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  • Old Guild Username: Nekomancer
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    1. Nekomancer 10 yrs ago


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Jaclyn Kent

Jack winced a bit as the dust mixed together and the whole hammer started hissing and whistling like a kettle, silently hoping that this plan wasn't going to blow up in their faces. Not that she didn't have faith in her partner, she just preferred to stick with basics. When the spout of steam was released into the onrushing swarm of bats, everything turned out better than expected. They caught the brunt of the steam cloud, and it was at least powerful enough to stun them.

When Tarkus took off away from the swarm and towards the cache, Jack didn't need to be told twice to get a move on. When he stopped to take a breather and see if she was keeping up, he'd find she was right on his heels, seemingly not winded at all from the little sprint. Glancing over her shoulder to check if the scalded bats were still in pursuit, and then down to the WATCH face to see how far off their goal was, she finally turned back to Tarkus and gave another thumbs up. "I'd call that a success, I guess. You ready to move?"

Deathgrip Forest D-6
Hey, Bob ratified The Doctor's pacifistic views AND thanked him for a jelly baby. I tried at least.
Bob practically did a double take when Cerebella said murder was an option. Suddenly he was very glad he had only vouched for his own good intentions, because apparently not everyone here was as good-natured as he was. "You can't mean that, right?" he asked, already taking several steps back from the group (and towards where Glitch was waiting).
I think I've been misunderstood. To "have a fire lit under you" is an idiom meaning something has got you motivated or in a rush. I didn't mean for Malika to actually cast any spells or light anything on fire. I just meant for her to confront him about his behavior.
Malika stopped in place and caught her footing as she was rather roughly jostled. That on it's own wasn't terribly surprising, it was a busy street after all and everyone needs to get where they're going. What galled her was what was said in passing, 'Get out of the way.' Malika rounded on the voice, her face flushed reddish as her temper flared up. The man was big, muscled, scarred, and older than her. None of that seemed to detract from the ire or opposition worn on her face.

"And what's lit a fire under your arse?"
No worries, I'm in bed with the flu. Time flies when your blowing chunks.
No probs, looking forwards to seeing what you come up with :D
When a woman with a laser sword and a gun came tumbling out of another portal, Bob was surprised for a moment. Even more so when she held her weapons up at the group. He was relieved though when Cerebella at least convinced her to lower them. She still seemed uncertain though.

Raising his hands up placatively, he smilled and spoke in what he hoped was a reassuring tone. "I'm a Guardian: 'To Mend and Defend'. I promise I won't try to hurt you." Moving his arm slowly to point at one of the food shops, he said "Glitch: Away." In response to the command, his Keytool detached from his wrist and slowly floated over and landed on one of the shop's tables.
Short post is short, but I get the impression you've got steam cloud panzerfaust shenanigans planned with Tarkus, so it's more to move things forward than anything.
Jaclyn Kent

Jack gave an offhanded thumbs up at Tarkus' request for cover as she ventilated another Vampire Bat. "Be my guest." The sooner they could get past these small fries and move on to the cache, the better; if Tarkus had a plan to get past them without wasting time, she was all ears.

Deathgrip Forest, D-6
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