Avatar of Prodigal Son
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    1. Prodigal Son 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. -John 16:33
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9 yrs ago
If you take my memes, then you owe me.


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Raiya began to head towards the secret room in the basement. "Oh, I was just thinking about using the Fantasia to fight some Giarciano punks. You in? I always like to work up a sweat before having my morning meals anyway." Raiya opened the secret passageway, and walked through the lab to the back door that led into the Fantasia chamber. Before she entered, she opened the runically sealed box on the table outside the chamber to retrieve the paragon of Fantasia.
Raiya examined the custom crux coat. It was expertly crafted, and even with Raiya's enhanced visual perception she had difficulty seeing most of the seems. The pattern on the inside was undeniably beautiful, and the removable knife sheathes were a major upgrade from her old coat. Raiya wasn't sure how to respond, and her expression was more of surprise than genuine gratitude. Nemo then explained that the leather wasn't ordinary leather, but leather of a kirin. "Kirin leather, huh? Normally kirins are docile and non-aggressive only eating vegetation. In any case..." Raiya grinned and then flourished the coat as she swung it around to don it, placing her arms inside the sleeves in one quick motion, "I like it."

Nemo was right about it feeling softer, but the sacred beast leather was also a bit heavier than normal leather, which gave the coat more of an embrace than her previous ones had. Raiya realized she was grinning too much, and forced herself to take a more serious expression, "D-don't think this makes up for all the stunts you've pulled. A-and friend is still too strong of a word to describe our relationship. You're more of my..." Raiya paused for a moment to think, "Best acquaintance. In my hierarchy of relationships at the bottom are my enemies, then above them are strangers, above them are acquaintances, in special situations above that would be a best acquaintance, and then at the top are my friends. You started off as my enemy, so you've made some progress today. But, I always reserve the right to demote you at any time. Especially if you break my unbreakable rules."

What am I saying? Nemo being anything but an enemy is unacceptable. Maybe I'm growing too soft... Raiya thought, calm down Raiya. Your goal is still the same, to find who murdered your parents. Having Nemo as an ally could be an advantage to you. Yes, that's all this is, a step towards my goal. Surely if I grow an alliance with Nemo, he could use his underground resources to help me. Raiya visibly nodded as she reasoned everything out in her head. This thought process lasted about 15 seconds which left an uncomfortable silence in the air. Raiya cleared her throat to break the silence, "Well, since Felix and Travis are still asleep, do you want to train in the Fantasia chamber? I want to break this bod boy in." Raiya finished by slapping the sides of her coat.
Raiya's expression visibly changed from cautious optimism to something resembling perhaps fear or nervousness? Civil discourse was one thing, but for some reason it didn't seem to Raiya to be a good thing to be in the habit of accepting, "gifts" from Nemo Smiley. Although, truth be told, it might be just as deadly to refuse a gift from Nemo Smiley. "W-what is this? It looks a little too large to be Gianni's severed dick." Raiya joked nervously. Raiya cautiously broke the seal and pulled the ribbon, carefully lifting the lid to peer inside.
Raiya walked down to the kitchen, and grabbed a chobani vanilla yogurt. Raiya flicked her wrist, summoning a small vile from her mana inventory. The vile was a special elixir an alchemist from the Yakuza made. The elixir took about 10 minutes to work, but it specialized in curing hangovers and cold symptoms. Raiya uncorked the vile and poured half of it into the yogurt, mixing the yogurt with a spoon. After preparing her yogurt cure, she took the yogurt cup and walked over to the living room, sitting down on a sofa opposite of Nemo. She tucked in her legs, sitting on them in a curled up position.

Raiya ate her yogurt as she listened to Nemo talk about his infamy due to the escapades of the night before. After finishing her yogurt, she placed the empty cup and spoon on the coffee stand next to her sofa. She placed the end of her thumb nail between her teeth, biting down in a expression of contemplative anxiety. "I thought I told you never to take a kill from me again?" Raiya questioned softly, dropping her hand with the thumbnail shed been biting down to her knee, "Don't worry. I don't hold this one as a tally against the Raiya rules you should never break, or else. But don't think for a second that this makes up for your other sins against me. As far as I am concerned, you only cleaned up a mess that you created." Raiya stopped to think for a moment, casting her gaze downwards. After about twenty seconds of silence she raised her eyes, looking at Nemo. "Friends?" She said in a mocking tone, "Ha! That's a good one. Since when have we ever been friends?"

