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    1. Patryk 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Avid D&D enthusiast. I'm just looking to weave stories.


Hi. I'm Patryk, a nutjob who enjoys medieval fantasy more than a 25 year old man should.

Most Recent Posts

In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Louis strained against whatever was holding him in place, his vision blurred and head ached. It felt as if a massive pressure was resting at the forefront of his skull. The pressure receded as Isaac began talking. Louis found himself in possession of all of his functions again. "...When I moved, so did they." Isaac stopped and stared at him as Louis slowly turned around.

"I wanted to leave, just now. Every fiber of my being was telling me to go down these stairs and never contact you again. But when you said wait, I waited. Not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't will myself to go. I don't know about what went down on the street, but for me, crazy shit just keeps happening. First, two years ago, I was in a grocery store when it exploded. Killed everyone inside, except me. Bomb crews couldn't explain it. Said it looked like I was at ground zero, but the only thing wrong with me was blunt trauma from the building collapsing. When I got out of the hospital, I slept in my old home the first night, last night. I woke up, and it was on fire. No electricity, no gas, nothing. Just up in flames. And then, this morning, I tried to rub my hands together for warmth, and my palms practically exploded, like I was holding Black Cats or something. I'm not sure what's going on, but I think we're doing it."
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The door seemed to give to the weight of Louis being thrown into it. Louis slammed into the floor and clacked his teeth together. "You ok?" Isaac called out to him, having also been a victim to whatever had just happened. Louis slowly pulled himself together and stood up.

"Yeah... I'm fine... That's not the first time that's happened to me." Louis knew he probably sounded insane. "Uh, look, I'm gonna go. Thanks and sorry... Sorry about your shit." Louis fumbled with the door handle and ripped it open, ready to sprint out of Isaac's life and never look back. He went to take the first step and felt an odd sensation, something akin to headache.

"Wait." Isaac called out. Louis wanted nothing more than to leave, but for some reason, the only thing his body wanted was to wait.
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Louis chuckled. "Don't get the wrong impression. These were accidents. And hell, the screwdriver to the leg was because of you!"

Louis lightly looked over the layout of the space. If this guy was after something, he'd have already done so. "No, actually, my house burned down last night. Well, I say my house, it foreclosed while I was in recovery after an accident. So really, I don't have any place." Hey, whoa, why are we spilling our guts to this guy? We don't know him. "I don't have any money, so I can't repay any of the hospitality you're offering." Stop talking. Louis clapped his hands together awkwardly, trying to buy time to find the next thing to ramble out. When his hands came together, however, a shock wave released and knocked over some of Isaac's things, and Louis himself.
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
A few unsuspecting people are imbued with a supernatural ability. This is the story of how they dealt with the discovery of their powers.
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Louis found his way to the bathroom and slid off his old jeans. As he did, he felt the screwdriver pull from his flesh. He winced, let out a curse, and began applying pressure to the flowing wound. "Holy Christ, Lou, you really did it this time." Louis began snooping around, since he was going to be sitting here for a second stopping the blood flow. There wasn't too much information he could gather here, but could tell by the medicine cabinet that this guy was either the worst pill popper in history, or had a severe case of chronic migraines. He borrowed a few of the pain pills, then swiped a few more for later.

Eventually most of the bleeding subsided and Louis cleaned and wrapped the wound. He walked back into the living area where he found Isaac holding his head in his hands. "Hey, listen man. I appreciate the invitation for the shower, but it wouldn't do me a lot of good. Same clothes to wear and all. But, hey, if my being here is going to bother that headache, I can let myself out." Louis started towards the door.
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Louis squinted as Isaac went to work on his wounds. "Uh, Louis, but most people just call me Lou." Louis shifted nervously on the couch. "Uh, sorry if I make your couch dirty, it's been a long day and a half."
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Louis stood at the stoop for a time simply staring at the door the guy with the backpack had gone through. He slowly bent down and scooped up the note.


Why would he give him this? Sure, Louis probably had just saved his life, but to give him access to his home? Just because you do a good deed doesn't make you a good person. Does it?

A stranger grazed past him as Louis was lost in time. "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
"Huh? Oh, 2:30." 2:30? Already? Louis wondered how long he had slept. His thoughts became distracted as he realized the warmth he felt on his thigh. He looked down to see blood staining his right pant leg. "Ah, shit." The screwdriver. That's what you get for helping people.

