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  • Old Guild Username: Myviewing
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    1. Myviewing 10 yrs ago


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Avris was cut off from the pilot of the ZETA leaving him only to shrug, "Sorry for trying to apologize. Guess I'm not going to be the stern one out of everyone after all."

Avris oversaw the situation at hand when the ZAFT pilots made their way into the Terminus and adjusting to the landing mechanics. He had exited the Verity before seeing the blue haired beauty so intent on following him. "So it looks like most of us made it. Good thing, I was worried you might not make it." Illiana said walking up to him.
Avris shook his head when he told her, "Hey come on. I try to be the lone soldier out there but I'm sure as hell not going to let those freaks destroy me on my first actual encounter."
"If you ever feel like having a valhallan night..." She slightly lowered her zipper in suggestion to the offer.
Avris lightly pushed her when he agreed, "I'll consider it Illiana. But we've got our orders to follow for now."
An intercom interrupted their conversation when it ordered, "All pilots report to the boarding station. Prepare to meet with the AERO officials."
Avris turned to the elevator when he pointed out, "Sounds like us. Guess they want to know how screwed up we are."
Illiana followed alongside him when she asked, "And are you going to do something to fix that?"
Avirs chuckled when he agreed, "If worse comes to worse."

Sousuke stood up from the recent hold on the ground while he held his stomach. Unfortunately he didn't earn his break when he saw Terra walk up to him. He knew he was in trouble even before he tried to tell her, "Hey listen I-" Unfortunately he couldn't attempt to apologize when he was punched in his nut this time. Being hurt by two women in one day was proving to be a huge blow to his confidence and could only observe as she made her way to the ranks of surviving AERO pilots.
He didn't offer any other words when he walked over to the nearest elevator where he had to prepare getting a new uniform. "That lady is probably tring to fool me, but at least it's worth a try." He thought to himself.

Kira observed the AERO pilots standing at attention while Meyryth overlooked the ranks. He requested, "How many of our pilots are still alive?"
Meyryth saluted to Kira when she reported, "We have enough pilots to form the Primary Squadron sir. Unfortunately that's about all we have."
Athrun maintained his observing gaze when he reminded Kira, "Thank god. I knew Terra wouldn't have an issue. I have to make sure that Cagalli got out safe though."
Kira agreed with the concern when he promised, "She should be on the Orb crusier right now. You'll see her again."
Terzo was behind him when he asked, "Permission to speak freely sir?"
Kira turned when he agreed, "Any time Lieutenant."
"Is Yamato really the best choice for the Centennial's pilot? His first flight has been... hit and miss in more ways than one."
Kira nodded at the concern but pointed out, "Unfortunately none of the others surviving pilots are Coordinators."
Terzo looked down when he realized, "That is certainly an issue. And Terra is already too vested in the ZETA."
Kira finished his thoughts, "That narrows our options unfortunately. I'm afraid I won't be able to offer much on the frontlines now." He promised them, "It will only be temporary. We have to make our way to the Earth Alliance Capital and deliver the Centennial. Our mission will be finished by then."
Terzo wasn't any less deterred from the concern when he remembered, "To the Earth Alliance capital. Weeks away at least."
Meyryth promised her superior, "With all due respect sir, it should be enough time for me to break his pretty little ass and make him half-way decent soldier material by the time we arrive."
Kira accepted her promise when he ordered, "You're authorized to work within proper procedures Ensign Bitalech."
"Gladly sir."
Kira turned to the soldiers "Everyone report to the bridge. We have a route to plot to Earth."
The pilots saluted when they followed their superiors. "We follow you sir."

Sousuke exited his quarters when he donned his alternate uniform his father prepared for him. He looked down at himself and could only sigh from the cursed luck he was now forced into. Even before he could attempt to make his big runaway from his parents at the ripe age he was being thrown into a war. He was already being forced to adopt a life he had never wished to begin. He walked down the hallways towards the bridge hoping that the ensign lady would try to remember her promise.
Might have the same thing happen on my end as well. Shouldn't be too bad of a wait though.
Hedy realized the concern Kartal had when he explained his history. "Wow. I guess it could be pretty intense when you're worried about something like that on the line... Then again there's no way it can be nice losing the same way every year."

