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  • Old Guild Username: Mystyltainn
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    1. Mystyltainn 10 yrs ago


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That'd be me. =w= I asked Escher to hold off on his post until I was done, didn't want the whole meeting to get cluttered, and such. Hopefully those others who've also put up their character sheets will post, as well, I haven't heard from them in a while even in the OOC.
Good posts so far, everybody. On a side note, how does everybody feel about collaborative posts? If you feel like RP'ing some long, drawn out conversations, it might be best to just collab. Up to you, though, I'm just throwin it out there. xD
IC posts have been cleared, everybody have at it. =w=

And good point about writing actions of other characters. Personally, I'm fine with people making Ven smile or nod or whatnot whenever they need to get a post down, as long as it isn't anything major, and NPC's like Allietta are basically fair game for anyone to control. Again, just keep basic rules of roleplaying in mind, and we'll be fine.
Woo, first IC post! I left the description at the end a little open-ended, not sure what everybody else wanted to be doing, at the moment. =w=

And yes, weapon and items list incoming. I'm deciding on how to balance out weapons for now, but I suppose I should wait until we actually start fighting before I buff and nerf. xD

Oh, and, sorry about the late post. I know I said I'd have it up over the weekend, buuuut.... that didn't happen. xD If I happen to disappear for days at a time, know that I'm doing my schoolwork and am diligently working on whatever post I currently have to put up in whatever spare time I have. =w=
“Phew! That’s the last of them!”

A young, lean man with dark-brown hair drew a hand across his forehead as he pinned up the last of his posters, wiping off some sweat with a contented sigh. He took a step back to admire it: a picture of a large, ink-drawn oak tree above big, embossed lettering. 'Greywood Company; join today!', it said, along with a somewhat crudely drawn map of their camp's location on the outskirts of the city. The man sighed again, a tired sigh, this time. It’d been another long day of running around, posting up flyers in every nook, every corner. And, beautiful though Ostia Martin was, it was a lot of damn work.

“Finally finished for the day, Aventus?”

The young man named Aventus turned to see a woman walking up to him in the shadows of the alleyway, adjusting her thin, frameless glasses with delicate fingers.

“Oh, hey Allie. You can just call me Ven, you know. And, hey, you make it sound like I was slacking off or something!” He said with a goofy sort of laugh. ‘Allie’ just scoffed, looking to the empty crate beside him.

“It’s Allietta, sir. And no, but you did take about a full crate’s worth of flyers. I’m surprised you even finished this early, and it’s already sunset.”

Aventus scratched the fuzzy ears hidden underneath his goggles as he looked up to the sky, realizing she was right.

“Huh, whaddya know. The others done yet?”

The shorter woman sighed, brushing her long, black hair over her shoulder.

“I don’t know. I split off from them to check up on you, but it took longer to find you than I thought. I’m sure they’re back at camp, and if not, they’ll return once they’re done with whatever it is they’re doing.” She stated matter-of-factly, gazing in his direction with her usual, unreadable expression. Ven simply nodded, before shrugging his shoulders and breaking into a happy grin.

“Well, might as well head back, then! C’mon, we can get some cinnamon rolls on the way!”

The young man hollered and skipped out of the alley and off down the main street, Allietta rubbing her temples in exasperation as she followed behind.

”Does he even have enough money…?”
One Week Earlier…

Allietta stood in the middle of a large tent with the leader of the Greywood Company, a tall, silver haired man that looked to be pushing into his thirties, as he related his latest plan of action to her. He wasn’t too impressive at first glance; that lazy grin and his slumping posture didn’t exactly scream ‘Commander’, after all. Still, she’d seen over the eight or so odd years as his friend (and, most recently, as his advisor) that he could be surprisingly capable when he felt the need to be. Now felt like one of those times, the man radiating a faint, commanding aura even as he kicked back in his chair, feet resting lazily upon his desk. After he had finished speaking, Allietta took a breath, taking in everything he had just told her.

