• Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Nacho
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 39 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Nacho 10 yrs ago


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Not a wheeze, not a cough. An unfamiliar sound................. wait, it actually sounds like some weird, mechanical wheeze. A black, wooden door magically appeared on a brick wall on the side of a restaurant in Florida. The door opened and out stepped a man who looked to be on his way to some formal event. Nice, slim, pressed suit, shiny shoes, a bow tie, and neatly groomed. Good looking, elegant, classy. The door shut behind him. He placed his hand on the door, it was heating up.

[i]I must let you rest a bit[i/]

He spoke to it as if it was a living thing. Surely it was something special. It appeared out of thin air, and some stranger just walked out of it. Keep in mind that there was no door before.

As he strolled down the street, he passed by s hop with the news on. The anchor was reporting from the nearby beach which he said had been shut down by the US Government for undisclosed reasons. Earlier footage showed US soldiers kicking beachgoers off the beach. Bummer since it was the perfect day.

Asking the person next to him, they explained to the man that the beach was a few blocks down the road from here. There was time to kill. Lots of it actually.

As he approached the beach, he was stopped by someone who seemingly was told to go home. The old fellow advised Mr. bow tie to turn back as no one was allowed on the beach. They told him that soldiers with guns were patrolling the beach, making sure no one trespassed. Of course, he didn't listen to the old guy, and continued to make his way towards the beach. From a distance, he saw the soldiers. As well as several men in suits. Humvees, the whole shibang.

Getting closer still, he saw a lone girl close to the tape that forbade access to anybody trying to get across. At least he wasn't the only crazy one trying to find out what was going on.

Approaching the young lady, he tapped her on her right shoulder and stood next to her.

"Hello miss"
Not a wheeze, not a cough. An unfamiliar sound................. wait, it actually sounds like some weird, mechanical wheeze. A black, wooden door magically appeared on a brick wall on the side of a restaurant in Florida. The door opened and out stepped a man who looked to be on his way to some formal event. Nice, slim, pressed suit, shiny shoes, a bow tie, and neatly groomed. Good looking, elegant, classy. The door shut behind him. He placed his hand on the door, it was heating up.

[i]I must let you rest a bit[i/]

He spoke to it as if it was a living thing. Surely it was something special. It appeared out of thin air, and some stranger just walked out of it. Keep in mind that there was no door before.

As he strolled down the street, he passed by s hop with the news on. The anchor was reporting from the nearby beach which he said had been shut down by the US Government for undisclosed reasons. Earlier footage showed US soldiers kicking beachgoers off the beach. Bummer since it was the perfect day.

Asking the person next to him, they explained to the man that the beach was a few blocks down the road from here. There was time to kill. Lots of it actually.

As he approached the beach, he was stopped by someone who seemingly was told to go home. The old fellow advised Mr. bow tie to turn back as no one was allowed on the beach. They told him that soldiers with guns were patrolling the beach, making sure no one trespassed. Of course, he didn't listen to the old guy, and continued to make his way towards the beach. From a distance, he saw the soldiers. As well as several men in suits. Humvees, the whole shibang.

Getting closer still, he saw a lone girl close to the tape that forbade access to anybody trying to get across. At least he wasn't the only crazy one trying to find out what was going on.

Approaching the young lady, he tapped her on her right shoulder and stood next to her.

"Hello miss"
Not a wheeze, not a cough. An unfamiliar sound................. wait, it actually sounds like some weird, mechanical wheeze. A black, wooden door magically appeared on a brick wall on the side of a restaurant in Florida. The door opened and out stepped a man who looked to be on his way to some formal event. Nice, slim, pressed suit, shiny shoes, a bow tie, and neatly groomed. Good looking, elegant, classy. The door shut behind him. He placed his hand on the door, it was heating up.

[i]I must let you rest a bit[i/]

He spoke to it as if it was a living thing. Surely it was something special. It appeared out of thin air, and some stranger just walked out of it. Keep in mind that there was no door before.