"Oh yeah!" The cosplayer showed his enthusiasm from being greeted and introduced himself, "My lady please let me give you a sincere congratulations for such a great victory especially for using my Gunpla of all possible outcomes! The way you tore up that GM Sniper II was a thing of beauty! It really makes me want to be German!" He leaned in when he offered, "For what it's worth though, maybe you could show me if you could show me how to be that brutal. I've got my own special Spiegel if you come over to my place."
Behind him a Paptimus lookalike sighed in disappointment, "Aw man... That was supposed to be my big entry." He rushed up behind the cosplayer when he decided, "Maybe it's not too late." He peaked over the cosplayer's shoulder when he did his best to give the well known glance famous for wooing women to his side.
With the destruction of the Alliance fleet there were only a few ships left where one remaining officer asked a nearby operator, "What is the status of the situation outside?"
"Sir, we are reporting the enemy has disappeared. But not without extensive damage to the Alliance fleet. We are suffering major casualties."
"Damn. We were supposed to be ready for this day but we couldn't even defend ourselves against three of those things."
One of the operators remembered the rush of events when he added, "And took down one. It's something of an improvement in our favor."
Another operator shook his head when he reminded them, "Even so we've lost Admiral Ramius and the fleet defenses." He went back to his duty when he asked, "What do we do about the civilian evacuation?"
The officer ordered, "Cancel the process. There's too much debris and we can't risk them being caught up in all of this."
One of the operators prepared to contact the colony when he agreed, "Understood sir. We'll maintain the civilians within the colony."

Avris cursed his luck when he received the boomerangs from his thrusts, "Well damn. First chance to take this baby out against those bastards and all it's good for is mowing down Generics." He turned on his communication channel to Illiana asking, "How much of the squad is still in tact?"
Illiana checked her status when she answered, "Enough to form two squads at least. To tell you the truth it's more than I thought we'd have."
"Yeah. I don't think anyone could have exaggerated the threat the Generics were going to pose."
"You'll get them next time though. And I can't wait to see you rushing out there into battle like that."
"If anything this battle could have used a more grand entrance from yours truly."
Illiana smiled when she giggled, "And tell me do you think you still have what it takes to make a grand entrance with someone else?"
Avris shook his head before he cut off the channel answering, "Sorry, not going to happen tonight. I've got other things to worry about."
Illiana sighed in disappointment when she wondered, "Hm... Always more interested in the Verity. Why doesn't he just marry the thing?"
He saw the ZETA behind him and contacted, "Sorry about the line of fire kid. I'm sure you had a good idea what you were doing."
He saw Arath contact him on his channel, "Attention Verity. Please report to the Terminus."
Avris answered the call, "Right away sir."

Kira was contacted the ZAFT leader on the Terminus when he asked, "Captain Ramin. Have the units been secured?"
A holographic image of Arath Remin appeared before the Archangel crew answering, "Yes Commander. We have the Terminus under control. I have to say it's quite generous of you to let us take the flagship of AERO like this though, most people would be pretty tempted in situations like these."
Kira recognized this hole when he answered, "The activation codes aren't the only thing necessary to operate the ship Captain. We've had those procedures worked out."
Arath nodded when he agreed, "Good thinking. Just keeping them in the out of the enemy's hands is the most important thing though."
"Please prepare to board the Archangel and begin a briefing. We have to prepare out next course of action."
"Anything you wish Commander. We'll see how things turn out." The image faded and the crew was left to operate the old warship in preparation for their next move.
Kira turned to find a forlorn officer when he recognized the pain that had come to overtake him. "Terzo..."
Terzo has his eyes shut facing his panel when he answered, "This was supposed to be a peaceful day for her Commander... I guess I was never prepared for this."
Kira avoided the gesture of seeming too close to personnel when he simply answered, "These random events are among many cruelties of war. If I had it my way she wouldn't have been the one to attend. But you have to remember what she wanted you to do."
Terzo looked up when he maintained a professional tone, "Yeah... Prepare for the worst and do everything to enforce the future of peace."
Kira nodded when he confirmed, "The mission we've all promised ourselves in AERO's founding."
"Commander, we have the Gundams making their way into the Archangel. They are now secure for landing.
"That's good news to hear. The Centennial is still in our hands."
"Commander sir, it is time for me to enact my duty as commanding officer of the pilots."
Kira was reluctant to accept the idea but remembered the procedure that he had set himself. It was time for his son to "... As you will Bitalech."