Raiya got up and took her yogurt cup with her walking toward the kitchen, out of Nemo's view. She didn't enter the kitchen but stopped at the threshold between the kitchen and the living room. Without turning back to face Nemo she said, "But, Nemo..." there was a three second pause and then she said softly, "Thank you," before continuing into the kitchen to toss out her empty yogurt cup, and place the used spoon in the dishwasher.
It was dark, all but one florescent light in the penthouse was shattered, sparks streamed from the empty light sockets raining down molten metal behind Raiya. The henchman were nothing, she ripped through them like butter, the various piles of corpses in the room proved they were nothing. One man left standing, the man in the suit, Gianni. The man's face was completely shrouded in shadow, but it didn't seem like it was due to the poor lighting, but rather his face was purely black. "So, you've finally come to die, amore mi"

"Enough games," Raiya grit her teeth, "That's going to be the last time you use your stupid pet names for me. I'm taking your head!" Raiya growled as she charged, katana in hand. She stopped within striking distance and swung her sword but- Where was her sword? She just had it a moment ago, but now she was swinging through the empty air with a gripped fist. In that moment she was brutally punched back about five feet. She came to sliding halt, back against the floor. She tried to get up but she was paralyzed. Had he hit her that hard? Was she now at his mercy because he broke her spine with a punch?

"I told ya to leave, cagna. Now after I'm finished with you, I'm going to personally kill every high ranking member of the crux gang. And then, I'm going to find everyone else that you've ever so much as talked with, and I'm going to do to them what I did to you." Gianni was towering over her. He pulled back his fist to issue the finishing blow-

Raiya awoke violently. Sweat dripping from her forehead as she gasped for breath, startled and heart thumping intensely. Bright light streamed in from the outside, extremely harsh to Raiya's sensitive eyes. Her head pounded, Great, I have a hangover, Raiya thought. She sat up, her eyes, head, and chest pounding intensely. She took a moment to collect herself, rubbing her eyes with rounds of her palms. Regaining composure, she began to remember the events of last night. Last night... Damnit! What time is it? Is it too late? Did Gianni already raid Crux? Raiya's thoughts raced. She looked over at the wall where she smashed her manadial into the thin wooden wall.

Raiya walked over to the manadial, removing it from the newly indented wall. The managem wasn't cracked, but the straps on the inlay frame were ripped off from the force of Raiya smashing the device through the wall. Raiya walked back to her bed and sat down at the foot of the mattress. She began attempting the interface with the manadial, which seemed to be in working order. She saw a pending message which was sent by Tsukihi, which simply said: Check the manapaper. Raiya navigated through the manadial menu, chosing the manapaper app, which instantly projected a tangible fully blue newspaper mana construct. The headline read, "23 Dead in New York Penthouse," Raiya's heart began to race as she read on. "Suspected learder of the Giarciano gang, Gianni, was murdered in an onslaught at his penthouse late last night. 22 others who were also suspected to be a part of the Giarciano gang were also found dead throughout the penthouse building. Security camera footage found at the scene has identified the culprit as none other than the escaped convict Nemo Smiley. Nemo Smiley was broken out of prison by ex-Arch-Magi Felix Glasius last May..."

Raiya dropped the mana constructed papar, it dispersing back to raw mana and was absorbed back into the inlay crystal. Raiya shook her head in astonishment. She couldn't decide whether to be angry, happy, or a mixture of both. Nemo, once again, took a kill from her. But... then again, it was his fault in the first place that there was even a turf dispute. Raiya took a deep breath, and attempted to shake off the cloud of hangover haze surrounding her brain. Raiya quickly got dressed in a black bra, fishnet undershirt, a sleeveless black Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon shirt, and a standard pair of her indigo selvedge jeans. Then she opened her door to head downstairs.

