Avatar of PyroFox
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  • Posts: 49 (0.01 / day)
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    1. PyroFox 9 yrs ago


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The text went out, but at the time, Ellis has been a little busy. So, when it actually came time for him to check his phone, there was no way in hell he would have made it in time. Only a few minutes late, but still. Tardiness was something few people tolerated, especially in his line of business, or the businesses he was often around. When he'd arrived at his little apartment, he'd found most of it trashed, his bed halfway out the window, the TV busted, the walls busted up, and his refrigerator ransacked. After a quick little search of the asshole who'd done all that to him, he was able to get away with looking at his phone, set an assault team on its way, and hopped onto the next train for Arkhan.

The train ride was, as was to be expected, boring as hell. Ellis would have rather been out on a rainy night tracking a serial killer than sitting there in a state of half-sleep, half-consciousness that did not allow him any rest and only made him more tired while he listened to young couples bicker to each other about idiotic young love stuff and old ladies talk about people behind their backs, him being one of them, though not the focus of their gossip. Getting off the train had been like a gift from God Himself, and he thought about actually visiting a church some time. If Arkhan had any real churches.

As he walked down the streets of Arkhan, he pulled out a match and lit his cigarette. Call him old fashioned, but he was a staunch believer that, somehow, some way, lighters took away some of the flavor of a good smoke. His nostrils filled with the smoke to drain out anything foreign, he was able to concentrate a little better on what was going on. A few blocks down, the Starbucks in question was already locked up and closed. Anyone else would assume it empty, but someone like him could tell there was more going on. Mission planning, introductions, the whole spiel going down. He let out a sigh, blew out some smoke, and kept on walking, making mental notes of all that went on while making the conscious effort not to repeat any of it out loud. He was bad about that, often speaking as he talked without really trying to. Sometimes it got real bad.

But now he was just getting distracted. His attention turned to the city around him, and the people milling in the streets at this late out. Cities like this always had people around, and in the dark, those people were far more likely to shoot someone else. The fact that he looked like a cop straight out of the 1950's didn't much help, but the fairly big gun at his hip did. They didn't know he could shoot about as well as a blind man. Speaking of shooting, two of the assaults seemed to be just a tad too trigger happy for his tastes, but that couldn't be helped. At least they'd be able to cover his ass while he was running away. Or hiding. Whichever was better at the time.

He let out a sigh as he reached the door, and waited for the Russians to finish up their dialogue. While he did, he took a tally; driver, two dagulas, four assaults - three ranged, one melee - logi, and two lezzad, one of which was the team leader. 'Course, it had to be a lezzad in charge, but just what did he expect? They'd never put an assault or dagula in charge of a team, and logi, were background guys. With a shake of his head and a sigh, he raised his fist and knocked on the metal part of the door, saying, "Hey, I know you're closed, but I need some coffee to get me through the night. Just got told I had a team meeting that'd keep me up all night!"
<Agent Profile - CLASSIFIED>

Name: Ellis Williams
Code Name: Bloodhound
Age: 21
Gender: Male


American born and raised, he looks to be the average white guy who decided to be a cop rather than go to college like everyone else. Trimmed short black hair, a scruffy beard he attempts to keep trimmed close to his face, and dull brown eyes, he looks anything but notable in a crowd. He's toned, fairly muscular, which he prides himself in, so with his six foot even height, he makes a bit of an imposing figure.

At least, he would if he tried. The man is a slouch, constantly tilted forward like there's a weight hanging from his chin. Not only that, but he wears baggy clothing when not dressing professionally, and when he does dress professionally, he still looks like a slob, covering it all up with the most stereotypical white trench coat anyone has ever seen.

Psychological Profile: Anyone who actually knows him would in no way assume he was an intelligence agent. He's a laid back guy without a care in the world when anywhere but a police station or office, using dry humor and dull wit combined with a great amount of luck to get him through his day. Also, gallons of coffee and enough cigarettes to give him lung cancer nine times over in one day. Though, no cancer yet.

He's not stupid, just not the best at school smarts. Getting past entrance exams was a nightmare, and then going through Lezzad training was even worse until they realized he was cut out for running someone down or listening into a conversation rather than sneaking around like a jackass. Speaking of which, he's got little respect for fellow Lezzad and Dagula agents, preferring to be anywhere but near them.

Specialty: Lezzad

Skill Appraisal
<Tracking> <S>
<Memory> <S>
<Stealth> <B>
<Pistol Marksmanship> <C>

Bloodline: <Argos Panpotes> - <Omniscience>
Supposedly, Ellis is an ancient descendent of the Greek giant Argos, an all seeing guard made by Hera. On the bright side, Ellis didn't gain any extra eyes, but his perception of things, be it through sight, smell, or hearing, is magnified far beyond the capacity of any other human on this earth. At will, he can see for miles, hear a whispered conversation from several blocks away, and can track a man for weeks based solely on his distinct scent. The ultimate hunting dog, he's been told.

