Avatar of Mr Creamscene
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  • Posts: 30 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Mr Creamscene 9 yrs ago


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@Prodigal Son
Jessie was impressed with Felix's armor.
"Nice armor, must be a pretty high level construct if a mage of your caliber requires an incantation to conjure it. Or was that just for flair?"
That's when she noticed Felix making his move. His charging strike at Man of War was a simple opening, so just before contact, Man of War braced itself for the impact. Once the attack hit, Man of War's feet dug into the ground with his brace, resisting the force of the hit. Jessie whistled, impressed at the power and speed of the attack.
"Was that a burst of focused mana for propulsion? Or is it more polarity style?"
As she finished speaking, Man of War grabbed Felix, with all four hands, and tossed him across the courtyard, causing him to land heavily on the ground.
"Either way its impressive magic."
Man of War gave Felix a chance to stand back up before dashing over to him and sending two powerful punches at him with both right arms.
@Prodigal Son
Jessie listened patiently to Felix's story and thought for a moment once he had finished.
"That's quite the story."
She stated handing the list back to Felix after looking over it.
"Issue with a quest for items of great power like you have described is this though. What if you aren't telling the truth? As much as I would love to believe you, we've only just met. Perhaps you simply want these Paragons for the sake of your own power? A man's hubris and desire for power can oft be his greatest driving force, the only thing they hold sacred."
Jessie took a few steps away and looked up at someone at the top of the courtyard wall, silently signaling to them, the few other people within the courtyard stopped what they were doing and quickly left the area.
"So tell you what. I say we have a friendly little duel, just to have a judge of your character. If there is anything my lessons have taught me, its that the fastest way to learn what someone is about, is to trade blows with them."
The courtyard gained a light glow around its perimeter, a field preventing stray spells from going awry into the Manor. Jessie tapped the ground with the toe of her shoe twice and a summoning circle sprouted from the spot.
"Surely a former arch-magi would have no issue facing off against a single summon of mine, eh? Not even a big brawl, just a few traded blows and then Ill give you my answer."
Two large chunks of rock sprouted up from the ground at opposite ends of the summoning circle and slammed against each other. Cracks grew within the large boulder before it shattered to reveal the summon. It appeared to be mostly human, save for its four arms and seven foot tall stature. It was very muscular and stood with a powerful confidence, its upper arms crossed and its lower arms with its hands on its hips.
"Sound good?"
Jessie asked as she stepped behind the summon and looked at Felix with a smile on her face.
@Prodigal Son
Jessie looked up at the man who had walked in and held a single index finger up to her lips in a "shush" style. She pointed at one of the children sitting in front of her who had begun to look down at an intricate summoning circle drawn on the ground. The child put his hands on the circle's border and closed his eyes. After a moment, the circle began to glow, and a flame floated out from the center of it. The flame danced about the circle for a few seconds before it began to decide on a vulpine shape. The flame began to seem to become solid, and the wisps of flame formed into a more refined fur like texture. The circle lost its glow and a fox stood atop it, a small orb of flame at the end of its tail. The child who had performed the summon let out a squeal of delight, and Jessie let out a smile and ruffled his hair.
"Why don't you go show Kana? Im sure she will be delighted."
The boy looked up at Jessie and nodded before giving her a hug. He then gently picked up the fox spirit and ran off, the other child close behind. Jessie waved at them as they ran off and then turned her attention towards the man who had asked for her attention.
"Sal has been having issues learning, this was his first successful summon. Alex just likes to sit in on all the private lessons, he can never seem to get enough info in that head of his."
Jessie casually explained.
"But I can guess that my tutoring isn't the reason for your visit."
Jessie glanced down from her perch, the view of the snowy slopes before her filled her with energy. The snowboard route she was taking today was usually pretty popular, but due to the opening of a new slope, all the regulars were off checking out the scene there. She didn't mind not being among them though, since she had done the route raw and unflagged before it had been scoped out by the local resort's route setters.
Jessie lowered her goggles and put her earbuds in before putting a snug purple beanie on and pulling it down over her ears. She took an ipod out of her pocket, clicked on a ska music playlist, and tucked it back into a pocket and zipping it closed. She smiled as the music stared playing and jumped down from her seat landing snowboard first in the snow and beginning to gain momentum. As she zipped down the slope, the parts of it she loved began to rush toward her, and those parts were the copious amounts of ramps and jumps. Her smile grew as she went rocketing into the air off the first ramp. While airborne, she grabbed the side of her board in her right hand and pulled while shifting her body weight to the left causing an aerial barrel roll before she righted her position just before landing. Several jumps and several miles of slope later, Jessie skidded to a stop at the bottom of the slope. She pulled up her goggles and glanced up the slope as she undid the straps of her snowboard.
"Always more fun to spend time with you alone babe."
She said to the slope. She was glad to have had it as an empty slope again, when she had started snowboarding a couple years back that specific slope had always been pretty empty, but the past few months had seen a surge in its popularity. Jessie hoped with the opening of the new slope she would get more time on this slope to herself. She shrugged as she picked up her board and went to head home. She had run the slope a couple times already, and she had some things she needed to take care of so she bid farewell to the slopes for the day.
After a short drive to the bottom of the mountain, Jessie arrived at her home, the large manor her family and many others lived in. The manor was home to a clan of summoners that she was a part of, as she walked through the halls, she saw many of the clan's younger members running through the halls playing with small animal-esque elementals. She greeted several of them as the ran past excitedly chasing the small sprites they had worked so hard to learn to summon. Eventually she arrived at her room and stepped in, leaning her snowboard up against the wall. She removed her jacket and snowboarding clothing, setting it up, ready for next time. She got dressed in a pair of jeans, a tank-top, and sneakers before leaving her room and going off to the manor's courtyard where there were a pair of kids she had promised to give a little bit of summoning training to that day were awaiting her.

