Avatar of NightFox
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  • Posts: 35 (0.01 / day)
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    1. NightFox 9 yrs ago


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I have Asperger's and can seem like I am calm most of the time. My main quell is that I don't like expressing my emotions so they bottle up. Most of the time they just fade but usually lead to depression which then leads to total blocks on everything. Last year because of that I only really ate once a day and that was only two slices of toast, my academic life is a mess but slowly getting rebuilt. Most of the time I am generally doing things alone and rarely participate in group work even if its groups of two, I will just sit there and do the work myself. A few years ago I blamed it for practically everything which happened to me and wished I was someone else, then I thought what would happen if I still remained as I was even without AS. That lead to my first depression.

I am also quick to shift my misfortune onto others. The first day back at school this year no-one really talked to me, so I stopped going, not believing I knew the reason, but after a dream I found out sub-consciously I blamed them because they didn't really talk to me. I now know its my own fault. I haven't really been back at school since shortly after the Christmas holidays last year and I was only in between 10-12 or 12-3 and was usually in learning support only really going to ICT and some science classes.

The main thing I believe which has helped would be the support dog I got in December, in the past 3 months I have improved faster and have been more outgoing than I have since I was around 6-7 years old. Other than that it would be some anime and medication.

I am very bad at seeing things through, quitting multiple clubs at school and plenty of out of school activities. I am also very ignorant about things that don't affect me, whether it be some else is ill or being bullied and so forth. Mostly I am like most people with AS but will don't really believe I am, compared to other people I know of (personally or not) I'm don't believe I'm that intelligent despite test scores saying otherwise.

I do have and active mind, after seeing something that interests me it will be stuck in my head for years. Right now I have played out OCs in different anime whether I'm standing or laying down. I can be obsessive not wanting to stop doing something after starting despite how long it may take. Another strange thing about me is that while I look forward to change I hate it when it happens which is probably the only thing I really fear, I can cope with most things besides for quick change and things which seem unstable. I can be pessimistic at times, and probably evil, on long journeys my mind can start to think of the worst case scenarios, but always keeps me alive while everyone else dies.

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This RP will be based off Infinite Stratos but have no main canon characters will be appearing unless you want to RP as them. There is only going to be two male characters allowed (besides me) due to reasons. We will basically be following through the standard school life there with some attacks but mainly focusing on school tournaments and such.

Hello people, this is the first roleplay I'm hosting here. Going to keep it small for now.

Anywho, a bit about myself: When I write the post length can vary depending on my current mood but most of the time it can be about a paragraph. I usually post when I can to keep things rolling.

Gender - I am male, I don't see the point in hiding it. Also if the thought of males playing female characters annoys you then this isn't the thread for you, as in my opinion I find that most of my female characters are more fleshed out than my male ones (besides a couple.)

Age - IRL I am in my teens and as such only really play characters that age, usually 16 or 17 years old. As such when doing 1x1 RPs I like having the other around the same age, give or take a year.

Personality - Most characters of mine share the same personality as I find it easier to get behind as they basically have part of my personality. When I go outside of this box, the two main characters I have are a cool, quiet young 17 year old male and a slightly mad pyromaniac female.

Anyway that's enough about my RP habits so on to the list of possible RPs.

-Magic based.

Pairings - Just to get this out of the way I am opposed to MxM, as it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. MxF and FxF are fine, as MxF is closer to what I know about and FxF can be fun to watch in anime and stuff.

Those are the main ideas I have though I could do most stuff as long as I have some knowledge on what its about.
I'm in. Could go for either KanColle, Pokemon or Yugioh. Don't care on the genre, though preferable not horror or band on the road.
I' interested. Cross-over RPs are fun to do so why not.
Hello, people. I am NightFox or on other sites mainly Duskhunter34 or guthixman540.

I am a decent role player when I'm not in a slump and usually enjoy fantasy RPs but will do any with strike my interest.

Anyway, hope I can have a good time here.
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