Personal History: "Alright, there're letting me write this part. Hopefully, they won't cut out anything or add anything I didn't put in here. Anyways, name's Ellis, and no, I am not a country hick like the name implies. Gonna try to keep this short and concise, as to not bore anyone actually bothering to read this shit.

"So, I was born in the kinda large city of Evansville, Indiana. Lot of stuff to do there, but at the same time, not s whole lot. Sure, there was an arcade, theatre, cinema, even a laser tag place, but once you've done everything, it all seems kind of boring. Even going to see local sports doesn't cut it after a while.

"Anyways, we lived on the nicer side of town, away from the gangs and, as my mother called them, 'Hoodrats.' Growing up, I watched a lot of cop and detective shows, which sort of put me on the path to wanting to become a detective for the police. Despite my parents calling me quite a few things for that decision, stupid being the kindest.

"School was... a trip. Other kids didn't like me much, and after a while I didn't like them. I was that weird kid that sat in the back and heard everything anyone said and butt in from across the room. Teachers were always my best friends, and really my only friends, besides the internet. Yeah, sad, I know, but whatever. I'm a big boy now, and so are they, and we all agree that we were immature. No big deal.

"After middle school, parents enrolled me in the Academy. If I was gonna throw my future away on being a cop, I was gonna do it right, they said. By some miracle of God, I passed the entrance exams, packed my bags, and headed off.

"Lezzad training was a bitch, but got a bit easier after they stopped expecting me to sneak around like a jackass and try to disguise myself. Became a hunting dog and occasionally a watchman. Nothing got past me and nothing got away from me. Gt teamed up with a bunch of Assaults and a Dagula for some hunting trips. Now I'm here in Arkhan, so, lucky me."

Colt 45
Pocket Knife

Other relevant information: Likes to work out, but is hardly a fitness nut. He'd just as quickly go for the box of Oreos as he would a bowl of salad. Unrelated, he managed to pick up a bit of Japanese so the Academy, enough to speak it well enough to be understood. Has a complete photographic memory, be it sights, sounds, or even smells.
Hi, I'm Pyro, nice to meet all of you. Deadnaut told me about this, so I asked Reaper and was told I got hop on in. Just felt like I needed to introduce myself. Will get a post up soon, unless you'd prefer me to wait.
Praise be to Chaos.

What, who said that?
I'm interested. I like the idea of a Dark Heresy-esque type RP, because heresy is fun I enjoy purging the enemies of man. So long as we aren't normal guardsmen, I'm okay with anything though.
"Let them come! Wave upon traitorous wave will crash against the Enclave's walls!" - John Henry Eden, President of the United States

Go Enclave!
Sorry for my being quiet and not posting, just not a whole lot for me to do but sit with my thoughts, since I put my two cents in on the scouting plan already. Will get to posting once again if I'm talked to or we start to get moving.
Oh, are we waiting on me? I'll get something up soon.
The man had managed to avoid the remaining bandits until the last of them were felled by the other mages. He wasn't going to get paid to kill bandits, so he wasn't going to bother fighting more than he had to. The moment the last one fell to the ground, he was seated once more around the stone table, at the same seat, glaring at the map intently. His ears perked and his head raised when he heard the knights entering, only for them to be swiftly obliterated. Now, he was impressed. Would be a neat little trick to pull himself, if he could do pull it off. Then he was off, palm resting the pommel of his sword, walking with but apart from the other mages. He preferred to keep to himself, and none of the others had addressed him, so he would keep to himself. The dark presence that loomed behind them was unnerving, to say the least, but he refused to look back at it. Whatever it was, it would only be bad for him if he looked at it. That was what history told him, at least. It seemed that he was looking as nondescript as he wanted to, for he was being largely ignored by the group. He offered nothing, but made sure to listen in on the plans. To go down the main road and face bandits, or to go through the Black Forest and Elven Forest, both of which had fairly bad reputations among history books and folk legend. He mumbled something into his beard, then shrugged his shoulders to reposition his bag. Finally, he turned his head towards the group, the female elf in particular, who had attempted to shoot down the scouting party idea, and simply said, "That would only be true if they were fools. If they are skilled enough, they can scout far enough ahead and return without being noticed." He didn't mention that that was all speculation made from a lifetime of reading old war books and fiction, but it did seem like sound advice. "So long as they are swift and don't take all the supplies, sending a scouting party before the main group would be one of the smartest things we could do." With his two cents put into the conversation, he turned his attention back to the road and his mind to the future and the great library that waited for him. If it compared anything to his imagination, then it would be impossible for him to learn nearly as much as he wished in his lifetime. He'd need to set up shop there, live there for several years, decades even. The only worry would be food and clothing. But, surely, he could learn a long range teleportation spell to get back to the city to get those things. He raised a hand to scratch his head through the short hairs on his head, then began to stroke his beard as he became lost in thoughts of how to procure the majority of the library.
Nah, you're fine. Considering I post on the exact opposite time as everyone else (you all seem to post only when I'm asleep) you're probably still doing better than me.
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