Avatar of Pumpkin Prince
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Pumpkin Prince
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 104 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Pumpkin Prince 10 yrs ago


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“Please to be leaving place! Is very angry monster, want no casualties!” Malika had missed a fair amount of the action while she was trying her best to herd the civilians away from the large virus. It was rather difficult however; most people couldn’t seem to understand her past the rather thick accent and less-than-perfect grasp over English. As Malika continued to call out to the clamouring crowds, she just barely managed to avoid a large tentacle zipping towards her. ‘Barely managed to avoid’ meaning ‘stumbled over onto her backside’. The large appendage slithered back, before returning with a few more friends – The tentacles looked like they were formed of exposed muscle and deep red bone, and (most importantly) they all looked poised to strike again; and Malika was in a rather bad position for dodging, being half way into scrabbling back up to her feet. Malika had no idea what to do – It certainly looked like a bad situation. As though acting on some kind of deep, semi-competent instinct, her arm shot up, her hand splayed out as she yelled “Shishigami Ninpo Binding Art!” The tentacles stopped in their tracks, bound together by green, pixelated chains. Malika let out a deep breath with a sheepish chuckle, “Heheh. Haah… Thought was goner!” Malika paused, looking between the bound tentacles and her sword. A grin slipped across her face. Jumping to her feet, she ran forward and leaped onto the bundled-up appendages – It was a rather sloppy landing, and she had to pull herself up to a standing position and keep herself steady. Once she was certain she had her balance down, she ran forward (though it was a very awkward slow run, more like a jog as she tried to look cool but also avoid falling off the wriggling tentacles that were fairly high from the ground) and eventually stopped near the base. Sliding her sword from her sheath, she suddenly bounded off of the virus and shouted “Celestial Star Sword: As Silent Nirvana!” at the top of her lungs before swinging her sword into the base of the bounded tentacles, and slicing clean through and looking cool as hell!
… or at least that’s what she wanted to have happened. What actually happened was that the sword had a fair bit of trouble making its way through four whole thick tentacles, and was simply left stuck in the muscly flesh of the virus, while Malika clung onto the sword’s handle, dangling around in the air and looking rather conclusively like a massive dork, “Uh… Little bit of help, guys?” She called out sheepishly, “Will repay in some way! Like um… Uh… W-Will think of something, please get me down!”
“Please to be leaving place! Is very angry monster, want no casualties!” Malika had missed a fair amount of the action while she was trying her best to herd the civilians away from the large virus. It was rather difficult however; most people couldn’t seem to understand her past the rather thick accent and less-than-perfect grasp over English. As Malika continued to call out to the clamouring crowds, she just barely managed to avoid a large tentacle zipping towards her. ‘Barely managed to avoid’ meaning ‘stumbled over onto her backside’. The large appendage slithered back, before returning with a few more friends – The tentacles looked like they were formed of exposed muscle and deep red bone, and (most importantly) they all looked poised to strike again; and Malika was in a rather bad position for dodging, being half way into scrabbling back up to her feet. Malika had no idea what to do – It certainly looked like a bad situation. As though acting on some kind of deep, semi-competent instinct, her arm shot up, her hand splayed out as she yelled “Shishigami Ninpo Binding Art!” The tentacles stopped in their tracks, bound together by green, pixelated chains. Malika let out a deep breath with a sheepish chuckle, “Heheh. Haah… Thought was goner!” Malika paused, looking between the bound tentacles and her sword. A grin slipped across her face. Jumping to her feet, she ran forward and leaped onto the bundled-up appendages – It was a rather sloppy landing, and she had to pull herself up to a standing position and keep herself steady. Once she was certain she had her balance down, she ran forward (though it was a very awkward slow run, more like a jog as she tried to look cool but also avoid falling off the wriggling tentacles that were fairly high from the ground) and eventually stopped near the base. Sliding her sword from her sheath, she suddenly bounded off of the virus and shouted “Celestial Star Sword: As Silent Nirvana!” at the top of her lungs before swinging her sword into the base of the bounded tentacles, and slicing clean through and looking cool as hell!
… or at least that’s what she wanted to have happened. What actually happened was that the sword had a fair bit of trouble making its way through four whole thick tentacles, and was simply left stuck in the muscly flesh of the virus, while Malika clung onto the sword’s handle, dangling around in the air and looking rather conclusively like a massive dork, “Uh… Little bit of help, guys?” She called out sheepishly, “Will repay in some way! Like um… Uh… W-Will think of something, please get me down!”
I don't have a post ready, but I'm going to try and do one today!
Another awesome post, Jenno! You do action scenes really well.
Great posts, you two! Jenno's was really good, looking forward to replying!

