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    1. Perfect Anarchy 10 yrs ago


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The #1 Anarchist.

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Last one, everything else will be cameo. _________________________________ Name: Levi Age: 25 Gender: Female Personality: Levi is in a word, charming. Her intuition is unusually strong, she has a natural sense for communication and persuasion. The woman is extroverted in most every sense of the word, utilizing both charm, wits, and persuasion she has brought many of what were once her enemies to her side. She tends to vote against unnecessary aggression whenever possible, her keen intuition and sense of judgement are slightly above average. Appearance:
Faction: Imperial Army Division I: General "Envi" Weapon: Brynhildr - A two-handed sword that can actually be held with one hand, but not wielded with one. Said to be inheritance of the first born child from each generation of the "????" household, the blade is destined to bond to the first born via a birthmark. Brynhildr is a terrifying weapon, as it offers the wielder a razor sharp edge with innate skills that buff the human senses, voluntary motion such as the gross and fine motor skills. When Brynhildr is held, the senses and voluntary actions are instantly at their peak, when not holding brynhildr, it takes roughly forty minutes for the skills applied to dissociate, the user will begin to notice a change in all their senses over this cool down, this is likely a function of the sword to avoid impairing the user or worse, setting them into a state of shock (think of homeostasis when the body instantly reacts to a spike in blood sugar, and within 30 mins, a drastic amount of the sugar has been removed/dissociated and the body crashes. Same scenario with buffing to debuffing, but its done reasonably slower to avoid passing out.) The Brynhildr possesses one more powerful skill, it can disrupt fields of concentrated magic(s). An example would be while training the mercenary Salforge, she was able to dissociate one of his stronger barriers in a single swing, done so without much effort; This technique is called the "Banishing Blade" by her family, yet can only be unleashed as a counterattack vs. regular attack. In terms of physical stability and durability, Brynhildr fairs well against other forms of steel. Grenades(Sticky/Frag) - This is pretty much self explanatory. Powers/Abilities: Armamentarium - Weapon skill, weapon mastery, weapon proficiency. All things armament, Levi is a seasoned handler. From CQB ballistics, CQC, and Long-Range armaments. Electrolysis - Similar to hyrdolysis, Electro meaning Electricity and lysis meaning "to cut", the general is able to separate electrical currents of passive electrons within her own body to emit non-fatal and non-lethal blasts of electricity. It's applications are, but not limited two charging conductible metals to posses an electric charge, reversing polarity of electrical currents via the state change using Electrolysis. When exposed to water or being submerged in water a discharge occurs and it afflicts the user, destabilizing their inner current for a minimum of one-hundred and twenty seconds. Non-reactive materials, such as the non-reactive gases (All elements in the same column as Helium "element 2") are unaffected by Electrolysis. The 103rd - The One-Hundred and Third is what is known as a web or mechanism of flying orbs, maxing out in total number of one-hundred and three. This skill is what has made Levi famous and discerning of the title "Envi". The orbs she spawns function as a second set of eyes. Normally they are spread around the area, they function as real-time capture devices, which record, and relay information. It has three active modes, one that enables the user to track enemies and locations in real time, one that plays back recorded events, and one that records while the user is at a distance. However, they lack the reliable range that Salforge's Immovable blocks possess, maxing her total range out to about 75 meters. The orbs are non-aggressive and are incapable of inflicting harm. They're actually quite fragile and easily destroyed once spotted. If there is at least one remaining however, it can bud from the nearest one Bio: Levi comes from a strict family, one that prides their reputation, discipline, and honor over all else. Pride to the individual is something that is suppressed in their family, but to Levi it wouldn't end there. She is the first born, with only one other sibling, a younger brother. She was the oldest, but possessed many ideas that were nothing short of groundbreaking, talents that would've helped tremendously. Her father was seen by her as a suppressor, they argued many times over issues that either put levi's life in mortal peril or would tarnish their homes reputation. When Levi was nineteen her father and here had one final fight, a confrontation that could no longer be avoided. This widened the rift between her and her parents, and inevitably she left. It was around this time that the empire had come to invade their home world. Without regret, and fueled by latent rage Levi enlisted under Commander Garforge's first division. Their home was a strong point, and the imperials had no interest in taking it at least at the time. Upon enlisting followers, the empire left along with Levi, finally leaving her home behind her. Regretting that the only one she would miss would be her brother. It's been about six years since that time. She trained General La Roche (Ciel) and the Mercenary Salforge for about three years, before Salforge was drafted to assist the second division of the imperial army. Having dreams of a much stronger, bolder sibling are whats riddled her into a state of intrigue and horror. The Black Prism, an heirloom of their family was moving, and her brother was the carrier. It could mean many omens, the bringer of infinite night...so she thought. Yet...from him, it felt simpler, more rudimentary, she seeks to find out the ambitions of her brother to safeguard the empire from the imminent veil her brother will bring.
