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Mm, so basically, how do we incorporate this into a post? OAO I'm waiting for the other two for now. ^ ^;
Surprised by the sudden appearance of the man in the boat, Tori jumped back on her seat, causing the boat to rock violently for a moment before sliding back into stability with surprising speed. He looked something like a fantasy supervillain, or maybe a murderer. In any case, Tori disliked him almost instantly; his harsh tone of voice only sealed her opinion of him. She was about to yell at him for showing up without any warning at all and cutting off their introductions before they had even started, but she was caught off-guard by his strict way of speaking. Yeah, just caught off-guard. Not scared. Definitely not scared.

Tori shrunk back in place indignantly, eyes downcast but legs swinging as quickly as ever.

The boat floated on, and Tori urged it with her mind to go faster, until at last their small band of misfits arrived at what looked like a luxurious Asian palace, like what Tori saw on TV. Despite the bloated dark presence of the weird crocodile man in the boat with them, Tori just had to lean over the edge and stare at the place with eyes as wide as saucers. Just when she thought the dream was becoming a nightmare, it went back to being something otherworldly and awe-inspiring. Tori let a grin back onto her face, and she watched as the palace came ever closer.

As they approached the new sight, Tori's fire of excitement was slowly diminished once more by the man's cold instructions. Suddenly she didn't feel as enthusiastic. Something about the man's tone of voice just sounded like a natural needle that popped helium balloons. Still, Tori knew better than to disobey him; her parents had always taught her to respect her elders. As she climbed out of the boat, she wondered if that rule applied to strange crocodile guys who had weird names like "Master Yoru." Were the kids being kidnapped? Master Yoru hadn't done anything bad to them, though, aside from yelling at them in a really unpleasant way. Tori decided to follow him for now, and maybe kick him in a bad place and run away later if he really was a kidnapper. That's what you do when you get kidnapped, right?

Heart beating quickly, Tori skipped along, having no problem keeping up, but not wanting to stay too close to Yoru, either. As she walked, she looked behind her shoulder at one of the girls who was standing farther off from the group; Tori didn't want her to feel left out, so she tried to meet her eyes and wave at her before turning back to the head of the party.

Entering the bathhouse was like an explosion. Amazed by the sudden burst of activity, Tori almost ran ahead and stared around at everyone crowding up the place, but quickly remembered Master Croc Villain's orders and shot her head down. She thought she'd seen giant frogs and ladies who might have looked a bit strange; she wasn't sure, but none of them sounded happy now. Tori could almost feel them glaring; she pulled her lips tight and tried to focus on the wooden planks on the ground.

She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed when Yoru got fixed the quiet and hurried them into some kind of elevator. She wanted to explore and meet all the creatures in the building, but maybe that wouldn't be so nice if they didn't like her, and that seemed pretty probable. Maybe she could look around later, if the dream let her.

In any case, Tori didn't regret getting into the lift, as the second floor was breathtaking, a giant work of art. Hastily, the girl rolled down her socks and tugged them off, then proceeded to spare a few seconds childishly running around in small circles on the carpet; it was soft and tickled her toes, just as good carpets are supposed to do. She grinned down at her bare feet before looking around at everyone, ignoring Yoru's constantly oppressive aura, and opening her mouth to say something in a quick "Th--" before remembering, once more, Yoru's orders to "not say a word." Frustrated, Tori resorted to letting out a long cross between a wheeze and a random animal impression and drawing shapes with her toes, trying to meet everyone's gazes to see if they were as hyped as she was.
@Noel DDAAANNNGG YOU'RE RIGHT sorry; only saw this now XD I can't really count when it's summer--

Anyway I'll see when I can find the time to read the posts and put mine up XD
Mm, probably because there hasn't been plot-relevant stuff happening yet so far. :/
"Tori? Tori, what are you doing?"

A voice wafted sleepily from the top of the stairs; Tori stopped her mad scramble down the steps suddenly, nearly sliding down into a tumble from the inertia. She gripped the banister and shot a look up the stairs; the light of the moon flowed untouched down the wall. "Um," she called back to her brother, who was probably lazily yelling from his bedroom doorframe, as usual. "I'm thirsty," she finished unconvincingly, then proceeded to leap down the rest of the steps and dash out the front door as quickly as possible. As she ran, and ran, and ran, she thought she heard her brother yawn behind her with a quiet, "okay," and that was the last she heard from him.

All alone in the quiet of night, the girl ran down the pavement of their subdivision, her socks nearly causing her to slip and fall flat on her face every time she made a sharp turn. Where was she going? She wasn't sure, but the neighborhood was so quiet at night. It was kind of weird, but she wasn't scared. She couldn't be scared, even if she tried, despite the circumstances. Tori didn't really stop to think about it, but if the question was about how she felt, then, at that moment, she definitely felt a certain strange thrill, like...like...like she was running into a forest without her parents or her brother with her, and she didn't know where she was going, but she felt like it would be amazing, magical, like she was going to see something she'd never seen before...

...Wait, how long had this forest been here?

Tori didn't remember there being a forest in her neighborhood, but now she was in one for some reason, and her legs were carrying her deeper and deeper, until she reached a tunnel guarded by a statue she didn't even look at. She ran straight through the tunnel, waving moss and lichens out of her face with both hands and plowing straight out as quickly as possible, and nearly crashing straight into the boat waiting for her. She skidded to another abrupt stop, and she paused in front of the little craft, giving it a short glance that could hardly be called hesitation before leaping straight in with the other three passengers.

