Avatar of Nyther
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 542 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Nyther 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Work's been crazy. Should have all replies out by tomorrow.
1 like
4 yrs ago
@Gravity Bounce they were wanting "important" RP'ers to be upset they left.
4 yrs ago
I don't get people who look down on day drinking. I've got shit to do in the morning, I can't wait 'til evening to start drinking. That's irresponsible.
5 yrs ago
When my cat yawns I stick my finger in his mouth. Today he was laying on my chest. I yawned and he stuck his paw in my mouth and I'm very unnerved.
5 yrs ago
Getting my replies out today like: bit.ly/2KE3h7Y


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If y'all are still accepting, I'll get my character up for consideration tomorrow.
I'd be interested in your hunt\showdown. As a hunter or demon.
I'd be interested in your cursed storyline. Playing as a demon.
His earpiece rang loudly in his ear. Already on the Titan computer, which he had been for several hours, Dick pulled up the alarm. "Bank alarm." He said silently to himself. He had been alone in Titan tower for about an hour now. He had told the other Titans to keep their regular routines to not raise suspicion to whomever had broken in. He had been there hoping to catch the intruder again, but he couldn't ignore this alarm. Cursing silently to himself he armed the security system and took off towards the bank.

He arrives a block from the bank and parks in an alleyway where he can get a good view of the bank. He takes out a pair of binoculars and surveys the area. He saw a plain black van parked in front of the bank. A quick look inside and he can make out three men milling around in the lobby. "Lookouts." He muttered as he focused his gaze towards the vault. He could see the vault door open, but couldn't see how many men were inside. He put the binoculars back inside the motorcycle's pouch and dismounted.

He quickly slid up behind the van and peered over the hood at the three men inside. They were all looking out the front, as if expecting him. He retrieved a metal boomerang from his waist and tossed it towards the window on the opposite side of the lobby. It crashed through the front window and circled around, crashed through a side window before returning to him. The three thugs looked towards the direction of the sound, unsure if they should investigate or stay put.

This was Dick's chance. He drew and extended his escrima sticks as he ran towards the open door and the men. Before they knew what was happening, Dick had knocked one man across the skull, knocking him out. The second man started to turn, but received a stick across the back of his skull. The third man had turned and was raising his gun towards Dick. Dick spun around and tossed one of his sticks towards the man. It hit him square on the nose and he fell before he even got a shot off. Dick dashed to the fallen man to retrieve his stick and make sure the man was out cold. He quickly tied all the men up and tossed their guns away before slinking off towards the vault.
Dat skill description doe.
Dick arrived at the Bat-cave with the poster. After analyzing the poster and talking with Dick, Bruce comes to a chilling conclusion. The poster was taken from Bruce's personal collection that he kept in the mansion. Someone had to have known that Dick and Bruce were at least friends, if not ex partners. They then knew where Bruce kept this personal item and stole it from the mansion without being seen or recorded. This trouble both Bruce and Dick. They decided to investigate separately. Bruce would try and find out anything he could around Gotham and Dick would continue his search in Bludhaven.

Dick left the Bat-cave mid afternoon and was headed home for a much needed rest before his patrol tonight. Dick was headed on the road out of Gotham to Bludhaven, when something up ahead caught his eye. It looked like an apartment fire. Dick took off as fast as his motorcycle could take him towards the fire. He skidded to a halt just in time to see a woman take off away from the building. Dick looks at the gathered crowd. "Everyone out of the building?" He asks in a panic.

One of the woman nodded and started to speak. "Yes. Everyone is safe now thanks..." Dick quickly cut her off as he heard the firetrucks in the distance headed his way. "Stay here." He ordered them and he quickly took off towards the fleeing woman. He knew the general direction she had went, but couldn't seem to get a good bead on her. He drove around for several minutes before giving up and heading back to Bludhaven. The note and poster had unnerved him enough that he decided to let a possible arsonist go free.
That sounds like a plan
The sun was just rising as Dick arrived at the Titan Tower. Cyborg was standing at the entrance waiting on him. Dick parked and got off his motorcycle and approached Cyborg. "So, what's the deal?" Dick asked.

"I don't know." Cyborg replied. "Like I told you a red envelope is on your bed. I sent Beast Boy away and the Tower is empty. Do your thing detective."

Dick slowly entered the Tower and began to scour the place for clues on how someone got in without triggering any of the security measure he and Cyborg had installed. He had based most of it off of the Bat-cave, which was near impenetrable unless you knew it's secrets. Dick buzzed Cyborg through the communicator. "The cameras catch anything?" Dick asked as he headed to him room. Having found nothing unusual so far.

"Nothing. Maybe if we had a camera in your bedroom." Cyborg replied.

Dick chuckled to himself as he slowly entered his room. It was just as he left hit. Other than the small red envelope on his bed. It was placed to nice and neatly, it was as if whoever had placed it wasn't in a hurry or worried about being caught. They had to know a thing or two about the Titan's security and routines. He slowly picked up the envelope and examined it. There was no trace of oils or anything that may indicate fingerprints.

Dick called Cyborg in to examine the envelope before he opened it. Cyborg gave it the all clear, saying he couldn't see any fingerprints or any traces of harmful chemicals. Dick slowly tore open the envelope and pulled out a folded up piece of paper fell out. Dick bent down and picked it up off the floor and unfolded it. Only to drop it to the floor again once he saw what it was. Cyborg picked it up and examined it. It was a poster for the flying Graysons with the two adult figures crossed out.

Dick grabbed the poster out of his hands and raced for the door. "Let me know immediately about any more unusual activity." Dick called back to Cyborg. Dick then hopped on his motorcycle and headed for the only person he knew could help him, Bruce Wayne. Dick would have to stop by his apartment and change into his civilian clothes first.

I was wondering about that. Just figured you knew something I didn't. lol
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