Gavin// ------- He rolled on the floor until he had his back up to a wall, clutching his broken arm in the sling there wasn't anything more frustrating. Gavin had limited mobility, pain that interfered with his current mobility and ability to concentrate, but worst of all he was no better than an innocent bystander that cowered. It was a low-hit for him, and it connected sharp as the retaliation would basically be non-existent. Enraged, he would only spark the thought of his sibling he sought to end and coupled with help from unexpected places. There was a powerful gust that threw the room into complete shambles. Gavin threw his unbroken arm to safeguard against, the pots, furnishings, and flying cloth that covered his head in the corner. Batting it away, now a tripod, he managed to stand and yet he got a terrible sensation that emanated from the heartless. The longer he stood idle, the numbers increased...he released a chill from his body, it was slow and close to him. 'No, what am I doing. I need to calculate the repercussions of doing something rash. Rela-' His thoughts again scattered as a moving pot crashed into the wall just above his head, with the resilience of a turtle's shell it amazingly didn't splinter into pieces. The youth bolted towards the nearest door, and as if there was a beacon, most of the creature's focus did not deter from him (agro) and treaded behind into the streets. "You can't be serious??" he said in a panic looking over his shoulder. "Is this your idea of a game of cat and mouse?!" He'd began to feel like he'd made enemies, but the only observation or instance he could recall was with...and thats when it hit him. The empire had to be here as well, clever guesswork is what it had to be. It didn't explain how they found the rebels, how they found him, these creatures were monsters he'd never seen before up until now. What could he do? What the hell were his options at this point. At this point he eventually hit a wall, both in his head, and on the street and turned around. They started to spawn in a straight line, eventually turning into a mob. "A little help would be nice..." the locals that huddled around, quickly retreated into their homes. ".....wow, outsiders...I don't blame you." The large round ones began to funnel flames at the back of their throat and into their hands, the smaller turban creatures with scimitars were sharpening their blades, and there were others that possessed and starting hot white glow. This was bad, Gavin still couldn't fight this much was explored by how quickly and far he chose to run. "Ace! Lin! Shizuka! Somebody!" There was an act of desperation exhibited, as the large fist crashed down, Gavin jumped and hurdled over the head of the creatures. He tucked his arm in for a safe parkour roll. He stumbled and fell backward, spreading his legs apart as a blade stabbed down, nothing but swears were going through his head as he fumbled backwards into another one. It picked him up by the collar and slammed him into the dirt. "Why does my life...have to be this-" On is side, he used his left arm to sprawl and crawl forward. As much as he didn't want to be in this situation, it was happening right now. ----- Salforge\\ ----- The mercenary lowered his arm and adjusted his hearing. He looked down at the envelope and proceeded to open it back up. As he pulled out a white piece of paper riddled with a brief. "Good day old friend. It is within my best interest that General Ryoko is showing you the mercy that Ciel and I have. Enclosed within this envelop is the back of your salary for serving under Division I of the imperial forces. The Commander wanted to pass on his gratitude but has become currently engrossed in our operations that will focus on Arcadia, Cul-De-Sac, and The Pridelands. I choose to end this note with a word of warning, as I am a clairvoyant, what we spoke of prior to your re-assignment, the boy. I insist you snuff him out, a monstrous darkness will be upon the empire if this is none done so with the utmost haste. He will not be reasoned with or convinced otherwise, this I can assure you. At ease, General Levi "Envi" "And there you have it." As ordered he performed what was issued. "As we saw on hollow bastion first hand, this letter makes mention of Gavin as a threat. If the general believes in the interest of the empire, then I will employ all the resources and knowledge as a mercenary to see that he's killed. Nothing more." Neatly tucking the envelop away, there were screams that pierced the walls of the library, from the street. "I'm pretty sure thats one of two things. A common thief making his rounds, or that kid is fleeing because of his broken arm, if I couldn't defend myself thats exactly what I would do. Lets clean up after those mindless savages before we can torture him to death ourselves." With a turn, pivot, and step he left a cold eminence of his presence about the library and made his way towards the open street. This chasing game wasn't something he was fond of, no more.