"No. You don't get to play dumb with me any more," Raiya growled, "It was always you. You've been the one who selfishly put himself where he didn't belong. You were the one who conned me when I was too drunk to know any better. And now because of you, some Italian cockholster is destroying my gang." At this point, Raiya's electricity was going rather haywire and sparking even more frequently than normal with more power than normal. Raiya was brought back to a coherent state of mind once she saw smoke curling up from the now singed collar of Nemo's robe that Raiya was gripping. Raiya let go of Nemo's collar and pushed him away as she turned to leave. "Never mind. It must be so easy to just not care about anything like you do. But I can't just abandon my subordinates. I'm going to pass out for a few hours to get my head level, and then I am going to find this Gianni Giarciano and make him regret ever messing with me." With that Raiya turned away, a hint of regret in her eyes over her reaction, but she did not apologize. She left the room and entered her own room, flopping on her bed to pass out.
Felix nodded at Travis, "let us call it then. I think I am beginning to hallucinate from fatigue any way. We will resume when we wake up." With that, Felix and Travis left the lab. Felix closed the secret passage to the lab after they left. Afterwards, Felix retired to his bedroom where he promptly passed out.

Raiya wanted to say more, to shout at the invalid who dared defy the rule of her gang. But, before she could let rebut, Gianni ended the call. Raiya's anger grabbed hold of her and she ripped her manadial from her wrist and smashed it against the wall, letting out a loud scream. Gianni was right, and Raiya knew it. All of this happened because of Raiya's absence, and Raiya's absence was all because of one person, Nemo.

Raiya stormed out of her bedroom and burst into Nemo's weird, unique chamber. Raiya was fuming, and still very drunk, the sobering effect of her initial adrenaline rush had worn off but her anger kept her lucid enough to confront Nemo. "It was you," Raiya growled, "you did this. It's all your fault." Raiya stomped over to Nemo and grabbed him by his collar. She was close enough that Nemo could smell the alcohol on her breath. Her eyes were glowing and electricity was crackling off her body. "My gang is in shambles because of you!" Raiya's feminine voice was growing more husky as she growled out her anger.
Raiya gritted her teeth. "It was you wasn't it? At the pier? You either have a real huge set of balls on ya, or you've got a pretty strong death wish." A part of her knew before she answered that the call was from the man who assaulted all her men at the pier, and now also massacred everyone at her processing plant. "When my men find you, I'm going to kill you personally. Not swiftly with the stroke of my sword, but slowly over the course of a month, your bruised and broken body chained to a metal chair in a room where no magic can be cast. There are things that the Yakuza taught me that will make you beg, plead for death. Make you regret ever being squeezed out of your mother's womb. I hope you are prepared for recompense." Raiya's voice was slowly rising throughout her diatribe, her anger was stoked from an ember to a fire.
Felix's eyes gleamed at Travis's runic rough-draft. "Efficient and aesthetically pleasing." Felix clapped his hands together briefly in a show of excitement. He then flicked his wrist, materializing what looked to be a brown leather vest, with a empty metal inlay socket on the back. "Remember after we programmed a manastone to automatically charge itself in the presence of strong ley-lines? When we were milling around a few ideas before as to what we'd put this mana-battery in, I remembered something. This vest was commonly used by early untalents as a spell source. I recalled that I had one in storage and fetched it yesterday when we took a brief meal break. The vests were also used in the arcanocracy to help train new magi in manalysis. Sensing the mana density of the inlaid stone was a bit of practical test. Most were child-sized but I did find one that fit me well enough without any modifications." Felix finished explaining. Felix materialized the manacrystal battery that they created a few months back, and then tossed the vest to Travis. "So, do you think we can inscribe the runic formula on this? I mean, after we figure out if the rune actually works, of course."

Felix was feeling very upbeat and optimistic. The work the duo had been striving towards was finally coming to a climax. Felix leaned back in his chair and propped his legs up on the table, placing his hands behind his head in a relaxing pose. "Travis," Felix said with a satisfied smile, "I must say, I would not have made it this far without you in the group. None of us would have. I think I am beginning to understand why the vision I had all those months ago made me write down your name. You may not be a talent, but you are certainly talented in a very important way." Felix finished.

