Avatar of Paraffin
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    1. Paraffin 8 yrs ago


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Can't wait to see what she 'looks' like to a miraluka. :P
Assuming the mercenary is on the sith pay roll I think that makes it a 3 v 3 split. Happy to see a cast of pragmatists over the mustache twirlingly evil darksiders that sometimes pop out of the woodwork.

And thanks for the vote of confidence Glass. I leaned into the healing/torture heavy character when I noticed the gap for it. Decided it best if she was defined by recuperation and pain herself.

Initially I was going to make her a lightsaberless gun jedi that bent the path her shots took with the force.

Blows cobwebs off keyboard

Zogolli all but glowered across gloom laden lair to the wee wilder whom had hurried the whole of them here, heated stare looking like it could reduce her forever frozen limb to melt-water with its intensity. A vigil he maintained as Serah spun around and struggled out a terse translation for the many eyed-enigma of an animal. The foreign swordsman slowly chewed his bottom lip as he endured the explanation then with a crisp gesture excused himself from the discourse, the formal flourish flowing from finger to forearm. Angling away from the assemblage of adventurers he sured a stranglehold of a grip around the haft of a small hatchet and with an unflinchingly cold expression beat the tool into oblivion against the unyielding stone wall of the creature's sanctum. After indulging whatever urge had overtaken him he spoke--seemingly satisfied--combing a calloused hand over his nose and mouth as he redressed his tone with lazy slur that accompanied his composure.

"Serah dear." he began, taking a knee to bring his kohl shrouded eyes level with the druid's own haunting gaze. "Do forgive the...unsightly tantrum, but I felt it the most expedient way to impress upon you the gravity of an inconvenient reality of our situation." Zogolli smiled a frustrated smile as he said this, gestures alert and animated enough to announce he wasn't as calm as he now pretended. "You're very likely the only one of us that can navigate this unsightly gnarl of a copse--I know I can't." he sussed out in the characteristic near whisper of his, casting a glance over his shoulder as if hoping his other companions were waiting until just this very moment to announce a similar prowess. "What if sweet Lino had dropped his gong or our lovely Alexanria had tripped over that preposterous robe of hers, Hm? I can't very well be expected to be in two places at once, no matter how quick I may be." Forcing a chuckle and authoring a preemptive nod he leaned a bit closer, dropping his octaves until he housed a final statement within a viscerally quite hush he reserved for none but the halfling herself. "I hate nothing more than when other force my hand."

Having said his peace the man sprung up to his full height, heaving his voice at the others with a simple "So!", itself a terse attention grabbing intonation that would be hard pressed not to live up to his intentions. "Consensus is key, I suppose. Tasked as we are with meting out an esteemed textile magnate's mangler summary justice I for one am of a mind to murder my way through the monsters and mysterious that would keep me from such directly. Few things are as beautifully decisive as a sword blow after all." With a prominent pause he placed a wagging finger between himself and the others, addressing them all even if his eyes lingered on their Aabranian mystic and her all but emblematic nightshade motiff. "Certainly--strangely--some of you find this notion disagreeable, perhaps I am at fault for not expecting it. I can be comfortable with this, but surely you won't begrudge me if beforehand, now for instance, I impose a simple askance in the interest of your safety and my own."

A long sip from the bota housing his water ration delayed him, punctuated by an apologetic is noncommittal shrug of shoulder. "Which of you are cowards then? I feel it more prudent to know now."

  • Axe
Similarly. I can understand your (perhaps undo) apprehension Aristo. A tabletop game like Dungeon World exists naturally in a state of quick-fire 'what do you do' moments that can be hard to translate to the comparatively glacial pace of play-by-post. I'll throw up a Zog-post after Serah's reply, assuming I don't think up something clever to pigeonhole in before then.
Exactly, Zog initially shirked away from Serah tugging at his hand, but given that it was essentially a route (everyone else was running) he reluctantly followed. He's woefully lost in the woods without the druid anyhow, but loathe to admit it
Ended up losing the first draft, sorry to say I've saddled you with the abridged version.
The skin on the back of Zogolli's neck prickled up as surely as if it were stretched across the very drums that echoed out around them, a discordant cacophony pierced by riotous fifing and crashing towards them like a wave. It was enough to upheave a sound stomach and urge even the surest foot to flight. It staggered him that such a place persisted so close to the kingdom proper--be it cowardice or negligence the Aabranians were a permissive people. Were that the Wilderdeep on Dosvea's doorstep it would have long ago been torn out at the roots, the earth salted and all else put to the pyre. Soon he was smiling despite the dire straights; it was an assumption he owed to himself to live up to.

He had turned to face the unseen foe, though in truth the sickening dissonance that announced it descended from all sides. That the feline had fled was cursory to his concern, Zogolli had planted his feet. When Serah seemed set to follow suite she was likewise ignored, freeing his hand from the Druid's efforts to see him err before the battle soon to be upon them. With Alexandria adding to the growing route however he swallowed the bitter truth that at best he was left with a musician and mountebank at his side. "Milkhearted to a man." he mused ruefully before putting boot to bush and gaining the ground he'd lost by laying in wait. He hated how they made him feel like a herdsman with an ill tempered flock.
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