As soon as the Centennial opened its cockpit Sousuke heard Meyryth shout near the railways, "Yamato! Front and center!"
Sousuke sighed when he recognized the voice, "Great she wants to talk to me..." He slowly made his way down the ramp before greeting, "Hey lady. Listen I did ever-" Before he could finish that sentence Meyryth delivered her rightfully feared double slap to Sousuke's face and pushed Sousuke's body to the ground. Sousuke tried to stand up when he said, "Ah... ow... Hey... Let me-" Before he could finish Meyryth had her boot on the center of his stomach and pressed as hard as her foot permitted.
Meyryth looked down at him when she scolded, "I'm sorry your highness I had no idea a Scandinavian Princess was signing up for these ranks."
Sousuke tried to stand up when he answered, "H... Hey I didn-"
Meyryth pressed harder when she interrupted him, "You signed up when you got in the Centennial maggot! Let me be the first to school you that attacking a fellow officer especially in the line of duty is an offense that will not be excused in the history of human decency! If you're below that then please be the first to let our medical staff take a look at you!" She lowered her voice when she offered a light compliment, "I'll give you this much credit, taking out an Actualizer on the first flight is not an easy thing to pull off. That's the only reason I'm not throwing you out the airlock right now."
Sousuke didn't have any gratitude when he focused on the last portion asking, "Yeah? You think my dad isn't going to have a problem with that?"
Meyryth leaned over her knee when she spat in Sousuke's face asking, "Listen to me your ladyship, you try go crying to your daddy. Daycare ended last week and you're on the ground running and from what I've heard you'll be the only one permitted to pilot the Centennial for a while. Are you ready for at least holding this much?"
Sousuke didn't have any fight left in him when he accepted, "Okay already. If I can stand I'll do it."
"First lesson for the day my lady, military procedure requires that every sentence you direct to me contains the word 'Sir' twice. Do you agree?"
"Yeah I get it..." Instead of lifting herself off of Sousuke's body Meyryth pressed more of her heel into his stomach before she heard, "Ah... ah... Sir I get it sir."
Meyryth stood from her position when she ordered, "Get some decent uniform clothes on and report to the bridge to be debriefed on you schedule starting tomorrow. Do it in that order and I'll consider going easier on you in training."
Sousuke pulled himself off the ground grasping his gut when he remembered to answer, "Sir, got it sir."
Sousuke face palmed when he wondered about his current situation asking, "God damn it... What did I get myself into?"

As the civilians made their way off the civilian ships back into the colony.
Several civilians wondered among the recent destruction asking, "The evacuation's been canceled?"
"Looks things got that intense."
"Is it still even safe in here though? What about all the damage?"
One of the teens from the dance club answered, "The panels are shutting everything and least there's still a floor to walk on."
Another one observed the destruction when he reminded them, "Yeah... But now we have to wait for everything to be fixed first..."
Trip agreed with the problem when he sighed, "Could have been worse I guess."
Mei took a look at her cell phone only to find that there weren't any new messages. "Sousuke... Please be out there..."
Hedy tried to get her head back in the game when she answered YingJue's question, "I uh... I have no idea. It's like Cuba guy managed to mow him down like a Ball." Hedy knew there was no other way for her to describe it. Even with a description so accurate she wasn't able to decide what would cause Kartal to perform below his average abilities. "The mobile armor was a challenge for sure but he should have at least been able to show some resistance before going down. There's got to be something going on with him."

"Couldn't get any thing this time around. Guess I'll have to see if there's anything else I can work with in then next round." Even with everything that happened to Kartal, there was no way Brian could be suspected for cheating this time but he continued to ponder ways he would be able to. It's not like anyone would have been able to guess so when he was simply standing by himself in the waiting room.
His concentration was broken when the Schwarz Bruder cosplayer greeted, "Alright another round another victory! Hey Dave, do you think you could get me a chance to meet with Ms. Germany so I can congratulate her?"
"Go embarrass yourself dude. I've got enough to wade through."
"Woah, you're right. I've got to congratulate her myself!" The cosplayer made his way towards this goal and left Brian thankful for another chance to not listen to his cheerleader's comments.

The tournament had eneded for the day when the contestants went to meet with their various gathering locations and Hedy and YingJue left as well. She found Kartal nearby when she decided, "It wouldn't be right to leave him by himself." She turned to YingJue when she offered, "I understand if you don't feel up to it, but right now I just want to make sure he's okay for now." Hedy cleared her throat when she asked, "H-Hey Kartal... So uh... I guess not everybody is able to handle a sudden change of techniques. I take it the X-Divider just wasn't that easy of a gunpla to work with?"
The crew stuck within the depths of the colony hangar began to rush its way into the AERO ship while their remaining mobile suits did everything to fend off against the Actualizer enemy. The leading officer saw many ZAFT and Alliance officers making their way into the ship when he rushed to the command chair. He turned to one of the entering officers when he asked, "Has the crew made a full rendezvous with our position?"
"Affirmative sir. Everyone has been accounted for and we are prepared for take off."
The officer managed his command panel when he commented, "Finally we get to find our way out of this mess." He established a contact with the Archangel in the colony when he reported, "This is Commanding officer Arath Remin. We have the Terminus under control and the hangar is being secured." The battle map blinked to an alarm when it showed the Actualizer mobile suits headed their way. Thankfully Avris was nearby when Arath ordered, "Verity! Engage the enemy! Don't let them near us!"

