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Knowledge is power. Knowledge is life. Knowledge is illumination. The massive tech-marine scholar sat in the great Librarium of the “Spire that touches the heavens” and read from an enormous tome detailing the Jericho Reach’s history and many of the battles and xenos that could be expected to reside there. He turned the pages carefully, as this tome was of great import to the Guardians of the Covenant, mainly due to the fact that it was their only source of knowledge on the sector. Wish I could know more…Makradon thought to himself in the quiet archive section, the only sound emitting from his mechanical cybernetics. Sure would make me feel more comfortable… He stared out the massive glass window beside him, a view that would take anyone’s breath away.

Mortikah VII.

The mountains and vales stretched on for miles in all directions, littering the planet with a beauty that even one such as him, a Mechanicus Adept, could appreciate. Despite this, as one looked close, the signs of war were evident. In the long history of the Imperium, Mortikah VII had seen its’ fair share of wars. The craters from planet killers sprinkled the planetside, as unnatural canyons brought about by enormous firepower curved through the landscape. The citizens of the planet might have forgotten the wars, but not the Guardians of the Covenant. Not for a single second. A home fit for a chapter such as ours… It was time for Makradon to make a new home.

A few days prior, Makradon had been called into the Hall of Secrecy, where many of the official meetings took place between him and his brothers. Expecting many of them to be around him, he thought nothing of it, a simple matter of upcoming battles or maybe a check on supplies from each Sergeant. He pushed the massive stone doors open, one in each hand, allowing for his bulky frame to pass through unabated. But, instead of booming with the sounds of the entire chapter, there was only one thing potent in the grand hall.


The Hall of Secrecy was a marvel in and of itself. Stained glass windows depicted the great Chapter Masters from before. Golgotha. Lucian. Magron. Astelon. And of course the largest stained glass window was given to the finest of all, Lion El’Jonson, the Primarch of the Dark Angels and all the successor chapters, resplendent in his black armor with his golden hair flying though the wind. The gothic benches of the Hall of Secrecy led up to a large stone podium. As his eyes moved up, Makradon spotted the most influential figures of his chapter.

The three of them stood in a solid horizontal line in full battle plate, their red robes covering their heads, leaving their faces hidden in the shadows, but Makradon knew them well. He had bled with these men. He would bleed with them again. Apothecary Cadmus stood on the left, his narthecium displayed on his right arm. Battle Sergeant Elyas stood on the right, his gleaming force sword sheathed at his side. In the middle stood an angel of the Astartes, one of the most learned in all the galaxy, shining brightly with a large grin on his face.

Chapter Master Zahariel.

To look upon one such as him brought tears to the eyes. Makradon continued his stride up to the front of the hall, wondering immensely at this meeting. What in throne could this be about? Finally, after a good while, the steely boots of his power armor halted before the podium, and the three magnificent figures of his chapter. With a soothing voice like honey, Chapter Master Zahariel spoke softly, but with an elegance that stole the attention of any who heard it.

“Makradon…my boy. Ease your worrying mind. You have done no wrong this day. Nor do I believe you will ever wrong our chapter. We merely wish to discuss a matter of great importance with you.” As Zahariel spoke, he made his way down the steps and embraced the tech-marine. “We have brought you here into the Hall of Secrecy alone, for you are to partake in a grand adventure, my son. One the likes of which few from our Chapter ever could even dream of.” Makradon embraced his Chapter Master in return and then stood reverently waiting for him to continue. Pacing in front of Makradon, Zahariel got to the point. “The importance of secrecy remains the truest doctrine of our Chapter next to the quest for knowledge. We abhor lies and deceit, as well as the fact that we are Unforgiven for which we strive in any way we see fit to exterminate that perception. You know this more than most, my favored son.”
The brain matter flew in all directions as the inside of the Chaos Cultist’s head exploded out, the silenced round having done exactly what was needed. Makradon held up his hand, stopping the advance of his team, putting an armored finger to his helmeted mouth. The signal was clear to all. Silence is golden. Makradon and his strike team had made it into the depths of the Chaos Fortress on the planet of Hearth, while his brothers distracted the enemy outside, creating quite the diversion. Soundstrike missiles pounded the walls around them, and specks of dust fell down in the haze of battle. According to intelligence reports, the Cultist Library was somewhere down this hallway. All that was left was to purge the slanderous records created by these Heretics, these foul traitorous guardsmen and their chaos cultist commanders.

