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I'm up for it, what kind of power level are you thinking?
"Fight for justice, of course..." Tom repeated slowly, seeming to weigh each word carefully. The girl was young and almost relentlessly excitable, it made him feel old. Excitement was not exactly familiar yet. So far in his vigilante career he had been careful to formulate a plan first, never get caught up in his emotions, and then execute the plan precisely. This meant he had never fought anyone he wasn't confident that he could beat. Maybe that was why he didn't feel excitement.

Tom was distracted from his train of thought by catching the eye, well the visor, of someone in the crowd. The man was taller and more muscular than average, even among this crowd. The motorcycle helmet he wore made it difficult to ascertain anything about him. It may just have been paranoia but Tom got the feeling that the man was listening to him. Tom felt a slight shiver go down his spine, he had a good instinct for danger, and he felt that this man was strong. Very strong.

Tom shifted himself from his chair, and turned enough so that Blastgirl was not cut off, but also enough that he could properly face the motorcycle helmet-wearing man. "Hello, the name I'm going by is Wenchang, may I ask yours?" Tom's perfect elocution not completely masking his accent.
Tom was dressed, for the most part, sharply. His perfectly-fitted, deep red jacket clung tight to his figure, as did his skinny black trousers. A tie hung round his neck, the faded, camo patterns, contrasting with the jacket. However there was one glaringly unusual addition to his ensemble. Tom had considered it wise to keep his identity hidden and stick for the most part to his vigilante persona. As such he was wearing a mask. The mask was clearly Chinese inspired, and looked somewhere between a lion, a man and a demon. Through the eye holes of the mask protruded two faintly-glowing orange lenses, set into a dark metal casing. If you listened closely you probably would have heard a faint humming coming from them.

Tom found this all rather entertaining, like a fancy dress parade for the gifted. Not that he had anything against fancy dress parades, all fun and game she thought. Not to mention it made it rather easy for conspicuous people to blend into the mass of brightly coloured costumes. Tom couldn't help but wonder what people where pursuing this path for, what could their goals be. Was it as shallow as fame and fortune? Who knows, probably a million different reasons, either way the end result was the same. This was supposed to a landmark event, an event that would send metaphorical waves across not just America, but the entire world. All this considered, it was very suprising how little Tom cared. It wasn't that he didn't want to care, or didn't realise the significance, he just somehow could not summon up the excitement. When he reached deep down into his mind to find the glimmer of hope, all he found was the desire to return to his library and his books. It was so loud here.

It was then that the girl sitting next to him turned to him, asking his name in an honest, cheerful voice. He turned his lenses on her, looking her up and down. there was something different from so many of the people around them, it was something that Zenith and Pariah definitely had, but he couldn't place his finger on it. This merited further investigation.

"I'm going by the name Wenchang around here." He said, in perfect English, though his Chinese accent was slipping through. "Pleasure to meet you Blast Girl. What brings you here?"
Thank you guys! Master Jay s that a Wayne's world reference? I really hope it's a Wayne's World reference. I think Laura would murder mars slowly and painfully if he touched her controls haha. Maybe a lock on the door would be a good idea though!

Well our characters are about to leave for the dark continent so I hope everyone's prepared!
Pictures added man!
Is this a trend haha? By the way this is how I picture Laura and A.S. Blackfish! It's not definitive though, I'm open to suggestions!
No worries Ljett, any activity is good activity (within reason haha).

Master Jay, awesome, it's so nice to have a group with such good attitudes! Though I'm starting to think that you might be suffering from spd, and Mars is your alter ego. Oh my god yes haha, I'm hoping the groups will have really good chemistry!
Lev hadn't resisted the bucket. It wasn't directly unpleasant, and he didn't sense malicious intent behind it. He had considered that it may be seen as a social faux-pas but he was too intrigued with what Mars's intentions were that he didn't want to interrupt him. As long as he didn't attempt to pour the water onto him. Lev had very thoroughly cleaned his surgical tools and if they were contaminated so soon by something in the water he would find it hard to restrain himself. Besides Mars seemed to be ready to resist any attempts at moving the bucket, so trying to push away would hardly have been productive.

Lev looked on with amusement and interest as Mars proceeded to deposit the content over Nera, who had just arrived. Not exactly the best way to make first impressions. He really hoped that they would be able to reach the dark continent without a fight breaking out among the team. It was nice to have someone like Mars, someone more unpredictable, but he hoped for the team's sake that Nera was more mature than him. It was then that it occurred to Lev that everyone had arrived.

"OK everyone's here now, so listen up." Lev barked, his voice rising for the first time. "We're going to board the ship now, so get rid of the child Mars, before I have to." Lev's voice lowered to an amplitude he was sure only the gathered party members would hear.