Jessie Link

Yo fam! We ready to do this shit!
Got my snowboarding summoner all up and ready to rock!

Jessie Link

Rook and Bishop had just managed to meet up after they both successfully got into the facility when alarms started blaring. Rook gave Bishop a look and nodded his head in the direction that the commotion was coming from. Bishop stepped slightly out of the cover the two had found, crouched and peered through the scope of her rifle.
"A group of guards, about 10. They have surrounded a group of three people. Two of them are from my report pre-infiltration. One unfamiliar. The three do not appear to be in alignment. Whats our next move?"
Rook thought for a moment before he spoke. He had used his augment to make sure their words were heard by none but the two.

"Well it seems we have two options. We could either use this as an opportunity to make our infiltration and complete our job. Or we could stay here and observe the situation and if necessary, make ourselves known."
Bishop looked over to her father.

"I would suggest getting the data we were commissioned to retrieve. Their fight is none of our business." Bishop said as she returned her gaze to the group ahead of them. "It is the whole reason for our presence here."
Rook nodded in agreement.

"Thats probably a wise idea. Lets get moving, but don't get complacent just because there is a larger threat for them to be worried about. I'm sure they have more than enough troops to give us some notice as well."
Bishop nodded and the two of them checked their path and made their way in the opposite direction of the intruders who had been surrounded by guards.
The very end of a sniper barrel poked out of the shadows atop a tall building a small distance away from the Helevin Distribution Company. The sniper herself was scanning the compound through the rifle's scope, analyzing the Distribution company's outer defenses. The sniper, Bishop she was called, and her father, Rook, had been hired to do.... something. Not only had the people who had hired them not revealed their own identity, they had also explained that their intentions would be revealed "In due time". They had stated though that once the job was done, the payout would be massive. The employer had also said that they could drop the job at any time, which would be nice if things got too sketchy. Bishop had advised her father against accepting the job, but he was not one for refusing jobs. He did however agree that if it was no longer in their best interests, then he would drop the job.
However, in the here and now, Bishop returned her focus to the task at hand, reconnaissance. She continued to scan the walls of the facility and noticed something curious through her scope, a figure that seemed to be.... climbing up the side of the wall? The figure went out of sight before she could zoom her scope in and get a better view of the figure. She stood up from her prone position and lifted her rifle by the strap and hefted it onto her back. The wall next to her was littered with various railings, windowsills, and slight ledges that she could use to get to a better vantage point. She swiftly scaled the structure reaching the top of the building just next to the one she had been on before and found a good spot to take a knee and resume her research on the structure and the strange figure scaling the wall. Bishop peered through her scope and soon found the figure scaling the wall once again. She zoomed in more closely and inspected the figure. Seemed to be male, tall, with strange claws which was what he seemed to be using to scale the structure.
"Is that his augment? Interesting, to say the least."
Bishop mumbled to herself. She saw the man get over the structure's wall, and he vanished from view. Bishop made a mental note of the man, she was near ready to make her report to her father on the ground level, who would be inspecting the inner wall as soon as he received Bishop's report on the structures weak points. She turned her gaze to the upper level of the inner structure and saw yet another surprise. What appeared to be a young woman. Bishop had only had a moment's glance at the woman before she climbed into what appeared to be an air-duct.
