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    1. naxhi 10 yrs ago


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Are you guys still accepting people?





He has mastered many fighting styles, on par with Ra's Al Ghul and Batman, and has created several fighting styles himself. He possesses a Genius Level Intellect, making him on of Batman's most intellectual foes. He has Eidetic Memory (allows for memorization of everything), knowledgeable in various subjects including science, math, history, medicine, etc. He is also polylingual, being able to fluently speak 9 languages. He is a master escape artist, rivaled by only Batman, Nightwing, and Mister Miracle. He is an expert strategist, and he is at the peak of Human Condition, being able to bench 1500lbs, being a fast runner, and is extremely durable to injury. He has been able to stand up to numerous super-human beings.

While Bane's abilities are amazing as it is, one of the biggest characteristics of Bane is his use of the drug known as Venom. When injected into his body, Bane receives Superhuman strength, being able to lift 4 tons and higher, he receives enhanced speed, reflexes, superhuman endurance/stamina/durability, and can use venom as a medicine giving him a fast healing factor when injured.

He is extremely dependent on the Venom drug. Without it, Bane becomes weakened, and goes through serious withdraw, which is why a simple cut off of the venom supply to his brain can cause him to loose a fight, as shown in his many encounters with Batman and other heroes. On the other side of the coin, while Bane suffers from a lack of Venom drug, he also suffers from too much of it. Going over the maximum healthy dose of the drug into his body, Bane looses his sanity, and becomes a ragging monster, loosing all strategy and intelligence to focus on crushing his enemy, something his foes would easily take advantage of.

Venom, the drug that turns him into a super human. Bane has stockpiled a supply of the drug to be used in combat against his enemies. He also is known to carry a rocket launcher with him on occasions.

Brief Bio
In the Caribbean nation of Santa Prisca, a revolution was underway. The Leader of the revolution would be known as "King Snake", and he would be defeated. He would elude capture however, and his sentence for treason against the nation would be passed on to his son, who was still in the womb of his mother. After his birth, the child was locked into the hellish prison called Peña Duro. The child would grow in strength, intelligence, and skill, and the other inmates soon gave him the name Bane. Bane would establish himself as King of the Prison, and the controllers took notice of this. They forced Bane to undergo a test involving the drug called Venom. While all other inmates died from this, Bane survived, and learned that the drug enhanced his physical abilities. Years later, Bane escaped from Peña Duro by faking his own death, He made his way to Gotham City, a place he heard about in which fear controlled the population, much like his prison home. Bane heard about Batman, and assumed Batman was the demonic bat that has haunted his dreams since childhood. He sought to destroy Batman. He knew a direct attack on the Dark Knight was foolish, so he destroyed the walls of Arkham Asylum, freeing all the inmates. Batman spent three months rounding up the inmates. Exhausted, Batman was confronted by Bane in Wayne Manor, after Bane had taken time to deduce Batman's identity (Only Villain to do so). After a one-sided battle, Bane broke Batman's back. After this, Bane declared himself King of the Gotham City underworld, but his reign was short lived. Jean-Paul (Better known as Azrael), took on the mantle of Batman, and defeated Bane. Bane is sent to prison, and he escapes, returning to Gotham City.

Gotham: City of the Broken
Feigling accepted me, may I please have a place on ze map now? :P
Rare said
What do you mean by that?

I had an argument with another WiR GM that was not Fry over an IC, and that GM did not like my attitude, so he kicked me from his game, and then I started arguing to get back in, then Fry got involved and kicked me from the main game because he did not like my attitude either. I argued to get back in for his game, and he promptly perma-banned me. It was probably the way I was arguing that got me in trouble, but then again the punishment system for the main game is VERY arbitrary, so I am not sure.

It was five months ago and I have learned better, so please dont deny me access for something I messed up on another forum.............
I have not yet been told by anyone if I am registered and accepted.

I wish to know if I am accepted please?
You kinda forgot my little kingdom....................
Hey sorry Feigling, I will fix that right now

Edit: Woops, still having some issues with the website, apologies for posting twice :p
Sorry Feigling, I will change that to something more appropriate
If we are going to do this, I need to ask you one question?

Do you want to know how I got these scars?
I kinda got in trouble with Frymonmon in his main game thread, but I still wish to participate in another WiR. I wish to join this version. My choices are:

1. Switzerland
2. Saudi Arabia (or the Sultanate of Hedjaz as it is called then)
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