Avris heard the command when he prepared the Verity's main blade, "Roger that Commander."
Illiana asked in a giggling voice, "You manage to take out one of them hun?"
Avris kept his focus on the enemy before him when he answered, "No, some other kid managed to take him out. Stay focused on pushing them out."
Illiana's ZGMF-1400 Martarius prepared to launch towards the opening when she agreed, "Won't be a problem." Several more formed up behind her when the Actualizers prepared to find their way out of the colony.
Avris watched the two make their way out of the colony when he observed, "Looks like they don't want to stick around much longer..." He ordered the remaining squadron, "Prepare to move out. The enemy looks like they want to call it a day, that's where we get our best shot." At that order the Verity and ZAFT Martarius units flew behind the ZETA and the Centennial.

Terzo saw the Infinity making its way towards the Archangel when he reported, "We're reaching the entry of the colony Commander. The enemy is being forced out."
Kira sighed at the relief he had for the moment when he ordered, "At least we've managed to push them back for now. Prepare to exit and receive or assist the Gundams."
One of the operators observed the statistics of the old battleship when he reported, "Yes sir. We've still got enough power to push back the enemy at this rate."
Kira saw the destruction in the hangar bay when he began to fear the sudden possibility of casualties ordering, "Continue to move out before they manage to destroy the Alliance fleet. They have the most immediate danger."
The Archangel made its way into the hangar bay when the door began to close behind them while Terzo reported, "We're prepared to move out sir. The hangar bays are now pressurizing." He turned to view the wide number of explosions before he realized the Archangel was heading into a battlefield with Breaker mobile suits being attacked by Tadgh's mobile suit. "Wh...What is the enemy doing now?"

Sousuke found Tadghs' mobile suit being flung towards him and sliced away at every attempt to hit him. The Centennial cut off every attempt the spikes had to hit him but Sousuke only looked out for himself in this moment. He saw the ZETA behind him being targeted but didn't attempt to assist her.
The Centennial flew forward and clashed with the blade in a mighty blow while Eleanor's mobile suit was left to do its work. The blades shone with the nuclear energy as Sousuke warned, "You aren't going to harm any more people you monster!" Every slice from his directions was blocked while he attempted to advance. Even when Tadgh only had one blade it managed to block every attack from its sheer length alone. Regardless of every block, the Centennial continued to attack its enemy.

One of the operator conveyed surprise when he reported, "Admiral! The enemy has taken out 84% of our mobile suit forces!"
The Admiral was in even more shock when he heard Murrue was killed as he asked himself, "How... This is actually possible?"
He couldn't wonder any further when he heard another operator warn, "The enemy is making its way towards our broadside sir!"
The Admiral ordered without a second thought, "Open fire! Activate all defensive weapons and don't let them get past us!" With that order the Admiral's flagship along with the many other battleships fired their energy weapons and various others towards Eleanor's mobile suit in a final hope to see its enemy destroyed.

Avris managed to make its way towards the two Gundams when he had his beam boomerangs prepared for a strike. He contacted both of them, "Hold on kids. I'll make sure you don't make this your last mission." The Verity flung both of its boomerangs to the blindsides of Tadgh's mobile suit when he warned, "Now don't make me pull out the big one!" He said as the Verity's hand reached for its Anti-ship sword.
Finally got a hold of MysT3CH. Unfortunately he had to drop out. If anybody wants to take the characters he left feel free, otherwise I'll just be assuming command as the new crew of the Terminus.
Great to hear. Unfortunately things might be slowing down a bit, I've been trying to get a hold of MysT3CH for a bit hoping he doesn't fall behind.
As Hedy's round ended she watched the future matches in a more comfortable position among the audience. Hedy watched the proceeding battles with interest and found YingJue faring somewhat well in her round. For everything that she had going against her she seemed to fair well against the Gaia but continued to cheer at every chance she had to warn about the possible blind sides she might have to catch her off guard.

Kartal was the most surprising for her. Instead of an epic rematch between him and the Cuban Champion like she expected, the X-Divider struggled to even maintain a decent defense. It was just a few moments before the screen showed the end of the battle and the Quebely destroyed it target. Any ounce of cheer Hedy had in her was lost as Kartal made his way to the waiting benches. She had her arms lifted when she stared gaping at the results wondering, "K... Kartal.... What happened?" She was thankfully not anywhere near Kartal when she asked this and was only one of the few surprised observers next to Teran lookalike.

