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    1. Nuttynad 10 yrs ago


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Heart ache..

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@nerminator why do you keep calling my character a waiter? o.o
<Snipped quote by Nuttynad> Nick was hoping they didn't notice the Suspiciously dead girl lying against the bar counter, but hey it wasn't His fault that she just decided to go crazy and attack him. She vomited all over his shoes for Christs sake Well a awkward voice, much like a child when he was caught taking cookies out of a cookie jar, Nick answered the Waitress Oh yeah, She went crazy and attempted to kill me, yeah I had to kill her....sorry Truth be told, he just killed the girl because she messed up his shoes
"Ah, I see" Nadia said, keeping quiet as she looked at the girl.
Nick replied to the waitres chick introducing himself to her, turning around on his bar stools saying "Well I was drinking in here a while ago and suddenly shit went south"
"So, Uhm, you did that..?" Nadia asked, pointing to the dead girl. "I was in the lobby when it all happened.. I wonder if that man is still chasing after me.." She said.
Nadia yawned slightly, feeling rather sleepy. It had been a long day and perhaps she should get some rest. "Hotarubi, I'm going to go and rest up now" she said with a lazy smile and stopped her from playing with her hair. She hadn't really have an actual meal yet but she didn't really have an appetite. "Goodnight everyone, Nira, Chloe, Simbad, Hotarubi" she said and walked off towards a couch, dragging a blanket there and lying down on it, closing her eyes.
Nadia sighed in relief as the lights became normal and she looked around, noticing the dead girl was near her. She got up and moved over to sit further away from her, sitting nearer to the girl on the couch. "So, Uhm, who are you guys?" She asked, looking at the guy and the girl. They didn't seem to be crazy like the man she saw earlier. And also they didn't attack her nor talk in a weird creepy way. Perhaps they were sane..? "I'm Nadia" she smiled, hoping to get the conversation going on.
<Snipped quote by DFA> "Actually its not smores, its Mors meaning Death..Nice to meet you Kiera..Yeah we should tour the school a bit, who knows what "secret" passages there may be." Mors said. He disliked hearing the word family, it was his least favorite word. "We should start by the library."
"It's nice to meet you Kiera" Nadia smiled at her and she nodded in agreement with Mors. "Alright, let's go there then" she said. "Do you know where it is? Is there a map of the school or something.."
Nadia looked at the man at the couch warily and went closer, sitting down at a chair around 2 meters away from him and the other women. The bar then was set to emergency mode and Nadia looked around, surprised.
<Snipped quote by Nuttynad> That's a possibility, some of them are bound to wisen up and start acting all nicey-nicey. Though they may just remain total nut jobs, and poop onto the radio so everyone has to listen to it. I'll leave that for you guys to decide.
Ahh that would be like more interesting then :D It'll be like, our only way to communicate with other sane passengers and the crazy knows where we are :D
Ah, I was planning to make my character turn from neutral evil when we're deeper in the roleplay :D
This seems interesting :D
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