lore at some point. So I finished it and sent you a pm with it in it. *unconvincing cough.) Background: Sigurd was born to a family of fishermen. His mother died of pneumonia when he was quite young, and that has drawn his father to drunkenness. He remembers great stories of Northmen that his mother told him when he was young, but he still believes in them. In present Southreach, that's the equivalent of believing in Santa Claus well into high school. So he is looked down upon and ridiculed earning him the surname 'the Fool'. He has a few close friends who also believe in the legends but not many others. For the most part, he provides for the household for his father is often too drunk to function. Because of his father's drunkenness, he has an aversion to alcohol. He feels like nothing ties him down to his home, and desperately wants to leave. He has earned the ire of the Lord Inquisitor for spreading rumors of these legends, but the Inquisitor has decided not to do anything about that, yet. While he is not trained how to use weapons, he likes to "train" with those close friends, even if he has to drag them along. While he isn't actually trained in the use of weapons, he is definitely better than someone who has never even tried. Often he likes to explore the peninsula as some means to get away from it all. Personal Aspirations: Sigurd wants to become one of the legends he's heard about... Even though he doesn't know that they happen to be White mages. I'd like to see Sigurd's aspirations come to fruition, but if I stumble across a more interesting outcome on the way, I'll roll with that.
Also, do I get confidential information?
Yes, you do. Ill message it to you tomorrow...
Oh ok then.
Also, do I get confidential information?
Great to see a cultivator liaison. Just a few things: the priesthood does not allow anybody else to farm the plateau's just being invited onto the is a great honor. Stealing from the priesthood is death sentence. Apart from that I think that the character is great. He is so very different from the rest of the cast. Hopefully he can play a foil to the more serious characters and lighten the tone of the RP once in a while... Add to the character tab once you've made the changes It also seems like we've filled in all character slots
Ok, fix'd and posted. Can't wait for tommorow!
Also, is this in any way related to the actual city of Antioch IRL? Or is the city just called that?
Disney Villains Victorious is a /tg/ homebrew project based on the glorious idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which (almost) all the villains from (almost) all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole.

It is a world in which Ursula rules the seas, defied only by the uncatchable Pirate Lords and the might of Atlantis. It is a world where the grasslands, the jungles and the forests are prowled not only by fearsome primal beasts like Shere Kahn and Scar, but also by the ruthless, tireless hunters that stalk them. It is a world where Europe has been divvied up between sorcerous queens like Maleficent, inquisitorial clergy men like Frollo and Dark Gods like Hades and Chernobog.

It is not, however, a world completely devoid of courage, heroism or hope. Around the world, the Player Characters and their allies plot, plan, fight, strive and win their own victories against the villains that would rule them. The time to fight and to be free is now.

Blatantly stolen from 4chan/tg/, I bring you Disney Villains Victorious! I'm wondering if anyone is interested in playing in an RP in this setting. I was thinking that yall would be playing a bunch of adventurers in this crazy world trying to set it right again. Please comment below if your interested and if you have any ideas of how this game would be run.
Alrighty, going to be posting the speech tomorrow!
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