”I know I’m always critical of your plans, sir, but believe me when I say this is the worst idea you’ve had, yet.” She said, bluntly, even more so than she usually was. Though she did have a lot of respect for the man, that didn’t mean she wouldn't speak her mind, and, frankly, when it came to him, she found she had to speak her mind quite often.

“Oh, come on! Why would you say that?” The other man demanded with a playful tone, his grin never subsiding. It was obvious the two were very used to exchanging words in such a manner.

“Well, besides the obvious faults of putting such young people in a position of command, there’s the fact that we simply do not have enough man-power to justify splitting our already dwindling forces.” Allietta countered, rubbing her aching temples.

“We can always recruit more. And as for your concern about their ages, they’re all about the same age as you, no?”

The man's smile grew wider with his answer, while Allietta’s frown only grew deeper.

“You don’t see me calling the shots, here.” She retorted.

“Sometimes I wonder…”

The last comment was barely muttered under his breath, but from the glare Allietta was giving him, the man could tell she heard him all to clearly. He held his hands up in front of him defensively, trying to look as innocent as possible.

“Look, when you find yourself in a bad spot, sometimes you need to take risks to come out on top. A gamble if you will. Sending out these young ones will be a good way to test their mettle in leadership, seeing as they’ll have some seniors there to watch their backs, and we need to expand if we want to have any hope of breaking through this slump.”

Allietta raised an eyebrow in question.

“I’ll admit our situation is looking rather bleak, but with time and patience, we’ll surely get over it. Your idea... could help speed things along, but it could also backfire just as quickly. Do you really think a gamble like this is worth taking?”

Though the man’s eyes seemed to match his lazy smile, in that instant, Allietta could sense just the tiniest hint of trepidation in them; a rare sight, indeed, for the woman who was one of his closest companions.

“...If I’m right in what I’d heard from the grapevine, then yes, at the moment, it is.” He stated, simply, closing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. Allietta was silent for a time, before speaking up again, her tone now much less confrontational.

“You said I’d be going with one of the groups.” She said, more than asked.

“Yes. Go with Aventus, to Ostia Martin, and take Maria and Ziria along with you…”

Back in the Present…

“Mmpf… Sho wat happened again?”

The bustling streets of Ostia Martin shone a mellow shade of orange in the light of the setting sun, as Aventus and Allietta made their way towards the outskirts of town. Aventus held a bag full of sweet smelling cinnamon rolls that he munched on as they walked, occasionally stopping to admire the marble-cut buildings all around them.

“Well, the city guard has charged you with 2 counts of obstructing traffic, 5 counts of vandalism, 42 counts of unlawful posting in restricted areas, 3 counts of evading arrest, and 1 count of unruly behaviour.” Allietta listed off in her factual tone. Avvy scratched an ear, looking up thoughtfully as he crunched the numbers in his head.

“Am I gonna have to pay for all that?” He asked. The young woman just sighed, shaking her head and putting the parchment she held in her hands away.

“No. I’ve already talked with the city guard about it, and they’re letting us off with a warning.” She said. At this, her compatriot smiled, humming with content while they continued their walk towards camp. It was a decent ways away from the inner workings of the city, but the scenery was pleasant, and the cool, autumn breeze sent a refreshing chill up Ven’s spine. Had it really been just a week since summer ended?

”A week since I became Commander...” He thought to himself in a daze. Commander of the Greywood Company. Well, a branch of the Greywood Company, but still. Even now, he couldn’t picture himself as a great leader of men and women, and he didn’t know why exactly he was even in this position, in the first place. True, he was the most experienced (combat wise) out of the small group sent to the Jaris Confederation, but he was far from the most responsible; even he knew that.

”Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine!” He hummed out loud, as if proving his own irresponsibility. Allietta shot him a curious, sideways glance, but otherwise said nothing, and together they reached the outer gates of the city without incident. Of course it'd be fine; he'd already spent the last three days with his (small) crew posting up flyers all around town. They were bound to get some new recruits, eventually...

“Man, wish we actually had a place to stay. I’m tired of camping outside.” Aventus complained aloud, as the duo crossed the bridge out of the city and into a wide expanse of plains.

