Avatar of Patient 43Delta
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 366 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Patient 43Delta 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Getting into the skin of the Lord of the Rings book series for the 14th time, this shit never gets old.
8 yrs ago
Happy Halloween people!!! Time to scare kids shitless and deeply scar people. Have fun and stay cool.
8 yrs ago
I might not be able to post this week on account of my mother being a total Grump and my teachers being complete jackoffs. So if I take awhile to respond to posts that's probably it.
8 yrs ago
Well, it's Saturday. Time to go to my bros hockey tournament and cheer him on while discreetly looking for coins under the bleachers.
8 yrs ago
Well the weekend is here, time to sit back relaxe and get ready for the Renaissance Fair. I'm gonna preform with my LARPing group.


Hello,my name is Patient 43Delta. But you can call me Delta, my other friends do. I'm 18 and going to college at FIU and RPG'S are my passion. So is cooking. If you want to know anything else just ask.

Most Recent Posts

In Hunted 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Morph idea.
Name: Tim
Nickname: Chubnub the grub
Age, height, weight: 18, 3ft laying on legs 6ft reared up on hind legs, 150lbs
Personality: reclusive, shy and quite. Chubnub's morph has effected him greatly. Having been in this form for over 6 months(old morph) he has learned to use all of the abilities off his new form to there highest effectivity.
Morph: he started as a common morph but as time whent on the DNA took over his system turning him into a rare morph. His body has become elongated and thick his arms have changed into six small claw arms(rare) and his legs have split and turned into many suction cup feet(rare) his face has changed to drastically represent a grub, his eyes have enlarged and split into compound eyes(rare) and his jaw has been twisted into large toothed mandibles (rare). The hair that he once had has spread all over his body and hardened into bristles that can protect him from most melee weapons(uncommon) his sense of touch has been drastically enhanced on account of his new form(common) he is extremely vulnerable to high caliber firearms. He also has a mild healing factor that allowed him to heal faster that others(uncommon)
Skills: Chubnub has the ability to spin a silken thread. Allowing him to safely lower himself to the ground from high places( he spends most off his time in the trees), and also to defend himself in the event of an attack. He also uses this to spin a casing to sleep in.(the thread if woven into a sheet has the resistance of bullet proof vests).
Chubnubs favorite meal is mushrooms and will go to great lengths to find and defend them. His primary diet is carrion and vegetation. He is useualy the first one to get to the bodies of new morphed who have died of natural causes. Also he has killed over 12 hunters who made the mistake of climbing into the trees to get a better view.
@DriveEMOut"wingnut is a walker yes, BUT! I have been experimenting on him and I think I found a way to pacify them and control them. You see" jade starts to explain as he's driving." I found him in a government research facility down south, apperintly they had been trying to find a way to use them a soldiers for their own personal zombie army, but they failed miserably. I found wingnut in a solitary confinement room hooked up to a machine. He was out cold so I whent inside and started messing with all the shit in the room. There was computer consoles, telemetry chips, all sorts of stuff, so naturally I tryed to do something stupid in hopes that I could build some sort of "killer robot" but instead I created a neural interface circuit by complete accident and plugged it into a socket they had carved in the back of his head and he woke up, and well here we are. I've been testing the limits of how far the chip can go in regards to pacifying wingnut and making him accepting to my commands. Its pretty damn complex, I'm not even sure what the hell I was doing and I wasn't paying attention so I don't know how to copy the chip and socket. It figures, the one time the one goddamn time I do something useful I can't even remember what the fuck I was doing! Man that pisses me off! Fuck! Well maybe someone there can figure out what the fuck I did and we can get this shit copied." So... What's your story?"
@DriveEMOut"nope." But anyone foolish enough to broadcast on open frequency must be well equipt enough to handle any shit that might come their way. At least I hope so." Jade opened the door of a brick red 1970 Oldsmobile and climbed in the drivers seat. "Hop in" said jade and opened the passenger door. "Don't sit in the back, wingnut's kinda kranky." He motioned to a slumped figure in the back seat. Jade turned the key and the engine gave a roar as it started."yeah listen to that sound." Jade said as he turned on the radio and AC/DC started to play.
@Legion-114 damn! I like it:-)
@DriveEMOut(1 hour befor last post) "police station, I've picked up signals on my radio. There are people and they need help." I'm gonna pop in and see if they got room for more people. You in?"
Jade walked in with the pistol at his side. "Well hello everyone. Got room for two more?" Jade said as he discretely flipped his pistol to semi-auto, Then put it in the holster. He pulled a chain that dragged behind him and in shuffled a walker in a straight jacket, it proceeded to sniff and look around with calm eyes and a muzzled face it looked at jade. Cocking its head to the side slightly it stood motionless until jade said "Sit, Stay." The walker turned its back and sat down on the floor, revealing a large chip with jutting wires going into the back of its neck and a small triplet of lights. A small blink of green emminated from the back of its head indicating spinal link is operating at X capacity. Jade looked at everyone smiling, waiting for opinions.
I assume we are allowed to use our powers? And if not then you should divide us into teams.
I believe that if we are allowed to use outs powers for this then we should get to choose.
But it is up to everyone else.
I'm in the gym
I'd like to join if there is an opening. I have an idea for my character to be more on the side of the trolls you see when the main characters march on the Black Gate. (The one that attacked Strider.) But obviously I won't have much of anything, because I'm being taken by the caravan to be sold to people who need heavyweight lifters and/or a scary bodyguard to keep away bandits and orcs. If that's not an option then I have an idea for a human Bowman.
Skynet has taken over. The war against the machines rages on. You are a survivor of the most recent attack. Left with the only the things you carrie with your companion you must move onwards. The journey is full of death and perils. Only the strong will survive, are you strong?

This RP takes place around the time of the movie Terminator, Salvation. You are on the side of humanity. If you would like to join, respond on this thread And I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
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