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    1. NightsOfNovember 10 yrs ago


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She noted his slight flinch at being touched, and that his already wide eyes widened even more at physical contact. She giggled, and then lay back down fully on the hammock. "Gryson, the hungry, of this cave, or at least, that is what I am assuming this place is? The natural crystal's are so luminescent of one another, and it must be nice to have your own source of cool water in here," she said quietly. She closed her eyes again, and stretched her legs out on the hammock, pointing the points of her little slippered feet straight out, and then relaxing again. She sighed, but it was not a relaxed sigh, it was more of a heavy and burdened sigh.
"I am not sure what it was, I just know it came from the sea. For a while, I thought it was ships sending something our way, magic maybe, weapons, I wasn't sure, but then the ships were swallowed and over turned by it. We watched it way out in the distance fore a few months, it would swallow and overturn ships, and then one day it started to gradually move close. Our little fishing boats from the countryside started to disappear and overturn into the darkness like the foreign trading ships did before. Then one day, is furled through the water to the sands of the beach, and started to swallow up the towns. As it made it's way closer, my mother and father sent me out, and sent me to a run. They would have sent me on a horse but the stables had been swallowed already, and those that would dare go into the dark smoldering clouds that made up the dark wall didn't come back. Sometimes we could hear them start to scream, but it always ended in a choking silence. So I ran, and ran, sometimes walking, but mostly running. I stopped a few times to sleep, to rest, but in all honesty after the sun setting and rising the third time, I stopped counting how long I had been moving, because I had been out of rations for eating." She stopped then, turning her head to once more look at him.
Slowly, she started to sit up, but unused to a hammock, flipped out, landing on the hard surface of the cave on her back. She whined, and pushed herself up, mentally noting how clumsy she must seem to Gryson. "Are you here alone? I see there are two hammocks here," she observed. She once again let her eyes find their way right back to his, a content quiet gaze that she seemed to settle into often.
Still here, still interested. It has been a busy few days, I apologize. Send me a pm!
She blinked a few times, her eyes skimming over the face in front of her, taking in the pale skin, looking back at the eyes that continuously grew wider as they stared at hers. She kept a hand on the tender spot on her head, and let her other hand instinctively roam to touch at his pointed ears, and she blinked again. Pointed ears, ears from stories of elves and goblins from childhood! Am I dreaming..., she thought to herself. Her whiskey eyes went from his ears back to his own, taking in the sound of his voice. She ran through what she could remember once more, running for miles, climbing the tree, the wolves relentlessly pursuing her even when she had climber up onto the branch...falling, and only briefly knowing she wasn't dead when she had came to, and then here she was as she came to again.
"Gryson, Gryson of where? Gryson the what? I am Rosemary Thrice of the Thrice and Waverider family, from the town of Edgewater, on the eastern shores. Well, a town it was at one point, before the great darkness came across the water and took the town and every surrounding areas. It furled through the towns, there was so much...," she paused, panicking at the thoughts and closed her eyes briefly. She sighed, and resumed, "I am Rosemary, named to be the Dew of the Sea, but there is not much to live up to anymore. Where are we?" Her eyes didn't glance back at their surroundings, she just lay in the hammock, and kept her gaze locked onto his, refusing to let go of the first person she had seen in ....how long has it been now? How long have I been running? The thought made her blink, but yet she still did not look away from him.
So let us see how you think this might play into your idea....

It has been many hours, perhaps days since the loss of the last Daughter, Isabella. Darkness had consumed the horde of unruly mortals, driven by bitterness from the audacity and destruction that the Gods had left behind in their wake before leaving this place. She had hovered above the masses, unseen by even the enormous man, being, armored guardian that had took the last bit of life from Isabella. Oh how her heart cringed to think of Isabella, after trailing among mists, breezes, and clouds around her during the entirety of the last Daughter's existence. From her birth to her final aging point of eighteen, she was raised for one specific purpose, to forever linger and be with the last Daughter, in friendship, advice, foretelling, purifying, and every other skill her kind would have to aid her. Centuries had past, and she still appeared to be that same smooth skinned young woman of eighteen. Her great reason of living and being was gone, taken by the sword that had been in that giant's hands. She had heard the resounding thoughts and feelings from Isabella, as always, and knew that it had been as she had wanted it, her life ended by her ever faithful guardian. She never had known what exactly he was, what to call him. She only knew his name, for Isabella's words were as repetitious as her thoughts about him, Isaac.
She was suddenly struck with the knowledge that he had never even seen her, not fully, and may not even know of her existence at all, much less her name. Maybe he had glanced the shimmering mist during the early mornings when she would fade into the state of being unseen after walking in the morning dew with the daughter, or maybe he hadn't. Maybe he had thought he had seen an outline of a young woman in the breeze, in the clouds, or walking into the night fog, not quite touching the ground. Then again, maybe he hadn't. Maybe she was just as if the air he breathed, there but unseen. Vivre was used to being unseen by all but a rare few in her long lifetime, but for some reason, she was suddenly feeling...what was this? Saddened, remorseful, that a man who had been around her all of her life around Isabella had never maybe seen her.