Salforge dismantled all his floating abjurations and proceeded towards a much more open circle of the library. He raised his hand, and snapped his fingers issuing a request. "Yo. Heartless, come." There was an awkward silence, as if him talking had fallen on deaf ears. There was not so much as even a traceable smell of the feral creatures of darkness, truly this was the proof. "Huh. Well, I'm no Maleficent, but I'm pretty sure darkness or light has to exist in some form to warrant attraction from the heartless. I suppose I'm fortunate to not be on the receiving end anyway." Tucking his hands into his pockets he turned from the pedestal and approached the open door. The was a guard waiting by the door, erect and stiff. Most importantly, he was also human, and much like inception the mercenary sprouted an idea. "Corporal, would you mind standing in front of this pedestal?" The soldier pointed at himself briefly, with a nod complied. As he stood there, there was a fast and hard punch hitting his back delivered by the mercenary. He was weak enough, and he died instantly, a heart dispersed from the shell of his body. One of salforge's blocks quickly sealing it inside. When he dropped, the soldier's body dissipated into speckled dust, there was hardly a chance of a nobody happening. "Ok, now then, let's try this again." He stood at the pedestal and held up the heart captured inside his block, "Heartless, come!" With a closed fist the mercenary demanded obedience. The room soon began to flood inward with heartless, amassing as shadows and Neoshadows alike. Their yellow eyes were menacing, potentially able to assess and sense the strength of the mercenary, lead by the heart he was now in possession of. "Just an experiment, the master said the heartless align themselves with whomever is the strongest. Seems like they'll bargain for a heart no matter if its black or white." he gave an inconsequential shrug and continued, "Find the coldest blot of darkness, and decimate everything around it. Now go." They shriveled inward entering the floorboards into what appeared to be black inkblots. The darkness would be upon them soon. ----- Gavin ----- Things were quiet for a while and by quiet Gavin meant there was no chaos hanging thick around their necks. As Gavin sat there, he seemed almost distant in space as his mind was entrenched in subconscious thought. He'd gotten goosebumps from the mere mention of the sibling he was ever feverishly hunting. Eyes wide, he seemed to be drawn back to the room finally noticing yet another stranger consorting with Osa and Ace. The red-haired cripple was quiet and seemed to remain that way for a while. He swayed back and forth for a little bit on the stool. It tipped just a little too far about to carry Gavin away, but he stomped at one of the middle bars and snapped it back in place. A bit of a close call moment for him, the goosebumps trailed up his spine. Giving a quick look around the room, he smelled something...odd, but what? Lifting his nose higher he inhaled the scent again, it was definitely familiar. 'What in the world is this scent...?' he thought There was an unusually high volume sound of creaking beneath the wooden floorboards. Then Gavin's eyes focused all around, suddenly there was just a spike in how uncomfortable he began to feel. It was like having a bad itch altogether and in spite of this, he tried not to avoid it. One of the pots in the corner sprouted a leg, then two, then four, an eye glowed yellow through the top of the lid. Gavin panicked, about to draw breath without realizing he jerked his right arm really hard, and diverted his own scream trying to reciprocate the pain he caused himself. He fell back onto the stool and hit the floor, 'What am I doing??' Bubbles began to spawn left and right, black meshes of creatures that carried turbans, masks, scimitars and potently menacing yellow eyes. Gavin had been a first time witness to this since his encounter in that alley, but he was hobbled, insufficient. Laying there on the ground as their numbers began to expand and he could do nothing as a result of his condition.
