Avatar of RainDash
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    1. RainDash 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current dyin from work. Gonna be brain dead for a while until I readjust
8 yrs ago
School. Hell. I'm almost certain there's school in Hell.
9 yrs ago
I wanna be a crystal gem, ma
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9 yrs ago
It's been a bad week and it's only wednesday
9 yrs ago
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*noises of papers and panic*
I see how it is you give me a day to make my sheet ;-;
I'm game for this, but it'll be a bit before I can get sheets up...
I knew about bogey, but not bandit. I'm sorry, I belong in the shame corner.
Well. I'll go fix that then. I'm sorry.
"Roger that, Four. Let's just shorten it down to four, that ought to help you out, over".

Nyx nodded in agreement, adding in, "Roger that."

She gripped the throttle tightly, trying to breathe while they waited in the dark tube. One light, two... once it reached four, Nyx felt the magnetic charge, trying to not think about the last time she'd hopped in a ship to pilot it. She checked her displays again, making sure that everything was smooth and then...

Fwoosh. And out in space, Nyx felt the wide expanse of space all around her. A vacuum that would definitely cook and freeze her at the same time in a short moment. Nyx shook her head to get her head out of the stars, and flew in formation behind Erien, keeping an eye out for the claymores, and anything else that might be out there. If they screwed up, if they let down their guard... it wouldn't be good.

Nyx realized that she was going with the Commander. Nyx was surprised, she thought for sure that she'd be stuck on guard duty. With a quick, 'roger that' she was behind Erien, and ready to go.

There wasn't much to do for a while, and the suspense just kept building, so Nyx cycled between her canopy and her screen. Both of which were empty. A report, but it wasn't anything much. Just confirmation that there was nothing out there. At what Nyx assumed was the same time as Eiren, there was a beep on her screen.

Shit. It couldn't have been simple, could it? Nyx thought as she began to settle in and get ready to fight. Plus, I get to deal with them with the Commander first.

"This is Four, ready to follow. Respectfully, ma'am, what the hell are they out here for?" Nyx asked as she spun to narrowly avoid being hit. "Plus, its no secret that we were coming. They'd be hard pressed to win with those outdated fighters. I don't like this." A hard and fast push on the reverse and she avoided getting hit again.

Nyx barely managed to lock on to one of the fighters and shoot before she had to go on the defensive again. Is it too late to debate my life choices?
He's lead, so his character doesn't get a number from my understanding.
Nyx watched Erien introduce the next pilot, Mallory, and then give them their assignment. It didn't sound too exciting, but then there was the mystery element to it. Also, there were the outdated planes. Nyx made a note to see if she could find a way to search for similar situations, because this was both too bizarre and starting to feel like those cheap novels she'd bought after she left Borlix to become more 'cultured'. She made double sure to keep the 'stay in pairs' tucked safely in the back of her mind.

Last time, she'd been a surprise, so it hadn't mattered that she wasn't in formation, but now it mattered a lot. If she wasn't where they needed her, the Claymores could get wiped out, and that would set the mission back considerably. So she switched on her toggle and searched for 'ghost town planets' and brushed up on her formations. When her search hadn't turned up much, Nyx put her Toggle away and headed down to get prepped to go.

Overall, the experience was just about as fun as it had been the first time. the belts were her least favorite part, but at least they ensured that she wasn't as bulky as before. It was just the price to pay for safety, even if she didn't get it half the time. Then again, it was encouraged to go climbing on the walls of wrecks to get good parts. Without climbing gear. It never really ended well for the overly ambitious ones.

Nyx figured she could deal with a bit of safety gear and protocols.

Nyx was a bit fussy with the walk around, but in the end she signed off on it and climbed inside with help. Just as she settled inside, the ship lurched and she felt her stomach go flying. It took a few moments, but she was able to combat off the nausea. She went through the checklist quickly, and was loaded onto the rail.

"Wylde Fyre four, this is control. You are in launch position, stand by for launch order."

"Wylde Fyre Four set to go, control."

"Wylde Fyre lead to all craft. Stand by for launch, we are on the mission timeline, over!"

"Wylde Fyre Four to Lead, I hear you. Is there a way that I don't have to say that alliteration every time? Oh, also all systems green."

A few last second adjustments and just looking around to get a feel for the fighter. She'd been adjusted to fit it, but she wasn't quite used to the idea that this was hers. She was going to fly this into a possibly dangerous situation with a mysterious enemy.

What was that saying about butterflies?
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

Aww, sorry :x

I knew you were going to post something up soon and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be included this time :P

It's okay, you appear to be the best ninja. I'm glad we have two eccentric people on the team now. It was starting to get stuffy.
Nyx had been expecting... something. Pity, maybe? Instead it was the two of them sitting on a couch just before the jump started, and relaxing. Talking about jump disorientation and all that. It was relaxing somehow, to know that Eiren was also a person, just someone who was trying to get by as well, and while everything was different, at least it was comforting that now everything was out in the air and she just hoped that it made sense.

The jump was normal, all colors and distortion. Even if it felt like Nyx was being pulled in six different directions at once, it felt kind of like a normal part of life, and always brought fond memories. Plus, it always felt like her problems now laid about a million miles away from wherever they were now. It all became kind of new, with everything the same but slightly different somehow, probably because now it all felt wrong somehow from them traveling millions of miles in just a few seconds.

However, instead of starting afresh on the problems, Eiren spoke. The lecture wasn't the one she was expecting, and it mostly boiled down to 'this is different so learn it is' and that Eiren wasn't going to reassign her. Nyx had to take a moment to process it all. Then once she had, Nyx decided that she should probably say something in response.

"O... okay. I'll try. Uhm, see you in twelve hours, then." Nyx said as she stood to leave.

As she walked back to her quarters to sleep, she wondered if it was really that easy to forget her own life and just move on. She put her hand in her pockets and looked at the food she'd swiped earlier. She wondered if there was a saying on Borlix or by Borlix survivors, as she called them. If not, she had the perfect one she could make fit the bill.

You can leave Borlix, but Borlix never leaves you.


Nyx woke up on her own, startled by the darkness, but realizing that she'd shut the shutters -was that what they were called- on her bed and spread out. She wondered how long she'd slept for, and she bet it was long enough that she wouldn't be tired later. She dragged her still groggy carcass out of bed, quickly having a small feast on the food she'd hoarded, and dressing in her flight suit. She assumed that she'd have to change sooner than later.

She noted a few pilots that were up before her, but she plopped herself into a chair anyway, forgoing coffee -she couldn't stand the stuff without a lot of time and sugar- and waiting for the commander to begin her talk. She noted Asshole was up and about, but didn't do anything to provoke him this time. She could do something to him later.
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