Makradon listened for the right moment to come, perceiving the screech of the missiles through the air. He stepped forward, along with his brothers at the exact moment of the explosion, masking their footsteps and taking them down the long corridor. Halfway down the hallway, a figure rounded the corner at the other end. Instinctively, Makradon brought his silenced bolter up and ended the life of the newcomer in a split second, sending him to hell for his transgressions. Makradon motioned for his team to move forward into an adjoining room, he would cover their approach. As they filed into the room, Makradon stood up from one knee and made his way into the supposed Librarium. Inside one could feel the heat of impurity, taste the flavor of deceit, and smell the stench of heresy. Bodies littered the floors, symbols scratched with blood filled the walls, and black tomes stood on bookshelves made from human skin.

Makradon looked around, searching for something that might hamper their efforts. He found it quickly. In front of them, standing tall and defiant was exactly who they were looking for. The Dark Apostle stood before them raising his Accursed Crozius into the air, performing some perverted ceremony at the center of the Librarium. He turned to greet his new guests.

“Tisk tisk tisk, my little Guardians, did you really think you could stop us? We will illuminate the world as to the truth of your Chapter and the truth of every one of the Dark Angels!”

The monstrous Apostle moved to the side and Makradon could see a mortal man, flesh seared from his body, chanting some sick ritualistic words.

“Do you like my toy? In a matter of moments, he will send the “truth” of your chapter telepathically to every psyker within the sector. And there is not a thing you can do about it!”

The Apostle screamed through his maniacal laughter and the bodies around the marines came to life, attacking the strike team in a frenzy of claws and teeth. The humans had been reborn as daemon monsters, filling the room with a pervasive taint. Makradon reacted quickly, hearing the screams of his brothers. His servo arm smashed the skull of one of the abominations before he rounded on another and emptied a bolt round into its’ screaming mouth. He saw as 2 of his brothers went down, blood spraying from their necks, the gurgling in their throats a potent sound. One of his team crunched in the ribs of an attacker, as the beings continued to assail his team.

And all throughout the encounter, the maniacal laughter of the Apostle rang out.

Makradon knew his only chance was to kill the intoner, a good 20 meters in front of him. Another of his brothers fell before the might and numbers of the chaos creatures surrounding them, leaving only Makradon alive. Well, if my time is now, I’d better go out with a bang. He reached behind him, pushing away the hands of his attackers. Finally he reached the one thing that could end this fight and preserve the good name of the Dark Angels and all of the successor chapters.

A monoball grenade.

It had been given to him by Chapter Master Zahariel before his mission. “Take care, Makradon. Only use this if you must, for the destructive power in this one grenade can turn a room of bodies into dust in the blink of an eye.”

Usually reserved for only Deathwatch members, the Chapter Master had gone to great lengths to procure it. And Makradon was not about to die and let it go to waste. The powerful claws of the heretical creatures reached up to his face, their force knocking him to the ground. The slimy creatures wriggled and writhed their way towards him, wishing to tear out his jugular and end this. He pulled the pin of the massive grenade, letting it drop to the floor. It rolled forward, the mass of bodies ignoring it, focusing solely on him. The Dark Apostle continued his laughing, a hideous aura emitting from him. The chanting human pressed forward with its ritual, glowing an incandescent blue.

The monoball grenade went off.

The grenade dissolved into an expanding cloud of fast-moving monofilament, searching for victims. It tore through the bodies all around Makradon, and reached forward towards the chanting humanoid. The Dark Apostle opened his eyes for a quick moment, noticing the filament, his laugh replaced with a look of terror. He tried to shield himself, but it was far too late. The cloud shredded his skin from his body, leaving a pile of bones in place. The humanoid figure at the center of the ritual opened his eyes and let out a shrill cry as the monofilament particles pierced through him, turning him to dust. Blood splattered against the walls and it would be later said that the screams of those victims could be heard outside the Chaos Fortress walls.

Makradon had also experienced the shredding quality of the grenade, and even his Power Armor could not hold back the massive destruction that it caused. He blacked out from the loss of blood; a smile on his lips for his mission had been accomplished.
“I picked you up from the rubble myself. And Apothecary Cadmus saved your life that day.”

“A debt I owe to him to this very day. It was an honor, sir,” Makradon said to his Master.

“I remember your great sacrifice for all of us. You preserved the secrets of this chapter and defeated the chaos heretics that would spread slanderous lies about us. It is with a heavy heart that I must convey these words to you.” Zahariel took a deep breath.

“None of us wish to see you go, Makradon, but duty is duty. You are the best of our chapter and we will miss you sorely. You have been chosen to take the Long Watch. In 3 days’ time, you will be taken from us to join other members of the Deathwatch in the Jericho Reach.”

