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So the kidnapped people thing can be ignored, or aliens or evil conspiracy or whatever. I had a very vague idea and decided to add it. I can explain better after I sleep, but I thought I should explain the otherwise bizarre note about the TV.
Samantha nodded, taking in what he told her after she handed him the towel wrapped bag of ice and water, "well, better is good. I'm not exactly sure though, but I can probably find out." She stood with a huff of breath, muttering to herself, "Cold, blanket...water, bowl? I need to look this stuff up," as she walked off, bringing back a blanket she gently laid over him then checking him for a fever, concerned about his chills, but not finding it hot. She nodded to herself before walking off again, bringing back a glass of water, "here, you should probably drink something. Not too much too fast. I'm going to see what I can find out about head injuries. Do you want anything else right now?" She asked.

After making sure The Doctor was taken care of, Samantha sat at a chair in a corner, pulling up a web browser and beginning her brief research on concussions, memory loss and sleep. The TV had been left on and very quietly reported more kiddnappings very similar to several other recent ones. According to the reporter none of them have been sighted yet. "Doctor? How long ago had you hit your head before I found you? Do you know, or can you estimate?" She asked, scanning another page for information other than symptoms and instructions to go to the hospital or care afterwards. So far she was sure it was a concussion, the memory loss from the head wound was very unlikely - she kept her mind open to the idea another alien was behind this particular problem - but possible, and sleep was probably okay. Even the chills could be explained by head injury.

Samantha got up, walking over to the couch and kneeling nearby with a smile. "Well, I'm basing this all on human biology, and I'm not sure how different your race is, but I think you can go to sleep. I'm going to check with you every hour or two to make sure you're not getting worse. When I do I'll ask a few questions, like my name, your name, where we are. I'll need you to answer them, then you can go back to sleep. Alright, Doctor?" She explained, making sure she wasn't talking too quickly as she informed him. She checked his head and pulled off the ice pack, "sorry, you shouldn't ice it for very long at a time," she said before asking, "do you want anything before you go to sleep?"
Jade stood somewhat awkwardly while waiting for a response, which she got in the form of a brief laugh. She grimaced slightly, gesturing towards their destination. The demon began to talk as they walked and she turned up to look at him, listening. When he finished she nodded, "yeah, that sounds best. My name is Jade Elliot. Not exactly pleasant circumstances to meet under," Jade said, looking ahead. Neither actually meeting the demon nor the circumstances that were the cause could be called pleasant, although perhaps meeting the demon was less unpleasant than the circumstances.

Jade shifted as the magic grew thick, wings adjusting uncomfortably as the magic was made to hide them. When they had been pulled to earth Jade landed fairly well, standing and taking in her surroundings. Her arms dangled by her sides, fingers messing with the unchanged white gown. Sion started talking and she nodded, frowning at her garments. Not exactly good for blending in, she would have to change that soon. "Yes, we are," she said, "any ideas on how we are going to find a place to stay? Don't suppose they gave you a wallet?" She wasn't exactly joking, but she didn't expect him to have one either. "We should head towards the city either way I guess..there are lights that way," she said, pointing a mile or so away towards what definitely looked like a city, while they were near a road surrounded on both sides by large properties.

Jade hummed thoughtfully at the question, pondering it. "Bars come to mind, but that's not quite what you're asking, is it?" She responded after a minute, "I'm not certain, wouldn't that be your area of expertise, being a demon?" She continued thinking over what would leave one exposed to having advantage taken of their heart or desires. Nothing came to her mind, several potential ideas simply contradicted each other.

As they approached approached the city the properties grew smalled, eventually giving way to urban blocks. Jade looked around, watching a few civilians that looked at them oddly. "Ah..I should probably fix the robe thing soon. Not really blending in," she said, holding onto one of her arms. "I wasn't told much about our assignment. What were you told?" she asked.
Eil'lyn listened, but hardly seemed to believe the drow before her. "You answered one question, I asked two. If you have left your ilk as you claim, tell me why you were in the forests. Why would you leave your kind?" She asked suspiciously. She didn't believe he was speaking the was speaking the truth, but she couldn't fathom why it would bother with a lie like that, nor did it seem completely impossible.