Bishop was astounded by the amount of people infiltrating the compound, but she quickly finished up her recon and began to relay information to her father.


Rook was waiting near the base of the compound waiting for a report from his daughter. His communications unit in his pocket gave a quick buzz, which let him know that the info had come in. He quickly reviewed the information and smirked a little bit upon seeing the bit about the other two figures Bishop had seen infiltrating the base.
"Guess we aren't the only ones storming the castle."
He mumbled to himself. He put his comm unit away and took his shotgun from its holster on his back. he made sure to hook up the weapon to the small sound generator he kept on his belt and began making his way towards the small hole in the structure's defenses that Bishop had pointed out to him, stifling any sound he may have made using his sound based augment. He arrived at the spot Bishop had pointed out to him, a minor oversight entry point, security guards not checking the undersides of vehicles. He made his way a small distance from the compound and waited in hiding for a brief time until a shipment vehicle drove by. He lept at the truck as it passed and grabbed onto a bar on the back, holding on tightly. The truck began to slow down as it approached the compound, so he quickly dropped down and scurried underneath, grabbing onto the trucks underside. The truck arrived at the checkpoint and Rook overheard the driver conversing with one of the guards while another checked the back door of the truck. The guards finished their inspection and the truck resumed it's way into the compound. Rook continued to hold on for a brief while longer. Eventually he got to a point where there were shadows on all sides and he released his grip on the truck and hit the ground lightly, stifling the sound of his landing with his augment. As the truck drove off he quickly glanced to all sides making sure he wasn't in view of anyone and quickly and silently made his way to a safe point Bishop had located to wait for her.
"Maybe I should just start leaving the infiltrating to Bishop from now on, Im getting too old for this."
Rook said, making sure to confine his voice to a small bubble so that nothing would be able to pick up his voice.
Name: Rook Furst
Age: 41
Powers/abilities: Can boost the power of sound waves to dangerous levels be it from machines or from his own voice.
Above average strength and agility, but only from training his body as much as he possibly could, not from any sort of
Appearance: Shaggy dark brown hair, a couple inches long, a rather scraggly beard, hazel eyes. 6'1, needs glasses in
order to read. Has a tattoo of a rook chess piece on his right forearm. Muscular build.
Outfits: Long Black Duster Jacket and jeans with a black shirt underneath that tucks into the pants, combat boots,
a pendant of a key (means absolutely nothing, he just finds it cool) Belt bandolier that has a hook for his shotgun,
a line of spare shells, and a knife sheath.
Same as first but without the jacket.
Any other outfit that he may have to wear.

He typically has some form of sound emitter on his person, either for the sake of raw sound, or to play music,
which helps him fight from time to time, and he enjoys during down time, he hates the quiet.
He has shitty aim with weapons, thus he prefers the up close and personal firepower love that only a 12 gauge shotgun
can provide.
Always keeps a long knife he has affectionately named "The Backup Plan"

Personality: Kinda carefree, jokester, but also a very dangerous bounty hunter who has on more than one occasion,
screwed up a job, it always ends up okay. Loves his daughter Bishop more than anything as she is all he has left of
his wife before she died. Doesn't smother and try to protect Bishop as he knows that she is fully capable of taking
care of herself, however if she did end up in a bad situation, Rook would do anything to get her out of it.


