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Ooh I'm interested!
In Kinetik 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Me too, I sometimes disappear for a day or two, but I dont intend on leaving
Shayre nodded at Luna as she positioned herself at the oposite side of the shelter, ready to lift it up. "One... Two... And three!" He bit his tongue when a small sound escaped his lips, as the shelter was heavier than he had thought, and the effort it cost him to lift it didn't agree too well with his wound.

In fact, it disagreed loudly and aggressively inside his head, hammering against his skull and brains to prove its point. He blinked a few times, returning his face to a more natural expression. He could do this, he wasn't weak... He could protect the girls, take care of their survival needs, get them out of here... He had to.

Through the haze he barely noticed Jane coming closer, her hands ready to help carry the shelter. He moved to the side a bit, allowing her to grab one of the central beams of the structure.
"You really should not be lofting heavy objects with your head injury..." Her voice sounded concerned, and took away all hope he had had of them not noticing. He sighed and stood still for a moment, not willing to let go and prove her right... But it made sense. There was nothing to be gained from being headstrong, they had already noticed he was weak... If he had any brains left in his head he should let Jane take over and get to do something else.


They needed a fire for the night, to keep away wild animals. It was an important task, one that wouldnt make him lose the girls' trust... He knew he was talking to himself as if he were a small child, who needed to be convinced to do some menial task, but that didn't make the words any less convincing.

He managed a warm smile at Jane before nodding at Luna to warn her he would be lowering the shelter again. As he turned around, making sure to stand straight, he looked over his shoulder. "Great, if you guys can move the shelter... Maybe Akuma can help... Anyway I'll be working on getting us a fire started."
Do you intend on her having withdrawal symptoms?
(Also dont mind Shayres hero complex :P)
so where exactly does this tribe live? in houses? in the forest?
Ireane nodded, wasting no time in slinking back into the shadows. Her skin didn't return to its previous state, but if felt slightly smoother. Her spirits lifted at the prospect of a hunt. She'd like to think she was more refined than her kin, but some instincts are universal. She sniffed the air around her for traces of rain, but found none.

Good, nothing ruins a hunt like a heavy hide... She hastened her step and let her cloak flutter around her in the rising wind. As the sun had kissed the horizon goodbye, and had left the world for the day, less and less people had been moving over the sidewalks, leaving her some room to act out. Had people come too close they might have heard a slight purring that moved in sync with her springy footsteps, and when she came closer to the edge of town her whiskers started to show. As soon as she got to the edge of the forest, she transformed, leaping into the bushes with a growl.

(Will be added later)
Well I think it would be best to just go on... It doesnt look like the others will come back, and if you wait too long the ones who did post might leave as well
Shayre turned around to look at Jane, hesitating for a moment before letting down the now entirely sucked dry moss. "I... I don't think they will be poisonous... I had a bit, not enough to kill me if it were poisonous... However I think I would at least feel a bit sick if they are. But I don't want to kill this group off by being careless..."

He grimaced realizing his words might have a bit of a disheartening effect on the girls. They needed morale more than anything if they wanted to get through this. Morale... And decisiveness. There was nothing he would gain from standing around wondering, twisting and turning. There wouldn't be a one good path, one direction to take, that would get them out of this place. There would be hundreds of paths, and both could just as easily kill them as safe them. The only thing that wouldn't work for sure was waiting, wondering, hesitating. They needed to move, get things done, go in one direction and stick to it.

He frowned as the thoughts followed eachother in his head. It seemed as if the words belonged in a certain rythm, a certain pitch. They sounded an awful lot like some kind of speech someone would give... He wondered whether he had been told this by someone before, or had it been in a movie? As he tried to remember it, or anything else, he felt the beginnings of a headache come up. It was starting to get familiar now... Not that a familiar pain is much better than a foreign one. He turned his attention away from the subject by concentrating on the problem at hand. Whoever had come up with that speech, if it hadn't just been himself, they had been right.

Making a decision, he nodded and stood up straight. "We won't know for sure whether they are poisonous or not. I suggest we go to sleep now, and if the fruits haven't made me sick until tomorrow morning, we have to assume they are safe to eat.

He looked over at the girls, hesitating for a moment. "That is, if you guys can keep up another night."