I don't mean to purposely double post, but I am giving a very direct forewarning about my activity. I'll more than likely only have the most time on my hands Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays. If you don't hear anything, assume I am up to my ears in papers/essays...
Posted a very wordy conversational post as Salforge. I introduced one of two NPCs, the other I am building a template for to compliment Gavin's backstory. Expect it soon.
"One of the benefits to having a body that simply animates and without emotion as a detriment, is the lack of any sexual or perverse desire as a given. At least it's not something anyone has yet managed to invoke or accommodate." He gave a bit of stale expression as always, at the drop of a hat Ryoko seemed to finally come around and comply with the information that he requested. It was true he adhered by a set of rules all his own, a murder had to have some manner of code. He gave a nod in acceptance of Ryoko's brusque tone, he still needed to share one final piece of information. Watching the screen, the female said enough before he finally obscured the screen from view, rather changed the channel. The light on his blocks reflected another scene, it was multiple pinned areas of hollow bastion. Salforge was busy, and he took his job to the abnormal range that was convincing enough to be dubbed professional. "This is from two days ago when we were tasked to defend the factory. When i arrived I gradually coated the entire place, because it was overtly large, it took more time than an open space. When I did, I found out how the rebels 'got in' and in addition to that, I have all their faces." Salforge raised his hand and formed a quick image of all of their faces scattered across smaller screens. He highlighted Gavin's image, and enlarged it rotating it in front of the others. At that time a body seemed approach the library and looked in, a small child, baring the empire's emblem on his shoulder. He had teal eyes and hair, he seemed particularly jubilant to be subservient of the empire. Abducted by the mercenary from a world of keybladers, and possessing some value as the mercenary's equivalent to the General's maid Catherine. "Svether, you came all this way unannounced? Did you use one of my doubles I left behind at headquarters." The child twitched and fidgeted as he was in the presence of the general, to whom was normally livid, unpleasant, terrifying. He moved closer and clung to the mercenary's leg, he was only about eleven, far more human than the mercenary was. "You express the oddest affection child." Salforge said holding out his hand. Svether put a monetary note into the mercenary's hand. "F-f-from General Envi, Master!" The mercenary sighed, "You would interupt our meeting to give me...--!!" His eyes fell onto the small envelope, it contained a decent sized portion of his commission when working in the first division of the empire under the general. Further inspection revealed a note addressed to the mercenary, it seemed almost as if it were a brief hint. "I see, thank you Svether." He pat the young boy's head, "Reciprocate a message to the general for me, iterate to her that her suspicions have been realized and we've made contact with him. Here, take this to her." As the small boy backed up cupping a cube, he slowly but surely began to deconstruct into small shells, the time-consuming method of transport he likely used to get there borrowing one of the mercenary's doubles. In a moment or so he was gone and the mercenary's full-attenion unperturbed had returned. He sat down, placing all the contents back into the envelop and placing it on the table in the library. Too much was going on, all his focus needed to be output into success, they needed to make a move now while the princess was still in Agrabah. "Well Ryoko, I think it's time we weaken them even further. If you want to find the rebels, then exploit Gavin, he harbors an immense darkness around him, normal suppression isn't enough to fool the heartless. We can use them to find the rebels, Clacverk's abominations would be formidable to the point it would force them out in the open. We can't afford to wait anymore, I understand your impatience, but what I need from you is unity. It sounds like a pitiful human expression of kinship, although as an observation whenever we pressed a target or targets as a team, we've succeeded. Gavin was our first capture, i'm sure thats not the end of it either." He extended his hand, slightly out of character but he sought her cooperation for the sake of both of their heads. She was selfish to a degree, but allowing bygones to be bygones for the sake of safeguarding one's own life was necessary at this point. Facing the consequences of an enraged imperial was nothing that sounded pleasant.
