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Haha, patience is a virtue, young man!

All joking aside, I finally had some time off so working on a post right now. It will probably be up today.

Edit: it's up and hopefully okay!
Okay, cool, just saw your second post now. Good luck mowing the lawn and I'll try to write my stuff between unpacking and sleeping!
Well, role plays are all about collaboration so it's nice to mix it up a bit! I would feel terrible for you to lead it by yourself all the time, but if you like it that way I'm willing to just enjoy the ride haha.

Just a warning though, it might take some time for me to write the next post since I just moved abroad and am still settling in, so I'm not sure when I can get it up. If we're lucky, it might be soon, but I could also be a day or two. Do you want me to write both the scenes with our two main pairings, or should I just start with Skye and Stan and then you introduce Audrey and Ken in yours?
I definitely agree with you. It makes the role play more exciting if we let everything slowly develop, so let's go with something light and easy. Do you have a preference for any case or should I just go with something in my next post?

And I'm perfectly fine with managing multiple scenes if it comes to that, so we can throw in Ken and Audrey too if we want to. How do you feel about that?
A fast forward sounds great to me!

Regarding cases, we have lots of things we could do depending on whether we want a light start or not. I do have some rough ideas that we can develop further if you wish.

Of course, we have the classical fraud, robberies, kidnapping, assaults and the like if we want to start with something easy. We could also do an investigation on a suspected unregistered supernatural who's either unable to control their abilities, or misuse them deliberately.

If we want something huge and dramatic I guess we can start an investigative case on some kind of organised SN group that have grown tired of the mundane and thus conspires to attack something or someone. Perhaps that could start as a small investigation that would eventually become something greater?

I was also thinking that if we want personal drama, Skye's mother and her SN issues could become a possible case too, as well as something related to Stan's own family and the supremacy movement? But somehow, I feel that would be better played out at a later stage.

What do you think?
Emily, who just had enough with Christy's liberal way of introducing herself, loudly sighed and turned her head away from the disaster that she felt played out before her eyes. Of course, anyone who had taken the opportunity to properly get to know Emily knew that she never had any bad intentions—and her honest approach could be quite amusing—but sometimes, she wasn't really careful with how she presented herself. "Well, I better get going then", she said, raising her hand to silence everyone. "Even though I've already met you and whatnot. I'm Emily, Emily Soto, and I'm just like you. No fun powers going on here, but I reckon I do a pretty darn good job anyway. When I'm not here I'm probably at home taking care of my boys." With the last words, her harsh tone softened and she even let out a slight smile. Unlike most of her colleagues, she deliberately avoided any gimmicks, and sank back in her chair as soon as she was done. 

Glancing around the room, Audrey's eyes met Nicholas', who kindly gestured with his hand at her. "Ladies first."

Audrey jumped up in her seat and pulled her hair back as if she needed preparation for her presentation. Waving her hand in the air, she started. "Hi there, I'm Audrey. I'm actually so happy to have you here. Gives all these people someone else to pick on—I'm kinda new too. As you can probably tell, this isn't always the easiest place to work at, but don't be afraid to bite back when they tug at you."

Realising that she hadn't said anything about herself, Audrey hastily continued. "I'm just an ordinary girl too, just like Emily, except I haven't got any kids. I love hiking and sailing though, so if you're into that, cool! Uh, I've moved a lot but spent most of my time in Virginia... and I kinda ended up here by accident."

Noticing how some people in the room were struggling to hide their condescending smiles, Audrey could see what everyone else was already thinking, but she hoped that they would spare her any remarks asking whether, if by accident, she meant her father. Luckily, before anyone could say anything else, Nicholas cleared his throat. "I'm Nicholas Forster. If you ever want to hear my life story, I'll drag you all the way back to the Little Red Dot in the early 20's", he smiled slightly. "That is, I was born in Singapore quite a while ago. Yes, yes, I know you're probably wondering why I look like I do, and yes, you're right, I'm indeed a vampire."

"Meaning that one does bite for real, so watch out", Audrey threw in as she smirked and winked jokingly at a chuckling Nicholas.

"But I wouldn't worry if I were you, Stan. If you're keen on nicknames, you may call me Nick, but I do prefer my full name. I'm an old man, you know, and my dear old mother would be shamed to find out that people didn't take the time to call me by my full name. " With those words, Nicholas nodded in Skye's direction. "You're next, young lady.

"Well, you know my name already.” Nonetheless, the sudden thought hit her that the poor guy was probably flooded with impressions—new names and smiling faces, Christy throwing herself at him and Tom showing off his abilities—so she repeated it again to be sure. The young woman was already taking her commitment as his partner seriously. Rather than recounting anything specific about herself, she launched into explaining that she and Stan would work together. ”I don’t know how much you’ve been told, but I’m guessing not a lot. I just heard that you’ll be my partner for a while, so you’ll be stuck with me. It shouldn’t be too bad though, I’m an enhancer, so if we work together we could do some neat stuff. I’m pretty nifty with healing too, so don’t you worry about getting hurt”, she said, disregarding that a fear of pain was probably not all too developed within a former Marine and cop. ”What else… I was born and raised in Connecticut, but now I live just a couple of blocks from here.