One thing that gave her reason to think he hadn't lied was his current reaction to small amount of light filtering through to the cell. Most drow would cower from it, be completely unable to see with it blinding them, but he seemed to have some tolerance, however small it may be.
Samantha smiled when The doctor said the name felt right. It somehow made her think he would start getting things back. She nodded sympathetically at his words about feeling empty, wishing she could be surer in her reassurance his memory would come back. "Cold?" She asked as he shivered. He clarified the ship was a police box to her confusion. Police boxs hardly sounded alien and hardly sounded large enough. She supposed she'd find out for herself eventually.

Samantha felt sorry he couldn't sleep, knowing well enough the allure of unconsciousness when in pain. "Yeah, laying down is probably a good idea. And of course you can stay, there's plenty of space," she said in an agreeing tone. She really didn't mind a house guest - even an injured one - who might be staying a few days. "Here, let's go," she said, sliding the folders into her bag, and then helping The Doctor up. "I'll try to keep you steady, okay Doctor?" She asked, making herself available to lean on.

Samantha's flat was thankfully not far away, and it didn't take too long to arive. She quickly unlocked the door to let them into a clean, if somewhat disorganized looking living room. "Home sweet home. Here, let's get you to the sofa. I'll get you some ice for your head," she said, closing the door and leading him to her sofa. The TV was on, tuned to some news channel currently talking about the weather for the next few days. She walked through a door way to the kitchen and started to pull together something to ice his head with while asking, "are you okay? Head getting better, or worse?"
That's okay, that makes sense. Again, sorry I didn't get a response out sooner.
Jade watched as the Demons nearly poured in, seeking their Angelic counterparts. They seemed to almost sort themselves and Jade was briefly surprised by the near order of their behavior. The atmosphere seemed grim, as though they had already lost, and some sent accusatory glares at the others, as though they were directly to blame for the whole thing. Jade slowly made her way through the tense crowd, moving towards the center of the Demons, which was already beginning to mix with Angels.

After a minute Jade located her Demonic partner and began moving towards the location when the Demon lord began speaking. She stopped, turning her attention to the voice. She listening carefully, murmuring softly at the mention of The Lost Arts. She stood as the Archangel spoke, remembering much of what he said from his earlier speech. They all knew well enough what would happen if they failed, and hell was a better alternative. Some who still hadn't found their counterpart began searching again as he finished speaking and Jade wove through to find her own.

Just after the two lords had finished some left. Some already had jobs to do that they could begin. Lookouts who would attempt to give them some warning of where the Enlightened were, for example. Others were likely to be waiting for a call to arms for when Enlightened were seen. When she found her counterpart Jade stopped nearby. She didn't want to work with a Demon, but really none of them did. Why put it off? It couldn't be avoided, or it could but the price was far too steep. "Well..we're supposed to work together," she said, not entirely sure what she was supposed to say. What do you say to someone a day ago you would have called an enemy when you suddenly had to call upon them as an ally?
Hey, sorry I'm taking a while. I'm slightly confused by what's going on, so I wanted to ask a few things. What do you mean other halves? Are some of the angels and demons merging into single (perhaps temporarily so) entities? So for some that's what's happening, and for others it's still two completely separate people having to work together? I'm trying to make sure I'm on the same page is all. I'm working on a response but may have to change something if I misunderstood.
Sorry it took so long to get a response out, but here it is.
Eil'lyn winced as the healer unwrapped a wound on her left arm. She stayed quiet, allowing the man to do his work. While it had healed relatively quickly and seemed fine, he told her to continue keeping it clean just incase and not to overwork it. She nodded, thanking him as he rewrapped it. After being dismissed she walked quickly towards where they kept the small number of prisoners.

A single drow had been found in their forest and had been captured. They didn't want to risk a spy, but with the drow showing more aggression lately it was decided it may have information they could obtain. Eil'lyn had been asked to obtain the information. Not usually her job, but it wasn't usually anyones job. She stopped outside a cell marked with a number 3. She informed the guard why she was here, waiting to be let in. She stepped through a moment after the door swung open, letting the guard pull it shut behind her. She didn't wait before asking the first questions, "What were you doing alone in our forest? Spying on us?"
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