• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Nightwing1
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 308 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Nightwing 10 yrs ago


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As Orion stood under the dimly lit canopy the trees provided. He turned upon hearing a voice lidded with elven tongue. "Are you hurt?" The elf inquired, his voice was soft, reminding him of the many elvish scholars he had been lucky enough to meet.

With his train of thought now scattered, the young man shrugged to the question, giving a light wince as it managed to pull at the bruised skin around his stomach. Ego aside, he did need help. "If it will cause no trouble to your group- then yes, I have a slight problem with my stomach." He was quick to add a "Thank you". Looking down at his wound and the dark specs of blood that lay around it, he couldn't help but scold himself. This wasn't his first tangle, and it wouldn't be his last. Looking back to the elf, he gave a grateful nod of his head, almost a bow, but not quite. He didn't feel bending would suit him well at the moment.

This elf, he had been the one to call of the beast of a mirage he had seen earlier, in the tavern. It was just as likely he had summoned it. A magic user. More and more adventurers and people alike had begun to use magic, levitating this, cursing that, setting this on fire. Whatever they could do, Orion didn't want a part of it. He had seen what happened to a young witch whom had used too much magic in too little time, taking her life source and close to shattering it. He hadn't seen her again after the incident, but to be honest, he hoped he wouldn't. Though, he had to admit, magic was useful when using it the right way. Restoration, for example, was a good use, and a good branch of magic. In order to heal someone, he figured it might take a bit more from you.

Suddenly, he heard the crunch of leaves being shuffled next to them. His amber eyes moved to locate the source just before his neck and head, once all three had gone together to turn, he found what he had heard. The red haired woman that had stood beside her Captian, and no doubt, friend. He still was unsure as to what she was doing, her back to him. Orion out of habit had lifted his face mask and flattened it, smoothing out the soft, and to him, delicate piece of attire. He noticed it then, what the woman was attending to. The customs of men are not easily forgotten when you're raised upon them.

He watched silently as she began to give the proper ceremony, one that he bristled at giving to these.... Giving a soft, unheard sigh, Orion closed his eyes and leaned away. If that's what she thought was best, what was his word against it. All in all, if he were a bandit, stuck into a situation that forced him to, then he too would want to go with at least some semblance of peace after death. Well great, he'd only just met these people, and now they were making him see the bandits side of things?!

Swearing that he heard a young woman shout "PUPPY!" being carried through the trees, Orion shook his head. This would be a long journey indeed.
Hi everyone, I've been unnaturally busy as of late, but after school today I'll finally have an opening. So, I'll have my post up around 6:00 P.M EST today. I'm really sorry, but thank you for your patience.
experta said
I don't fear your puny sword ya! >:0RP rules clearly say you can't kill chars of other people unless they agree. =w= I am immortal mwahahaha, you fools you have played right in to my hand >:0

Poor Rose, she's gonna be tormented to the neigh, isn't she?

Hopefully she can keep her calm. Though I doubt she'd kill anyone, so no matter what, she's gotta put up with your shenanigans.
experta said
Snow White has a sister? O.o Oh god the posabilities for someone who wishes to do mischief for fun he he he >:3


All I'm gonna say is this, Rose has a sword and knows how to use it.

This should be very interesting.
Oh, I didn't notice anyone else with the nickname Red. I just saw yours as Rose, so I figured y'know, I could use Red too. If you don't want to change yours, I could just get rid of the nickname, but I think it'd get tiresome to call her Rose Red all the time. If you do change it though, I'll switch over to Rose for the person who has Red.

^ sorry if that was a bit confusing, I almost lost myself while typing it.

Rose Red




Human | Fable




A young party girl, and very rebellious, Rose Red was quite the troublemaker. Rose adopted this lifestyle primarily to embarrass Snow, who Rose held a century-long grudge against because she believed Snow had forgotten about her promise to be best friends because of her life with Prince Charming, as well as the fact that Snow White's fairytale was so popular that the mundies forgot that Rose Red existed. Though as she mended her relationship with her sister, Red's "adventurous" persona winded down to a more mature and responsible one. After taking over the farm, she had also proved her leadership skills, as well as many more qualities that made her resemble her sister. Red still has a fiery heart, and is outspoken when it comes to her sister and herself, but overall she has come a long way.


Rose Red had gotten herself in a bit of trouble with Bigby Wolf when she had faked her death, with help from Jack, to avoid marrying Captain BlueBeard
when he came looking for her.

As a result, she was sentenced to hard labor on the farm. While there, she and her sister Snow were caught in a revolution where Red saved her sister from Goldilocks and the animals. This had not only ended the fighting but had also restored her relationship with her sister, who had offered to take Red back home with her. Though she had accepted, Red had made sure to ask for one thing; To keep the Farm in check. Snow granted her the permission after running it through the mayor, and shortly afterwords Red began to shape the farm, trying her best to keep it orderly as well as improve the conditions there.


• Golden Knight Armor
• Steel Rose Sword
• Large Apartment, Room #24
• The Farm
• Her Motorcycle, "Tiger"
• Regular Clothes (When not on the Farm)
• Photo of Snow and her as children
• Pet cat, Wren.
• Red Sunglasses.
• Locked Journal.

"My lips are sealed."
I'm interested.
I've finished Ellie's CS.

Woot, I'm excited!!
Faction One | Second in Command

Alex Williams




As a young girl in the apocalypse, Alex was severely belittled and ridiculed for her abilities, and her lack of strength. She had lived along with whomever promised her family; specifically her father, the longest and safest life in the apocalypse. Sure, that meant having to do some bad things, but it was the only way to survive. At least until the third week of her fourth group. A raid had entered and stormed the camp, out of those killed and wounded, Alex wasn't one of them. She had held her ground through the attack and used what she had practiced for, all because she had been teased for being so small, so weak. Well, she wasn't either of those things anymore. Her only relative to survive the raid was her sister. They both traveled long and far to get to the group where they currently reside with.


Alex is a very strong willed young woman, she doesn't back down easily, and she tends to be a very sore loser. She can be known to lighten the mood from time-to-time, but all in all, she makes sure the job gets done, and the right way. After everything she had endured along her journey, she has been transformed from the little girl who had once hoped to be an astronaut. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to worry about than what's going on in the sky as of now.


Strong-Willed & Good Marksman


Faction One | Member

Ellie Williams




Ellie is quite the girl, she's gone through more than anyone ever could claim to say at her age. She wasn't sheltered from this life, she was brought into it. Her mother had died a few days after giving birth to her, leaving her father to bear the weight of both his children, and to lean heavily on both of them, making sure they knew how to hold their own. After the raid that had took their father's life, Ellie had to fight to keep up with her sister, who as much as she loved her, tried too hard to keep her safe. They've been at this new camp for a little while now, and both hope that while the world crumbles around them, they'll be able to power through with each other.


Considered by those who know her as a 'tough cookie', Ellie thinks of herself as quite the badass. She likes to pull a few jokes now and then, her humor always hanging around in any situation. She is determined, and brave, but can be stubborn and bullheaded. She tends to do what she wants, or what she feels is best, even if she wasn't told to do so. Ellie is still changing though, still being shaped by the world around her. For her sisters, and her own sake, hopefully it's for the better.


Brave & Quick Study

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