"Do we really need to make mention of who abandoned their post?" A question asked and expressed in sardonic nature, "--Thats what I thought. Before you go off...again. This is what I have." By now if the average person couldn't figure out this merc's playbook, then that was that. Information at times was more valuable than obtaining objects, goods, and even detaining people. If they had some visibility or even a wire tap, that was prudent enough to put them in a better situation than the current. "As it stands we've got the rebels that are somewhere in Agrabah now, beyond that, the stranger that is currently the caretaker of empire property as you'd call it. Then there is that rogue kid Gavin that was most likely adopted by the rebels. If this person is who I have a strange suspicion about, he could prove trouble to the empire...he seems hellbent on killing a general from the first Division. This is also twice now the enemy has removed themselves from my detainment, well lets review, 103rd. Display." His blocks band together and splintered into a tightly night and flat paneled white screen. He structured them into life-size models of the escaped woman, and the male resident to this world. Low and behold, down to a T Salforge proceeded to marvel and Ryoko would come to appreciate something useful he'd done. The replicas began to exchange words amongst each other, the screen from the perspective of the unusual female. "When you treat everyone that is not an ally as an enemy, you begin to understand that choice is justified. Rather than walk into deceit, I chose to implement my own form of treachery. Also there is this..." There was a brief flash of what looked like the inside of a shower, before the video returned to the normal feed. It should be clear, if she remembered properly, making contact once is all the mercenary needed. The 103rd seemed terrifying, transforming immovable block into audio-visual surveillance set up. Seamlessly, he possessed fairly neutral defensive capabilities often registering with others as non-hostile, he touched Ryoko during the encounter with the rogue Gavin, he coded an entire factory simply by standing on the surface for a long enough time, an open area with just a floor, even faster. He felt like a watchdog, and in both brilliance and versatility the mercenary was merciless even among allies. "I'd like to point out that clip is no different than what film makers do in the movies when you see the cigarette burns. Quickly splicing together clips as the reel is about to complete itself. Moving on." It was uncommon for Salforge to work this hard, frankly, he was getting to within a modicum of triviality with how something was always putting distance between himself and the targets. The enemy sought to put an end to tyranny, but that seemed rather vague as they had legions of influence across other worlds. This was only the second of two full divisions, as far as their military corps were concerned. Salforge raised a hand to his chin as he listened intently, memory triggered a flag somewhere in the back of his mind. This was apart of his research that he'd done prior to becoming a mercenary...prior to being what he was now. It had been so long, this field of study was about something ancient, speculation that surrounded the old radiant garden. He raised his head with a sudden seriousness to the general. "Ryoko. You weren't specific before, just what are we dealing with here? Who is the girl really, last chance to give me as much information as you can before I follow through with my orders of execution. Have some respect for my profession, I am only as useful as the information I can gather to support my obligations." Salforge's hand fidgeted slightly, remembering he grasped at something soft about two days before. At this rate, they wouldn't make any progress if they weren't devising a playbook with bare minimum, Clacverk who could provide some support with his creatures of the dark. ------- Gavin// ------- Gavin's face peered upon Ace with a Grimace as he weighed his options, there was really only one for him. Using his noesis he weighed his chances and outcomes based on what he knew about his parents. Should he choose to abandon his instruction, he would be excecuted, banished and shamed, or a limb of their choosing would be severed. All were weighty...his family was serious, prestigious enough that their household name was respected, and therefore known only to their homeward. "I don't have much of a choice Ace...right now it's I do it or I'm dead in almost every scenario. I need to take something back from my sibling as proof of her fall. In any case, I am here to support your cause temporarily, there is still a lot I am learning about my own magic so please...be patient with me. And this..." Gavin rustled his arm inside of the sling. "I'll need another day tops before I'm in any condition to help you guys with anything...I'm really sorry about this."