Shayre frowned at himself, wondering whether he was taking too much authority, or too little. He wasn't really sure whether he wanted to lead them, be responsible for failures... Then again, he wasn't sure who else would do it. The new girl seemed to think about things, but he didn't really know her yet... And she had been awfully ready to trade Jane's blood with that monster. Akuma had worked hard, but didn't come up with her own ideas, being content following orders. A good girl to have around, but no leadership material. Jane... He trusted her, and her leg was healed now, but it seemed like she had been here for quite some time now, and her powers had depleted quickly. It was good that she was drinking water, she was probably parched with thirst, and it was probably affecting her behavior.

You're one to talk, he chuckled as he felt his head. He walked away from the tree, ready to continue the effort of hauling the shelter towards the place he intended to have them sleep tonight.
Shayre looked at Jane as the girl pulled free some moss and started sucking on it. Yes, she seemed much better now. He hesitated for a moment when he saw her look at the fruit, eyes full of hunger. It probably wasn't poisonous... But he had only taking a small bite, what if the problem only started if you ate more? He wasn't sure about the logic going on inside him, it probably was the hunger talking. Still, he should test, that was what he was doing anyway. If he didn't up the dosage quickly they would never find out if they'd die from those fruits. But he couldn't really go and eat these fruits before the eyes of the girls if they didnt eat... He walked over at Jane, feeling slightly unsteady but otherwise fine. A half smile on her face revealed her optimism was just a farce, trying to be strong... She was pretty. The thought slipped past, caught him by surprise. This was far from the opportune time to go and think about useless stuff like that. He kicked himself mentally, driving away the thought as quickly as he could.

"I could try them out, see if they kill me?" He wondered if she'd think he was simply being selfish or weak, giving in to the temptation of the food, or brave for taking the risk for the group. He wasn't really sure which one he was either.

Following her suggestion he pulled some moss free too, trying to quench his thirst quickly before the water had all leaked to the ground. This stuff reminded him of sponges... He just hoped it wouldn't kill him.
"It tastes healthy..." He smiled at Jane while pulling free some more. "I think we'll do just fine here..." It was an optimism he genuinly felt, for the course of his saying it. When he brought the new swap of moss to his mouth however, he started doubting again. How on earth were they going to survive a place like this...
In Kinetik 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ireane closed the door and leaned against it, its rough wood probably leaving its traces on the delicate fabric of her dress. Police always unnerved her, everything from the color of their suits to their stiff demeanor seemed wrong, unnatural... Yes of course she knew prostitution was illegal. The police had known of their brothel for years now, even before she had taken over the business. While they had used it in threats every now and then, so far the police didnt seem to have felt like breaking her home up. She wasn't sure why. Maybe they were still honouring the deal the previous mistress had had with them, information about the right people, traded for the police looking away when she did something illegal... Maybe the few cops that visited here, and the officers that sometimes would get visited by her best girls, maybe they were steering away attention. It could just be that the police knew they had bigger fish to fry, that the girls working here would not get it any better if this brothel was to be closed... Well that probably wouldn't be it. The police wouldn't place the quality of life over their beloved laws.

She stood up straight again, hurrying to the room they had left the bum. The police were gone for now, but there was no way she could let the man run out of the front door... She couldn't let this place get closed. Whatevre the reason was for police to ignore them so far, it was a fragile situation, and simply pissing off the wrong officer would destroy it all. She knew she could live without this place, she was a skilled thief with many talents gained from running a business. And of course her top girls, the one who excelled in arts or math, who knew what to talk about and could entertain people without taking off any clothes, yes they could find another job too. They stayed here because they loved this place, because they knew they were good at what they did. The ones she was worried about though, were the ones who lived at the bottom of the foodchain. They had been forced into this life either by poverty or pimps, and now they didnt know how to get out, they had no skills that would get them anywhere. Even if they escaped a prison sentence, they'd most definitely just end up with some prostitution cartel, this time one where their lifes meant nothing.

Yes, the man had to leave... But not now, not while the police was still around. That meant she'd have to hide him. She opened the door to the room where she had left him, and looked a bit surprised at the sight of the man strapped to the bed. Good thinking girls, she thought, as she made her way to the bed. If the police had forced themselves inside this would have been the best cover they could have. Well apart from her talent... She leaned in to release the man from his handcuffs. "The police will be back later. We'll have to hide you somewhere, and this is not going to cut it I'm afraid..." She looked at him for a while, studying his filthy hair and the dirty clothes on the ground. "So far I can say you need food and a shower... Don't run away or steal anything, or I will call the men in blue myself"
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