TVP +1
Sense Motive +2
Perform +1
Diplomacy +1

PeeVersusPee: (Action) Rook charges at an enemy and drops into a slide followed up with a pair of shotgun blasts.
Combutt: (Minor Action) Next attack gains +STR mod to hit chance and 1 D4 bonus damage.
Screech of De'van: (Action) Rook attatches a mod to his shotgun that enables sound based attacks.
And his name is: (Action) Rook amplifies any given sound to massive levels, causing a disorientation to all who hear it
for two turns.
Aloha Smackbar: (Action) Rook takes his knife and hits an opponent with the handle of the knife.

Name: Bishop Furst
Age: 20
Powers/Abilities: No powers, as she dislikes the idea of the implants (though she doesn't force her ideals on others)
and prefers to train her body to its best condition naturally, thus, she is strong, agile, and near unmatched with
long range weaponry. She naturally has a sound strategic mindset and knows how to work her way out of many situations.
She has also practiced with escape artistry and infiltration. Despite her combat training however, close quarters
combat is her Achilles heel as she cannot last in a hand to hand fight, which is why she prefers to stay hidden and
take out targets from afar.
Appearance: Long red hair, not orange, but full hot rod red, natural, got it from her mother. Bright green eyes, like
her mother, and a tanner skin color, again from her mother. 5'8, but only because of the extra inch her boots give her.
Lean build and mimicking her father, she has a tattoo of a bishop chess piece, but on her left forearm.
Outfits: A hooded jacket over a tank top that tucks into dark skinny jeans that tuck into tall laced boots that go up
to just under her knees. The hooded jacket has pockets for spare rifle ammunition as well as other things she finds
necessary. Like her father, she also keeps a long knife but hers is strapped to her upper right arm, with the hilt by
her elbow (there is a strap that keeps the knife in it's sheath. A pendant with a shining sky blue gem in it. The gem
was a tip a wealthy contractor had given Rook when he had done an exceptional job on a bounty and instead of selling
it, he had it made into a pendant, and on Bishop's eighth birthday, gave it to her.
^Main outfit, has others to fit more casual situations.
Young Bishop wanted to follow in her father's footsteps, her mother passed when she was little so the care her father
provided was all she knew and it had a heavy impact on her. So he begrudgingly trained her, noticing that she worked
very differently than him. She was agile, and could make her way around difficult terrain with remarkable ease, but
she suffered in close quarters combat. As soon as a fight started, she would forget what do, and just dodge without
fighting back. It was the one wall that she was never able to climb, so they focused on training her with ranged
weaponry and developing her strategic mindset. After she turned 18, Rook finally let her start accompanying him on jobs.
She behaves much like her father, but in serious situations when he would crack a joke, she would remain serious and
think everything through with a much more sound state of mind to figure out the best possible way of getting the
situation resolved.


Athletics +1
Acrobatics +1
TVP +2
Escape artist +1

Keep Rolling: (Passive) Gain +2 AC while aiming a sniper rifle.
Debuff Dan: (Minor Action) Bishop loads her rifle with a clip of break on impact bullets that cause minor paralysis.
(Causes -3 to hit until saving throw of their Constitution against Bishop's DEX) 5 shots, only usable once per outing.
Bishop Hammer: (Passive) Allows the use of her sniper rifle at close range.
Star of David: (Utility/Minor Action) Bishop loads a single round into her rifle that causes a massive flash upon impact.
Usable 3 times per outing.
Cucked in the AM: (Passive) During nighttime Bishop gains +5 to stealth.
Can't Melt Steel Beams: (Minor Action) Bishop loads her rifle with 5 acidic rounds that cause permenant AC decrease by 2
upon impact. Useable once per outing.
I came for memes.
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