Remembering what the guy, Isaac, from before had said, he punched in the door code and began the ascent to floor 6. He knocked on the door when he arrived and a flushed Isaac answered. "Yeah, uh, I do need this patched up."
It had been a long journey, fighting monsters and the like. His cloak was heavy with blood and mud, his feet ached from the march, and his stomach quivered with hunger. Lord Patryk turned to speak top the rest of his Sunguard. "There's a tavern near here. Drink, be merry. We'll be resting here tonight." Patryk heard his half-brother Vyvyxx mutter something. Talmus, Patryk's left hand, mentioned something about it being unwise. Rags, the rogue of the group, cheered happily at the chance to get ale in his belly. Amaya, one of the wizards, praised whatever God she followed for the chance to rest. Thylen, the second archer, said something about elves not needing sleep. Patryk ignored them all. He had made his decision. Truthfully, Patryk was simply interested in the tavern. He had seen it on several of his journeys; he had never once stopped in for a drink.

He opened the door to hear the familiar sounds of yelling. It was only natural in a tavern. Patryk lowered his hood and walked towards to bar. "Barkeep, mug of ale, elven preferably. And whatever meal is the special tonight." Patryk paid the keep and took his things to a table. His weapons clattered as he sat. He sat there silently for a moment, prayed faithfully to his own god, Sylvannis, and took a sip of his ale. He peered around the room, curious to see what kinds of people frequented such a quaint tavern. Talmus and Vyvyxx eventually joined him, but the rest of his Sunguard sat elsewhere. The three talked quietly amongst themselves, careful not to mention anything of their work, a hint their Spymaster had taught them long ago. Patryk pushed his empty plate into the center of the table and downed the rest of his ale.
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The night had been cold. Louis only had the clothes he had been wearing during the accident. A blue T-shirt with a breast pocket that had severed the stitching on one side, old blue jeans with a few tears, the bottoms of the legs frayed and ragged, a lightweight red jacket, zip-up, no hood, a sweat-stained blue ball cap and muddy red sneakers. It was late fall, and the nights got awfully cold. Louis had managed to find a tarp covered car on his way from his burning home. He regretfully stole it and used it as a blanket. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony that he was running away from warmth. The horizon had a fantastical orange glow about it, but he knew it was because of the fire. He prayed that the fire wouldn't spread. It was just the crack of dawn when Louis's heavy eyes cracked open. The bright sunlight was an unwelcome sight today. he crawled out from underneath his tarp and shivered. The tarp hadn't helped much; Louis was cold to his core. He rubbed his hands together and brought them together at his lips, exhaling into them. His hands seemed to be instantly warm... No, they were hot. Insanely so. Louis cried out in pain as he fell backwards onto his tarp. He racked his brain to explain what had just occured.

The airspace between his hands had somehow.... burst? Popped, like a firecracker. Louis looked down at his ravaged hands, skin red and irritated. That's when he noticed the smoke. Louis, in a panic, ripped off his jacket. He inspected the sleeves for burns, but found no trace of fire. He looked back at his hands to discover that it had been his palms that were smoking. They were still smoking, without a fire. Louis looked around, his head spinning as he searched for a fix. There!, he thought, there's a birdbath.

He ran straight through someone's freshly cut lawn, not caring slightly about the sign telling him to keep off the grass. He plunged both hands into the cool water of the birdbath and sighed as the water calmed his pain and nerves. He cocked his head to the front of the house as he heard its door open. "What the hell are you doing?!" The homeowner had come outside, still in their bathrobe, with a revolver in hand.
"Oh, no, I--" Louis searched for and failed to find an answer to what the hell he was doing. However, it didn't seem as if this lady cared to hear anything Louis had to say as she raised the revolver. "Wait!" The shot echoed off the trees and buildings. Louis closed his eyes at the sound, but felt no pain. There was a few sharp sensations on his face and his shirt felt wet. Louis opened his eyes as he fell onto his back. She had shot the birdbath. He held his hand out, trying to plead the woman to cease fire. Instead, she fired again. This time, Louis did feel pain. She had managed to graze his shoulder. Louis tensed at the burning, and heard a third shot. He looked back at the lady in wonder, amazed she had missed again, but she wasn't there. Well, she was there, but she was obscured by a cloud of thick smoke. He could hear her coughing and spatting.

Did the gun explode? He wondered for but a moment before realizing he should probably get moving. He winced as his shoulder moved, aggravating the flesh wound. He looked back again at the smoke, apologized, and ran. Louis ran until he couldn't, then he forced himself to jog. When that was no longer an option, he tried speed walking. Eventually he could only walk. He slowly walked down a sidewalk, tenderly touching the wound on his shoulder. He bumped into an old man, excused himself, and realized he had no clue where he was anymore. Looking around, he saw several buildings, store fronts and food chains. He checked a street sign, "College Ave".