There was a loud shattering sound of glass shattering all around Salforge as he held the phone to his ear, his blocks crumbling and cracking away needlessly as they'd served their purpose. Funny how some where born, into poverty or with a silver spoon in their mouths. Into unstable homes, the lap of luxury or without anyone to right out call family. Salforge to cohere with being abandoned, discovered by a king and mad man. Raised to prefer the cold grasp of solitude, the heartless around could understand, they were mindless and savage creatures that were ruled by the vice of gluttony. "I did some information gathering while scouting Nomis abomination, low and behold, it seemed to have been created to track this target of yours. That informant's killer seems to be irrelevant now so I'm choosing to disband that investigation." Salforge's eyes hardened, the people in the surrounding area, those that chose to stay were focused on the standalone mercenary occupied with a device foreign to their world. It seemed like technology was limited on this world, it was fine, he was familiar with these residents. Nearly 20 years he'd traveled worlds after the even that put him in his current position. The empire was supposed to be a scourge, and he belonged only through means of a contract and agreement. "Our enemy is that gentleman you had the unpleasant conversation with. You humans have some strange code of how you address one another, seems unreasonable as to why there couldn't have been a more tactful way to exchange information. I digress, he was harboring the girl and seems adamant on a futile sprint away, at the cost of choosing to wait a little too long." He sighed, beginning to pick up his feet and leave the scene, the heartless that remained scurried around and about in a rampant manner. It was in their nature as savages to persist and chase the people, here, the resident of their people gave choice of abandonment. Standing to reason using basic logic and instinct that was the natural response he would've chosen, you calculate your own odds of survival first and foremost. Salforge would sooner commit suicide before the enemy could discern or uncover information, he's already in a weird position if he was to die as is. "When we've regrouped I'll relay all additional information to you. Lastly, we need to talk about Gavin...before he becomes a problem for the empire." -------- Gavin//Nightmare - Flashback? -------- He could remember well enough, he was about six years old at the time and he thought nothing of it. Gavin sat at the table addressed by his parents, he was the youngest sibling out of two, and there was an extranuous amount of friction between his father and his older sibling. Introduced a she, Gavin had an older sister and from their expressions in development she was about four to six years his senior. As kids, he'd grown to respect, look up to, and admire his sister. Something like that of a role model if you will, as it stood she was inspiration, and often very good and raising morale. She had dreams that spread outside holding their family name, Gavin was taught at this age, that he was to never present his family name to other worlds, it was one of the rules his family was adamant on, their sacred cow. His older sister, she had dreams of leaving their home, possibly travel and become something other than what her family expected of her. To take over their house, aspire to respect the industry and master the many markets that they controlled. In defiance, Gavin's older sister always expressed the utmost respect when their parents walked on egg shells with her. This lasted for a number of years, as Gavin grew from early childhood to his teen years, the friction between his sister and their parents became a much more frequent thing. He imagined it almost as if it were yesterday, the path of dissent had started. His sister wanted to travel and study on other worlds, naturally their father was against this idea. House rules came into play, to never jeopardize the family's lifeblood or reputation in anyway, to alleviate this, it was preferred his sister stayed on their home world. Gavin's sister outright refused, and was forced to make a hard choice of whether or not to earn her freedom. As the imperial forces tread upon their home world at one point, his sister saw this as an opportunity to further her own esteemed goals. She was a proficient user of magic arts, more practical in logic and efficiency than Gavin, but he felt that this wasn't the answer. So he approached her one day and attempted to offer an alternative. "Sis, I don't think this is a good idea, you shouldn't be trying to fiddle with the empire. They're bad news and you know it, this isn't like you." "If it makes you feel any better Gavin, I'm going on a mission for a very long time and I intend to do all I can to be of help to those that