“Maybe once we actually start making money, sir.” Allietta replied. Their campsite was actually situated within a small community of sorts of travelers and merchants who were too poor (or cheap) to get a place to stay in the city, and so formed a grouping of tents and wagons on the city outskirts for the duration of their visit. It was actually quite interesting, though they found many of their ‘neighbors’ changed on the daily.

Cresting a hill, Aventus looked down to see their meagre camp, the brown grass surrounding it swaying lazily in the wind. They only had three tents to their name, and seeing as the group contained four people… Well, Aventus found himself sleeping under the stars with nothing but his sleeping bag, most nights.

”At least I can still use the big one during the day…” He consoled himself, silently. The pair jogged down the hill into camp, Avvy cupping his hands over his mouth to shout out in greetings.

“Hey! We’re back!!!”
@Asura: Anima magics are more varied and stuff. You'll be able to use about three elements fairly fluently, so you'll have access to all of those elements' spells which included utility as well as damage. So yeah, I didn't think it fair for light and dark to just be light and dark while elemental magic users get a ton of spells. :P
Sounds good. Just as a note to everyone, I'd like to get this RP rolling along, soon, so if everyone could have their final CS's up in a few days, that would b great. There are two people who expressed their interest in the Int. Check that I haven't heard from at all for the past few days, so I'll give them a day or two to say something or at least say they're here, or something, but after that I believe I'll just start the RP without them. That's not to say they're out; they're welcome to jump in a few posts into the IC thread if they're still interested, I'd just like to get some sort of IC development sometime soon. =w=

But yeah, I'll probably get an intro post up over the weekend, so look forward to that. =w=
Yeah, I'd say we have a pretty balanced party, at the moment. Overlapping here and there shouldn't be a problem with how much variety we already have. But if you just feel like being different... yeah, I know that feel. >.> And I feel ya. xD
@Venom: CS lookin' good. You missed about 10 points with your stats, though. :P As for the appearance of dreamwalkers, think paler skin than usual, with wisp-like hair that almost seems like tendrils of air around their heads. They also float. And could you also specify which element you're specializing in?

New feat:

Danger Reflex (basically Vantage) - If an enemy's attack would do a third of your current HP or more, you attack first.

Also nerfed promoted feat proc chances, they were kinda high and I'll probably have to change them again when we actually start getting them. >.>

Also, here's the new explanation for magic (more specifically, elemental magic). Copy Paste:

4. Magic

Magic will be handled a little differently than in the games. Although you still have a weapon skill for the different types of magic, characters will not actually use tomes to cast, instead learning magic and being able to use them inherently (your weapon skill determines how powerful a spell you can learn). All of your spells will have a set number of charges, and these charges return in between fights (weapons can also be repaired in between fights, though this will cost gold). There will also be a number of utility spells and such you can learn, so keep all this in mind if you want to play a mage. Also, if you use Elemental/Anima magics, you need to choose an elemental specialization. The elements are:

Ice <-> Wind <-> Lightning <-> Fire <-> Earth.

The elements have a relationship with each other, and go from neutral to opposed based on the above (sort-of) diagram. The two elements closest to your chosen are 'Neutral', and you have your weapon skill rank in Anima - 1 in those element. The two elements furthest from your chosen are 'Opposed', and you get your weapon skill rank in Anima - 2 in those elements. For example, if you have C in Anima and specialize in Earth magic, you would have a D in Ice and Fire magics and an E in Lightning and Wind magics.
@Rethel: I'd be fine with a 50% HP Vantage. I'll try and think of some other ways to proc it, and if you get any other ideas just let me know. EDIT: Actually just thought of a pretty good one, how about if the attack would do more than a third of your current HP? Kinda like a danger sense. Let me know what you think.

@Aeigis: Looks pretty good. As for the HP thing, I'm taking it you put 3 points into it? The +5 from Dwarf is just a flat bonus, but since you put 3 points in you would actually get 4.5 more HP from that (rounded down), bringing you to 29 (29.5). And since you're using elemental magic, could you specify which element you'd like to specialize in? I was going to make it so that your rank in elemental magic only counted for your specialized element, all the other ones would count as one rank lower. You can choose from fire, ice, wind, lightning, and earth.