Louis walked a little further before deciding he couldn't any longer. He sat down against a building to rest. Checking out his hands, Louis was pleased to see the birdhouse had done the trick. The burning had stopped and the redness was receding. An argument across the street made Louis look up. There were two guys talking loudly. One had a backpack and was taunting the other. Isn't he a little old to be bullying? Louis stood up to go do something about it when the bully across the street dropped the bag and bolted. Louis felt an odd sensation, something akin to a headache, but it passed quickly.

"MATT!" The kid across the street was grabbing at his face.
Did something happen? Is he hurt? Louis went to help him, but suddenly found himself unable to move. Was he really that exhausted from a run? Then he heard a voice.
"What's wrong with my eyes?
Is that.... Am I hearing that guy? Louis put everything he had into moving. That man needed help and no one else would care enough. No one ever cared enough. Louis's legs began moving slowly but soon he was sprinting across the street. Louis looked to the right as he crossed and saw a car speeding his way and he panicked. The guy wasn't even looking where he was going. Louis heart sank as the driver began to swerve onto the sidewalk. He dove, tackling the guy with the backpack. Together they slid underneath the guardrail as the car scraped against it. They rolled down the hill, entangled together. Louis's shoulder was searing as he picked himself up.

"Jesus. Are you alright?"
In Reform 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sliding glass doors opened to reveal the outside world. Bright blue sky, rolling green hills, and... car emissions. There was always something. Louis shielded his eyes from the brilliant rays of the sun. It had been two years since his accident. Two long years in a rehabilitation center relearning everything he had learned the 18 years before. The first year was the most difficult. 18 years jammed into the brain is a torture all in its own. The last year was easier, just refresher courses and social interaction simulations. Now, finally, Louis felt like he was being reborn. A new man.

"OUTTA THE WAY, ASSHOLE." An elderly man shoved past him yelling more obscenities. "Dumbass, standing in the damn doorway..." Louis watched as the crass old man walked away, got in his car, lit a cigarette, and sped off, nearly hitting a few pedestrians on his way out of the jungle of parked cars and traffic signs. Like a switch, the wonder of the world Louis had been feeling melted away. Now, he could remember just how toxic people were. The bright blue sky was tainted with monoxide, the rolling green hills were mounds of moldy trash discarded by the careless, and air was thirty five percent exhaust. The people of the world were killing the planet and not one of them cared about anything other than themselves.

Louis walked away from the rehab center, hit the sidewalk and started towards his home. Thankfully, it wasn't far. By the first five minutes into the walk, Louis's underutilized muscles were screaming. Louis pushed on anyway, desperate to go home again. He rounded the corner and stopped short. His house was taped shut, a sign reading 'FORECLOSURE' nailed through the oaken door. There was a pile of old mail covered in cobwebs and dust resting on the stoop of his house. Multiple letters warning of the foreclosure, several bills from hospital stays, notices from a bank declaring his lack of funds. Louis stared at the black letters, unable to comprehend what it meant. It took him a few moments before the emotions erupted. He sat on the stoop of his home bawling. He was broke. No home, no money, no family in the area. Louis was truly alone.

Louis looked around, wiping his eyes. He did have something. He has his pride and dignity. He was not one to sit around in self-pity. First thing first, he needed somewhere to sleep and here was as good as any. He slipped around the back of the house and checked to see if anyone was looking. In a swift, familiar movement, Louis kicked the door and tugged on the door handle. The door disengaged from the jam and swung in. His possessions were all gone. A sign in the floor told him exactly where they went. "Estate sale. Wonder how much I made..." He closed the door behind him and began searching the house for anything left behind.

He found an old screwdriver, a bottle of water, and a can of beans that had fallen behind the wall thanks to a hole behind the pantry shelves. He sighed as he popped the can open and looked at his first meal in the outside world. It isn't what he had imagined, but he was alive. And after the accident, he should just be grateful for that.

Louis went to sleep that night on the hardwood floor, his screwdriver tucked underneath him. His mind drifted back to the thought of car emissions and pollution. Then it turned to a vision of himself, homeless, standing next to a barrel of fire, and for a moment, the warmth of the fire seemed all to real.

Louis awoke with a jolt, the heat from his dream now felt like lava on his skin. The room was filled with smoke and a fire had broken out in the room. Louis scooped up his screwdriver and bolted out the back door, leaving his home behind to burn.
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