Avatar of oakman
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    1. oakman 9 yrs ago


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Wiz Khalifa and Written Role Playing. Because fuck labels and stereo typing.


Hello, Oakman over here, Role Playing since 2006. I can RP anything, from high fantasy, to advanced military, to sci-fi with all its glorious sub-genres.

Most Recent Posts

I have been searching for such an RP all my life, so here goes

Hello there, I'm just making a comeback as well. It is quite hard to leave the RPing hobby and this community that easily.
Hello everyone! Just made a post! Looking forward to this, and I love the pacing, not too fast or slow. I have witnessed a lot of RP's that had a good momentum at first but quickly burned out, and others that never even started, so I guess we are doing great with this.

Greatness is never rushed haha
The Rift

The depths of the Rift can be a place that harbors and homes much madness and feelings of being lost, in time, of purpose and of humanity. Ruth could never recollect how he got to where he is, the last thing he remembers was tracking the Devil outside of Thrivenshell. He was laying down, devastated both in his mind and soul. He looked around, sand, and no sign of life. He tried to get up on his feet and have a sense of direction, he looked up where the sun burned in a shy glare. It must be one hell of a climb, the top of the Rift seems like an impossible far, how was he ever able to get this deep into the Rift. He wonders, ponders, and checks his revolvers, battered and crying sand as he gave them a shake and put them back in his holsters.

The clearing where he was slumbering in seemed pretty large to attract the behemoths of the Rift, but his skin is intact, he wished his sanity was. The devil must have lured him deep down, only to shock him with the revelation that Ruth was spiraling down into his own grave. Ruth looked around, tried to examine way out of the Rift, somewhere somehow he needed to get out and resume his manhunt. Devilhunt.

"Morning Handsome." It was a soft voice, one that alludes a virgin lamb caretaker, calling him out in a distant echo. He balanced the voice inside his head, made sure it wasn't something his brain produced. The voice called again for his name, in the most delicate tone a voice can have in this cursed wasteland. He finally saw the source of the lullaby, and he certainly hoped it was a figment of his imagination.

"You are?" Ruth replied conservatively, his fast gunslinger fingertips at the ready on the butt of his revolver. The figure spoke no more, instead it got up and walked slowly and quite smoothly away into a cave. Ruth followed after, calling out again, but the figure kept luring him into a darker place. "Come, I want to show you something now that you are awake."

Ruth followed, the figure began to take shape as his head became much more pristine, it was a woman. Her hair was black, her skin was reflective with a blue hue, and she was naked except for a huge transparent sheet wrapped around her. She had a body most women would kill for, a voice the local bards would sell their souls for... his thoughts went a bit too far, he suspected the presence of the devil. She glared at the thought and smiled, "come now, the Devil can wait Ruth."

He followed. Fingers at the ready, though he wasn't sure his bullets would do.
Here is my character, I know we went over it in the PM, but give it one last look!

Color me quite interested in this one!
Here is a glimpse of my character, still working on the history, that flying frog-ish is his pet from the Rift.

@fantasyfan28 Fantastic character, can't wait to see it in action, accepted of course!

@Chronothesis Haha glad someone caught up the humor there.
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