Makradon was honestly surprised by this turn of events. A mixture of emotions played through his head. Sadness. Honor. Pride. Curiosity. He bowed down to one knee before forming his next words. “I will honor our chapter and do all of you proud. I swear this to the Emperor, to the Omnissiah, and to all the members of our glorious chapter.”
Zahariel brought the tech marine back to his feet, noticing a tear in his left eye. “Do not be sad brother, for I know this, as do we all.” Zahariel embraced the tech marine once more.
A chapter serf entered the Librarium, alerting Makradon that it was time to go. He closed the tome in front of him and stood, looking down at the serf with a smile. “I’ll definitely miss you, my little servitor friend.” He walked from his seat in the Librarium, wondering if it would be the last time he would ever see it. At the entrance, he turned to study it once more.

Not a chance…

Makradon stepped from the Thunderhawk with a solid thump of his monstrously armored feet, the sound punctuating the noise around him. He lowered his hood to reveal the face of one who has had a long history with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Metal patches replaced parts of his skin and his servo-arm, Kyril, extended far out behind him. A massive marine, he usually stood much taller than most. Makradon took in the flight deck around him. The left eye, a splash of color, mostly hazel but with a few specks of purple mixed in. His right, a cybernetic red eye, scanning the room as it scanned every new environment. He maintained his shock of red hair despite the wishes of the Mechanicum, implanting his connectors and plugs around the hair, rather than just shaving it off. His two eyes searched the room. A new home. He had never known any other than Mortikah VII, the spire of the fortress rising high into the sky. After a few solitary moments of reminiscing, the blast doors opened, and five Astartes made their way towards him. The welcoming committee, he thinks for a second before coming to attention before his Deathwatch superiors. An oddity that they stopped mid-march, but then Makradon spies the crest of a Storm Warden, who waves a hand, motioning the tech-marine towards the group. Ah the Storm Wardens, quite the chapter and great when you find yourself in a tough spot. I find that…His thoughts trail off, knowing that he could sit here thinking all day, but that action was needed.

After a few steps, a member of the Carcharodons stops him, allowing for…looks like a Novamarine…to step forward. After his long-winded speech about secrecy and silence, a subject that Makradon knew all too well as a member of the Guardians of the Covenant, the tech-marine goes to one knee before his superiors. In his slightly augmented voice, Makradon chooses his words wisely. “I swear before you all that on my honor as a follower of the Emperor, praise be his name, the Omnissiah…Makradon says a few words in the rare speech of the Adeptus Mechanicus…and on the honor of my chapter, that I will abide by the Silent Oath of the Deathwatch. Not many chapters value secrecy when necessary, but the Guardians of the Covenant hold true to the importance of such things. Upon penalty of death, I swear to never be blinded by my quest for knowledge and never to dishonor the name of my chapter, nor the honor of the Deathwatch, by disclosing the secrets held within.”

A smile played on the lips of the Watch Captain, obviously pleased with his Oath of Silence, before continuing. Makradon enjoyed everything he heard. Learning of new xenos species through hypno-indoctrination, the knowledge passed on to him that would be the envy of all his brothers back home was a dream come true. Finishing up his speech, Makradon bowed his head in deference to the Watch Captain and made his way with the two Battle-Brothers towards the Apothecarum. As the 3 Space Marines make their way through the corridors, Makradon takes it all in, surveying everything around him, from the metal used in the wall panels, to the actions taking place in specific rooms. He tries to ask questions of his fellow marines, but they must have been off-putting to some degree, because they stare at him quizzically and ask that he remain silent for the remainder of the walk. No matter, must be all my cybernetics and of course, the voice. Really makes everyone new a little hesitant to converse.

Makradon walked for some time before the two lead him before a large door that opened as soon as they stood in front of it. A voice boomed from inside and Makradon hurried into the Apothecarum, quick to follow orders from his superiors. Inside, Makradon saw a sight for sore eyes. Cybernetics. He studied the Apothecary as the words flowed from his mouth about the procedures and all that would be done to him, looking at the quality and systems of the man’s face, ever observant of these things and sometimes to a fault. Makradon tensed when the servitors come to take his armor, for a Space Marine to not have his armor is a worrying thing indeed. His armor had been passed down to brother before him and then eventually to him upon his ascension to the Guardians of the Covenant. It was priceless to him. A relic of the past that instilled fear into the hearts of his enemies, what with the blood splatters and streaks remaining for centuries. He relaxed when the man assures him that the armor is only getting a detailing job. Praise be to the Omnissiah for that. “Please be kind to her, my servitor friends. She is a beauty.”