After Felix finished his compliments to Travis, Zuri unexpectedly exited the Fantasia room. Felix hadn't even noticed she had entered in the first place, and realized that his perception must have been so focused on the task at hand that he subconsciously ignored what was happening around him. Felix let out a nice chuckle at Travis's rhetorical question, "Yeah. That's the second time in," Felix checked his manadial for the time which read: 9:13 PM, "the last hour that we were scolded. In total it's got to be in the double digits at this point. Don't worry, Zuri, we'll get some sleep soon. Now that my mind is at rest, it should be much easier to catch some shuteye." Felix finished. He could feel the fatigue boring into his forehead, like a screw being slowly threaded through a new plank of wood. "So, Zuri. How has your training been going? Any new developments?" Felix asked.

Raiya finished her food, and turned off the t.v.. She returned to the kitchen where she rinsed off her plate and placed it in the dishwasher. She began to walk back upstairs towards her room when her manadial started pinging. Raiya lifted her wrist and tapped the blue spherical gem, accepting the call. The translucent holographic face of Tsukihi materialized in front of her at 1/16th the normal size. "Oh, thank the goddess you answered!" Tsukihi puffed in exasperation. "What is it... Suki? I'm tired and drunk and was about to go pass out." Raiya slurred. "Well, ma'am, with all due respect, sober up because somethin' really bad just happened." Tsukihi said frantically. "Tsukihi. Have I ever told you how much I just really...
really hate the guessing game."
Raiya fumbled with her words, "Stop beating around the bush and tell me why you interrupted my evening again.
"Well ma'am, one of our production facilities was hit. And hit hard. No one had checked on for the hourly update. Then we finally sent a team to investigate, and it was carnage. There wasn't a single survivor. The cameras were wiped and we have no idea who did this or how many. But its safe to assume that this is related to what happened earlier at the docks." Tsukihi rapidly explained. Adrenaline shot through Raiya as she grew enraged. "God damnit!" Raiya cursed, "have you notified the Yakuza yet" Raiya asked. "Not yet, ma'am. You know how the Oyabun does not like to be notified of matters such as these. But if we can't solve this soon, we will have to get the higher-ups involved." Tsukihi responded. "Good. Continue to investigate. I need to get some sleep in the meantime. If you find anything about where these guys are, my manadial will be on all night, so tell me right away. I want to teach these bastards a lesson myself." With that, Raiya hung up the call, and went back into her room. She sat down on the edge of her bed, but before she could strip down and pull the covers over her head, there was another pinging on her manadial. She looked at her wrist to see who was calling her. It was from an encrypted manadial ID. Nervously, she tapped the crystal to accept the call.
Raiya finished crafting her lettuce, tomato, salami and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, when Nemo entered the dining area. Raiya let out a huge irritated groan as Nemo tried to spark up some small talk. "Hello there, Nemo, Raiya said in a mimicking manner, "Being annoying and intrusive as usual, I take it?" Raiya was usually able to just ignore Nemo when he talked to her. She, even on occasion, was able to maintain the illusion of polite small talk, but this night was clearly different.

Raiya plopped her sandwich onto a plate, and then fixed herself a quick rum and coke, before finding a spot on a sofa to sit down on in the adjacent living room. There was a large plasma television above the fireplace. The television was essentially useless, since there was no internet or satellite dish due to the covert nature of Felix's house; and being as far out in the Californian redwoods as they were, they had no basic antenna reception either. In order to provide some outside entertainment, every time that Felix left to gather groceries for the house, he also would grab the newest blurays. There was a large rack of movies and t.v. series boxsets. Raiya had been watching something called The Magicians recently. Turning on the t.v. and bluray player resumed the disk on the episode she was last on. Raiya found it odd how the untalents portrayed magi. The characters in this series were all "magicians" but didn't seem to know what aura was or mana even. In fact, magic seemed proportional to the despair the user sunk in, which seemed unique but highly inaccurate. Regardless, the series provided enough entertainment to allow Raiya to mindlessly pass some time while eating and getting drunk.
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