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    1. Mythos 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Why does finding a good, long term partner have to be so difficult?


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I'm still here too.

I really hope this doesn't die.
A fierce growl came to Ehren’s lips, one showing the full length of his lethal fangs. If Katarina hadn’t been sick he would have very well went after the other vampire for his reflexes. He hadn’t flinched earlier with the first threat, and paid no attention to his taunting words, but when it came to near violence over an innocent act it hit a soft spot in him which released his own violence. That got worse as the time went on from being feral, though his mind did seem to have some healing process going on during the months he purged himself of vampire blood. He knew he would never heal completely, but what was eternity when you couldn’t spend it protecting the ones you loved?

Coming up behind her, Ehren put a comforting hand against her back, stroking in soft circles. With his free hand, he pushed up the side of his jacket and retrieved a handkerchief to hand to the woman for her mouth. He glanced back to the other, only to have a cane pointed at him which further proved his suspicions correct about the silver. Ehren had a different air about him now; one not so much of the man ready to jump the females bones, but of a calm man simply taking in his surrounds and caring for what was at hand. The hand left the woman’s back to give her space as he nodded towards the man.

“No, I cannot blame you. You cannot blame a man for doing his job – only for doing his job incorrectly.” Ehren eyed the fellow vampire, holding a bit of a grudge for Katarina’s sake, but he didn’t make any motions that he would be a threat.

“Our names? Perhaps next time when we meet on friendlier terms and you’re not nearly killing an innocent woman.” He noticed how ashamed Kat looked and simply gathered the woman in his arms, holding her bridal style so that she could rest her head on his shoulder.

“Let’s find you something a little more satisfying.” He said lightly with a gentle smile. To keep their ruse, he placed a warm kiss to her forehead as if he was caring for his loved one and started to walk her down the street. At first he walked at a normal pace, keeping his attention on those near the limo so see if he would be followed or not. Just for both their safeties, he would take them to a hotel for the night away from leading their enemies to their homes.

“Oh you crazy man, I hope you’re prepared for this.” He murmured quietly into Katerina’s hair, thinking about Aldaric and the other ferals he had around him.
Eth.. If you want to go ahead and post, you can. Otherwise I'll have Ehren take Kat home.
Ehren had to admit that he was relieved when he wasn't slapped between the moments of when he started and when he was able to explain himself. The feeling of her arms around him only encouraged him, but he had to remind himself - more than once - that someone was watching.

"Katarina." He repeated with a fanged smile, brushing the tip of his nose against her ear. "Ehren." He said lightly in return to her question. Focus!

When they stood at the entrance with the newcomer, he went to say something when it was Katerina that spoke up first. Smart and beautiful...

She's not yours to take...

But she didn't pull away!

So what? I'm not going to take advantage... Obviously something was bothering her.... But her hair.. Her skin - she smells like heaven...

A little unfocused, without unlocking their fingers, he lifted his arm over her head and pulled her body in close. He dipped his head down back into her neck and inhaled her scent again, placing a light kiss behind her ear.

You have an audience. With a small grunt, he picked his head up to look at the other man. It was getting easier and easier to keep up the ruse where she was concerned. Ehren avoided any and all public displays of affection, but he'd already tasted her and the only thing on his mind was that he wanted more.

Looking up, he caught gaze with the intruder, almost thanking him for allowing Ehren to keep his head on straight.

"As long as we don't run into any other pure bloods, I think I may be able to protect the lady." Ehren said with a smirk, his red eyes dark. He studied the man, looked to see what relied on for weapons. Silver ... Wonderful.

"If we're done here, I'd like to get this little lady home before you completely ruin the mood. We're not much for an audience."
I did the same. I stopped right where he would leave the alley, so you can intercept them there, or you can say you followed them out. Up to you, man.
A frown once more creased his eyebrows as she tried to keep him from tasting her. It deeped when she further explained why. He thought for a long moment on what to say to her, but the hairs on his neck started to stand up. He straightened his shoulders the slightest bit and took notice to the limo. Alright, so how do we make this look different than the fact the building is still crawling with ferals?

His eyes slowly closed as she drew blood and he waited to feel warm lips against his skin. When he didn't, he opened them to look at her, only for her to tell him that he should leave. Ehren tried to hide the disappointment in his red eyes, and in return, his head dipped down slightly and he placed a few noticable kisses along her jaw towards her ear.

"Please forgive me," he whispered almost silently against her earlobe. "I know you see them. They're watching us." His voice was a warm, soothing murmur. He kept his tone slow and soft in case anyone could hear them, but his words were quiet and monotone enough to where only Katarina would able to make them out. Ehren walked his body forward, using his legs to move hers to push her gently against the cool wall, wrapping his arms around her waist in the process. He would pretend to whisper sweet nothingness into her ear, and nuzzle along her neck, but not once did Ehren move to take a kiss from her lips. Hey may be completely over stepping his bounds by invading her personal space, but he didn't dare take what wasn't offered to him. Ehren still had honor, and his mother raised him right. Especially since he believed that she belonged to the man inside.. so why was she out here crying?

Now, how to get out of here without them being even more suspicious? He tried to form a plan, but the smell of her hair invaded his nose and distracted him. With one last deep inhale and fighting the urge to suckle her neck, he pulled back and grabbed her hand. He knew that he couldn't stay here and keep up the ruse without getting himself in trouble. She belongs to someone else. She belongs to someone else. She belongs to someone else... Oh but maybe one more taste.. Nope, she isn't yours. Ehren fought a battle of his own to keep from sinking his fangs into soft flesh, and he knew if they would stay there his own willpower would fade and he'd give them away.

"My place is just down the road. A beautiful woman needs something better than a dirty alley.." Ehren said with a smirk, even though it really wasn't. If it isn't a public place she wanted... Stop it! She isn't yours. And you have the Society watching you - pay attention!
What are we talking about?
Ehren leaned up against a building across the street, watching the entrance. He could swear that the whole block wreaked of blood and he should really be getting out of there, but truthfully he waited to make sure that the others would get out safely. Even if Ehren didn't agree with what happened only moments ago, they were still his brethren, and with the Society lurking about, it was important to look out for one another.

It was one scent that invaded his nose that already smelled familiar. It was the girl, but where was the man? A frown creased his brow and he began forward, pausing only at the sight of her crying. Even if her cries were quiet, she was easy to see in dim light and he recognized the motions from his days of being married. His palm idly rubbed at the left side of his chest as he thought about what to do, but his decision was made for him the moment she pulled herself together and started forward. With the speed of a pureblood, in less than the blink of an eye, Ehren had been in front of her with her wrist in his hand, not even staggering when her small body collided with his. He looked down with a scowl on his face, turning her palm towards her.

"You bleed..." He paused and shook his head, almost like a father would do catching a child's hand covered in mud and wanting to touch the furniture. "You bleed near a place full of feral vampires... and a pureblood lurking about in the shadows. When you choose this lifestyle, you have to be careful just as the humans do. Are you sure you're ready for war?" Ehren's gaze bore into her as if he were challenging her, but Ehren showed no threat toward her safety. His gaze then dropped to her chin, his free thumb coming up to wipe along her jaw with a touch surprisingly gentle. Ehren then proceeded to place that same thumb between his lips to suckle the blood from his skin. It would seem as if he did that merely to prove his point, but he was more interesting in tasting her - almost as interested in tasting the male still in the building and the power he had running through him.
@Temperance Ehren can find her. I was going to have him scold her for making herself bleed with a bunch of ferals around �
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