"When we reach the Dark continent we'll be split into two teams. Take some time to get to know one another. Getting to know each other's abilities wouldn't be a bad idea either. Remember I'll be around if you have any questions about our mission. Without further ado here are the teams:
Team 1: Me (Dr. Lev Oborin), Mars Mondelez, Ivy K Raven
Team 2: Marko, Zaphyr Nowack, Nera Thyne
Let's get going people." Lev's voice was filling with excitement as he spoke, speeding up as adrenaline pumped around his body.
"Oh and Nera, each room has it's own shower, feel free to make use of it whenever." Lev added absent-mindedly.
Good to hear, I just wanted to check as I realise having someone do something to your character without your approval might be annoying, however the group seems chilled, which is a good thing!
Codename: Wenchang

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Shanghai

Affiliations: League of Heroes member

Occupation: Professor of Chemistry


Powers: Dimensional Door - Tom can open portals that take the appearance of a iridescent water. The portals lead to a sort of pocket dimension, which takes the form of a large library-room. The room has two tiers, the second of which is a balcony running around the walls and can be accessed by a spiral stair case. There are no windows or doors and the every wall is covered in books. There is also a desk and chair, and a multitude of items of interest reside in perfect order in the six display tables within the room. He likes to keep a wide range of chemicals in his library, it practically doubles as a home laboratory. He also keeps a wide range of weapons he has obtained, almost everything from punch knives to machine guns to pole arms. He also likes it to use it store his more outlandish biochemical experiments (poisons, gases and sprays).
Tom opens the door by either placing his palms together and then pulling them apart, creating a column of the iridescent liquid between them,or by moving his palm in the shape of a circle or oval to create a 'doorway'. The portal disappears after automatically after 5 seconds but Tom can choose to end it sooner. Anything that enters the portal appears in the middle of the library. Portals out of the library lead to the place of the portal into it, or back to a portal which Tom creates.

Skills: Tom has a wide and eclectic knowledge, his time spent studying as a recluse has given him a particularly expert knowledge biochemistry, pure mathematics and pure chemistry. As well as this he has a good grounding in fighting, with an emphasis on jeet kune do.

Equipment/Resources: Tom is moderately wealthy, but his real value lies in his vast collection of books, objects of interest and chemicals stored in his Library. Tom's mask has the ability to be used as a microscope, allowing him to analyse trace evidence left by criminals, as well as functioning as a moderately powerful gas mask. Tom has access to a wide range of weapons at any time thanks to his power and commonly fights with debilitating chemicals. While he prefers not to use lethal force, he would have no qualms about using highly illegal weapons (chemical or otherwise) if he judges it is the only way to achieve his objective.

Weaknesses: He is near the top end of the fitness spectrum, however in terms of physical strength and stamina he is completely human. He has no power-bolstered resistances or strengths against anything.

Psychological Profile: Tom has a disillusioned outlook on life, believing that he will eventually grow bored of everything. Boredom is Tom's greatest fear, as a result he seeks constant stimulus. He has no qualms about using his power for personal gain, however there is not much he wants that his power can get him. Tom feels spiritually empty and as such has joined the league and begun fighting crime in an effort to achieve his own enlightenment.

Tom is generally friendly, but sarcastic. He can come cross as somewhat of a smart-ass. He seems easy going, but normally he just doesn't care about most things.

Biography: Tom started out in the depths of Shanghai working as an information broker. He became an info broker because he was obsessed with making money when he was younger, so that he would be able to go anywhere and experience anything he wanted to. He thought that being an information broker was the fastest way to earn money using his natural intelligence. His father was a computer science expert and his mother was a sound engineer. He took a great interest in his parents work and a good grounding in both fields put him head and shoulders above the rest of the new, rather amateur field.He was smart, and had a natural affinity for it, and amassed secrets and money at a startling rate. Naturally this didn't go unnoticed, he started drawing too much attention from the gangs. Normally Tom managed to stay one step ahead of them, however he let his guard down and got caught up in an elaborate trap. After what he estimated was three days of interrogation, Tom awakened, he first managed to transport links of the handcuffs away, and then himself to his library. He rested and healed, and took his time creating a plan to escape which he enacted on his return. Within a fortnight, he had vanished from Shanghai, leaving no trail behind him.

It was after this the boredom set in. He spent years in his library, reading and learning, coming back only to find more stock for his library, or test his new skills. Soon he became bored of this as well. He felt that he had exhausted business, academia and physical pursuits. He was not a religious person. Both of his parents were atheists, so it was with low expectations he began to train as a vigilante. Tom's nihilism has its basis in the fact that he has found everything he has put his mind to rather mudane, there has always been a set end point and he always knew how to reach it. He came to America to join the League, and while he's not on League mssions he works as a professor of biochemistry.
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