I encounter." These were the last words he'd been left with, and ringing about four years old in his mind, he couldn't be satisfied with such an unrealistic answer. His sister gained notoriety over time, and it as word hit his home world, it caused his father to explode. He'd even go so far as to revoke claim of his child and tasking Gavin with her execution, to think this is what it would come to. Gavin marveled at the deception that his sister left, only to feel angered...ashamed, and disappointed as he expected more from his only family. The time of her absence ate away at him, eventually hardening Gavin who could no longer hold faith and trust in the family he lost, now tasked with their execution as per house rules. It was a cruel vendetta...and his eyes seemed to sliver open. As Gavin sat up straight in his bed, he tried to to aggregate the sling but he could only think of what was inevitable. The room had dropped to sub-zero temperatures, and Gavin's red eyes flicker brown briefly in midst of everything he remembered. Grim, but he was responsible for taking care of business, the prism was there as insurance that his cooperation was not to be questioned. "You really know...how to ruin your only brother's life...I hate you so much..." Gavin muttered, being forced into a position that he wasn't the least bit happy with. "IF there are more like that Ryoko woman, and that merc, I may consider joining the rebels...they don't need my baggage honestly. Hmm..." the youth pondered, he was cursed and it felt like his life would just end up damaging others. He could recall, as he was being carried away once he'd given himself up to the empire, with hopes of finding that woman, the mercenary said something unexpected. "All I see when I look at you is a great tragedy that is about to be underway. I think it's better for you, to forget whatever your planning and choose to serve us, if it means to live. I've seen way too many kids die, they don't have my pity, but my deductive abilities as to incur why make clearly irrational decisions if it means your success rate is less than fifty percent? Trust me Gavin, whatever you want from us, we're going to crush you every time you oppose us." He started to rattle and shake at remembrance of this, hollow bastion was where he was sure he would find her. If these were his odds...he was left without much of a choice in the manner, he wanted them gone...he wanted more than what this family mission thrust him into. Sliding from his bed, he tread lightly down the stairs, moving into the room occupied with bodies, pointing out Osa and Ace both. "Hey, Ace do you have a minute? I want to ally with you guys, but I need to be brutally honest before you choose to accept anything from me." Gavin proceeded to pull up a chair, and review with Ace one on one. He'd given him all information with the exception of his family's name as per his household rule (which he also explains). His intent was to execute a member of the empire, and beyond that he would be finished, and return home. He didn't have a name to give them, it was an issue of permissions but he could identify the person on sight and none that they've encountered or he's encountered has been the same person.
I'm looking at in terms of how this could affect me, while simultaneously doing the same to existing role-players of the rp itself and I question the integrity because this was not plainly listed in the rules upon joining. God forbid any one of us go afk due to college, traveling abroad, vacation, or any offline obligatory demands that fill the shoes of our online time. That being said, I will post this weekend, because I'm in my senior year and double majoring, please forgive my lack of online presence.
Being afk periodically is not breaking any rules listed, if anything that is the GM's call to kick an role-player from the/a role-play at their discretion. If a kick is being put into place on the grounds of inactivity, to me that is permissible. Killing characters simultaneously is what has happened in recourse of other role-plays (at least the ones i have participated in). Because it alleviates the role-players of getting stuck in a conversation, event, or string of plans enveloped with that afk OC. I do however strongly disagree with the death of an inactive's character, ESPECIALLY when their death is canon, it means if at any point they return from a real life issue that has an immediate impact on their online activities and personal obligations, they couldn't even resume after a summary. In Wolfe's case, he bowed out from what I am understanding of what Sole is saying, others that haven't posted in an even larger window of time (Hero and doc are among these people) have characters that are still alive, but are essentially not contributing, so what do you do about them?
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