The tech-marine makes his way to the examination table, his various cybernetic implants resplendent in the light of the room. More machine than man, he follows the Apothecary’s instructions and relaxes on the table, ready for the process to begin. The first few hours were tedious and grueling, but the amount of knowledge gained made up for it. How I do love to learn more and more and more… After the first round of tests, Makradon passed out from the exertion, fading in and out of consciousness over the course of the first day. The tests go on for an indeterminate amount of time as Makradon is tested in every way imaginable for days on end. A bit rusty on the hand-to-hand combat, Watch Captain Kyros bests him each and every time. The hypno-indoctrination continues and each new day sheds new light on the thousands of xenos breeds that Makradon was never aware of. Their thoughts, their actions, their fighting styles. All of this and more was infused into his already abundantly packed mind. Throughout the process, Makradon and Watch Captain Haeron bonded over the knowledge that each of them had learned over the centuries of serving as Space Marines. The old-timer took quite a liking to Makradon and what knowledge the two of them were able to share was shared. A great amount of respect formed between the two of them. Where many would see a crazy old Space Marine, Makradon saw the amount of knowledge and wisdom that could be learned from one such as Haeron.

While alone in his cell, Makradon would think of his brothers back on Mortikah VII and how many of them were doing. He missed the tomes and scripts, the Librarium and the various secretive bases of knowledge that he could reflect upon and learn more from. He also thought about Mars from time to time, contemplating the brotherly bonds he made in his time with the Mechanicus. Knowledge was power and the more he remembered and studied, the more chances he had to obtain the rank of a member of the Deathwatch.

The day finally came when Makradon would have to test his abilities sans Power Armor against a foe of the Imperium. “Just show them what I have seen, my boy. Use those quick wits and knowledge to tear the sucker apart,” Haeron had said to him before the fight. Oh what a wonderful day for a fight. Makradon, his machine like body displayed for all, made his way with his trusted combat knife, Jezebel, to the designated combat area.

As the doors closed behind him, Makradon could see that the room had been constructed around an urban setting, crumbling buildings and destroyed barriers littered the area around him. He walked a few paces not knowing exactly what he was supposed to do. No enemies surrounded him, and nothing could be seen, even with his heightened and cybernetic senses. Cautiously, the tech marine made his way forward towards a crossroads where a dead tree sits, wondering about the extent of his test. You’d think something would have happened by now… He focused for a few seconds before noticing something finally. From the corner of his eye, he saw the abomination before him. It struggled as it made its way towards him. Quickly, Makradon searched his intricate brain for any knowledge pertaining to this particular enemy. After a moment or two, the thing opens its’ mouth to reveal a set of double teeth, screeching at Makradon and bringing itself into a run. Closing in on the marine.

With the augmentations to its’ body…the long limbs…the teeth…pale flesh color…A HA! So this is what they send my way…a human genestealer hybrid…nasty little things…I’ll be sure to make him bleed his unrighteous blood.

Before Makradon can deduce any more information, the thing is upon him. The monstrosity raised its’ long, gangly arms up and came down hard with a slash of the crude dagger in its’ hands. Makradon must have spent a little too much time thinking and only has enough time to bring his arm up to block the attack, the crisp blade biting into his arm and drawing blood. He lets the xenos scum get closer to him, a few inches away at most. Staring into the abyss of the hybrid’s mouth, spittle and flecks of phlegm painting his face, Makradon knew his best chance of success. Disgusting… He moves his face closer to the enemy before him, a smile coming to his lips before opening up his mouth and spitting acid from his Betcher’s gland at the enemy before him. The acid rained down towards the genestealer-hybrid, about to tear the flesh from his face, but something extraordinary happened.

Makradon must have underestimated the agility of his foe, for some strange reason, and the abomination slides out of the way of the attack. Smarter than the average genestealer… Makradon awaits the next move from his foe. The abomination comes at him once again, murder in his eyes, screaming out the entirety of its lungs…but this time Makradon was up for it. “Not this time...” He lithely steps to the side, dodging the incoming attack, sticking his leg out and tripping the abomination before him. The foe was still in mid-air when Makradon makes his next move. With a furious roar of his slightly augmented voice, Makradon slams downward to one knee, simultaneously bringing down Jezebel into the back of the genestealer-hybrid, extinguishing the life of the slobbering piece of meat. The blade had ruptured internal organs and blood spilled forth from its’ back, pooling around the two of them.

Makradon stands fully and swipes his blade in the air, the blood droplets dancing on the ground. He moves forward with purpose towards the exit of the combat arena, fully sure that he had passed the test.
Mayhem said to not post it in the thread, but since peraldrum did, I guess it's okay for me to post mine as well.

