Avatar of Ozzoquen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 73 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Ozzoquen 4 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I was thinking about Train to Busan and Peninsula before I went to be last night, and then had a dream about the Office cast in a zombie world. Michael Scott got bitten and sacrificed himself. Q - Q


An anxious riddled 20-something year old that likes to write and be chaotic. I like meeting new people, but it can be pretty hard to keep going with conversation.
I like to play da video games.
Almost all of the characters I use are multiple years old, and have actual art. If I post art of them, it'll most likely be watermarked, so if you'd like to see the un-watermarked version, feel free to send me a DM.
I work at 3am two days a week, so if I'm slow to respond to anything, I blame my exhausted state of being.
Constantly questioning my gender identity. Thinking of seeing someone about it at the beginning of the new year, but we'll see how that goes.

Memento Mori. Unus Annus.

Most Recent Posts

Is there going to be a discord, btw?
No worries, take your time! Better to not rush these things anyways. And have a good Thanksgiving!
I'd definitely like to throw my interest in here. This plot looks fantastic.
So much was going on, it was almost hard to keep track of it all. New figures entered the scene left and right, more fire erupted in the warehouse, there was still a shambling girl half-dead, a giant tree beast in the middle of the land and-- oh was that a flying man? Adam stared at it all, before a laugh left his mouth. "Do you Japanese really have this much chaos in one night?"

They needed to regroup, recharge, figure out a plan. They needed to do something before the whole place collapsed down on them, or the encroaching rocks doomed them all. Those weren't normal, and Adam had a suspicious feeling that they would take over the whole warehouse before the fire could, if left unchecked. There were other matters that had to be addressed first, though, and the Englishman decided then and there he wasn't going to touch one of the rocky bombs until he knew for certain he could do something about it.

A voice rang out into the warehouse, coming from the woman closest to him. Oh good, someone taking charge.

With no more hesitation in his steps, Adam darted farther into the warehouse. The blood in his hand dripped longer, molding itself into a sword. As he ran, he cut down any of the remaining Yurei that might stand in his way, and made it to the man that had fallen from the rooftop. "Oi, mate, you alright?" It really didn't matter if he responded, in the end, as Adam was already bending down to sling the man's arm over his shoulder.

Injured old man? Check. The pieces of the man's rifle? Adam didn't even realize they were there.

As the man began helping the other out of the warehouse, a voice resonated in his head. Wincing against the heat of the flames, and the ominous noise that radiated from within, he shook his head. "Next time we deal with whatever this is, we need to be smarter about it."

Remicius Mouroge

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty
Element: Darkness

Being born into nobility, one would think that upon meeting Remicius, they would be greeted by a charismatic young man. However, they get just the opposite with the nobleman's son. Keeping to himself, Rem is the type to hide away from parties unless strictly instructed to attend. He'd rather keep the company of a book, learning all there is to learn of the world around them, than hold a conversation with another person.

That isn't to say, however, that the young man is cold. Awkward towards most others, if he sees someone in dire need, he'll step in to help them. A trait instilled in him from his youth, politeness goes hand in hand with his name on tongues.

When one does break through the awkwardness, to the soul inside of the quiet shell, they'll find someone who struggles with demands. From a young age, Remicius only did what was expected of him, not what he wanted. The dream to travel the world, experience it first hand, would never come to fruition. Rem is a boy who has cast aside all of his worldly ambition for what was expected of him by his father. To become a Magic Knight or an enchanter, to use the power that was given to him to bring more money and fame to their family.

A small silver dagger
A black satchel, mainly filled with money. Also contains a journal that Rem that’s with him everywhere, and his favorite book.
A pair of black gloves are tucked away into his satchel.

- Recalling Information - An avid reader, Rem's favorite things to read are non-fictional books about the world outside of Lowick.
- Social Network - The son of a nobleman, Rem’s father has made all sorts of connections, for better or for worse.

Shroud of Darkness - Rem is able to call on the darkness in the middle of the day, casting a wide area of pure darkness. Perfect for escaping a bad situation, or keeping others from spying on the group. It won't last for very long, but it should be enough time to allow the group to do whatever they need to do (so long as they do it quickly). It fills the area in a dark fog like substance, and evaporates into the air without a trace when finished.

Cloak - Any time after dark, when the sun is completely gone from the sky, Rem is able to completely cloak a person with darkness. This renders them invisible for a short amount of time. They are, however, still able to be tracked by foot prints, smells, and noise.

Tendrils - Manifesting the darkness, Rem is able to solidify it for a short amount of time, into a group of four tentacle-like entities on his back. They attack anything that gets close, and defend from projectiles.

Rem was the product of an arranged marriage of two powerful mages. The second son between the two, he met their expectations where his older brother had failed. Clyde was a brute of a man, born with the mind of a rock and the body of an ox. Rem was just the opposite.

While his older brother was still first in line to succeed his father’s business, Rem was being raised as a conjoined arm to his brother. The two, together, would run the family business their father had decided. It didn’t matter if they wanted that or not, it was what was going to happen. Rem never had a choice.

Perhaps it was that fact looming over his head that made him hate his life as a noble so much. Dreaming of greater and grander things, it was hard to pull Remicius away from his mind at a younger age. Even with being a gifted mage, he wanted for more. An exciting life, a life away from Lowick, from the parties and the talking and the people who acted like they knew him but in reality knew nothing. As time went on, Rem still held out hope that one day, his life wouldn’t be this life he had. That one day, he would be out of the city, traveling the world, experiencing it with his eyes instead of his dreams.

If he had known what his dream would have brought about, he would have stopped a long time ago.

The attack on his hometown changed everything. Twenty years had gone by without much of an incident; sure, there were monsters outside of the walls, but they had all been easily dealt with before. His family were some of the lucky ones, surviving the attack, they escaped with the King and his men, away to safety.

When the call for adventurers sounded, Rem stepped up with no hesitation. No matter what his father said, he was going to do this. He was going to do whatever he could to cast these monsters back into the abyss that they came from, and save the world in the process.
It was the time of day that Vale hated the most. The time when they were all confined to their rooms, locked away from everyone else. The boy paced around the room, passed the stack of books that laid in the corner, passed his bed, around in a circle. Taking deep breaths, Vale was doing everything in his power to fight away the existential crisis that rang in his head. They were locked away again. Just like every other night. He was away from his plants, the only true friends he felt he had in his place, the only ones who really understood and heard him.

The flood of light hit him. Startled, he jumped back, eye wide as he stared back at where the door to his room used to be. With some hesitation, he stepped forwards, fingers wrapping around the frame before he stuck his head out.

"Uh..." Voice cracking as he spied the other two, there was another long pause from him, before he stepped out into the hallway. "...We're not supposed to leave our rooms," and yet here he was, out in the hall, going against the very thing that he said.

Slowly, his gaze shifted passed the two other's, to the end of the hallway. "What did you do?" Moving his single eye from the end of the hall to the two that he now stood by, he began to wring his hands together, in a nervous motion.

Oh perfect. I'll throw my interest in with a male character then.
Just a tentative question, since it's capped at 6 male and 6 female, are you allowing same-sex romantic relationships? Or are you going to keep it to just the normal male x female dynamic?
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