The Danish Champion observed the battle among the others and saw the enthusiasm the German Champion had for piloting the Gundam Spiegel. It was the same sort of passion he had always known her to have in a battle such as this one leaving him to observe in a state of melancholic observation.
The Egyptian Champion was next to him asking, "So does the German Champion get you interested?"
The Danish Champion watched the battle when he answered, "It's just a feeling I had from long ago is all."
"Really? You knew her personally?"
"Yeah, not sure what I can say about it."
The Egyptian Champion decided to respect his friend's feelings when he didn't inquire any further about the current personal conflict he was enduring.
Sousuke was shocked at first when he heard someone open a channel with him and heard his pondering. He was more taken aback when he heard the pilot’s answer. Whatever control of his temper he had when he shouted, “Accept it?! I’m supposed to want to kill people?!” He raced behind a Generic when he prepared to attack. As soon as the Centennial sliced at the standing Generic’s central weakness and made a slice towards the ZETA. The ZETA brought its beam saber to make contact when Sousuke warned, “Say that again and I won’t accept your help!” The Centennial broke away from its clash when it turned to face the remaining Generics before the stream of debris made its way over his head. Sousuke looked up at the vortex when he had the blades prepared and moving forward to stop its advance.

“What the hell is he doing?!” Meyryth asked against formality. “If he damages the Gundam at all, he’d better be ready for a court martial!”
Terzo had every bit of concern of the situation and Meyryth’s attitude when he asked, “Is the pilot in any sense of mental stability sir?”
Kira answered the concern, “This is his first battle. Unfortunately he must be permitting personal feeling to interfere with his judgment right now.”
Meyryth grasped her fist when she promised herself, “If this kid is going to act like a rookie then he better be ready to take discipline like one.”
“Focus all forward fire at the enemy’s attacks. We have to prepare for take-off.”
“Understood sir. All hand prepare for ascension. We are making our way towards the hangar bay.” As the order was given the Archangel rose from the ground and moments later began to move forward to the colony entryway while the spikes and vortex of debris were held back by the two Gundams in front.

Athrun observed the activity in the loading bay when he saw the signatures in Hangar 4 signaling its preparation. He made his way to the Infinity to contact the Archangel, “Kira, the Terminus is being boarded. The crew should be able to meet you on entry.” When he gave the report he saw the two Actualizer mobile suits headed his way and recognized the danger before him. “The enemy is trying to make an escape! If they continue this way they’ll make contact with the civilians!”

Terzo reported to his superior, “Commander, the enemy is reaching the end of the colony. Commander Zala is right about the enemy’s approach but we won’t make it in time. Orders?”
Kira gripped the arm of his chair when he commanded, “Send the ZETA and the Centennial to the enemy’s location. Don’t let them destroy any more of the colony.”
One of the operators observed the destruction outside asking, “Will we have to hold against the enemy fire sir? They’re still intent on crushing us!”
“Kira recognized the observation before he ordered, “We have to take off now. Maintain our shields and prepare to break through. Send out the Gundams.”
Terzo contacted the Centennial and the ZETA, “Attention pilots, prepare to move out to the colony hangar bay area. Do everything to prevent the enemy from harming the civilians.”

Sousuke heard the order as the Centennial sliced through a side of the vortex of debris initially about to snap at his superior. When he heard civilians mentioned a rush of concern came over him before he gasped, “Mei!” The Centennial split from the ZETA’s position in a rushed flight towards the area of the colony’s hangars.
The Actualizer mobile suits were near the area where Athrun’s Infinity was located but were cut short when the Centennial caught up to them. The Centennial sliced downward to Tadgh’s mobile suit when Sousuke charged with a yell.

The holographic map of the colony provided a visual as an Alliance operative reported, “Admiral, the colony is evacuating. The civilians are preparing to make a route to the nearest area of safety.” As the fleet encircling the colony observed its activities the newly appointed Admiral watched the civilian ships make their way out.
When it seemed the last one was on its way out the Admiral ordered, “Move in and see the civilians find their way to safety. Prepare to meet the enemy with everything available.”
One of the operatives observed the battle map agreeing, “Yes sir. The fleet is moving in.”
One of the panelists nearby asked, “Will we be enough to take down the enemy sir?”
The Admiral answered, “The interior defenses clearly aren’t enough but the force we have will deal the damage necessary.” He turned to some nearby operators ordering, “Launch all mobile suits to the colony entry. Don’t let the enemy escape.”
“Yes sir. Launching all squadrons now.”
On that order the Earth Alliance fleet sent its squadrons of GAT-410 Breakers to the opening of the colony. Whether or not they could handle what would come the Alliance had its forced prepared what was thought to be the dormant enemy.
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