Name: Makradon Ipsum
Chapter: Guardians of the Covenant
Past Event: Preserved the Secrets of the Chapter
Chapter Demeanor: Sons of the Lion
Personal Demeanor: Calculating
Specialty: Deathwatch Techmarine
Rank: 1
Power Armor History: Blood of the Enemy (gives Fear (1))
Special Abilities: Deathwatch Training, Improve Cover, Blessed by the Omnissiah, Stoic Defense (squad mode)
Armor: Mk. VII Aquila Power Armor 8/10AP (+10 Autosenses)
Armor Additions: - Servo Arm and MIU (+10 to Tech Use, Pilot, and Drive)
Chapter Trapping: Robe of Secrets (+3 to Forbidden Lore (Xenos) Tests)

WS: 37
BS: 50 + 5 (Dark Angels) = 55
S: 39 (+20 in PA) (SB9)
T: 42 (TB 8)
AG: 42
INT: 48 + 5 (Dark Angels) + 5 (Advance) = 58
PER: 37 (+10 heightened, +10 auto senses) = 57
WP: 39
FEL: 38
Movement: (in meters) Half: 4; Full: 8; Charge: 12; Run: 24 (in PA Half: 5; Full: 10; Charge: 15; Run: 30)
Wounds: Total 21 [21]; fatigue 0
Critical Damage: 0
Insanity: 0
Battle Fatigue: n/a
Primarch’s Curse: The Secret
Fate Points: Total 3 [3]
Corruption: 0

Skills: Awareness (Per); Ciphers (Int) [Chapter Runes]; Climb (S); Common Lore (Int) [Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War]; Concealment (Ag); Drive (Ag) [Ground Vehicles]; Dodge (Ag); Forbidden Lore (Int) [Xenos]; Intimidate (S); Literacy (Int); Navigation (Int) [Surface]; Scholastic Lore (Int) [Codex Astartes]; Silent Move (Ag); Speak Language (Int) [High Gothic], [Low Gothic][Techna-Lingua]; Tactics (Int) [Armored Tactics]; Tech Use (Int); Tracking (Int).

Talents: Ambidextrous, Astartes Weapon Training, Bulging Biceps, Electro-Graft Use, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Killing Strike, Mechadendrite Use (Servo Arm), Nerves of Steel, Quickdraw, Resistance (Psychic Powers), True Grit, Unarmed Master, Technical Knock (unjam as Half-Action), Infused Knowledge (All Common and Scholastic Lore are basic, if trained +10)

Deeds: N/A

Traits: Size (Hulking when in Power Armor), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2), Mechanicus Implants

Psychic Powers n/a

Renown: - 0

XP: 12,700/13,100; 400XP leftover
XP Expenditure: Technical Knock (500XP), Simple Int. Upgrade (200XP)

Cybernetics: Servo Arm, MIU

Gear: Astartes Bolter with Fire Selector, Astartes Bolt Pistol with Fire Selector (x3 Spare Mags), Frag Grenades (x3), Krak Grenades (x3), Blind Grenades (x2), Stalker Rounds (1 mag), Mk. VII Power Armor, Repair Cement (x3).

1. Weapon: Astartes Bolter with Fire Selector; Basic; 1d10+9X; Pen: 4; Range: 100m; Rate:S /3 /-; 28 mag; Full Reload; Tearing
2.Weapon: Astartes Bolt Pistol with Fire Selector; 1d10+9X; Pen: 4;Range: 30m; Fire Rate: S/2/-;14 Mag; Full Reload; Tearing.
3. Weapon: Combat Knife; 1d10+10R; Pen 2;Balanced
4. Weapon: Astartes Frag Grenade; Thrown; 2d10+2X; Pen: 0; 30m; S//; Blast (4).
5. Weapon: Astartes Krak Grenade; Thrown; 3d10+4X; Pen: 6; 30m; S//;
6. Weapon Name: Unarmed Attack; Melee; 1d10+10I
Failed my toughness test. T 42 - 30 = <12, and I rolled a 60. So I probably passed out.
Yeah I should have everything together and posted tomorrow pretty early.
Should we just be doing what we think are the tests? Or will Uncle Mayhem give us what we need to do?
Should we just start making characters and have them ready or are we waiting for more interest?
Freeshooter92 said
Well, we'd only have to worry about that if we had a black templ-Oh. OH. Ooooooh...

Hahaha this.
And there he is!
So I see there is one more spot open. I have a good friend on another forum who is interested. I'll have him PM you about.
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