(great post, vess!)
“Haha, of course I’m alright! No need to worry, I’m fifty percent metal. The other fifty percent is piss and vinegar.”

Marina may not have been the smartest person around, but she could tell when someone was putting on a brave face – She had done it so much herself, after all. It made sense for Church to do it though. Church was brave, he had everyone’s interests in mind. He needed to keep morale up. She wouldn’t point it out; Marina simply did she always did and put on a smile. Klaus nodded slowly in response, “Hah, you have a point there, Church…” With a stretch and a grunt, Klaus chuckled wearily, “Think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Gute nacht, everyone,” He lay his head down and was soon drifting off.
“Ja, I’m sleepy as well, I’ll head to bed too. Gute nacht!” Marina chirped cheerfully, curling up in her sleeping bag.

But in truth, Marina wasn’t tired. She had tried her best to hide it behind her usual bravado and cheeriness, but she was nervous. She had no idea what was in store for them all tomorrow. Any number of things could happen; Church mentioned a shotgun preacher being a possibility, after all. Marina had been lucky with Tabitha – She was too into her dominatrix routine to get out the pistol Marina had spotted on her. No amount of bravado and wise-cracking would save her from a bullet. She’d be crippled in an instant, at best. Marina let out a heavy breath and shut her eyes tight. ”Nein. Nein. I have to stop this kind of thinking… I got over this before, I did all that training. I’m ready for anything. I’m the best.
The best…”
to be fair this probably just proves you're both insane
It was like a cartoon – Malika found her words falling on deaf ears, and her arm supporting the still air besides her. Malika was never one to be put down though, and she simply bounced back with a wide beam on her face. It was time, her time! Throwing her arm out, Malika yelled, ”Log-in routine, set!” With a flourish, she brought her arm up parallel to her grinning face, ”Execute!” Malika placed two fingers on the touchscreen of her initialiser, “Green 103, logging in!” In an instant, Malika was engulfed in a bright green light, emerald pixels swirling around her body. As the transformation occurred, Malika began to, quite oddly, sing.

”Fight for you! Fight for me!”

The pixels began to clamour around Malika’s body into one mass, and for a short moment her body was revealed. Shortly after, a green outfit began to materialise across her body.

”Peace is her weapon, love is her shield!”

Two gauntlets appeared on her hands, as well as a pair of boots on feet. Landing on her new boots in a crouched position, one hand on the floor, Malika stretched out her other hand. Eventually, a long green scabbard appeared in her grip – Getting to her feet with a flourish, Malika brushed her hair out of her face (since in all of the flipping and swooshing she was starting to resemble cousin it) and pumped her fist. Her heart was pumping faster than it ever had before, and she wore a huge, beaming smile on her face. This wasn’t playing with mops in the café. This wasn’t being sat in bed watching her TV shows. This wasn’t even her wildest dreams of fighting evil. This was real. Her body was shaking slightly, but only out of excitement. There wasn’t a negative feeling in her body, not a nervous thought in her mind! She was no longer Malika Bjornstad, she as Green 103! She was the spitting image of Great Green (except for the differences)!

”Who’s that over there? A bird? A plane? The fire in your eyes? No!
It’s Mahou Shoujo Minatsukomoto!”

She was ready!

Soon, the world faded back in around her, and she was left posing dramatically with a sheathed katana in hand. Strapping it to her back, she threw a hand in the air, “Let us go with the butt-kicking!” She yelled excitedly, rushing after the other Moderators through the Ethernet Corridor.
“… Guuuys? You, uh… you might wanna come down here.”

“Am coming, Ollie!” Malika called back. Placing her palms on the floor beside her, she pushed herself up onto her feet. It didn’t take her long to get her bearings, and soon she was bounding down the steps. The scene she was met with was odd to say the least – Kirina seemed to be doing a good impression of Malika about five minutes ago (she needed to work on it, Malika had been face up), Oliver seemed to have sustained an injury somehow, Michelle looked incredibly nervous and Juno just looked rather… Grave? Malika was never good at figuring out real people’s feelings. She was very curious; what on earth had happened here to put everyone into such odd situations? She had to find out! First order of business was to help her Russian friend up off the floor, though.
“Ah, Korona! Are alright?” Malika lifted Kirina up from the floor, supporting her with an arm around the shoulder. Malika looked around one last time, before settling her gaze on Oliver, “What happened, Ollie? Is looking like penultimate episode of Minatsukumoto here! Everyone so grave and nervous, like final battle is approaching… Did miss something important, maybe?”
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