Although she had decided that that was enough introduction for the day, Skye ended her presentation with a closed-lip smile. ”Please don’t hesitate to ask me anything if you’re feeling lost.

As soon as Skye had finished her introduction, it did not take long before Audrey looked anticipatively at Ken again. ”So, boss, what’s on the agenda today?"
Upon hearing that she would be partnered with the newcomer, Skye simply nodded in acceptance of her fate. Luckily for Stan, she was one of the few who had yet to make up her mind regarding him. The majority of the people inside the conference room seemed to have decided that something was off about the guy. Emily, who had already doubted his compatibility with the team when he didn't even know where to go, didn't even try to hide her loud snort as she heard that people avoided talking about him. Perfect on paper, but dubious in reality—there must be a reason as to why that was.

Skye, however, gave a mental shrug. She didn't want to assume that the reason was necessarily negative in nature, and he had seemed alright during their brief meeting. If he was a weirdo that would show soon enough and he would be thrown around to the next place. So instead of complaining, Skye cleared her throat as she sat down on the empty chair next to her bag. Having not heard the conversation before, she opened her mouth while moving the bag to the floor to leave the seat next to her free for Stan. "So, what is this guy? Supernatural?", she asked, looking curiously around the room.

"Nah", Nicholas said, who, like Skye, had finally sat down. "Mundane, apparently."

"Great", she replied, actually happy that he was. There were too many people inside the room with all sorts of weird skills already, so his apparent lack of magical abilities was definitely needed. "And no worries, Ken, I'll take care of him."

A voice that up until that point had remained silent erupted from the corner of the room. "I bet you will." A woman with thick dark curls that fell heavy across her shoulders leaned back in her chair, slowly chewing on a piece of fruit-flavoured gum. Audrey gave Skye a teasing smile as Skye rolled her eyes in response.

Silently cursing the immaturity of her team mates in her head, Skye only mustered the energy to answer a sarcastic, but tired "Very funny".

For a brief moment, Audrey laughed dryly before she suddenly stopped, putting her hands together in a loud clap. She looked around at her colleagues excitedly. "Y'know what, I don't wanna wait anymore", Audrey said impatiently. Being relatively new herself, she was eager to see someone else come and fill the newbie position—perhaps the others would stop babying her and calling her out on her so-called lack of experience if there was a new guy to tease. "Any more questions and you can ask this Stanley directly. Just let the guy in already."

With those words, Audrey looked with her round eyes at Ken. An unusual silence fell once more on the room.
When the man suddenly approached them and began introducing himself, the two women exchanged a look that confirmed their suspicions. Yes, the new guy. Believing that their silent confirmation was discreet enough, both of them quickly looked back at him and smiled.

The older of the two put her hand to her waist as she leaned her weight on one leg. "Investigative, huh?", Emily asked, who, all while smiling, was critically surveying him from head to toe as if she could judge whether he would be a good fit for the team or not. The fact that he didn’t know where he was going seemed to her to suggest that he was not. ”We could point you in the right direction, or walk you there. Might as well, seeing as we’re heading there too—the usual morning meeting in the conference room. I’m Emily, part of the team, and this is…”

"Skye Asselta", Skye interrupted to present herself as she extended her hand to shake his. ”I’m in Investigative too. Welcome.”

Skye allowed her gaze to linger on his face for some time before she let his hand go. Darting a quick look at the clock on the wall, she pulled her bag closer to her body. ”We better get going, I bet the others are already there.” Without further ado, Skye made her way past the others as she started leading the way to the conference room.


Back in the conference room, an impeccably dressed man with his well-ironed shirt tucked into a fitted pair of cotton pants was one of the few who didn’t laugh at Tom highlighting the dating history of their new colleague. While he was avoiding standing in the bright sun that shone through the windows, he seemed to be engrossed in peeking through the glass from the shadows, looking at the people passing by on the street below the window. "We'll see how long the poor lad lasts, so I wouldn’t grow too attached to him, Christy, even if he is easy on the eyes”, Nicholas finally commented absent-mindedly, forgetting that the conversation since long had moved on as his eyes were still occupied with scrutinising the pedestrians. The pessimistic cynic inside him doubted the new guy’s abilities. The fact that he was both divorced and had been tossed around between different jobs didn’t bode well—there must be something wrong with him. Nicholas shook his head before suddenly turning around to wander about the room. Failing to prevent a smirk from playing on his lips as he looked at Christy, he continued, ”Especially not if he is handsome.”

