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So. Many. Posts. O.O
You people... You need sleep, you know :p
^...I think you missed something

Awe, disappointing, but totally understandable. Now, what is this GEARS you speak of..? I shall look at that.
I didn't mean it that way. Dx
I actually didn't think of it that way, tbh
I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but if you need a post summarized I don't think you're in the right roleplay.
Seralis Mirlay



Kuzal Elf


Gear & Possessions:
Other than his leather armor and ironoak bow(for which he can craft arrows), Seralis carries little in the manner of personal effects. He carries traveling equipment with him, or course, but other than that he holds no possession worthy of mention.

Skills & Abilities:
First and foremost, Seralis is a formidable archer. He has been using a bow seen he had been old enough to hunt, and his years of practical experience are apparent in his well toned arms and steady aim. Used to traversing twisted tree limbs and scattered rocks, sinking bogs and entangling vines, Seralis can navigate close to any environ with relative ease, and has come to have an imposing acrobatics skill set. He is also a proficient alchemist and herbalist, as he hails from one of the most prosperous sources of such ingredients around. He also has an easy time taming, riding and communicating with animals, especially those of bestial proportions.

Seralis is a personable man, with pleasing colloquy and a congenial attitude, although he does at times appear reserved. It is not hesitation that stills his tongue, but the fact that he finds some humans quite strange here in the North. He likes to laugh, and believes life is to be enjoyed. He is morally upright, but not to the point of preaching. He is kindhearted and good-natured, and often puts others before himself. He'll help those in need without payment, or an expectation of reward. It is important to note that he has integrity, not callowness.

Seralis was raised among his reclusive kin in the Southern Kazul Jungle. Here, the bogs would freeze in the night, and leave the elves in a dreadfully cold, inhospitable mire of muck and creeping flora. The clan made temporary homes in mangrove orchards, moving with the seasons to stay alive. He was conditioned since youth to survive in unfavorable conditions. The clan was small, but its size was in part due to the difficulty to provide for large groups of people in this environment. There were others his age, luckily for him, companions in a harsh world of baying beasts and perpetual fog. They were all driven hard by necessity; Seralis was carrying a bow when it was larger than he was.

When he was just 14, Seralis's tribe discovered upon an Alderian settlement while traveling through unfamiliar coast land. The humans seemed surprised, because often the elves ignored their presence. Their settlement was small, but had a port for the transport of harvested goods. At first, the two did not interact past passing glances on the edge of the forest. However, that winter was particularly harsh. He doesn't remember exactly how it started, whether it be from a gift or service exchange, but the elves and the humans were unexpectedly brought together by that winter. In the following warmer months, the settlement and the tribe reached an understand. The elves could bring them rare and expensive herbs, flowers, and other natural resources, while the elves benefited from the human's agriculture and farming. Seralis didn't spend much time with humans until he was older - around 20 years old.

When he came of age, Seralis was able to mingle amongst the humans freely. There weren't many people in the settlement, but he was fascinated by the variety between them. Seralis could speak to ten humans, and get ten completely different perspectives. He spent much time with the humans, even staying with them when his tribe left for short periods of time. Seralis grew fond of the shorter lived race, and had decided to stay as an ambassador of sorts, because their cultivation of the surrounding grounds sometimes came with the vexation of elves that wandered near. He was happy to help, and be a bridge between to two peoples.

The more time he spent in that settlement, the more Seralis was enamored by the ships sailing away on rolling waves and churning winds; the dock was his favorite place to visit. Eventually, his wanderlust took hold, and he sailed away on one of those ships, looking forward to adventuring in human lands. He became fast friends with the crew, and actually stayed with the cargo ship as a guard (as well as a deckhand - he thoroughly enjoyed doing such). The traveled from Alderia to Avignon, which he found unsavory with a pompous air of superiority, and then north the Vekia, where he departed from the ship with promises to return in later years. Seralis has been in Vekia for a little more than three years, and has enjoyed every second of it, for it is rife with human diversity.
Oh okay. I shall find them and look at them.
Oh, and I did read Andracos's thoughts on Calista. Not what I expected, but I like that :p
And Rosaline isn't a threat because of her actions or even herself, just because of the close eye Seil keeps on her. She's like a... proxy, of sorts, for him. Or at least, that's how Calista sees it.
I would keep at it - it's so good for you otherwise.
Damn. Did I miss anything? You guys are so active... o.0
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