It was so dark, and the stench of death wafted in the ash that stirred as she skimmed above and past the many fallen beneath her, and her hand rose to her nose to shield her from the overwhelming smell that was tainting the purity of her outer mist of air. The darkness was all around, and she had used her inherited gift of making stars come from the mighty universe to dot around her, giving her a slight light that just barely let her slim yet curved figure be traced into eyesight. She felt a need to find the great man, this Isaac, to see if the mortals had taken him down to the ground with them, to rot until nothing was left of him. She somehow doubted it, the way he had towered above them all, and she could feel breaths coming in through the stillness of the darkness that had consumed the whole place, breaths that were not her own. Her long creamy hair reached down to her waist, and as her urgency to find him became more and more present, her speed created a soft breeze, and it began to float out like a headdress behind her.
She had no assigned purpose in life now, and for once, she realized, as she searched for him in the darkness, she was doing something out of freewill. It was almost strange to her, a feeling of the unknown, freewill. She had grown to love the company of Isabella and enjoyed being around her for all of the last Daughter's being, but now she was doing something because she wanted to. Her want drove her over many corpses, stirring ashes from the ground and bringing a breeze with her, which she so badly wished did not smell so rancid of burned and torn flesh, of massive amounts of spilled blood. Her Great Mother of Air had told her that an Oracle Daughter of the Elements may never get to know freewill, but must grasp it before it leaves, if she were ever to encounter it, and grasp at it she did. Her eyes searched with such effort that they shone through the darkness, the color of what the springtime skies were before all of the darkness had rolled in to overtake everyone and everything. Finally she saw him, darkness swirled all around him, fallen but only to his knees. She stopped so suddenly out of sheer shock of his size that the ashes before and behind her swirled amongst the star dotted ring of air around her, and she was almost fully visible to him, just transparent in her figure. His visor was down, and he was still as the corpses all around them both, but she knew he was not gone from this place. Dirt and grime covered his armor, his helm, and she flung her hand out oh so slowly, letting a breeze brush off the dirt from his helm and visor. She refused to touch him, knowing his loss of Isabella was still so fresh. She twisted her wrist quickly, and brought back her outstretched hand as a strong gust of wind pushed his visor up.
Before I proceed to PM you, what age range for the characters?
(I would be interested in the female role of...) Princess/Thief.
Did you intend to have this rp in a thread or PM?
She turned her head slightly as she was carried, her whiskey brown eyes just barely opening as she came for a moment to a brief bit of consciousness, and she could only briefly know that someone, a person, a being of some sort, had taken her away from the pack of snarling wolves from earlier. Just as quick as she had come to, her dark long eyelashes swept downward as she went out of consciousness again. She was much too spent to even care as to where she was going, she only had that surge of relief knowing that she was not being ripped apart by wild beasts.
When she came to, she had no idea how long it had been, and once more, she had no idea where she was. She didn't sit up right away, for she was still half out of it, so to say, still dizzy and confused. She noted the ceiling above her was not that of a house, castle, or anything that she had seen before. As her eyes came into a focus, she noted the ceiling had a rocky yet crystal appearance, lights reflecting and shimmering off of the jagged pieces of whatever the ceiling was. She let out a sigh of relief, grateful to still be alive. Her hand flew up to her head, touching at the back of her head tentatively. She knew she must have hit her head when she fell, and she knew somewhere on her legs there must be some sort of scrapes or something, since it felt like they burned or were raw in a few places. Her back was much to sore to sit up, so she simply turned her head to the side, to view her current surroundings.
Super interested. Would prefer to be the female, sending you a pm!
Her scream was high, shrill, and urgent. It rang in her ears as it bounced off of the rocks around the mountainside, and she desperately looked around as she clung to the tree, hugging the rough bark with all her might as she stood on the branch, wobbling with fear. Two wolves stood down below, continuously snarling and hitting at the trunk with their large paws. Her long, dark brown hair was a mess, tangled and knotted, bits of bushes and twigs knotted in it from while she had desperately been running through the forest on the edge of the mountain side. Her pale skin lost the only little bit of slight peachy color that she already had due to fear, and her whiskey brown eyes were wide with the fear the shook her to the core. How long have I been running, how far have I gone? Where am I, I swear this is going to be the last of me, she thought, and once more let out a shrill scream as one of the wolves lept up, nipping at the sole of her flat rose colored slippers. Her pale rose dress that came to just below her knees was torn, and ragged from getting caught on who knows what when she ran.
She glanced into the distance, praying that anyone around would have heard her. Who am I kidding? This is barren wilderness..., and just as she layed eyes on the cave, seeing but a figure in the distance, she found herself overwhelmed with fear and exhaustion, lost grip on the tree, and fainted, dropping down below.
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