As he strolled down the street, he passed by s hop with the news on. The anchor was reporting from the nearby beach which he said had been shut down by the US Government for undisclosed reasons. Earlier footage showed US soldiers kicking beachgoers off the beach. Bummer since it was the perfect day.

Asking the person next to him, they explained to the man that the beach was a few blocks down the road from here. There was time to kill. Lots of it actually.

As he approached the beach, he was stopped by someone who seemingly was told to go home. The old fellow advised Mr. bow tie to turn back as no one was allowed on the beach. They told him that soldiers with guns were patrolling the beach, making sure no one trespassed. Of course, he didn't listen to the old guy, and continued to make his way towards the beach. From a distance, he saw the soldiers. As well as several men in suits. Humvees, the whole shibang.

Getting closer still, he saw a lone girl close to the tape that forbade access to anybody trying to get across. At least he wasn't the only crazy one trying to find out what was going on.

Approaching the young lady, he tapped her on her right shoulder and stood next to her.

"Hello miss"
As the title says
So would I :)
As the title says
Late in the evening, Mr. Millar was leaning against a post that help one of the makeshift tents set up by the military on the beach. He reached into his outer coat pocket and took out his pocket watch to check the time. He had been waiting for what seemed like forever and was anxious to get going.

Several minutes later, the Deputy Director walked out of the tent with a frail-looking lad with a clipboard behind him. The chap behind the Director was Dr. Richards, the only person that was just as crazy as Mr. Millar to venture out into the sea. A craft was being pushed into the water, prepped for Millar and Richards to take out into the horrific triangle to search for the lost flight.

Dr.Richards greeted Mr. Millar and told him that there was someone else that volunteered. A girl by the name of Lucy, but unfortunately was not given the green light to participate for some unknown reason. OK with his partner for the trip, Mr. Millar walked towards the shore casually with his hand in his pockets with Dr. Richards following behind with his clipboard clenched in his hands, pressed against his chest. The solider guarding the craft that was now in the water gave the instructions to driving the craft, but was stopped before he could finish when Mr. Millar snatched the keys from the soldier's hand, telling him that he was quite aware of how to drive the thing. He really didn't. But he knew of a way to get it to run regardless.

Mr. Millar took out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the ignition. The green light at the end of the tool shone brightly, making a buzzing noise that was followed by the sounds that said the engines were now running. Standing up from his seat, Richards adjusted his thick-rimmed glasses and peeked over Millar's shoulder, asking about the gadget that just started the boat. Millar refused to answer the scientist in a polite manner, asking him to take his seat again, steering the conversation to get him to forget about the sonic. Millar commended Richards on his bravery for doing something that nobody else on the shore would do. Richards, while immensely scared of what might happen at any moment, said that he felt it was his job as a man of science to venture into the unknown. Millar noticed the stutters and shakiness in Millar's voice, and how his legs constantly shook, the heel of his foot tapping on the floor beneath him. Millar placed a hand on Richards' shoulder and guaranteed him that nothing was going to happen to them. And that they would both get back to shore safe and sound.

Looking at the coordinates, Millar alerted Richards that they had arrived at the Triangle. It was a bit of a strange thing since Millar expected the waters to be more unrelenting than they were. In fact, they were quite calm. To make sure, Millar double-checked the coordinates, then asked Richards to triple-check them to make sure they were at the right location. They were. They both stepped out of the bridge, and onto the bow. The boat rocked calmly, but that was just about it, aside from the chill of the breeze that blew in their direction. Now at their destination, they both just looked around them, seeing nothing but ocean. Richards left for a bit, then came back with the pair of scuba suits that were packed on board. He was told to forget the suits as they won't be needed. Millar again took out his sonic and pointed it at the dark ocean below, waving it left to right several times. He brought it up to his face and stared at it for a few seconds. Again, Richards' curiousity was sparked. He wanted to know what this little gadget was. Swinging the sonic downwards, and tucking it back into his coat pocket, Millar told Richards that the planes were definitely down there, as well as the crew. Richards again reached for the scuba suits and demanded they go down to fetch the crew. Millar agreed.