@Venom: Name your class however you want, as long as you follow the character-building rules, we'll be fine. And yes, everybody who expressed their interest in the Interest Check is considered as having a spot reserved for them. =w=

New Changes! Well, some new feats. Have a list:

Adept - Your attacks have a new Spd chart. 3 Spd over your enemy still gives you another half attack, but you now only need 5 Spd over your enemy for a full double, and 7 Spd over your enemy gives you an additional third attack at half damage.

Necromancy - Allows you to take spells under the Necromancy school of Dark Magic.

Divine Favor - Allows you to take spells under the Divine school of Light Magic.

As an explanation, Necromantic spells will be mostly summoning and stuff like that. A good example of an E rank spell would be Raise Zombie, which basically summons a meat shield. Higher rank spells might summon spirits with special effects, and such.

Divine spells are mostly buffs. An example of an E rank spell would be Shield, which would raise defense by a small amount for a few turns, gradually growing smaller and smaller (like a Pure Water). You'd still get both offensive and healing spells normally, Divine just gives even more utility.

Also, my own character sheet:

Name: Aventus Bellamonte

Age: 23

Race: Zenka


Personality: Reckless and full of energy, Aventus is not exactly what one would expect from a leader of men. Yet a leader he is, being commander of the Greywood Company, Jaris Branch. Still, even with his carefree nature, his natural charisma lets him perform his duties as commander admirably… most of the time.

In battle, he has an almost one-minded focus on taking out the enemy, and one always sees a wild grin forming on his face when a fight’s about to go down. He’s not really much for strategy, leaving that to his tactical aide, Allietta, and prefers to lead by example, charging to the frontlines with gusto. As for how effective this is, well, let’s just say he hasn’t died, yet...

Class: Hunter


HP - 29
Str - 6
Mag - 0
Skl - 2 (3)
Spd - 5
Lck - 8
Def - 7 (4)
Res - 2
Mov - 5

Armor Type: Medium

Shields: Buckler

Mount: None

Affinity: Wind

Weapon Skill:
Bows - E
Daggers - E


Healthy Constitution

History: Born and raised in the city of Ark, Aventus has been around forests his whole life, practically breathing pollen while going about with his quaint, city routine. Needless to say, he got rather bored of it.

Convinced that there was something more fun for him to do, out there, Avvy packed his bags and left his home at the tender age of sixteen, looking for adventure and excitement. He found what he was looking for in the Greywood Company, who took him in and worked him to the bone doing this job and that, tirelessly driving him into the ground with constant commissions and requests. Aventus simply worked without complaint, and he loved every second of it.

Fast forward a few years, and the Company is under new management, a fine fellow by the name of Katzenarten Delsei vi Relenia (‘Kat’ for short), but, although he does his duties fine, several mercenaries grumble with discontent. Where had their old leader gone? Why wasn’t she coming back? Why was this rookie, who’d only been with the Company a few years, now the leader of their entire group? All these questions and more rippled through the ranks as more and more people simply jumped ship, figuring they’d have better luck elsewhere.

For although Kat worked hard to fill the shoes of his predecessor (okay, maybe not that hard), the fact of the matter was, he couldn’t fit the bill. He was nowhere near as strong, commanding, or hard-boiled as She was, and the rest of the Company could feel it. Soon enough, only a handful of veterans who actually knew why She left and why Kat was in charge remained, along with the rookies like Aventus who had nowhere else to go.

However, what Kat lacked in strength, he made up for in wit and charisma. Instead of giving up hope as their numbers slowly faded away, he made it a point to expand, sending a trusted few to start up branches of the Company in surrounding towns and cities, which brings us back to Aventus, who was chosen to lead the Jaris Confederation Branch.

Although he’s not too sure why he was chosen, Avvy works at it with the same energy he gives almost everything he does. As of right now, he’s hanging up flyers in the city and looking for a good crew...
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