The small boat carried the children farther and farther into the dark waters, the night illuminating its journey like a romantic old painting. Tori blinked as the floated onwards, and then everything just hit her--She had run out of her house without saying goodbye and had jumped into a boat with a bunch of strangers without knowing why. Wow, that was weird! She must have been dreaming, so might as well make the best of it!

Tori turned to one of the boys as he spoke. She looked at him up and down; he looked like he was a bit older than her, almost as old as her brother, and just as carefree, it looked like. Tori smiled at him and swung her legs under her in an attempt to keep out the cold that she found was suddenly seeping into her thin nightdress. "I don't know!" she chirped at him, a probable figment of her imagination. "But I don't think we should worry so much about it. My name is Tori. What's yours?"
"Ooohh. Looks like someone's had a bad day," Aiko mumbled with an eyebrow raised and her menu lowered ever-so-slightly. That had been kind of surprising, but not particularly offensive. It took a lot to seem offensive to Aiko. Aiko's eyes followed Shion as she sank into her seat, looking like a pouty kid and everything. How cheery. Something must've been bothering her, but even Aiko knew where to stop pressing. People stopped being interesting the moment they became seriously angry.

After a period of predictable awkward silence, Kenji put forward a different topic. Shrugging as she put down her menu with a flourish, Aiko put her foxy smile back on and decided to forget about Shion's last statement. "Hm, are you interested?" Her fingers tapped on the menu's plastic cover as she spoke. "Heehee. Well, okay, I'll tell you. I like to sing, play the violin; musical pursuits like that, mm?" She sat up with her back straight, hands poised on her lap like she was posing for a painting. "And of course, socializing has its own charm, doesn't it?"


"Oh, too bad. You mustn't be used to compliments then. Shame." Crisis Sonata sighed dramatically and shook her head, waving dismissal at her spears. They vanished into mist like the corpses of the Negatives scattered everywhere around them. Now that Crisis really looked at them, they looked quite disgusting, faceless piles of mush disappearing into nothing way too slowly. Crisis scoffed and turned away from them to look at Breaker instead. "Me?" She said with mock incredulity, placing a hand on her chest and giving out an expression of hurt. "I was only trying to help, Breaky!" Crisis picked the pet name that seemed to get the most reaction out of him, and told herself she'd use it more often.

Crisis Sonata nodded to Riot Lily next. "No, no, sweetie, it's no problem. There's nothing else to do in this godforsaken forest, so you don't have to pretend you owe us, or vice versa, mmkay? But yes, there's that. That entire fight was pretty draggingly boring in itself." Crisis punctuated with a fake yawn. "And I told you already, didn't I, Breaky? Any way is the way out, if you walk in a straight line." The Alter Ego crossed her arms and winked. "Probably."
Ah, sorry I'm kinda late. I didn't go online last night. TnT
Anyway, posting soon.
And welcome, Jessi! XD I used to be like that too. Except after I started RPing on dA the complete opposite happened because boys are comparatively easier to draw and it turns out they're not really different from girls anyway
Added a WIP sketch for Tori! It's pretty bad though
Cool, and thanks. XD I'll see if I can have a sketch up by tomorrow, and I'll probably color it at a later time.
Okay, here goes~ Might make edits later on if it doesn't cut it.

NAME: Tori Skye
GENDER: Female
AGE: 11
A little bit tall for her age, Tori is a child seemingly bursting with energy, with middle build and ruddy cheeks. She has short light brown hair pinned down by colorful assorted clips in a seemingly arbitiary fashion, hardly stopping the thin strands from getting in her face anyway. Most notable on her round face are her large green eyes and her wide, bright grin. She dresses for comfort, and as long as the color pleases her, she'll wear it. Oftentimes, a band-aid on her elbows, knees, or face can be seen from her various adventurous pursuits. Her manner itself is quite explosive, and she comes off as someone who is hasty and clumsy but otherwise loveable.

Bright and cheerful, Tori is the type of child who seems to spread happiness just with her presence. She is bubbly and optimistic, if not loud and boisterous, and her seemingly limitless energy and curiosity tends to send her into troublesome situations, although she means well. She tries hard to be honest, though sometimes it comes off as tactless instead, in which case she's willing to put down her pride and apologize. Despite her bursting actions, Tori is not particularly careless aside from the most common trip-up from running too fast.

When it comes to negative traits, Tori is reckless, impatient, and possibly short-tempered, especially when bored. She always wants to be doing something; nothing irritates her more than being idle, and being idle irritates her a lot. Being the type of girl who always rushes around, Tori tends to be a little bit harsher towards slow people or people who lag around. She doesn't mean to snap, but when she does, it's usually because something can't be done quickly enough for her tastes.

Despite her flaws, Tori is still generally pleasant to be around, especially because of her sunny aura that tends to dispel negativity all of its own accord.

Tori was born into an ordinary middle-class Canadian family of three, having two brothers, one older and one younger. Her parents are ordinary people of the working class, the type of people who work in offices; specifically, they are accountants, having met in college. Their family is the close-knit type, going out on Sundays for family outings, having meals together, and the like.

Growing up, Tori had always been the most energetic one, more energetic than her brothers, much to her relatives' amusement. Although she tends to crash into trouble often, her family and friends are happy to have her around, as she serves as their little light, cheering them up whenever they happen to feel down. As for her, she respects her parents, idolizes her older brother (who is going to graduate high school in a year), and tries her best to be a good sister to their youngest and a friend to her classmates. The only fights she gets into are probably due to her throwing fits out of boredom, which her parents and older brother try to remedy by keeping her busy with summer activities and the like.

All in all, Tori has had an ordinary childhood in a good, loving family environment.
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