At that moment, the door to the room opened, and Skye stepped inside. ”Morning everyone”, she said as she threw her bag down on the chair closest to the door. Upon seeing most of her colleagues already sitting around the table, the young woman smiled apologetically. ”I hope we’re not late—we met someone new on the way.”

Emily, who had followed Skye inside the room, sighed heavily as she let herself fall down on a chair. "Can’t believe he hasn’t been assigned to anyone that can help him and show him around yet—shows just how efficient things are run at this damn place.”

A tired, but not all too serious voice that asked Emily to keep her mouth shut sounded through the room, causing a suppressed laughter to ripple across the group yet again. Most of them, however, were too curious to see who the newcomer was to continue the conversation once the laughter had died down.
The first thing that ran through her mind when Skye woke up that morning was how desperately she craved coffee. She had been up too late for her own good the previous night, struggling to fall asleep as her mind kept racing with thoughts that would have been best left at work where they belonged. The bits and pieces of their latest case at work had just come together, but there was something about it that had kept her captivated until the night slowly faded to dawn.

As the sound of her alarm rang through the air, she turned around in her bed, opened her eyes, and found herself looking around the small room that was her studio apartment. A small kitchenette in one corner, chipped paint on thin walls, and a tiny bathroom that barely closed when there was anyone inside was all that made up her home, and yet, she quite liked the quaint and rugged feeling of it. What she did not like, however, was the thought that crept into her mind and reminded her that she hadn't gone grocery shopping in ages, and that there was most presumably no coffee to be found inside her apartment at all.

Sighing heavily, Skye made her way out of the comfort of her bed, stumbled across the wooden floor and quickly got dressed. With the knowledge that she would feel better once she got her much needed dose of caffeine, Skye quickly tied up her hair, hurried out of the apartment to the nearest coffee shop and ordered her usual cup with just a splash of milk. After the first sip, she felt the strange soothing sensation of the drink waking her to life—ready for yet another day, Skye decided to take the opportunity to soak in the early morning sun by walking to work. One upside of her apartment was its convenient location downtown that definitely made up for its shabby appearance.

After the walk and with the caffeine in her system, Skye arrived with a reignited, bright mood at the ASA office building and cheerfully greeted the old man positioned behind the desk as she signed in with her ID.

"The weather's quite nice today, isn't it?", a voice suddenly asked behind her just as she was about to head up to the office. Upon turning around, she met the gaze of a slightly older woman whose tired eyes revealed that she might have needed the cup of coffee more urgently than Skye herself did.

"Good morning, Emily", Skye said with a smile as she threw the now empty cup into a trash can next to the staircase.

"Except for the weather, I'm not sure if the morning is exactly good", Emily replied half-jokingly. Before she could go on into the tiresome details as to why her morning had not been good, Skye intervened by chuckling politely.

"After you", she said instead, and together they walked up the stairs to their office space like any other day. The two women kept exchanging friendly words and phrases, occasionally pausing to greet other colleagues passing by when Emily suddenly stopped.

"Who's that?", Emily mouthed to Skye as she bobbed her head at the man who had just erupted from the men's locker room.

With a quick glance, Skye shrugged her shoulders. Somewhere deep inside her mind, she did recall that the replacement for that stupid fool of a man that had just left the team would come during the week—they were in desperate need of a new one and the man did look like he might fit the role. "New guy, maybe?"

Upon realising that the unfamiliar man might have heard their hushed conversation, Skye smiled slightly and bowed her head at him in acknowledgment of his presence. If he indeed was the new man, his nerves surely would not be calmed by seeing his colleagues already whispering around him.
Name: Emily Soto
Age: 32
Classification: Mundane.
Personality: Emily is a resourceful woman who loves challenges and working with the humans around her. She is good at reading other people, but sometimes forgets that they do have feelings, and sees them as mere objects for logical analysis.

Her set organisation and focus on routine makes her a helpful member of the team, but sometimes she can act a bit too systematic. Emily’s gifted in languages and communication, and suspects that she was employed within the ASA not only because of her logical approach, but also because of her being multilingual—besides English, she speaks Spanish, French, Italian and some basic self-taught Mandarin.

Bio: Emily grew up as the oldest of three siblings in the southern Californian coast. She comes from a middle-class family, and did well in school, which allowed her to follow her passion and continue to study languages after high school. Having already learnt Spanish from her parents as a child, Emily found that French and Italian came easy to her.

Emily was, and remains, academically gifted. She finds it easy to learn, and enjoys challenges and solving puzzles, which is why she joined the ASA in hope of learning more about the supernatural communities.

After graduating college, Emily went on to marry a guy named Sebastian. They have two children, of six and three years respectively. To Emily's constant irritation, people often seem to question Emily's choice of career and how that works for her as a mother. Eager to prove everyone that working within the investigative unit of the ASA is not incompatible with her motherhood, Emily tries to combine the two successfully—sometimes finding herself drowned in random assignments and to do-lists.

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