Suited up, Millar told Richards to prepare himself for what he was going to see down there. It would be something that he would probably never ever see, and would probably be the only one to see it. With that said, they both dived off the side of the boat, down into the water.
He pushed his cup of tea towards the center of the table, reaching into his back pocket, taking out his wallet. He placed the cost of his cup of tea on the left side of the cup, and the tip of the right. He stood up and grabbed his coat from the back of the chair, slipping it on. Before heading out, he straightened his bow tie out and decided to have a nice stroll on the beach as they day was perfect for it. But as he strolled down the road with the beach in sight, he noticed that the beach was closed. Anybody trying to get in was kicked out right away by men in uniform, armed with guns.

This is odd. How did I not notice this earlier?

Not too long ago, this man crashed not far from the Gold Coast in Florida when he lost control of his time machine which he calls a TARDIS, causing it to crash land him here. But as he said, he didn't notice the closure. Perhaps his mind was too occupied with his machine to notice. Whatever it was, he needed to check out what this whole ordeal was about.

Stepping onto the sand leading to the beach's waters, he lifted the yellow tape and made his way forward. Immediately, he saw a group of four soldiers rushing in his direction with a man in black suit idly walking behind them. He stopped in his tracks with his hands up as the soldiers approached him. The soldiers ordered the man before them to turn and leave the beach as it was under investigation. Making a gesture at them, the man slowly reached into his coat pocket, taking out a bi-fold wallet, extending it towards the soldiers. Breaking the formation of the soldiers, two on each side, the man in black stepped in, snatching the wallet away from the strange man’s hand. The man in black took one look at the card inside the wallet, then a look at the person in front of him and gave the OK to let him through. The card inside was blank. Blank to the owner of it, but to the person seeing it, it had the credentials that allowed him to progress further into the beach, allowing him access to what was going on. It made the man in black believe that he was a top private investigator hired by US Government to aid in this ordeal. He asked simply to be called Mr. Millar. The man in black is the Deputy Director of the CIA.

As they walked towards the waters, the Director was filling Mr. Millar in on the incident. A group of F-22’s were escorting a C-130 Hercules after the military found an item of interest which they were to transport to a military base for testing. The odd thing about this was that they weren’t supposed to go anywhere near the waters. Communication between them and the ground crew was spotty, but they completely lost visual of the crafts when they ventured in to what’s known as the Bermuda Triangle. Again, they weren’t supposed to fly anywhere near there, they just did. Now the planes, the pilots and the find has been lost at sea.

There were a good number of other what seemed to be fellow investigators on the scene, but over the horizon, there didn’t seem to be any boats in the water. Nor were there any men dressed in wetsuits. The Deputy Director then told Mr. Millar that nobody as of yet dared travel to find the lost crew. Mr. Millar found this amusing as he was sure that many people here, including the Deputy Director thought that the legends of this place was just superstition. But here they were, not even stepping foot in the water.
A smile broke across Mr. Millar’s face, and he raised his hand up like a schoolboy in class, even waiving it frantically from side to side. The Director looked at Mr. Millar with a stern look, putting his hand down for him, advising him of the great risks there were travelling to such a place. Still filled with curiosity, Mr. Millar told the Director that the danger was the fun of it. Mr. Millar would not be convinced not to go. Afterall, someone needed to go and check out the last known area of the crafts. And if Mr. Millar was volunteering to check it out, then who else would they send? He certainly had the credentials, and the urge to go. So why not?

The Director told Mr. Millar that raft was to be assigned to Mr. Millar relatively soon which would take them out into the sea. For now, Mr. Millar would have to anxiously wait til everything was set up.
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